'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'); var chai = chai || require('chai'); var sinon = sinon || require('sinon'); var should = chai.should(); var PluginManager = require('../js/models/PluginManager'); var Insight = require('../js/models/Insight'); var Identity = copay.Identity; var Wallet = copay.Wallet; var Passphrase = copay.Passphrase; var FakeBlockchain = require('./mocks/FakeBlockchain'); var PERSISTED_PROPERTIES = (copay.Wallet || require('../js/models/Wallet')).PERSISTED_PROPERTIES; function assertObjectEqual(a, b) { PERSISTED_PROPERTIES.forEach(function(k) { if (a[k] && b[k]) { _.omit(a[k], 'name').should.be.deep.equal(b[k], k + ' differs'); } }) } describe('Identity model', function() { var wallet; var email = 'hola@hola.com'; var password = 'password'; var blockchain; var config = { walletDefaults: { requiredCopayers: 3, totalCopayers: 5, spendUnconfirmed: 1, reconnectDelay: 100, }, blockchain: { host: 'test.insight.is', port: 80, schema: 'https' }, networkName: 'testnet', passphrase: { iterations: 100, storageSalt: 'mjuBtGybi/4=', }, // network layer config network: { testnet: { url: 'https://test-insight.bitpay.com:443' }, livenet: { url: 'https://insight.bitpay.com:443' }, }, version: '0.0.1' }; function getDefaultParams() { var params = _.cloneDeep(config); _.extend(params, { email: email, password: password }); params.storage = sinon.stub(); params.storage.setCredentials = sinon.stub(); params.storage.getItem = sinon.stub(); params.storage.setItem = sinon.stub(); params.storage.setItem.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(2, null); params.storage.setItem.onSecondCall().callsArgWith(2, null); return params; } var wid = 0; function getNewWallet(args) { var w = sinon.stub(); w.getId = sinon.stub().returns('wid' + (++wid)); w.getStorageKey = sinon.stub().returns('wkey'); w.toObj = sinon.stub().returns({ obj: 1 }); w.getName = sinon.stub().returns('name'); w.setVersion = sinon.stub(); w.on = sinon.stub(); w.netStart = sinon.stub(); w.args = args; return w; } var walletClass = function(args) { return getNewWallet(args); }; function createIdentity(done) { // TODO (eordano): Change this to proper dependency injection var blockchain = new FakeBlockchain(config.blockchain); var params = getDefaultParams(); blockchain.on = sinon.stub(); Wallet._newInsight = sinon.stub().returns(blockchain); return { blockchain: blockchain, storage: params.storage, wallet: wallet, params: params }; }; var orig; beforeEach(function() { orig = Identity.prototype.store; sinon.stub(Identity.prototype, 'store').yields(null); }); afterEach(function() { Identity.prototype.store = orig; }); describe('new Identity()', function() { it('returns an identity', function() { var iden = new Identity(getDefaultParams()); should.exist(iden); iden.walletDefaults.should.deep.equal(config.walletDefaults); }); }); describe('Identity.create()', function() { it('should create and store identity', function() { var args = createIdentity(); args.blockchain.on = sinon.stub(); Identity.create(args.params, function(err, iden) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(iden); should.exist(iden.wallets); iden.store.calledOnce.should.be.true; iden.store.restore(); }); }); }); describe('#open', function(done) { it.skip('should return last focused wallet', function(done) { var wallets = [{ id: 'wallet1', store: sinon.stub().yields(null), netStart: sinon.stub(), }, { id: 'wallet2', store: sinon.stub().yields(null), netStart: sinon.stub(), }, { id: 'wallet3', store: sinon.stub().yields(null), netStart: sinon.stub(), }]; var args = createIdentity(); Identity.create(args.params, function(err, identity) { // TODO: Add checks for what is this testing done(); }); }); }); describe('#remove', function(done) { it('should remove empty profile', function (done) { var storage = sinon.stub(); storage.setCredentials = sinon.stub(); storage.removeItem = sinon.stub().yields(null); var opts = { email: 'test@test.com', password: '123', network: { testnet: { url: 'https://test-insight.bitpay.com:443' }, livenet: { url: 'https://insight.bitpay.com:443' }, }, storage: storage, }; var iden = new Identity(opts); iden.remove(null, function (err, res) { should.not.exist(err); storage.removeItem.calledOnce.should.be.true; storage.removeItem.getCall(0).args[0].should.equal(iden.getId()); done(); }); }); it('should