You do not have any wallet
Updating Wallet...
Scan status finished with error
Tap to retry
{{index.totalBalanceAlternative}} {{index.alternativeIsoCode}}
Pending Confirmation: {{index.pendingAmountStr}}
[Balance Hidden]
Tap and hold to show
WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet.
WARNING: Wallet not registered
This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information.

Payment Proposals

Unsent transactions

Total Locked Balance: {{index.lockedBalanceStr}} {{index.lockedBalanceAlternative}} {{index.alternativeIsoCode}}


No transactions yet
{{index.txProgress}} transactions downloaded
Updating transaction history. Please stand by.
sync sync sync
{{btx.note.body}} Received {{btx.message}} {{btx.note.body}} {{index.addressbook[btx.addressTo]}} Sent {{btx.note.body}} Moved Invalid
+ - (possible double spend) {{btx.amountStr}}
{{index.completeHistory.length - index.txHistory.length}} more  
Backup Needed

Before receiving funds, it is necessary backup your wallet. If you lose this device, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup.


My Bitcoin address

{{home.generatingAddress ? '...' : home.addr}}

Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them. Generate new address
Share this wallet address to receive payments.

Send Max Send Max
Payment expires

Not valid
{{index.addressbook[_address] || _address}}
Not valid