No Wallet Go home
Wallet Incomplete. Wait for Copayers
Scan status finished with error
Tap to retry
{{status.totalBalanceAlternative}} {{status.alternativeIsoCode}}
Pending Confirmation: {{status.pendingAmountStr}}
[Balance Hidden]
Tap and hold to show
WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet.
WARNING: Wallet not registered
This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information.

Payment Proposals

Unsent transactions

Total Locked Balance: {{wallet.lockedBalanceStr}} {{wallet.lockedBalanceAlternative}} {{wallet.alternativeIsoCode}}


No transactions yet ZZZZ {{wallet.totalBalanceStr}}
{{wallet.txProgress}} transactions downloaded
Updating transaction history. Please stand by.
sync sync sync
{{btx.note.body}} Received {{btx.message}} {{btx.note.body}} {{wallet.addressbook[btx.addressTo]}} Sent {{btx.note.body}} Moved Invalid
+ - (possible double spend) {{btx.amountStr}}