'use strict'; var chai = chai || require('chai'); var should = chai.should(); var bitcore = bitcore || require('bitcore'); var Transaction = bitcore.Transaction; var buffertools = bitcore.buffertools; var WalletKey = bitcore.WalletKey; var Key = bitcore.Key; var bignum = bitcore.Bignum; var Script = bitcore.Script; var TransactionBuilder = bitcore.TransactionBuilder; var util = bitcore.util; var networks = bitcore.networks; var sinon = require('sinon'); var is_browser = typeof process == 'undefined' || typeof process.versions === 'undefined'; if (is_browser) { var copay = require('copay'); //browser } else { var copay = require('../copay'); //node } var FakeBuilder = require('./mocks/FakeBuilder'); var TxProposal = copay.TxProposal; var dummyProposal = new TxProposal({ creator: 1, createdTs: 1, builder: new FakeBuilder(), inputChainPaths: ['m/1'], }); var someKeys = ["03b39d61dc9a504b13ae480049c140dcffa23a6cc9c09d12d6d1f332fee5e18ca5", "022929f515c5cf967474322468c3bd945bb6f281225b2c884b465680ef3052c07e"]; describe('TxProposal', function() { describe('new', function() { it('should fail to create an instance with wrong arguments', function() { (function() { var txp = new TxProposal(); }).should.throw('Illegal Argument'); (function() { var txp = new TxProposal({ creator: 1 }); }).should.throw('no inputChainPaths'); }); it('should create an instance', function() { var txp = new TxProposal({ creator: 1, createdTs: 1, builder: new FakeBuilder(), inputChainPaths: 'm/1', }); should.exist(txp); txp.creator.should.equal(1); should.exist(txp.builder); txp.inputChainPaths.should.equal('m/1'); }); }); describe('#getId', function() { it('should return id', function() { var b = new FakeBuilder(); var spy = sinon.spy(b.tx, 'getNormalizedHash'); var txp = new TxProposal({ creator: 1, createdTs: 1, builder: b, inputChainPaths: 'm/1', }); txp.getId().should.equal('123456');; sinon.assert.callCount(spy, 1); }); }); describe('#toObj', function() { it('should return an object and remove builder', function() { var b = new FakeBuilder(); var txp = new TxProposal({ creator: 1, createdTs: 1, builder: b, inputChainPaths: 'm/1', }); var o = txp.toObj(); should.exist(o); o.creator.should.equal(1); should.not.exist(o.builder); should.exist(o.builderObj); }); it('toObjTrim', function() { var b = new FakeBuilder(); var txp = new TxProposal({ creator: 1, createdTs: 1, builder: b, inputChainPaths: 'm/1', comment: 'hola', }); var o = txp.toObjTrim(); should.exist(o); should.not.exist(o.creator); should.not.exist(o.builder); should.exist(o.comment); should.exist(o.builderObj); }); }); describe('#fromObj', function() { it.skip('should create from Object', function() { var b = new FakeBuilder(); var txp = TxProposal.fromObj({ creator: 1, createdTs: 1, builderObj: b.toObj(), inputChainPaths: ['m/1'], }); should.exist(txp); }); it('should fail to create from wrong object', function() { var b = new FakeBuilder(); (function() { var txp = TxProposal.fromObj({ creator: 1, createdTs: 1, builderObj: b.toObj(), inputChainPaths: ['m/1'], }); }).should.throw('Invalid'); }); }); describe('#setSent', function() { it('should set txid and timestamp', function() { var now = Date.now(); var txp = dummyProposal; txp.setSent('3a42'); txp.sentTs.should.gte(now); txp.sentTxid.should.equal('3a42'); }); }); describe('Signature verification', function() { var validScriptSig = new bitcore.Script(FakeBuilder.VALID_SCRIPTSIG_BUF); var pubkeys = [ '03197599f6e209cefef07da2fddc6fe47715a70162c531ffff8e611cef23dfb70d', '0380a29968851f93af55e581c43d9ef9294577a439a3ca9fc2bc47d1ca2b3e9127', '0392dccb2ed470a45984811d6402fdca613c175f8f3e4eb8e2306e8ccd7d0aed03', '03a94351fecc4328bb683bf93a1aa67378374904eac5980c7966723a51897c56e3', '03e085eb6fa1f20b2722c16161144314070a2c316a9cae2489fd52ce5f63fff6e4' ].map(function(hex) { return