describe('joinController', function() { var walletService; var fakeNotification = {}; mocks.init({}, 'joinController'); // Init config beforeEach(function(done) { inject(function($rootScope, $controller, _configService_, _profileService_) { scope = $rootScope.$new(); _configService_.get(function() { join = $controller('joinController', { $scope: scope, $modal: mocks.fakeModal, notification: fakeNotification, configService: _configService_, profileService: _profileService_, }); done(); }); }); }); it.skip('should be defined', function() { should.exist(join); }); // // Get html template from cache // beforeEach(inject(function($templateCache) { // viewHtml = $templateCache.get("some/valid/templateUrl"); // })); // // beforeEach(inject(function(_$compile_, _$rootScope_){ // $compile = _$compile_; // $rootScope = _$rootScope_; // // $scope = $rootScope.$new(); // $scope.user = {}; // $scope.logout = sinon.stub(); // dropdownElement = angular.element(viewHtml); // })); it.skip('should join a wallet once the form is submitted', function(done) { // View's joinForm is not available //join.onQrCodeScanned('aQRCode'); var fakeForm = { secret: { $modelValue: 'anInvitationCode' }, myName: { $modelValue: 'myCopayerName' }, bwsurl: 'aFakeURL', createPassphrase: { $modelValue: null }, }; join.join(fakeForm); should.not.exist(join.error); }); });