'use strict'; angular.module('copayApp.directives') .directive('validAddress', [ function() { var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var Address = bitcore.Address; var bignum = bitcore.Bignum; return { require: 'ngModel', link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) { var validator = function(value) { var uri = copay.HDPath.parseBitcoinURI(value); // Is this a payment protocol URI (BIP-72)? if (uri && uri.merchant) { scope.wallet.fetchPaymentTx(uri.merchant, function(err, merchantData) { if (err) { if (scope._resetPayPro) scope._resetPayPro(); ctrl.$setValidity('validAddress', false); return; } var expires = new Date(merchantData.pr.pd.expires * 1000); var memo = merchantData.pr.pd.memo; var payment_url = merchantData.pr.pd.payment_url; var total = merchantData.total; if (typeof total === 'string') { total = bignum(total, 10).toBuffer({ endian: 'little', size: 1 }); } total = bignum .fromBuffer(total, { endian: 'little', size: 1 }) .toString(10); // XXX There needs to be a better way to do this: total = +total / config.unitToSatoshi; // XXX Pretty much all of this code accesses the raw DOM. It's // very bad, there's probably a better, more angular-y way to // do things here. var address = angular.element( document.querySelector('input#address')); var amount = angular.element( document.querySelector('input#amount')); amount.val(total); amount.attr('disabled', true); var sendto = angular.element(document .querySelector('div.send-note > p[ng-class]:first-of-type')); sendto.html(sendto.html() + '
Server: ' + memo); var tamount = angular.element(document .querySelector('div.send-note > p[ng-class]:nth-of-type(2)')); var ca = merchantData.pr.ca || 'Untrusted'; tamount.attr('class', tamount.attr('class').replace(' hidden', '')) tamount.html(total + ' (CA: ' + ca + '. Expires: ' + expires.toISOString() + ')'); var submit = angular.element( document.querySelector('button[type=submit]')); submit.attr('disabled', false); var sendall = angular.element( document.querySelector('[title="Send all funds"]')); sendall.attr('class', sendall.attr('class') + ' hidden'); // Reset all the changes from the payment protocol weirdness. // XXX Bad hook. Find a better more angular-y way of doing this. // This will also closure scope every variable above forever. if (!scope._resetPayPro) { scope._resetPayPro = function() { var val = address.val(); var uri = copay.HDPath.parseBitcoinURI(val || ''); if (!uri || !uri.merchant) { if (amount.attr('disabled')) { amount.val(''); amount.attr('disabled', false); } sendto.html(sendto.html().replace(/
Server:.*$/, '')); if (!/hidden/.test(tamount.attr('class'))) { tamount.attr(tamount.attr('class') + ' hidden'); } if (~tamount.html().indexOf('(CA: ')) { tamount.html(''); } if (!submit.attr('disabled')) { submit.attr('disabled', true); } if (/ hidden$/.test(sendall.attr('class'))) { sendall.attr('class', sendall.attr('class').replace(' hidden', '')); } } // TODO: Check paymentRequest expiration, // delete if beyond expiration date. }; scope.$watch('address',scope._resetPayPro); } ctrl.$setValidity('validAddress', true); // XXX With PayPro, since amount is already filled in among // other field oddities, the form is always invalid. Make it // valid. scope.sendForm.$valid = true; scope.sendForm.$invalid = false; scope.sendForm.$pristine = true; scope.sendForm.address.$valid = true; scope.sendForm.address.$invalid = false; scope.sendForm.address.$pristine = true; scope.sendForm.amount.$valid = true; scope.sendForm.amount.$invalid = false; scope.sendForm.amount.$pristine = true; }); ctrl.$setValidity('validAddress', true); return 'Merchant: '+ uri.merchant; } var a = new Address(value); ctrl.$setValidity('validAddress', a.isValid() && a.network().name === config.networkName); return value; }; ctrl.$parsers.unshift(validator); ctrl.$formatters.unshift(validator); } }; } ]) .directive('enoughAmount', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope) { var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var feeSat = Number(bitcore.TransactionBuilder.FEE_PER_1000B_SAT); return { require: 'ngModel', link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { var val = function(value) { var availableBalanceNum = Number(($rootScope.availableBalance * config.unitToSatoshi).toFixed(0)); var vNum = Number((value * config.unitToSatoshi).toFixed(0)) + feeSat; if (typeof vNum == "number" && vNum > 0) { if (availableBalanceNum < vNum) { ctrl.$setValidity('enoughAmount', false); scope.notEnoughAmount = true; } else { ctrl.$setValidity('enoughAmount', true); scope.notEnoughAmount = null; } } else { scope.notEnoughAmount = null; } return value; } ctrl.$parsers.unshift(val); ctrl.$formatters.unshift(val); } }; } ]) .directive('walletSecret', ['walletFactory', function(walletFactory) { return { require: 'ngModel', link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) { var validator = function(value) { ctrl.