'use strict'; angular.module('copayApp.services') .factory('identityService', function($rootScope, $location, $timeout, $filter, pluginManager, notification, pendingTxsService, balanceService, applicationService, go) { // TODO: // * remove iden from rootScope // * remove wallet from rootScope // * create walletService var root = {}; root.check = function(scope) { copay.Identity.checkIfExistsAny({ pluginManager: pluginManager.getInstance(config), }, function(anyProfile) { copay.Wallet.checkIfExistsAny({ pluginManager: pluginManager.getInstance(config), }, function(anyWallet) { scope.loading = false; scope.anyProfile = anyProfile ? true : false; scope.anyWallet = anyWallet ? true : false; if (!scope.anyProfile) { $location.path('/createProfile'); } }); }); }; root.create = function(email, password, cb) { copay.Identity.create({ email: email, password: password, pluginManager: pluginManager.getInstance(config), network: config.network, networkName: config.networkName, walletDefaults: config.wallet, passphraseConfig: config.passphraseConfig, failIfExists: true, }, function(err, iden) { if (err) return cb(err); preconditions.checkState(iden); root.bind(iden); return cb(null); }); }; root.createDefaultWallet = function(cb) { var iden = $rootScope.iden; var walletOptions = { nickname: iden.fullName, networkName: config.networkName, requiredCopayers: 1, totalCopayers: 1, password: iden.password, name: 'My wallet', }; iden.createWallet(walletOptions, function(err, wallet) { return cb(err); }); }; root.resendVerificationEmail = function(cb) { var iden = $rootScope.iden; iden.resendVerificationEmail(cb); }; root.setServerStatus = function(headers) { if (!headers) return; var customHeaders = {}; _.each(_.keys(headers), function(headerKey) { var hk = headerKey.toLowerCase(); if (hk.indexOf('x-') === 0) { customHeaders[hk] = headers[headerKey]; } }); if (customHeaders['x-email-needs-validation']) $rootScope.needsEmailConfirmation = true; else $rootScope.needsEmailConfirmation = null; if (customHeaders['x-quota-per-item']) $rootScope.quotaPerItem = parseInt(customHeaders['x-quota-per-item']); if (customHeaders['x-quota-items-limit']) $rootScope.quotaItems = parseInt(customHeaders['x-quota-items-limit']); }; root.open = function(email, password, cb) { var opts = { email: email, password: password, pluginManager: pluginManager.getInstance(config), network: config.network, networkName: config.networkName, walletDefaults: config.wallet, passphraseConfig: config.passphraseConfig, }; copay.Identity.open(opts, function(err, iden, headers) { if (err) return cb(err); root.setServerStatus(headers); root.bind(iden); return cb(null, iden); }); }; root.deleteProfile = function(cb) { $rootScope.iden.remove(null, cb); }; root.deleteWallet = function(w, cb) { $rootScope.iden.deleteWallet(w.getId(), cb); }; root.isFocused = function(wid) { return $rootScope.wallet && wid === $rootScope.wallet.getId(); }; root.setupGlobalVariables = function(iden) { $rootScope.reconnecting = false; $rootScope.iden = iden; }; root.noFocusedWallet = function() { $rootScope.wallet = null; $timeout(function() { $rootScope.$digest(); }) }; root.setFocusedWallet = function(w, dontUpdateIt) { if (!_.isObject(w)) w = $rootScope.iden.getWalletById(w); preconditions.checkState(w && _.isObject(w)); copay.logger.debug('Set focus:', w.getName()); $rootScope.wallet = w; if (!dontUpdateIt) $rootScope.iden.updateFocusedTimestamp(w.getId()); pendingTxsService.update(); $timeout(function() { $rootScope.$digest(); }, 1); }; root.notifyTxProposalEvent = function(w, e) { if (e.cId == w.getMyCopayerId()) return; var user = w.publicKeyRing.nicknameForCopayer(e.cId); var name = w.getName(); switch (e.type) { case copay.Wallet.TX_NEW: notification.info('[' + name + '] New Transaction', $filter('translate')('You received a transaction proposal from') + ' ' + user); break; case copay.Wallet.TX_SIGNED: notification.success('[' + name + '] Transaction Signed', $filter('translate')('A transaction was signed by') + ' ' + user); break; case copay.Wallet.TX_BROADCASTED: notification.success('[' + name + '] Transaction Approved', $filter('translate')('A