'use strict'; var chai = chai || require('chai'); var should = chai.should(); var Storage = require('../js/models/storage/File'); var sinon = require('sinon'); var CryptoJS = require('node-cryptojs-aes').CryptoJS; var mock = require('mock-fs'); describe('Storage/File', function() { it('should exist', function() { should.exist(Storage); }); var mockFS = function() { var obj = { "test": "test" }; var encryptedStr = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(JSON.stringify(obj), 'password').toString(); mock({ 'myfilename': encryptedStr }); }; describe('#load', function(done) { it('should call fs.readFile', function(done) { mockFS(); var storage = new Storage({ password: 'password' }); storage.load('myfilename', function(err) { mock.restore(); done(); }); }); }); describe('#save', function(done) { it('should call fs.writeFile', function(done) { mockFS(); var storage = new Storage({ password: 'password' }); storage.save('myfilename', function(err) { mock.restore(); done(); }); }); }); describe('#_read', function() { it('should return the value of a key', function() { var storage = new Storage(); storage.data = { 'walletId': { 'test': 'data' } }; storage._read('walletId::test').should.equal('data'); }); }); describe('#_write', function() { it('should save the value of a key and then run save', function(done) { var storage = new Storage(); storage.save = function(walletId, callback) { storage.data[walletId]['key'].should.equal('value'); callback(); }; storage._write('walletId::key', 'value', function() { done(); }); }); }); describe('#getGlobal', function() { it('should call storage._read', function() { var storage = new Storage(); storage.data = { 'walletId': { 'test': 'test' } }; storage._read = sinon.spy(); storage.getGlobal('walletId::test'); storage._read.calledOnce.should.equal(true); }); }); describe('#setGlobal', function() { it('should store a global key', function(done) { var storage = new Storage(); storage.save = function(walletId, callback) { storage.data[walletId]['key'].should.equal('value'); callback(); }; storage.setGlobal('walletId::key', 'value', function() { done(); }); }); }); describe('#removeGlobal', function() { it('should remove a global key', function(done) { var storage = new Storage(); storage.data = { 'walletId': { 'key': 'value' } }; storage.save = function(walletId, callback) { should.not.exist(storage.data[walletId]['key']); callback(); }; storage.removeGlobal('walletId::key', function() { done(); }); }); }); describe('#_key', function() { it('should merge the wallet id and item key', function() { var storage = new Storage(); storage._key('wallet', 'key').should.equal('wallet::key'); }); }); describe('#get', function() { it('should call getGlobal with the correct key', function() { var storage = new Storage(); storage.getGlobal = sinon.spy(); storage.get('wallet', 'key'); storage.getGlobal.calledOnce.should.equal(true); storage.getGlobal.calledWith('wallet::key').should.equal(true); }); }); describe('#set', function() { it('should call setGlobal with the correct key', function() { var storage = new Storage(); storage.setGlobal = sinon.spy(); storage.set('wallet', 'key'); storage.setGlobal.calledOnce.should.equal(true); storage.setGlobal.calledWith('wallet::key').should.equal(true); }); }); describe('#remove', function() { it('should call removeGlobal with the correct key', function() { var storage = new Storage(); storage.removeGlobal = sinon.spy(); storage.remove('wallet', 'key'); storage.removeGlobal.calledOnce.should.equal(true); storage.removeGlobal.calledWith('wallet::key').should.equal(true); }); }); describe('#setFromObj', function() { it('should set this object for a wallet', function(done) { var obj = { test: 'testval' }; var storage = new Storage(); storage.save = function(walletId, callback) { callback(); }; storage.setFromObj('walletId', obj, function() { storage.data.walletId.test.should.equal('testval'); done(); }); }); }); describe('#getEncryptedObj', function() { it('should give an encrypted object', function() { var obj = { test: 'testval' }; var data = JSON.stringify(obj); var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(data, 'password'); var base64 = encrypted.toString(); var storage = new Storage({ password: 'password' }); storage.data['walletId'] = obj; var enc = storage.getEncryptedObj('walletId'); //enc.length.should.equal(96); enc.length.should.be.greaterThan(10); enc.slice(0, 10).should.equal(base64.slice(0, 10)); //enc.slice(0,6).should.equal("53616c"); }); }); describe('#clearAll', function() { it('should set data to {}', function() { }); }); });