'use strict'; angular.module('copayApp.controllers').controller('indexController', function($rootScope, $scope, $log, $filter, $timeout, latestReleaseService, bwcService, pushNotificationsService, lodash, go, profileService, configService, rateService, storageService, addressService, gettext, gettextCatalog, amMoment, nodeWebkit, addonManager, bwsError, txFormatService, uxLanguage, glideraService, coinbaseService, platformInfo, addressbookService, walletService) { var self = this; var SOFT_CONFIRMATION_LIMIT = 12; var errors = bwcService.getErrors(); var historyUpdateInProgress = {}; var isChromeApp = platformInfo.isChromeApp; var isCordova = platformInfo.isCordova; var ret = {}; ret.isCordova = isCordova; ret.isChromeApp = isChromeApp; ret.isSafari = platformInfo.isSafari; ret.isWindowsPhoneApp = platformInfo.isWP; ret.onGoingProcess = {}; ret.historyShowLimit = 10; ret.historyShowMoreLimit = 100; ret.isSearching = false; ret.prevState = 'walletHome'; ret.menu = [{ 'title': gettext('Receive'), 'icon': { false: 'icon-receive', true: 'icon-receive-active' }, 'link': 'receive' }, { 'title': gettext('Activity'), 'icon': { false: 'icon-activity', true: 'icon-activity-active' }, 'link': 'walletHome' }, { 'title': gettext('Send'), 'icon': { false: 'icon-send', true: 'icon-send-active' }, 'link': 'send' }]; ret.addonViews = addonManager.addonViews(); ret.txTemplateUrl = addonManager.txTemplateUrl() || 'views/includes/transaction.html'; ret.tab = 'walletHome'; var vanillaScope = ret; if (nodeWebkit.isDefined()) { latestReleaseService.checkLatestRelease(function(err, newRelease) { if (err) { $log.warn(err); return; } if (newRelease) $scope.newRelease = gettext('There is a new version of Copay. Please update'); }); } function strip(number) { return (parseFloat(number.toPrecision(12))); }; self.goHome = function() { go.walletHome(); }; self.setOngoingProcess = function(processName, isOn) { $log.debug('onGoingProcess', processName, isOn); self[processName] = isOn; self.onGoingProcess[processName] = isOn; var name; self.anyOnGoingProcess = lodash.any(self.onGoingProcess, function(isOn, processName) { if (isOn) name = name || processName; return isOn; }); // The first one self.onGoingProcessName = name; $timeout(function() { $rootScope.$apply(); }); }; self.cleanInstance = function() { $log.debug('Cleaning Index Instance'); lodash.each(self, function(v, k) { if (lodash.isFunction(v)) return; // This are to prevent flicker in mobile: if (k == 'hasProfile') return; if (k == 'tab') return; if (k == 'noFocusedWallet') return; if (k == 'backgroundColor') return; if (k == 'loadingWallet') { self.loadingWallet = true; return; } if (!lodash.isUndefined(vanillaScope[k])) { self[k] = vanillaScope[k]; return; } delete self[k]; }); }; self.setFocusedWallet = function() { var fc = profileService.focusedClient; if (!fc) return; self.cleanInstance(); self.loadingWallet = true; self.setSpendUnconfirmed(); $timeout(function() { $rootScope.$apply(); self.hasProfile = true; self.noFocusedWallet = false; self.onGoingProcess = {}; // Credentials Shortcuts self.m = fc.credentials.m; self.n = fc.credentials.n; self.network = fc.credentials.network; self.copayerId = fc.credentials.copayerId; self.copayerName = fc.credentials.copayerName; self.requiresMultipleSignatures = fc.credentials.m > 1; self.isShared = fc.credentials.n > 1; self.walletName = fc.credentials.walletName; self.walletId = fc.credentials.walletId; self.isComplete = fc.isComplete(); self.canSign = fc.canSign(); self.isPrivKeyExternal = fc.isPrivKeyExternal(); self.isPrivKeyEncrypted = fc.isPrivKeyEncrypted(); self.externalSource = fc.getPrivKeyExternalSourceName(); self.account = fc.credentials.account; self.incorrectDerivation = fc.incorrectDerivation; if (self.externalSource == 'trezor') self.account++; self.txps = []; self.copayers = []; self.updateColor(); self.updateAlias(); self.setAddressbook(); self.initGlidera(); self.initCoinbase(); self.setCustomBWSFlag(); if (!self.isComplete) { $log.debug('Wallet not complete BEFORE update... redirecting'); go.path('copayers'); } else { if (go.is('copayers')) { $log.debug('Wallet Complete BEFORE update... redirect to home'); go.walletHome(); } } walletService.isBackupNeeded(fc, function(needsBackup) { self.needsBackup = needsBackup; self.openWallet(function() { if (!self.isComplete) { $log.debug('Wallet not complete after