'use strict'; angular.module('copayApp.controllers').controller('SigninController', function($scope, $rootScope, $location, walletFactory, controllerUtils, Passphrase, backupService, notification) { var cmp = function(o1, o2) { var v1 = o1.show.toLowerCase(), v2 = o2.show.toLowerCase(); return v1 > v2 ? 1 : (v1 < v2) ? -1 : 0; }; $rootScope.videoInfo = {}; $scope.loading = false; $scope.wallets = walletFactory.getWallets().sort(cmp); $scope.selectedWalletId = $scope.wallets.length ? $scope.wallets[0].id : null; $scope.openPassword = ''; if ($rootScope.pendingPayment) { notification.info('Login Required', 'Please open wallet to complete payment'); } $scope.open = function(form) { if (form && form.$invalid) { notification.error('Error', 'Please enter the required fields'); return; } $scope.loading = true; var password = form.openPassword.$modelValue; Passphrase.getBase64Async(password, function(passphrase) { var w, errMsg; try { var w = walletFactory.open($scope.selectedWalletId, { passphrase: passphrase }); } catch (e) { errMsg = e.message; }; if (!w) { $scope.loading = false; notification.error('Error', errMsg || 'Wrong password'); $rootScope.$digest(); return; } controllerUtils.startNetwork(w, $scope); }); }; $scope.join = function(form) { if (form && form.$invalid) { notification.error('Error', 'Please enter the required fields'); return; } $scope.loading = true; walletFactory.network.on('badSecret', function() {}); Passphrase.getBase64Async($scope.joinPassword, function(passphrase) { walletFactory.joinCreateSession($scope.connectionId, $scope.nickname, passphrase, function(err, w) { $scope.loading = false; if (err || !w) { if (err === 'joinError') notification.error('Can\'t find peer.'); else if (err === 'walletFull') notification.error('The wallet is full'); else if (err === 'badNetwork') notification.error('Network Error', 'The wallet your are trying to join uses a different Bitcoin Network. Check your settings.'); else if (err === 'badSecret') notification.error('Bad secret', 'The secret string you entered is invalid'); else notification.error('Unknown error'); controllerUtils.onErrorDigest(); } else { controllerUtils.startNetwork(w, $scope); } }); }); } $scope.isHome = 1; $scope.isJoin = 0; $scope.isOpen = 0; $scope.backWallet = function() { $scope.isHome = 1; $scope.isJoin = 0; $scope.isOpen = 0; }; $scope.openWallet = function() { $scope.isHome = 0; $scope.isJoin = 0; $scope.isOpen = 1; }; $scope.joinWallet = function() { $scope.isHome = 0; $scope.isOpen = 0; $scope.isJoin = 1; }; });