new Buffer(hex, 'hex'); }); var keyBuf = someKeys.map(function(hex) { return new Buffer(hex, 'hex'); }); it('#_formatKeys', function() { (function() { TxProposal._formatKeys(someKeys); }).should.throw('buffers'); var res = TxProposal._formatKeys(keyBuf); }); it('#_verifyScriptSig arg checks', function() { (function() { TxProposal._verifySignatures( keyBuf, new bitcore.Script(new Buffer('112233', 'hex')), new Buffer('1a', 'hex')); }).should.throw('script'); }); it('#_verifyScriptSig, no signatures', function() { var ret = TxProposal._verifySignatures(keyBuf, validScriptSig, new Buffer(32)); ret.length.should.equal(0); }); it('#_verifyScriptSig, two signatures', function() { // Data taken from bitcore's TransactionBuilder test var txp = dummyProposal; var tx = dummyProposal.builder.build(); var ret = TxProposal._verifySignatures(pubkeys, validScriptSig, tx.hashForSignature()); ret.should.deep.equal([0, 3]); }); it('#_infoFromRedeemScript', function() { var info = TxProposal._infoFromRedeemScript(validScriptSig); var keys = info.keys; keys.length.should.equal(5); for (var i in keys) { keys[i].toString('hex').should.equal(pubkeys[i].toString('hex')); } Buffer.isBuffer(info.script.getBuffer()).should.equal(true); }); it('#_updateSignedBy', function() { var txp = dummyProposal; txp._inputSignatures.should.deep.equal([ ['03197599f6e209cefef07da2fddc6fe47715a70162c531ffff8e611cef23dfb70d', '03a94351fecc4328bb683bf93a1aa67378374904eac5980c7966723a51897c56e3'] ]); }); describe('#_check', function() { var txp = dummyProposal; var backup = txp.builder.tx.ins; it('OK', function() { txp._check(); }); it('FAIL ins', function() { txp.builder.tx.ins = []; (function() { txp._check(); }).should.throw('no ins'); txp.builder.tx.ins = backup; }); it('FAIL signhash SINGLE', function() { sinon.stub(txp.builder.tx, 'getHashType').returns(Transaction.SIGHASH_SINGLE); (function() { txp._check(); }).should.throw('signatures'); txp.builder.tx.getHashType.restore(); }); it('FAIL signhash NONE', function() { sinon.stub(txp.builder.tx, 'getHashType').returns(Transaction.SIGHASH_NONE); (function() { txp._check(); }).should.throw('signatures'); txp.builder.tx.getHashType.restore(); }); it('FAIL signhash ANYONECANPAY', function() { sinon.stub(txp.builder.tx, 'getHashType').returns(Transaction.SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY); (function() { txp._check(); }).should.throw('signatures'); txp.builder.tx.getHashType.restore(); }); it('FAIL no signatures', function() { var backup = txp.builder.tx.ins[0].s; txp.builder.tx.ins[0].s = undefined; (function() { txp._check(); }).should.throw('no signatures'); txp.builder.tx.ins[0].s = backup; }); }); describe('#merge', function() { var txp = dummyProposal; var backup = txp.builder.tx.ins; it('with self', function() { var hasChanged = txp.merge(txp); hasChanged.should.equal(false); }); it('with less signatures', function() { var backup = txp.builder.vanilla.scriptSig[0]; txp.builder.merge = function() { // 2 signatures. this.vanilla.scriptSig = ['0048304502207d8e832bd576c93300e53ab6cbd68641961bec60690c358fd42d8e42b7d7d687022100a1daa89923efdb4c9b615d065058d9e1644f67000694a7d0806759afa7bef19b014cad532103197599f6e209cefef07da2fddc6fe47715a70162c531ffff8e611cef23dfb70d210380a29968851f93af55e581c43d9ef9294577a439a3ca9fc2bc47d1ca2b3e9127210392dccb2ed470a45984811d6402fdca613c175f8f3e4eb8e2306e8ccd7d0aed032103a94351fecc4328bb683bf93a1aa67378374904eac5980c7966723a51897c56e32103e085eb6fa1f20b2722c16161144314070a2c316a9cae2489fd52ce5f63fff6e455ae']; this.tx.ins[0].s = new Buffer(this.vanilla.scriptSig[0], 'hex'); }; var hasChanged = txp.merge(txp); hasChanged.should.equal(true); txp.builder.vanilla.scriptSig = [backup]; txp.builder.tx.ins[0].s = new