update... redirecting'); go.path('copayers'); } else { if (go.is('copayers')) { $log.debug('Wallet Complete after update... redirect to home'); go.walletHome(); } } }); }); }); }; self.setCustomBWSFlag = function() { var defaults = configService.getDefaults(); var config = configService.getSync(); self.usingCustomBWS = config.bwsFor && config.bwsFor[self.walletId] && (config.bwsFor[self.walletId] != defaults.bws.url); }; self.setTab = function(tab, reset, tries, switchState) { tries = tries || 0; // check if the whole menu item passed if (typeof tab == 'object') { if (tab.open) { if (tab.link) { self.tab = tab.link; } tab.open(); return; } else { return self.setTab(tab.link, reset, tries, switchState); } } if (self.tab === tab && !reset) return; if (!document.getElementById('menu-' + tab) && ++tries < 5) { return $timeout(function() { self.setTab(tab, reset, tries, switchState); }, 300); } if (!self.tab || !go.is('walletHome')) self.tab = 'walletHome'; var changeTab = function() { if (document.getElementById(self.tab)) { document.getElementById(self.tab).className = 'tab-out tab-view ' + self.tab; var old = document.getElementById('menu-' + self.tab); if (old) { old.className = ''; } } if (document.getElementById(tab)) { document.getElementById(tab).className = 'tab-in tab-view ' + tab; var newe = document.getElementById('menu-' + tab); if (newe) { newe.className = 'active'; } } self.tab = tab; $rootScope.$emit('Local/TabChanged', tab); }; if (switchState && !go.is('walletHome')) { go.path('walletHome', function() { changeTab(); }); return; } changeTab(); }; self._updateRemotePreferencesFor = function(clients, prefs, cb) { var client = clients.shift(); if (!client) return cb(); $log.debug('Saving remote preferences', client.credentials.walletName, prefs); client.savePreferences(prefs, function(err) { // we ignore errors here if (err) $log.warn(err); self._updateRemotePreferencesFor(clients, prefs, cb); }); }; self.updateRemotePreferences = function(opts, cb) { var prefs = opts.preferences || {}; var fc = profileService.focusedClient; // Update this JIC. var config = configService.getSync().wallet.settings; //prefs.email (may come from arguments) prefs.language = self.defaultLanguageIsoCode; prefs.unit = config.unitCode; var clients = []; if (opts.saveAll) { clients = lodash.values(profileService.walletClients); } else { clients = [fc]; }; self._updateRemotePreferencesFor(clients, prefs, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!fc) return cb(); fc.getPreferences(function(err, preferences) { if (err) { return cb(err); } self.preferences = preferences; return cb(); }); }); }; var _walletStatusHash = function(walletStatus) { var bal; if (walletStatus) { bal = walletStatus.balance.totalAmount; } else { bal = self.totalBalanceSat; } return bal; }; self.updateAll = function(opts, initStatusHash, tries) { tries = tries || 0; opts = opts || {}; var fc = profileService.focusedClient; if (!fc) return; var walletId = fc.credentials.walletId if (opts.untilItChanges && lodash.isUndefined(initStatusHash)) { initStatusHash = _walletStatusHash(); $log.debug('Updating status until it changes. initStatusHash:' + initStatusHash) } var get = function(cb) { if (opts.walletStatus) return cb(null, opts.walletStatus); else { self.updateError = false; return fc.getStatus({ twoStep: true }, function(err, ret) { if (err) { self.updateError = bwsError.msg(err, gettext('Could not update Wallet')); } else { if (!opts.quiet) self.setOngoingProcess('scanning', ret.wallet.scanStatus == 'running'); } return cb(err, ret); }); } }; // If not untilItChanges...trigger history update now if (opts.triggerTxUpdate && !opts.untilItChanges) { $timeout(function() { self.debounceUpdateHistory(); }, 1); } $timeout(function() { if (!opts.quiet) self.setOngoingProcess('updatingStatus', true); $log.debug('Updating Status:', fc.credentials.walletName, tries); get(function(err, walletStatus) { var currentStatusHash = _walletStatusHash(walletStatus); $log.debug('Status update. hash:' + currentStatusHash + ' Try:' + tries); if (!err && opts.untilItChanges && initStatusHash == currentStatusHash && tries < 7 && walletId == profileService.focusedClient.credentials.walletId) { return $timeout(function() { $log.debug('Retrying update... Try:' + tries) return self.updateAll({ walletStatus: null, untilItChanges: true, triggerTxUpdate: opts.triggerTxUpdate, }, initStatusHash, ++tries); }, 1400 * tries); } if (walletId != profileService.focusedClient.credentials.walletId) return; if (!opts.quiet) self.setOngoingProcess('updatingStatus', false); if (err) { self.handleError(err); return; } $log.debug('Wallet Status:', walletStatus); self.setPendingTxps(walletStatus.pendingTxps); // Status Shortcuts self.walletName = walletStatus.wallet.name; self.walletSecret = walletStatus.wallet.secret; self.walletStatus = walletStatus.wallet.status; self.walletScanStatus = walletStatus.wallet.scanStatus; self.copayers = walletStatus.wallet.copayers; self.preferences = walletStatus.preferences; self.setBalance(walletStatus.balance); self.otherWallets = lodash.filter(profileService.getWallets(self.network), function(w) { return w.id != self.walletId; }); // Notify external addons or plugins $rootScope.$emit('Local/BalanceUpdated', walletStatus.balance); $rootScope.$apply(); if (opts.triggerTxUpdate && opts.untilItChanges) { $timeout(function() { self.debounceUpdateHistory(); }, 1); } else { self.loadingWallet = false; } if (opts.cb) return opts.cb(); }); }); }; self.setSpendUnconfirmed = function(spendUnconfirmed) { self.spendUnconfirmed = spendUnconfirmed || configService.getSync().wallet.spendUnconfirmed; }; self.updateBalance = function() { var fc = profileService.focusedClient; $timeout(function() { self.setOngoingProcess('updatingBalance', true); $log.debug('Updating Balance'); fc.getBalance(function(err, balance) { self.setOngoingProcess('updatingBalance', false); if (err) { self.handleError(err); return; } $log.debug('Wallet Balance:', balance); self.setBalance(balance); }); }); }; self.updatePendingTxps = function() { var fc = profileService.focusedClient; $timeout(function() { self.setOngoingProcess('updatingPendingTxps', true); $log.debug('Updating PendingTxps'); fc.getTxProposals({}, function(err, txps) { self.setOngoingProcess('updatingPendingTxps', false); if (err) { self.handleError(err); } else { $log.debug('Wallet PendingTxps:', txps); self.setPendingTxps(txps); } $rootScope.$apply(); }); }); }; // This handles errors from BWS/index which normally // trigger from async events (like updates). // Debounce function avoids multiple popups var _handleError = function(err) { $log.warn('Client ERROR: ', err); if (err instanceof errors.NOT_AUTHORIZED) { self.notAuthorized = true; go.walletHome(); } else if (err instanceof errors.NOT_FOUND) { self.showErrorPopup(gettext('Could not access Wallet Service: Not found')); } else { var msg = "" $scope.$emit('Local/ClientError', (err.error ? err.error : err)); var msg = bwsError.msg(err, gettext('Error at Wallet Service')); self.showErrorPopup(msg); } }; self.handleError = lodash.debounce(_handleError, 1000); self.openWallet = function(cb) { var fc = profileService.focusedClient; $timeout(function() { $rootScope.$apply(); self.setOngoingProcess('openingWallet', true); self.updateError = false; fc.openWallet(function(err, walletStatus) { self.setOngoingProcess('openingWallet', false); if (err) { self.updateError = true; self.handleError(err); return; } $log.debug('Wallet Opened'); self.updateAll(lodash.isObject(walletStatus) ? { walletStatus: walletStatus, cb: cb, } : { cb: cb }); $rootScope.$apply(); }); }); }; self.setPendingTxps = function(txps) { self.pendingTxProposalsCountForUs = 0; var now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); /* Uncomment to test multiple outputs */ /* var txp = { message: 'test multi-output', fee: 1000, createdOn: new Date() / 1000, outputs: [] }; function addOutput(n) { txp.outputs.push({ amount: 600, toAddress: '2N8bhEwbKtMvR2jqMRcTCQqzHP6zXGToXcK', message: 'output #' + (Number(n) + 1) }); }; lodash.times(150, addOutput); txps.push(txp); */ lodash.each(txps, function(tx) { tx = txFormatService.processTx(tx); // no future transactions... if (tx.createdOn > now) tx.createdOn = now; var action = lodash.find(tx.actions, { copayerId: self.copayerId }); if (!action && tx.status == 'pending') { tx.pendingForUs = true; } if (action && action.type == 'accept') { tx.statusForUs = 'accepted'; } else if (action && action.type == 'reject') { tx.statusForUs = 'rejected'; } else { tx.statusForUs = 'pending'; } if (!tx.deleteLockTime) tx.canBeRemoved = true; if (tx.creatorId != self.copayerId) { self.pendingTxProposalsCountForUs = self.pendingTxProposalsCountForUs + 1; } addonManager.formatPendingTxp(tx); }); self.txps = txps; }; var SAFE_CONFIRMATIONS = 6; self.processNewTxs = function(txs) { var config = configService.getSync().wallet.settings; var now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); var txHistoryUnique = {}; var ret = []; self.hasUnsafeConfirmed = false; lodash.each(txs, function(tx) { tx = txFormatService.processTx(tx); // no future transactions... if (tx.time > now) tx.time = now; if (tx.confirmations >= SAFE_CONFIRMATIONS) { tx.safeConfirmed = SAFE_CONFIRMATIONS + '+'; } else { tx.safeConfirmed = false; self.hasUnsafeConfirmed = true; } if (!txHistoryUnique[tx.txid]) { ret.push(tx); txHistoryUnique[tx.txid] = true; } else { $log.debug('Ignoring duplicate TX in history: ' + tx.txid) } }); return ret; }; self.updateAlias = function() { var config = configService.getSync(); config.aliasFor = config.aliasFor || {}; self.alias = config.aliasFor[self.walletId]; var fc = profileService.focusedClient; fc.alias = self.alias; }; self.updateColor = function() { var config = configService.getSync(); config.colorFor = config.colorFor || {}; self.backgroundColor = config.colorFor[self.walletId] || '#4A90E2'; var fc = profileService.focusedClient; fc.backgroundColor = self.backgroundColor; if (isCordova && StatusBar.isVisible) { StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString(fc.backgroundColor); } }; self.setBalance = function(balance) { if (!balance) return; var config = configService.getSync().wallet.settings; var COIN = 1e8; // Address with Balance self.balanceByAddress = balance.byAddress; // Spend unconfirmed funds if (self.spendUnconfirmed) { self.totalBalanceSat = balance.totalAmount; self.lockedBalanceSat = balance.lockedAmount; self.availableBalanceSat = balance.availableAmount; self.totalBytesToSendMax = balance.totalBytesToSendMax; self.pendingAmount = null; } else { self.totalBalanceSat = balance.totalConfirmedAmount; self.lockedBalanceSat = balance.lockedConfirmedAmount; self.availableBalanceSat = balance.availableConfirmedAmount; self.totalBytesToSendMax = balance.totalBytesToSendConfirmedMax; self.pendingAmount = balance.totalAmount - balance.totalConfirmedAmount; } // Selected unit self.unitToSatoshi = config.unitToSatoshi; self.satToUnit = 1 / self.unitToSatoshi; self.unitName = config.unitName; //STR self.totalBalanceStr = profileService.formatAmount(self.totalBalanceSat) + ' ' + self.unitName; self.lockedBalanceStr = profileService.formatAmount(self.lockedBalanceSat) + ' ' + self.unitName; self.availableBalanceStr = profileService.formatAmount(self.availableBalanceSat) + ' ' + self.unitName; if (self.pendingAmount) { self.pendingAmountStr = profileService.formatAmount(self.pendingAmount) + ' ' + self.unitName; } else { self.pendingAmountStr = null; } self.alternativeName = config.alternativeName; self.alternativeIsoCode = config.alternativeIsoCode; // Check address addressService.isUsed(self.walletId, balance.byAddress, function(err, used) { if (used) { $log.debug('Address used. Creating new'); $rootScope.$emit('Local/AddressIsUsed'); } }); rateService.whenAvailable(function() { var totalBalanceAlternative = rateService.toFiat(self.totalBalanceSat, self.alternativeIsoCode); var lockedBalanceAlternative = rateService.toFiat(self.lockedBalanceSat, self.alternativeIsoCode); var alternativeConversionRate = rateService.toFiat(100000000, self.alternativeIsoCode); self.totalBalanceAlternative = $filter('noFractionNumber')(totalBalanceAlternative, 2); self.lockedBalanceAlternative = $filter('noFractionNumber')(lockedBalanceAlternative, 2); self.alternativeConversionRate = $filter('noFractionNumber')(alternativeConversionRate, 2); self.alternativeBalanceAvailable = true; self.isRateAvailable = true; $rootScope.$apply(); }); if (!rateService.isAvailable()) { $rootScope.$apply(); } }; self.csvHistory = function() { function saveFile(name, data) { var chooser = document.querySelector(name); chooser.addEventListener("change", function(evt) { var fs = require('fs'); fs.writeFile(this.value, data, function(err) { if (err) { $log.debug(err); } }); }, false); chooser.click(); } function formatDate(date) { var dateObj = new Date(date); if (!dateObj) { $log.debug('Error formating a date'); return 'DateError' } if (!dateObj.toJSON()) { return ''; } return dateObj.toJSON(); } function formatString(str) { if (!str) return ''; if (str.indexOf('"') !