remove profile and wallets', function(done) { var storage = sinon.stub(); storage.setCredentials = sinon.stub(); storage.removeItem = sinon.stub().yields(null); var opts = { email: 'test@test.com', password: '123', network: { testnet: { url: 'https://test-insight.bitpay.com:443' }, livenet: { url: 'https://insight.bitpay.com:443' }, }, storage: storage, }; var iden = new Identity(opts); _.each(_.range(3), function(i) { var w = { on: sinon.stub().yields(null), getId: sinon.stub().returns('wallet' + i), getName: sinon.stub().returns('wallet' + i), close: sinon.stub(), }; iden.wallets[w.getId()] = w; }); iden.remove(null, function(err, res) { should.not.exist(err); storage.removeItem.callCount.should.equal(4); storage.removeItem.getCall(0).args[0].should.equal(Wallet.getStorageKey('wallet0')); storage.removeItem.getCall(3).args[0].should.equal(iden.getId()); done(); }); }); }); describe('#storeWallet', function() { var iden = null; var storage = null; beforeEach(function() { storage = sinon.stub(); storage.setCredentials = sinon.stub(); var opts = { email: 'test@test.com', password: '123', network: { testnet: { url: 'https://test-insight.bitpay.com:443' }, livenet: { url: 'https://insight.bitpay.com:443' }, }, storage: storage, }; iden = new Identity(opts); }); it('should store a simple wallet', function (done) { storage.setItem = sinon.stub().yields(null); var w = { toObj: sinon.stub().returns({ key1: 'val1' }), getStorageKey: sinon.stub().returns('storage_key'), getName: sinon.stub().returns('name'), setVersion: sinon.spy(), }; iden.storeWallet(w, function (err) { should.not.exist(err); storage.setItem.calledOnce.should.be.true; storage.setItem.calledWith('storage_key', { key1: 'val1' }); done(); }); }); it('should change wallet version when storing', function (done) { storage.setItem = sinon.stub().yields(null); var w = { toObj: sinon.stub().returns({ key1: 'val1' }), getStorageKey: sinon.stub().returns('storage_key'), getName: sinon.stub().returns('name'), setVersion: sinon.spy(), version: '1.0', opts: { version: '1.0' }, }; iden.version = '2.0'; iden.storeWallet(w, function (err) { should.not.exist(err); w.setVersion.calledWith('2.0').should.be.true; done(); }); }); }); describe('#createWallet', function() { var iden = null; var args = null; beforeEach(function() { args = createIdentity(); args.params.noWallets = true; var old = Identity.prototype.createWallet; Identity.create(args.params, function(err, res) { iden = res; }); }); afterEach(function() { iden.store.restore(); }); it('should be able to create wallets with given pk', function(done) { var priv = 'tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdEqHcA7RjJTayxA3gSSqeRTttS1JjVbgmNDZdSk9EHZK5pc52GY5xFmwcakmUeKWUDzGoMLGAhrfr5b3MovMUZUTPqisL2m'; args.storage.setItem = sinon.stub(); args.storage.setItem.onFirstCall().callsArg(2); args.storage.setItem.onSecondCall().callsArg(2); should.exist(walletClass, 'check walletClass stub'); iden.createWallet({ privateKeyHex: priv, walletClass: walletClass, }, function(err, w) { should.not.exist(err); w.args.privateKey.toObj().extendedPrivateKeyString.should.equal(priv); done(); }); }); it('should be able to create wallets with random pk', function(done) { args.storage.setItem = sinon.stub(); args.storage.setItem.onCall(0).callsArg(2); args.storage.setItem.onCall(1).callsArg(2); args.storage.setItem.onCall(2).callsArg(2); args.storage.setItem.onCall(3).callsArg(2); iden.createWallet({ walletClass: walletClass, }, function(err, w1) { should.exist(w1); iden.createWallet({ walletClass: walletClass, }, function(err, w2) { should.exist(w2); w2.args.privateKey.toObj().extendedPrivateKeyString.should.not.equal( w1.args.privateKey.toObj().extendedPrivateKeyString ); + done(); }); }); }); }); describe('#retrieveWalletFromStorage', function() { it('should return wallet', function(done) { var args = createIdentity(); args.storage.getItem.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(1, null, '{"wallet": "fakeData"}'); var backup = Wallet.fromUntrustedObj; args.params.noWallets = true; sinon.stub().returns(args.wallet); var opts = { importWallet: sinon.stub().returns(getNewWallet()), }; Identity.create(args.params, function(err, iden) { iden.retrieveWalletFromStorage('dummy', opts, function(err, wallet) { should.not.exist(err); opts.importWallet.calledOnce.should.equal(true); should.exist(wallet); iden.store.restore(); done(); }); }); }); }); // This is implemented in Compatibility describe.skip('#importWallet', function() { it('should import a wallet, call the right encryption functions', function(done) { var args = createIdentity(); args.storage.getItem.