{ "name": "distribution-not-selected", "description": "Choose a distribution by running 'npm run apply:copay' or 'npm run apply:bitpay'.", "primary-package-json": "See the tempate in app-template/package.json", "scripts": { "postinstall": "npm run apply:copay", "start": "echo && echo \"Choose a distribution by running 'npm run apply:copay' or 'npm run apply:bitpay'.\" && echo", "preapply": "npm i fs-extra", "apply:copay": "npm run preapply && cd app-template && node apply.js copay && cd .. && npm i && npm run postapply", "apply:bitpay": "npm run preapply && cd app-template && node apply.js bitpay && cd .. && npm i && npm run postapply", "clean-all": "git clean -dfx" }, "license": "MIT", "repository": { "url": "git://github.com/bitpay/copay.git", "url": "git://github.com/bitpay/bitpay-wallet.git", "type": "git" }, "changes": "changes to this file can be commited with the --no-verify option" }