'use strict'; angular.module('copay.send').controller('SendController', function($scope, $rootScope, $location) { $scope.title = 'Send'; $scope.unitIds = ['BTC','mBTC']; $scope.selectedUnit = $scope.unitIds[0]; $scope.submitForm = function(form) { if (form.$invalid) { $rootScope.flashMessage = { message: 'You can not send a proposal transaction. Please, try again', type: 'error'}; return; } if ($rootScope.availableBalance <= form.amount.$modelValue) { $rootScope.flashMessage = { message: 'You have not enough amount to send', type: 'error'}; return; } var address = form.address.$modelValue; var amount = (form.amount.$modelValue * 100000000).toString(); // satoshi to string var w = $rootScope.wallet; w.createTx( address, amount,function() { $rootScope.$digest(); }); // reset fields $scope.address = null; $scope.amount = null; form.address.$pristine = true; form.amount.$pristine = true; // TODO: check if createTx has an error. $rootScope.flashMessage = { message: 'Your transaction proposal has been sent successfully', type: 'success'}; }; });