var mocks = {}; // UI-Router mock from // mocks.$state = function($q) { this.expectedTransitions = []; this.transitionTo = function(stateName) { if (this.expectedTransitions.length > 0) { var expectedState = this.expectedTransitions.shift(); if (expectedState !== stateName) { throw Error("Expected transition to state: " + expectedState + " but transitioned to " + stateName); } } else { throw Error("No more transitions were expected! Tried to transition to " + stateName); } console.log("Mock transition to: " + stateName); this.current = stateName; var deferred = $q.defer(); var promise = deferred.promise; deferred.resolve(); return promise; }; = function(name) { console.log('[helpers.js.24:name:]', name); //TODO return this.current == name; }; this.go = this.transitionTo; this.expectTransitionTo = function(stateName) { this.expectedTransitions.push(stateName); }; this.ensureAllTransitionsHappened = function() { if (this.expectedTransitions.length > 0) { throw Error("Not all transitions happened!"); } }; }; mocks.$timeout = function(cb) { return cb(); }; mocks.modal = function() {}; mocks.setProfile = function(profile) {}; /* * opts */ var getElements = sinon.stub(); getElements.returns([]); var getElement = sinon.stub(); getElement.returns({ getElementsByTagName: getElement, }); mocks.$document = { getElementById: getElement, }; mocks.init = function(fixtures, controllerName, opts, done) { console.log(' * Mock init()'); opts = opts || {}; should.exist(controllerName, 'Provide the name of the Controller to mocks.init()'); mocks.go = {}; mocks.go.walletHome = sinon.stub(); mocks.go.path = sinon.stub(); = function(name) { return mocks.go.current == name }; mocks.notification = { success: sinon.stub(), }; angular.module('stateMock', []); angular.module('stateMock').service("$state", mocks.$state.bind()); module('ionic'); module('ngLodash'); module('gettext'); module('bwcModule', function($provide) { $provide.decorator('bwcService', function($delegate, lodash) { var getClient = $delegate.getClient; // Fix Encryption IVs var utils = $delegate.getUtils(); utils.SJCL.iv = 'BZQVWAP6d1e4G8Fq1rQKbA=='; $delegate.getClient = function(walletData, opts) { var bwc = new $delegate.Client(); if (walletData) bwc.import(walletData, { baseUrl: opts.baseurl || '', verbose: opts.verbose, transports: ['polling'], }); function createHash(method, url, args) { var headers = JSON.stringify(bwc._getHeaders(method, url, args)); // Fixes BWC version... TODO headers = headers.replace(/bwc-\d\.\d\.\d/, 'bwc-2.4.0') var x = method + url + JSON.stringify(args) + headers; var sjcl = $delegate.getSJCL(); return sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(x)); }; bwc._originalRequest = bwc._doRequest; bwc._doGetRequest = function(url, cb) { url += url.indexOf('?') > 0 ? '&' : '?'; url += 'r=' + 69321; return this._doRequest('get', url, {}, cb); }; // Use fixtures bwc._doRequest = function(method, url, args, cb2) { // find fixed response: var hash = createHash(method, url, args); if (lodash.isUndefined(fixtures[hash])) { console.log('##### UNDEFINED FIXTURED ####:', hash); //TODO console.log('##### method:', method); //TODO console.log('##### url :', url); //TODO console.log('##### args :', JSON.stringify(args)); //TODO console.log('##### header:', JSON.stringify(bwc._getHeaders(method, url, args))); var oldURL = bwc.baseURL; bwc.baseURL = 'http://localhost:3232/bws/api'; console.log('##### running local: to http://localhost:3232/bws/api'); bwc._originalRequest(method, url, args, function(err, response) { console.log("### RESPONSE: " + hash + "\n", JSON.stringify(response)); //TODO bwc.baseURL = oldURL; return cb2(null, response); }); } else { console.log('Using fixture: ' + hash.substr(0, 6) + ' for: ' + url); return cb2(null, fixtures[hash]); } }; return bwc; }; return $delegate; }); }); module('angularMoment'); module('stateMock'); module('', { $modal: mocks.modal, $timeout: mocks.$timeout, $state: mocks.$state, }); module('copayApp.controllers'); inject(function($rootScope, $controller, $injector, lodash, _configService_, _profileService_, _storageService_) { scope = $rootScope.$new(); storageService = _storageService_; // Set up the mock http service responses $httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend'); // backend definition common for all tests $httpBackend.when('GET', '') .respond({ code: "BTC", name: "Bitcoin", rate: 1 }, { code: "USD", name: "US Dollar", rate: 452.92 }); _configService_.get(function() { function startController() { ctrl = $controller(controllerName, { $scope: scope, $modal: mocks.modal, notification: mocks.notification, configService: _configService_, profileService: _profileService_, go: mocks.go, $document: mocks.$document, }); }; if (opts.initController) startController(); if (opts.loadStorage) { lodash.each(opts.loadStorage, function(v, k) { localStorage.setItem(k, v); }); } if (opts.loadProfile) { localStorage.setItem('profile', JSON.stringify(opts.loadProfile)); _profileService_.loadAndBindProfile(function(err) { should.not.exist(err, err); if (!opts.initController) startController(); done(); }); } else { _profileService_.create({ noWallet: true }, function(err) { should.not.exist(err, err); _profileService_.setDisclaimerAccepted(function() { if (!opts.initController) startController(); done(); }); }); } }); }); }; mocks.clear = function(opts, done) { opts = opts || {}; if (!opts.keepStorage) { // Adds walletService's module dependencies console.log(' * deleting localstorage'); localStorage.clear(); } done(); };