== -1) { //replace all str = str.replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), '\''); } //escaping commas str = '\"' + str + '\"'; return str; } var step = 6; var unique = {}; function getHistory(cb) { storageService.getTxHistory(c.walletId, function(err, txs) { if (err) return cb(err); var txsFromLocal = []; try { txsFromLocal = JSON.parse(txs); } catch (ex) { $log.warn(ex); } allTxs.push(txsFromLocal); return cb(null, lodash.flatten(allTxs)); }); } if (isCordova) { $log.info('CSV generation not available in mobile'); return; } var isNode = nodeWebkit.isDefined(); var fc = profileService.focusedClient; var c = fc.credentials; if (!fc.isComplete()) return; var self = this; var allTxs = []; $log.debug('Generating CSV from History'); self.setOngoingProcess('generatingCSV', true); getHistory(function(err, txs) { self.setOngoingProcess('generatingCSV', false); if (err) { self.handleError(err); } else { $log.debug('Wallet Transaction History:', txs); self.satToUnit = 1 / self.unitToSatoshi; var data = txs; var satToBtc = 1 / 100000000; self.csvContent = []; self.csvFilename = 'Copay-' + (self.alias || self.walletName) + '.csv'; self.csvHeader = ['Date', 'Destination', 'Note', 'Amount', 'Currency', 'Txid', 'Creator', 'Copayers']; var _amount, _note, _copayers, _creator; data.forEach(function(it, index) { var amount = it.amount; if (it.action == 'moved') amount = 0; _copayers = ''; _creator = ''; if (it.actions && it.actions.length > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < it.actions.length; i++) { _copayers += it.actions[i].copayerName + ':' + it.actions[i].type + ' - '; } _creator = (it.creatorName && it.creatorName != 'undefined') ? it.creatorName : ''; } _copayers = formatString(_copayers); _creator = formatString(_creator); _amount = (it.action == 'sent' ? '-' : '') + (amount * satToBtc).toFixed(8); _note = formatString((it.message ? it.message : '')); if (it.action == 'moved') _note += ' Moved:' + (it.amount * satToBtc).toFixed(8) self.csvContent.push({ 'Date': formatDate(it.time * 1000), 'Destination': formatString(it.addressTo), 'Note': _note, 'Amount': _amount, 'Currency': 'BTC', 'Txid': it.txid, 'Creator': _creator, 'Copayers': _copayers }); if (it.fees && (it.action == 'moved' || it.action == 'sent')) { var _fee = (it.fees * satToBtc).toFixed(8) self.csvContent.push({ 'Date': formatDate(it.time * 1000), 'Destination': 'Bitcoin Network Fees', 'Note': '', 'Amount': '-' + _fee, 'Currency': 'BTC', 'Txid': '', 'Creator': '', 'Copayers': '' }); } }); return; } }); }; self.removeAndMarkSoftConfirmedTx = function(txs) { return lodash.filter(txs, function(tx) { if (tx.confirmations >= SOFT_CONFIRMATION_LIMIT) return tx; tx.recent = true; }); } self.getSavedTxs = function(walletId, cb) { storageService.getTxHistory(walletId, function(err, txs) { if (err) return cb(err); var localTxs = []; if (!txs) { return cb(null, localTxs); } try { localTxs = JSON.parse(txs); } catch (ex) { $log.warn(ex); } return cb(null, lodash.compact(localTxs)); }); } self.updateLocalTxHistory = function(client, cb) { var FIRST_LIMIT = 5; var LIMIT = 50; var requestLimit = FIRST_LIMIT; var walletId = client.credentials.walletId; var config = configService.getSync().wallet.settings; var fixTxsUnit = function(txs) { if (!txs || !txs[0] || !txs[0].amountStr) return; var cacheUnit = txs[0].amountStr.split(' ')[1]; if (cacheUnit == config.unitName) return; var name = ' ' + config.unitName; $log.debug('Fixing Tx Cache Unit to:' + name) lodash.each(txs, function(tx) { tx.amountStr = profileService.formatAmount(tx.amount, config.unitName) + name; tx.feeStr = profileService.formatAmount(tx.fees, config.unitName) + name; }); }; self.getSavedTxs(walletId, function(err, txsFromLocal) { if (err) return cb(err); fixTxsUnit(txsFromLocal); var confirmedTxs = self.removeAndMarkSoftConfirmedTx(txsFromLocal); var endingTxid = confirmedTxs[0] ? confirmedTxs[0].txid : null; // First update if (walletId == profileService.focusedClient.credentials.walletId) { self.completeHistory = txsFromLocal; self.setCompactTxHistory(); } if (historyUpdateInProgress[walletId]) return; historyUpdateInProgress[walletId] = true; function getNewTxs(newTxs, skip, i_cb) { self.getTxsFromServer(client, skip, endingTxid, requestLimit, function(err, res, shouldContinue) { if (err) return i_cb(err); newTxs = newTxs.concat(lodash.compact(res)); skip = skip + requestLimit; $log.debug('Syncing TXs. Got:' + newTxs.length + ' Skip:' + skip, ' EndingTxid:', endingTxid, ' Continue:', shouldContinue); if (!shouldContinue) { newTxs = self.processNewTxs(newTxs); $log.debug('Finished Sync: New / soft confirmed Txs: ' + newTxs.length); return i_cb(null, newTxs); } requestLimit = LIMIT; getNewTxs(newTxs, skip, i_cb); // Progress update if (walletId == profileService.focusedClient.credentials.walletId) { self.txProgress = newTxs.length; if (self.completeHistory < FIRST_LIMIT && txsFromLocal.length == 0) { $log.debug('Showing partial history'); var newHistory = self.processNewTxs(newTxs); newHistory = lodash.compact(newHistory.concat(confirmedTxs)); self.completeHistory = newHistory; self.setCompactTxHistory(); } $timeout(function() { $rootScope.$apply(); }); } }); }; getNewTxs([], 0, function(err, txs) { if (err) return cb(err); var newHistory = lodash.uniq(lodash.compact(txs.concat(confirmedTxs)), function(x) { return x.txid; }); var historyToSave = JSON.stringify(newHistory); lodash.each(txs, function(tx) { tx.recent = true; }) $log.debug('Tx History synced. Total Txs: ' + newHistory.length); // Final update if (walletId == profileService.focusedClient.credentials.walletId) { self.completeHistory = newHistory; self.setCompactTxHistory(); } return storageService.setTxHistory(historyToSave, walletId, function() { $log.debug('Tx History saved.'); return cb(); }); }); }); } self.showMore = function() { $timeout(function() { if (self.isSearching) { self.txHistorySearchResults = self.result.slice(0, self.nextTxHistory); $log.debug('Total txs: ', self.txHistorySearchResults.length + '/' + self.result.length); if (self.txHistorySearchResults.length >= self.result.length) self.historyShowMore = false; } else { self.txHistory = self.completeHistory.slice(0, self.nextTxHistory); self.txHistorySearchResults = self.txHistory; $log.debug('Total txs: ', self.txHistorySearchResults.length + '/' + self.completeHistory.length); if (self.txHistorySearchResults.length >= self.completeHistory.length) self.historyShowMore = false; } self.nextTxHistory += self.historyShowMoreLimit; }, 100); }; self.startSearch = function() { self.isSearching = true; self.txHistorySearchResults = []; self.result = []; self.historyShowMore = false; self.nextTxHistory = self.historyShowMoreLimit; } self.cancelSearch = function() { self.isSearching = false; self.result = []; self.setCompactTxHistory(); } self.updateSearchInput = function(search) { self.search = search; if (isCordova) window.plugins.toast.hide(); self.throttleSearch(); } self.throttleSearch = lodash.throttle(function() { function filter(search) { self.result = []; function computeSearchableString(tx) { var addrbook = ''; if (tx.addressTo && self.addressbook && self.addressbook[tx.addressTo]) addrbook = self.addressbook[tx.addressTo] || ''; var searchableDate = computeSearchableDate(new Date(tx.time * 1000)); var message = tx.message ? tx.message : ''; var addressTo = tx.addressTo ? tx.addressTo : ''; return ((tx.amountStr + message + addressTo + addrbook + searchableDate).toString()).toLowerCase(); } function computeSearchableDate(date) { var day = ('0' + date.getDate()).slice(-2).toString(); var month = ('0' + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2).toString(); var year = date.getFullYear(); return [month, day, year].join('/'); }; if (lodash.isEmpty(search)) { self.historyShowMore = false; return []; } self.result = lodash.filter(self.completeHistory, function(tx) { if (!tx.searcheableString) tx.searcheableString = computeSearchableString(tx); return lodash.includes(tx.searcheableString, search.toLowerCase()); }); if (self.result.length > self.historyShowLimit) self.historyShowMore = true; else self.historyShowMore = false; return self.result; }; self.txHistorySearchResults = filter(self.search).slice(0, self.historyShowLimit); if (isCordova) window.plugins.toast.showShortBottom(gettextCatalog.getString('Matches: ' + self.result.length)); $timeout(function() { $rootScope.$apply(); }); }, 1000); self.getTxsFromServer = function(client, skip, endingTxid, limit, cb) { var res = []; client.getTxHistory({ skip: skip, limit: limit }, function(err, txsFromServer) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!txsFromServer.length) return cb(); var res = lodash.takeWhile(txsFromServer, function(tx) { return tx.txid != endingTxid; }); return cb(null, res, res.length == limit); }); }; self.updateHistory = function() { var fc = profileService.focusedClient; if (!fc) return; var walletId = fc.credentials.walletId; if (!fc.isComplete()) { return; } $log.debug('Updating Transaction History'); self.txHistoryError = false; self.updatingTxHistory = true; $timeout(function() { self.updateLocalTxHistory(fc, function(err) { historyUpdateInProgress[walletId] = self.updatingTxHistory = false; self.loadingWallet = false; self.txProgress = 0; if (err) self.txHistoryError = true; $timeout(function() { self.newTx = false }, 1000); $rootScope.