Buffer(backup, 'hex'); }); it('with more signatures', function() { txp.builder.merge = function() { // 3 signatures. this.vanilla.scriptSig = ['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']; this.tx.ins[0].s = new Buffer(this.vanilla.scriptSig[0], 'hex'); }; var hasChanged = txp.merge(txp); hasChanged.should.equal(true); }); }); describe('#setCopayers', function() { it("should fails if Tx has no creator", function() { var txp = dummyProposal; txp.signedBy = { 'hugo': 1 }; delete txp['creator']; (function() { txp.setCopayers('juan', { pk1: 'pepe' }) }).should.throw('no creator'); }); it("should fails if Tx is not signed by creator", function() { var txp = dummyProposal; txp.creator = 'creator'; txp.signedBy = { 'hugo': 1 }; txp._inputSignatures = [ ['pkX'] ]; (function() { txp.setCopayers('juan', { pk1: 'pepe' }) }).should.throw('creator'); }); it("should fails if Tx has unmapped signatures", function() { var txp = dummyProposal; txp.creator = 'creator'; txp.signedBy = { creator: 1 }; txp._inputSignatures = [ ['pk0', 'pkX'] ]; (function() { txp.setCopayers('juan', { pk1: 'pepe' }) }).should.throw('unknown sig'); }); // This was disabled. Unnecessary to check this. it.skip("should be signed by sender", function() { var txp = dummyProposal; var ts = Date.now(); txp._inputSignatures = [ ['pk1', 'pk0'] ]; txp.signedBy = { 'creator': Date.now() }; (function() { txp.setCopayers('juan', { pk0: 'creator', pk1: 'pepe', pk2: 'john' }) }).should.throw('senders sig'); }); it("should set signedBy (trivial case)", function() { var txp = dummyProposal; var ts = Date.now(); txp._inputSignatures = [ ['pk1', 'pk0'] ]; txp.signedBy = { 'creator': Date.now() }; txp.setCopayers('pepe', { pk0: 'creator', pk1: 'pepe', pk2: 'john' }) Object.keys(txp.signedBy).length.should.equal(2); txp.signedBy['pepe'].should.gte(ts); txp.signedBy['creator'].should.gte(ts); }); it("should assign creator", function() { var txp = dummyProposal; var ts = Date.now(); txp._inputSignatures = [ ['pk0'] ]; txp.signedBy = {}; delete txp['creator']; delete txp['creatorTs']; txp.setCopayers('creator', { pk0: 'creator', pk1: 'pepe', pk2: 'john' }) Object.keys(txp.signedBy).length.should.equal(1); txp.creator.should.equal('creator'); txp.createdTs.should.gte(ts); txp.seenBy['creator'].should.equal(txp.createdTs); }) it("New tx should have only 1 signature", function() { var txp = dummyProposal; var ts = Date.now(); txp.signedBy = {}; delete txp['creator']; delete txp['creatorTs']; txp._inputSignatures = [ ['pk0', 'pk1'] ]; (function() { txp.setCopayers( 'creator', { pk0: 'creator', pk1: 'pepe', pk2: 'john' }, { 'creator2': 1 } ); }).should.throw('only 1'); }) it("if signed, should not change ts", function() { var txp = dummyProposal; var ts = Date.now(); txp._inputSignatures = [ ['pk0', 'pk1'] ]; txp.creator = 'creator'; txp.signedBy = { 'creator': 1 }; txp.setCopayers('pepe', { pk0: 'creator', pk1: 'pepe', pk2: 'john' }) Object.keys(txp.signedBy).length.should.equal(2); txp.creator.should.equal('creator'); txp.signedBy['creator'].should.equal(1); txp.signedBy['pepe'].should.gte(ts); }) }); }); describe('micelaneous functions', function() { it('should report rejectCount', function() { var txp = dummyProposal; txp.rejectCount().should.equal(0); txp.setRejected(['juan']) txp.rejectCount().should.equal(1); }); it('should report isPending 1', function() { var txp = dummyProposal; txp.rejectedBy=[]; txp.sentTxid=1; txp.isPending(3).should.equal(false); }); it('should report isPending 2', function() { var txp = dummyProposal; txp.rejectedBy=[]; txp.sentTxid=null; txp.isPending(3).should.equal(true); }); it('should report isPending 3', function() { var txp = dummyProposal; txp.rejectedBy=[1,2,3,4]; txp.sentTxid=null; txp.isPending(3).should.equal(false); }); }); });