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(1, null, '{"wallet": "fakeData"}'); var backup = Wallet.fromUntrustedObj; args.params.noWallets = true; sinon.stub().returns(args.wallet); sinon.stub(Identity.prototype, 'store').yields(null); var fakeCrypto = { kdf: sinon.stub().returns('passphrase'), decrypt: sinon.stub().returns('{"walletId":123}'), }; var opts = { importWallet: sinon.stub().returns(getNewWallet()), cryptoUtil: fakeCrypto, }; Identity.create(args.params, function(err, iden) { sinon.stub(iden, 'importWalletFromObj').yields(null); iden.importEncryptedWallet(123, 'password', opts, function(err) { should.not.exist(err); fakeCrypto.decrypt.getCall(0).args[0].should.equal('password'); fakeCrypto.decrypt.getCall(0).args[1].should.equal(123); iden.store.restore(); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('#export', function() { }); describe('#import', function() { }); /** * TODO (eordano): Move this to a different test file * describe('#pluginManager', function() { it('should create a new PluginManager object', function() { var pm = new PluginManager({plugins: { FakeLocalStorage: true }, pluginsPath: '../../test/mocks/'}); should.exist(pm); }); }); describe('#Insight', function() { it('should parse a uri', function() { var uri = Insight.setCompleteUrl('http://someurl.bitpay.com:443'); should.exist(uri); }); }); */ describe('#joinWallet', function() { var opts = { secret: '8WtTuiFTkhP5ao7AF2QErSwV39Cbur6pdMebKzQXFqL59RscXM', nickname: 'test', password: 'pass' }; var iden = null; var args = null; var net = null; beforeEach(function() { args = createIdentity(); args.params.Async = net = sinon.stub(); net.cleanUp = sinon.spy(); net.on = sinon.stub(); net.start = sinon.spy(); var old = Identity.prototype.createWallet; Identity.create(args.params, function(err, res) { iden = res; iden.store.restore(); }); }); it('should yield bad network error', function(done) { var net = sinon.stub(); net.greet = sinon.stub(); net.cleanUp = sinon.stub(); net.start = sinon.stub().yields(null); net.on = sinon.stub(); net.on.withArgs('data').yields('senderId', { type: 'walletId', networkName: 'aWeirdNetworkName', opts: {}, }); opts.privHex = undefined; opts.Async = net; iden.joinWallet(opts, function(err, w) { err.should.equal('badNetwork'); done(); }); }); it('should callback with a join error in case of a problem', function(done) { opts.privHex = undefined; var net = sinon.stub(); net.greet = sinon.stub(); net.cleanUp = sinon.stub(); net.start = sinon.stub().yields(null); net.on = sinon.stub(); net.on.withArgs('serverError').yields(null); net.on.withArgs('data').yields('senderId', { type: 'walletId', networkName: iden.networkName, }); opts.Async = net; iden.joinWallet(opts, function(err, w) { err.should.equal('joinError'); done(); }); }); it('should return walletFull', function(done) { net = sinon.stub(); net.on = sinon.stub(); net.start = sinon.stub(); net.start.onFirstCall().callsArg(1); net.greet = sinon.stub(); iden.createWallet = sinon.stub(); iden.createWallet.onFirstCall().yields(null, null); net.on.withArgs('data').yields('senderId', { type: 'walletId', networkName: 'testnet', opts: {}, }); opts.privHex = undefined; opts.Async = net; iden.joinWallet(opts, function(err, w) { err.should.equal('walletFull'); done(); }); }); it('should accept a priv key as an input', function(done) { net = sinon.stub(); net.on = sinon.stub(); net.start = sinon.stub(); net.start.onFirstCall().callsArg(1); net.greet = sinon.stub(); iden.createWallet = sinon.stub(); var fakeWallet = { sendWalletReady: _.noop }; iden.createWallet.onFirstCall().yields(null, fakeWallet); net.on.withArgs('data').yields('senderId', { type: 'walletId', networkName: 'testnet', opts: {}, }); opts.privHex = 'tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPf7MCvCjnhnr4uiR2Z2gyNC27vgd9KUu98F9mM1tbaRrWMyddVju36GxLbeyntuSadBAttriwGGMWUkRgVmUUCg5nFioGZsd'; opts.Async = net; iden.joinWallet(opts, function(err, w) { w.should.equal(fakeWallet); done(); }); }); }); });