$apply(); }); }); }; self.setCompactTxHistory = function() { self.isSearching = false; self.nextTxHistory = self.historyShowMoreLimit; self.txHistory = self.completeHistory ? self.completeHistory.slice(0, self.historyShowLimit) : null; self.txHistorySearchResults = self.txHistory; self.historyShowMore = self.completeHistory ? self.completeHistory.length > self.historyShowLimit : null; }; self.debounceUpdateHistory = lodash.debounce(function() { self.updateHistory(); }, 1000); self.throttledUpdateHistory = lodash.throttle(function() { self.updateHistory(); }, 5000); self.showErrorPopup = function(msg, cb) { $log.warn('Showing err popup:' + msg); self.showAlert = { msg: msg, close: function() { self.showAlert = null; if (cb) return cb(); }, }; $timeout(function() { $rootScope.$apply(); }); }; self.recreate = function(cb) { var fc = profileService.focusedClient; self.setOngoingProcess('recreating', true); fc.recreateWallet(function(err) { self.notAuthorized = false; self.setOngoingProcess('recreating', false); if (err) { self.handleError(err); $rootScope.$apply(); return; } profileService.setWalletClients(); self.startScan(self.walletId); }); }; self.openMenu = function() { profileService.isDisclaimerAccepted(function(val) { if (val) go.swipe(true); else $log.debug('Disclaimer not accepted, cannot open menu'); }); }; self.closeMenu = function() { go.swipe(); }; self.retryScan = function() { var self = this; self.startScan(self.walletId); } self.startScan = function(walletId) { $log.debug('Scanning wallet ' + walletId); var c = profileService.walletClients[walletId]; if (!c.isComplete()) return; if (self.walletId == walletId) self.setOngoingProcess('scanning', true); c.startScan({ includeCopayerBranches: true, }, function(err) { if (err && self.walletId == walletId) { self.setOngoingProcess('scanning', false); self.handleError(err); $rootScope.$apply(); } }); }; self.setUxLanguage = function(cb) { uxLanguage.update(function(lang) { var userLang = lang; self.defaultLanguageIsoCode = userLang; self.defaultLanguageName = uxLanguage.getName(userLang); if (cb) return cb(); }); }; self.initGlidera = function(accessToken) { self.glideraEnabled = configService.getSync().glidera.enabled; self.glideraTestnet = configService.getSync().glidera.testnet; var network = self.glideraTestnet ? 'testnet' : 'livenet'; self.glideraToken = null; self.glideraError = null; self.glideraPermissions = null; self.glideraEmail = null; self.glideraPersonalInfo = null; self.glideraTxs = null; self.glideraStatus = null; if (!self.glideraEnabled) return; glideraService.setCredentials(network); var getToken = function(cb) { if (accessToken) { cb(null, accessToken); } else { storageService.getGlideraToken(network, cb); } }; getToken(function(err, accessToken) { if (err || !accessToken) return; else { self.glideraLoading = 'Connecting to Glidera...'; glideraService.getAccessTokenPermissions(accessToken, function(err, p) { self.glideraLoading = null; if (err) { self.glideraError = err; } else { self.glideraToken = accessToken; self.glideraPermissions = p; self.updateGlidera({ fullUpdate: true }); } }); } }); }; self.updateGlidera = function(opts) { if (!self.glideraToken || !self.glideraPermissions) return; var accessToken = self.glideraToken; var permissions = self.glideraPermissions; opts = opts || {}; glideraService.getStatus(accessToken, function(err, data) { self.glideraStatus = data; }); glideraService.getLimits(accessToken, function(err, limits) { self.glideraLimits = limits; }); if (permissions.transaction_history) { self.glideraLoadingHistory = 'Getting Glidera transactions...'; glideraService.getTransactions(accessToken, function(err, data) { self.glideraLoadingHistory = null; self.glideraTxs = data; }); } if (permissions.view_email_address && opts.fullUpdate) { self.glideraLoadingEmail = 'Getting Glidera Email...'; glideraService.getEmail(accessToken, function(err, data) { self.glideraLoadingEmail = null; self.glideraEmail = data.email; }); } if (permissions.personal_info && opts.fullUpdate) { self.glideraLoadingPersonalInfo = 'Getting Glidera Personal Information...'; glideraService.getPersonalInfo(accessToken, function(err, data) { self.glideraLoadingPersonalInfo = null; self.glideraPersonalInfo = data; }); } }; self.initCoinbase = function(accessToken) { self.coinbaseEnabled = configService.getSync().coinbase.enabled; self.coinbaseTestnet = configService.getSync().coinbase.testnet; var network = self.coinbaseTestnet ? 