Enter the amount to get the exchange rate Not available ~ {{sell.sellPrice.amount * amount | currency : 'USD ' : 2}}

Price Sensitivity

Coinbase has not yet implemented an immediate method to sell bitcoin from a wallet. To make this sale, funds will be sent to your Coinbase account, and sold when Coinbase accepts the transaction (usually one hour).

Estimated sale value: {{sell.sellPrice.amount * amount | currency : 'USD ' : 2}}
Still sell if price fall until: {{(sell.sellPrice.amount - (selectedPriceSensitivity.value / 100) * sell.sellPrice.amount) * amount | currency : 'USD ' : 2}}

Funds sent to Coinbase Account

The transaction is not yet confirmed, and will show as "Processing" in your Activity. The bitcoin sale will be completed automatically once it is confirmed by Coinbase.

Confirm transaction

Sale initiated

A transfer has been initiated to your bank account and should arrive at {{sell.success.payout_at | amCalendar}}.