var request = require('request'); var cryptoUtil = require('../util/crypto'); var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var buffers = require('buffer'); var querystring = require('querystring'); var Identity = require('../models/Identity'); var log = require('../log'); var SEPARATOR = '|'; function InsightStorage(config) { this.type = 'DB'; this.storeUrl = config.url || '', this.request = config.request || request; this.iterations = config.iterations || 1000; this.salt = config.salt || 'jBbYTj8zTrOt6V'; } InsightStorage.prototype.init = function() {}; InsightStorage.prototype.setCredentials = function(email, password, opts) { = email; this.password = password; this._cachedKey = null; }; InsightStorage.prototype.createItem = function(name, value, callback) { var self = this; this.getItem(name, function(err, retrieved) { if (err || !retrieved) { return self.setItem(name, value, callback); } else { return callback('EEXISTS'); } }); }; function mayBeOldPassword(password) { // Test for base64 return /^[a-zA-Z0-9\/=\+]+$/.test(password); } InsightStorage.prototype.getItem = function(name, callback) { var passphrase = this.getPassphrase(); var self = this; this._makeGetRequest(passphrase, name, function(err, body) { if (err) log.warn(err); if (err && err.indexOf('PNOTFOUND') !== -1 && mayBeOldPassword(self.password)) { return self._brokenGetItem(name, callback); } return callback(err, body); }); }; /* This key need to have DIFFERENT * settings(salt,iterations) than the kdf for wallet/profile encryption * in Encrpted*Storage. The user should be able * to change the settings on config.js to modify salt / iterations * for encryption, but * mantain the same key & passphrase. This is why those settings are * not shared with encryption */ InsightStorage.prototype.getKey = function() { if (!this._cachedKey) { this._cachedKey = cryptoUtil.kdf(this.password + SEPARATOR +, this.salt, this.iterations); } return this._cachedKey; }; InsightStorage.prototype.getPassphrase = function() { return bitcore.util.twoSha256(this.getKey()).toString('base64'); }; InsightStorage.prototype._makeGetRequest = function(passphrase, key, callback) { var authHeader = new buffers.Buffer( + ':' + passphrase).toString('base64'); var retrieveUrl = this.storeUrl + '/retrieve'; var getParams = { url: retrieveUrl + '?' + querystring.encode({ key: key }), headers: { 'Authorization': authHeader } }; this.request.get(getParams, function(err, response, body) { console.log('[InsightStorage.js.89:response:]',response); //TODO if (err) { return callback('Connection error'); } if (response.statusCode === 403) { return callback('PNOTFOUND: Profile not found'); } if (response.statusCode !== 200) { return callback('Connection error'); } return callback(null, body); } ); }; InsightStorage.prototype._brokenGetItem = function(name, callback) { var passphrase = this._makeBrokenSecret(); var self = this; log.debug('using legacy get'); this._makeGetRequest(passphrase, name, function(err, body) { if (!err) { return self._changePassphrase(function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } return callback(null, body); }); } return callback(err); }); }; InsightStorage.prototype._makeBrokenSecret = function() { var key = cryptoUtil.kdf(this.password +, 'mjuBtGybi/4=', 100); return cryptoUtil.kdf(key, this.password, 100); }; InsightStorage.prototype._changePassphrase = function(callback) { var passphrase = this._makeBrokenSecret(); var newPassphrase = this.getPassphrase(); var authHeader = new buffers.Buffer( + ':' + passphrase).toString('base64'); var url = this.storeUrl + '/change_passphrase';{ url: url, headers: { 'Authorization': authHeader }, body: querystring.encode({ newPassphrase: newPassphrase }) }, function(err, response, body) { if (err) { return callback('Connection error'); } if (response.statusCode === 409) { return callback('BADCREDENTIALS: Invalid username or password'); } if (response.statusCode !== 200) { return callback('Unable to store data on insight'); } return callback(); }); }; InsightStorage.prototype.setItem = function(name, value, callback) { var passphrase = this.getPassphrase(); var authHeader = new buffers.Buffer( + ':' + passphrase).toString('base64'); var registerUrl = this.storeUrl + '/save'; log.debug('setItem ' + name + ' size:'+ (value.length/1024).toFixed(1) + 'kb' );{ url: registerUrl, headers: { 'Authorization': authHeader }, body: querystring.encode({ key: name, record: value }) }, function(err, response, body) { if (err) { return callback('Connection error'); } if (response.statusCode === 409) { return callback('BADCREDENTIALS: Invalid username or password'); } else if (response.statusCode === 406) { return callback('OVERQUOTA: Quota exceeded'); } else if (response.statusCode !== 200) { return callback('Unable to store data on insight'); } return callback(); }); }; InsightStorage.prototype.removeItem = function(key, callback) { var passphrase = this.getPassphrase(); var authHeader = new buffers.Buffer( + ':' + passphrase).toString('base64'); var deleteUrl = this.storeUrl + '/delete/item'; var getParams = { url: deleteUrl + '?' + querystring.encode({ key: key }), headers: { 'Authorization': authHeader } }; log.debug('erase ' + name); this.request.get(getParams, function(err, response, body) { if (err) { return callback('Connection error'); } if (response.statusCode === 409) { return callback('BADCREDENTIALS: Invalid username or password'); } else if (response.statusCode !== 200) { return callback('Unable to remove data on insight'); } return callback(); }); }; InsightStorage.prototype.clear = function(callback) { // NOOP callback(); }; InsightStorage.prototype.allKeys = function(callback) { // TODO: compatibility with localStorage return callback(null); }; InsightStorage.prototype.getFirst = function(prefix, opts, callback) { // TODO: compatibility with localStorage return callback(null, true, true); }; module.exports = InsightStorage;