'use strict'; var chai = chai || require('chai'); var should = chai.should(); var bitcore = bitcore || require('bitcore'); var Address = bitcore.Address; var buffertools = bitcore.buffertools; try { var copay = require('copay'); //browser } catch (e) { var copay = require('../copay'); //node } var PublicKeyRing = copay.PublicKeyRing; var HDParams = copay.HDParams; var HDPath = copay.HDPath; describe('HDParams model', function() { it('should create an instance (livenet)', function() { var i = new HDParams(); should.exist(i); }); it('should init indexes', function() { var is = HDParams.init(2); should.exist(is); is.length.should.equal(3); var cosigners = is.map(function(i) { return i.copayerIndex; }); cosigners.indexOf(HDPath.SHARED_INDEX).should.not.equal(-1); cosigners.indexOf(0).should.not.equal(-1); cosigners.indexOf(1).should.not.equal(-1); cosigners.indexOf(2).should.equal(-1); }); it('should serialize to object list and back', function() { var is = HDParams.init(3); should.exist(is); is.length.should.equal(4); var list = HDParams.serialize(is); list.length.should.equal(4); var is2 = HDParams.fromList(list); is2.length.should.equal(4); }); it('show be able to store and read', function() { var i = new HDParams(); i.copayerIndex = 1; var changeN = 2; var addressN = 2; for (var j = 0; j < changeN; j++) { i.increment(true); } for (var j = 0; j < addressN; j++) { i.increment(false); } var data = i.toObj(); should.exist(data); var i2 = HDParams.fromObj(data); i2.copayerIndex.should.equal(i.copayerIndex); i2.getChangeIndex().should.equal(changeN); i2.getReceiveIndex().should.equal(addressN); }); it('should count generation indexes', function() { var j = new HDParams(); j.copayerIndex = 1; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) j.increment(true); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) j.increment(false); j.changeIndex.should.equal(3); j.receiveIndex.should.equal(2); }); it('#merge tests', function() { var j = new HDParams(); j.copayerIndex = 1; for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++) j.increment(true); for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) j.increment(false); var j2 = new HDParams({ copayerIndex: j.copayerIndex, }); j2.merge(j).should.equal(true); j2.changeIndex.should.equal(15); j2.receiveIndex.should.equal(7); j2.merge(j).should.equal(false); }); it('#merge should fail with different copayerIndex index', function() { var j1 = new HDParams({ walletId: '1234', copayerIndex: 2 }); var j2 = new HDParams({ walletId: '1234', copayerIndex: 3 }); var merge = function() { j2.merge(j1); }; merge.should.throw(Error); }) });