'testnet' : 'livenet'; self.coinbaseToken = null; self.coinbaseError = null; self.coinbasePermissions = null; self.coinbaseEmail = null; self.coinbasePersonalInfo = null; self.coinbaseTxs = null; self.coinbaseStatus = null; if (!self.coinbaseEnabled) return; coinbaseService.setCredentials(network); var getToken = function(cb) { if (accessToken) { cb(null, accessToken); } else { storageService.getCoinbaseToken(network, cb); } }; getToken(function(err, accessToken) { if (err || !accessToken) return; else { self.coinbaseLoading = 'Getting primary account...'; coinbaseService.getAccounts(accessToken, function(err, a) { self.coinbaseLoading = null; if (err) { self.coinbaseError = err; if (err.errors[0] && err.errors[0].id == 'expired_token') { self.refreshCoinbaseToken(); } } else { self.coinbaseToken = accessToken; lodash.each(a.data, function(account) { if (account.primary && account.type == 'wallet') { self.coinbaseAccount = account; self.updateCoinbase(); } }); } }); } }); }; self.updateCoinbase = lodash.debounce(function(opts) { if (!self.coinbaseToken || !self.coinbaseAccount) return; var accessToken = self.coinbaseToken; var accountId = self.coinbaseAccount.id; opts = opts || {}; if (opts.updateAccount) { coinbaseService.getAccount(accessToken, accountId, function(err, a) { if (err) { self.coinbaseError = err; if (err.errors[0] && err.errors[0].id == 'expired_token') { self.refreshCoinbaseToken(); } return; } self.coinbaseAccount = a.data; }); } coinbaseService.getCurrentUser(accessToken, function(err, u) { if (err) { self.coinbaseError = err; if (err.errors[0] && err.errors[0].id == 'expired_token') { self.refreshCoinbaseToken(); } return; } self.coinbaseUser = u.data; }); coinbaseService.getPendingTransactions(function(err, txs) { self.coinbasePendingTransactions = lodash.isEmpty(txs) ? null : txs; lodash.forEach(txs, function(dataFromStorage, txId) { if ((dataFromStorage.type == 'sell' && dataFromStorage.status == 'completed') || (dataFromStorage.type == 'buy' && dataFromStorage.status == 'completed') || dataFromStorage.status == 'error' || (dataFromStorage.type == 'send' && dataFromStorage.status == 'completed')) return; coinbaseService.getTransaction(accessToken, accountId, txId, function(err, tx) { if (err) { if (err.errors[0] && err.errors[0].id == 'expired_token') { self.refreshCoinbaseToken(); return; } coinbaseService.savePendingTransaction(dataFromStorage, {status: 'error', error: err}, function(err) { if (err) $log.debug(err); }); return; } _updateCoinbasePendingTransactions(dataFromStorage, tx.data); self.coinbasePendingTransactions[txId] = dataFromStorage; if (tx.data.type == 'send' && tx.data.status == 'completed' && tx.data.from) { coinbaseService.sellPrice(accessToken, dataFromStorage.sell_price_currency, function(err, s) { if (err) { if (err.errors[0] && err.errors[0].id == 'expired_token') { self.refreshCoinbaseToken(); return; } coinbaseService.savePendingTransaction(dataFromStorage, {status: 'error', error: err}, function(err) { if (err) $log.debug(err); }); return; } var newSellPrice = s.data.amount; var variance = Math.abs((newSellPrice - dataFromStorage.sell_price_amount) / dataFromStorage.sell_price_amount * 100); if (variance < dataFromStorage.price_sensitivity.value) { self.sellPending(tx.data); } else { var error = {errors: [{ message: 'Price falls over the selected percentage' }]}; coinbaseService.savePendingTransaction(dataFromStorage, {status: 'error', error: error}, function(err) { if (err) $log.debug(err); }); } }); } else if (tx.data.type == 'buy' && tx.data.status == 'completed' && tx.data.buy) { self.sendToCopay(dataFromStorage); } else { coinbaseService.savePendingTransaction(dataFromStorage, {}, function(err) { if (err) $log.debug(err); }); } }); }); }); }, 1000); var _updateCoinbasePendingTransactions = function (obj/*, …*/) { for (var i=1; i