Payment Proposal
{{displayAmount}} {{displayUnit}}
The payment was removed by creator
Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted
Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created.
Payment Sent
Payment Rejected
Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs
To Multiple recipients
Recipients {{tx.recipientCount}}
Created by {{tx.creatorName}}
{{'Memo'|translate}} {{tx.message}}
Fee {{tx.feeStr}}
Payment details
{{'To'|translate}} {{tx.paypro.domain}} {{tx.paypro.domain}}
{{'Merchant Message'|translate}} {{}}
{{$index + 1}}
Click to accept
* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created.
Slide to accept Payment Sent