'use strict'; var chai = chai || require('chai'); var should = chai.should(); var copay = copay || require('../copay'); var Wallet = require('soop').load('../js/models/core/Wallet', { Storage: require('./FakeStorage'), Network: copay.WebRTC, Blockchain: copay.Insight }); describe('Wallet model', function() { var config = { wallet: { requiredCopayers: 3, totalCopayers: 5, } }; var opts = {}; it.skip('should create an instance', function () { var opts = {}; var w = Wallet.create(config, opts); should.exist(w); }); describe('factory', function() { it('should create the factory', function() { should.exist(Wallet.factory); }); it('should be able to create wallets', function() { var w = Wallet.factory.create(config, opts); should.exist(w); }); it.skip('should be able to get wallets', function() { var w = Wallet.factory.create(config, opts); var v = Wallet.factory.get(config, w.id); should.exist(w); }); }); });