$setValidity('walletSecret', Boolean(walletFactory.decodeSecret(value))); return value; }; ctrl.$parsers.unshift(validator); } }; } ]) .directive('loading', function() { return { restrict: 'A', link: function($scope, element, attr) { var a = element.html(); var text = attr.loading; element.on('click', function() { element.html(' ' + text + '...'); }); $scope.$watch('loading', function(val) { if (!val) { element.html(a); } }); } } }) .directive('ngFileSelect', function() { return { link: function($scope, el) { el.bind('change', function(e) { $scope.file = (e.srcElement || e.target).files[0]; $scope.getFile(); }); } } }) .directive('avatar', function($rootScope, controllerUtils) { return { link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var peer = JSON.parse(attrs.peer) var peerId = peer.peerId; var nick = peer.nick; element.addClass('video-small'); var muted = controllerUtils.getVideoMutedStatus(peerId); if (true || muted) { // mute everyone for now element.attr("muted", true); } } } }) .directive('contact', function() { return { restrict: 'E', link: function(scope, element, attrs) { if (!scope.wallet) return; var address = attrs.address; var contact = scope.wallet.addressBook[address]; if (contact && !contact.hidden) { element.append(contact.label); attrs['tooltip'] = attrs.address; } else { element.append(address); } } }; }) .directive('highlightOnChange', function() { return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, element, attrs) { scope.$watch(attrs.highlightOnChange, function(newValue, oldValue) { element.addClass('highlight'); setTimeout(function() { element.removeClass('highlight'); }, 500); }); } } }) .directive('checkStrength', function() { return { replace: false, restrict: 'EACM', require: 'ngModel', link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var MIN_LENGTH = 8; var MESSAGES = ['Very Weak', 'Very Weak', 'Weak', 'Medium', 'Strong', 'Very Strong']; var COLOR = ['#dd514c', '#dd514c', '#faa732', '#faa732', '#5eb95e', '#5eb95e']; function evaluateMeter(password) { var passwordStrength = 0; var text; if (password.length > 0) passwordStrength = 1; if (password.length >= MIN_LENGTH) { if ((password.match(/[a-z]/)) && (password.match(/[A-Z]/))) { passwordStrength++; } else { text = ', add mixed case'; } if (password.match(/\d+/)) { passwordStrength++; } else { if (!text) text = ', add numerals'; } if (password.match(/.[!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,?,_,~,-,(,)]/)) { passwordStrength++; } else { if (!text) text = ', add punctuation'; } if (password.length > 12) { passwordStrength++; } else { if (!text) text = ', add characters'; } } else { text = ', that\'s short'; } if (!text) text = ''; return { strength: passwordStrength, message: MESSAGES[passwordStrength] + text, color: COLOR[passwordStrength] } } scope.$watch(attrs.ngModel, function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue && newValue !== '') { var info = evaluateMeter(newValue); element.css({ 'border-color': info.color }); scope[attrs.checkStrength] = info.message; } }); } }; }) .directive('openExternal', function() { return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, element, attrs) { element.bind('click', function() { window.open('bitcoin:'+attrs.address, '_blank'); }); } } }) // From https://gist.github.com/asafge/7430497 .directive('ngReallyClick', [function() { return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, element, attrs) { element.bind('click', function() { var message = attrs.ngReallyMessage; if (message && confirm(message)) { scope.$apply(attrs.ngReallyClick); } }); } } } ]) .directive('match', function () { return { require: 'ngModel', restrict: 'A', scope: { match: '=' }, link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl) { scope.$watch(function() { return (ctrl.$pristine && angular.isUndefined(ctrl.$modelValue)) || scope.match === ctrl.$modelValue; }, function(currentValue) { ctrl.$setValidity('match', currentValue); }); } }; }) .directive('clipCopy', function() { ZeroClipboard.config({ moviePath: '/lib/zeroclipboard/dist/ZeroClipboard.swf', trustedDomains: ['*'], allowScriptAccess: 'always', forceHandCursor: true }); return { restric: 'A', scope: { clipCopy: '=clipCopy' }, link: function(scope, elm) { var client = new ZeroClipboard(elm); client.on( 'ready', function(event) { client.on( 'copy', function(event) { event.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', scope.clipCopy); }); client.on( 'aftercopy', function(event) { elm.removeClass('btn-copy').addClass('btn-copied').html('Copied!'); setTimeout(function() { elm.addClass('btn-copy').removeClass('btn-copied').html(''); }, 1000); }); }); client.on( 'error', function(event) { console.log( 'ZeroClipboard error of type "' + event.name + '": ' + event.message ); ZeroClipboard.destroy(); }); } }; });