var InsightStorage = require('../js/plugins/InsightStorage'); var assert = require('assert'); var querystring = require('querystring'); describe('insight storage plugin', function() { var requestMock = sinon.stub(); var storage = new InsightStorage({ request: requestMock }); var email = ''; var password = '1234'; var data = '{"random": true}'; var headers = 'X-test: 12\r\nX-testb: 32'; var namespace = 'profile::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; var oldSecret = 'rFA+F/N+ZvKXp717zBdfCKYQ5v9Fjry0W6tautj5etIH' + 'KLQliZBEYXA7AXjTJ9K3DglzGWJKost3QJUCMbhM/A==' var newSecret = '96KnVsaQFv8vsbxAFeYyGM4nO/8B6YaVNKz9IxDmwzk='; var setupStorageCredentials = function() { storage.setCredentials(email, password); }; beforeEach(function() { requestMock.reset(); requestMock.get = sinon.stub(); = sinon.stub(); setupStorageCredentials(); }); var setupForCreation = function() { requestMock.get.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(1, 'Not found');, null, { statusCode: 200 }); }; it('should be able to create a namespace for storage', function(done) { setupForCreation(); storage.createItem(namespace, data, function(err) { assert(!err); return done(); }); }); var setupForRetrieval = function(code) { requestMock.get.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(1, null, { statusCode: code || 200, getAllResponseHeaders: sinon.stub().returns(headers), }, data); }; describe('#getItem', function() { it('should be able to retrieve data in a namespace', function(done) { setupForRetrieval(); storage.getItem(namespace, function(err, retrieved) { assert(!err); assert(retrieved === data); var url = requestMock.get.getCall(0).args[0].url; url.should.contain('?key=' + querystring.encode(namespace)); return done(); }); }); it('should be able to retrieve headers', function(done) { setupForRetrieval(); storage.getItem(namespace, function(err, retrieved, headers) { assert(!err); headers['X-test'].should.equal('12'); headers['X-testb'].should.equal('32'); return done(); }); }); it('should be able handle 403', function(done) { setupForRetrieval(403); // old profile query requestMock.get.onSecondCall().callsArgWith(1, null, { statusCode: 403, getAllResponseHeaders: sinon.stub().returns(headers), }, data); storage.getItem(namespace, function(err) { err.should.contain('PNOTFOUND'); return done(); }); }); it('should be able handle other error', function(done) { setupForRetrieval(510); storage.getItem(namespace, function(err) { err.should.contain('Unable'); return done(); }); }); }); describe('#removeItem', function() { it('should be able to delete Items', function(done) { setupForRetrieval(); storage.removeItem(namespace, function(err) { should.not.exist(err); var url = requestMock.get.getCall(0).args[0].url; url.should.contain('?key=' + querystring.encode(namespace)); return done(); }); }); it('should be able handle 406', function(done) { setupForRetrieval(409); storage.removeItem(namespace, function(err) { err.should.contain('BADCREDENTIALS'); return done(); }); }); it('should be able handle other error', function(done) { setupForRetrieval(510); storage.removeItem(namespace, function(err) { err.should.contain('Unable'); return done(); }); }); }); var setupForSave = function(code) {, null, { statusCode: code || 200 }); }; it('should be able to overwrite data when using same password', function(done) { setupForSave(); storage.setItem(namespace, data, function(err) { assert(!err); assert([0].url.indexOf('save') !== -1); return done(); }); }); it('should handle 406 (quota)', function(done) { setupForSave(406); storage.setItem(namespace, data, function(err) { err.should.contain('OVERQUOTA'); return done(); }); }); it('should handle other error ', function(done) { setupForSave(505); storage.setItem(namespace, data, function(err) { err.should.contain('Unable'); return done(); }); }); it('should handle 409 (unauthorized)', function(done) { setupForSave(409); storage.setItem(namespace, data, function(err) { err.should.contain('BADCREDENTIALS'); return done(); }); }); it('won\'t make an unnecessary request if old password can\'t work', function(done) { storage.setCredentials(email, '!'); setupForRetrieval(); storage.getItem(namespace, function(err, retrieved) { assert(requestMock.get.firstCall); assert(!requestMock.get.secondCall); return done(); }); }); it('shouldn\'t be able to create a namespace twice', function(done) { setupForRetrieval(); storage.createItem(namespace, data, function(err) { assert(err); assert(requestMock.get.firstCall.args[0].url.indexOf('retrieve') !== -1); assert(!; return done(); }); }); var setupForOldData = function() { requestMock.get = sinon.stub(); requestMock.get.onFirstCall().callsArgWith(1, null, { statusCode: 403 }); requestMock.get.onSecondCall().callsArgWith(1, null, { statusCode: 200, getAllResponseHeaders: sinon.stub(), }, data); = sinon.stub();, null, { statusCode: 200, getAllResponseHeaders: sinon.stub(), }); } it('should be able to restore 0.7.2 data', function(done) { setupForOldData(); storage.getItem(namespace, function(error, dataReturned) { assert(!error); done(); }); }); it('should change the remote passphrase if retrieved with 0.7.2 passphrase', function(done) { setupForOldData(); storage.getItem(namespace, function(error, dataReturned) { var receivedArgs =[0].body; var url =[0].url; var args = querystring.decode(receivedArgs); url.indexOf('change_passphrase');[0] Buffer(email + ':' + oldSecret).toString('base64'));; done(); }); } ); });