
Master Private Key

Your master private key contains the information to sign any transaction on this wallet. Handle with care.

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Scan Wallet Addresses

This will scan the blockchain looking for addresses derived from your wallet, in case you have funds in addresses not yet generated (e.g.: you restored an old backup). This will also trigger a synchronization of addresses to other connected peers.


Purge Pending Transaction Proposals

Pending Transactions Proposals will be discarded. This needs to be done on ALL peers of a wallet, to prevent the old proposals to be resynced again.


Purge ALL Transaction Proposals

ALL Transactions Proposals will be discarded. This needs to be done on ALL peers of a wallet, to prevent the old proposals to be resynced again.

Purge All

Join Secret

This is the initial secret join string. Since your wallet it is already complete, this is only useful to rejoin peers that lost their backup BUT have the extended private key stored (they will be rejected on other case). They need to enter their extended private key during the join process (in advanced options).

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