transaction was broadcasted by') + ' ' + user); break; case copay.Wallet.TX_REJECTED: notification.warning('[' + name + '] Transaction Rejected', $filter('translate')('A transaction was rejected by') + ' ' + user); break; } }; root.installWalletHandlers = function(w) { var wid = w.getId(); w.on('connectionError', function() { if (root.isFocused(wid)) { var message = "Could not connect to the Insight server. Check your settings and network configuration"; notification.error('Networking Error', message); } }); w.on('corrupt', function(peerId) { copay.logger.warn('Received corrupt message from ' + peerId); }); w.on('publicKeyRingUpdated', function() { $rootScope.$digest(); }); w.on('ready', function() { var isFocused = root.isFocused(wid); copay.logger.debug('Wallet:' + w.getName() + ' is ready. Focused:', isFocused); balanceService.update(w, function() { $rootScope.$digest(); }, isFocused); }); w.on('tx', function(address, isChange) { if (!isChange) { notification.funds('Funds received on ' + w.getName(), address); } balanceService.update(w, function() { $rootScope.$digest(); }, root.isFocused(wid)); }); w.on('balanceUpdated', function() { balanceService.update(w, function() { $rootScope.$digest(); }, root.isFocused(wid)); }); w.on('insightReconnected', function() { $rootScope.reconnecting = false; balanceService.update(w, function() { $rootScope.$digest(); }, root.isFocused(wid)); }); w.on('insightError', function() { if (root.isFocused(wid)) { $rootScope.reconnecting = true; $rootScope.$digest(); } }); w.on('newAddresses', function() { // Nothing yet }); // Disabled for now, does not seens to have much value for the user // w.on('paymentACK', function(memo) { // notification.success('Payment Acknowledged', memo); // }); w.on('txProposalEvent', function(ev) { if (root.isFocused(wid)) { pendingTxsService.update(); } // TODO aqui lo unico que cambia son los locked // se puede optimizar balanceService.update(w, function() { $rootScope.$digest(); }, root.isFocused(wid)); root.notifyTxProposalEvent(w, ev); $timeout(function() { $rootScope.$digest(); }); }); w.on('addressBookUpdated', function(dontDigest) { if (root.isFocused(wid)) { if (!dontDigest) { $rootScope.$digest(); } } }); w.on('connect', function(peerID) { $rootScope.$digest(); }); // TODO? // w.on('close', ); // w.on('locked',); }; root.bind = function(iden) { preconditions.checkArgument(_.isObject(iden)); copay.logger.debug('Binding profile...'); var self = this; root.setupGlobalVariables(iden); iden.on('newWallet', function(wid) { var w = iden.getWalletById(wid); copay.logger.debug('newWallet:', w.getName(), wid, iden.getLastFocusedWalletId()); root.installWalletHandlers(w); if (wid == iden.getLastFocusedWalletId()) { copay.logger.debug('GOT Focused wallet:', w.getName()); root.setFocusedWallet(w, true); go.walletHome(); } // At the end (after all handlers are in place)...start the wallet. w.netStart(); }); iden.on('noWallets', function() { notification.warning('No Wallets', 'Your profile has no wallets. Create one here'); $rootScope.starting = false; $location.path('/create'); $timeout(function() { $rootScope.$digest(); }, 1); }); iden.on('walletDeleted', function(wid) { // do nothing. this is handled 'on sync' on controller. }); iden.on('walletStorageError', function(wid, message) { notification.error('Error storing wallet', message); }); iden.on('closed', function() { delete $rootScope['wallet']; delete $rootScope['iden']; applicationService.restart(); }); }; root.signout = function() { if ($rootScope.iden) { $rootScope.signingOut = true; $rootScope.iden.close(function() { // Will trigger 'closed' $rootScope.signingOut = false; }); // Will trigger 'closed' } }; root.createWallet = function(opts, cb) { $rootScope.iden.createWallet(opts, cb); }; root.importWallet = function(encryptedObj, pass, opts, cb) { copay.Compatibility.importEncryptedWallet($rootScope.iden, encryptedObj, pass, opts, cb); }; root.joinWallet = function(opts, cb) { $rootScope.iden.joinWallet(opts, function(err, w) { return cb(err); }); }; root.importProfile = function(str, password, cb) { copay.Identity.importFromEncryptedFullJson(str, password, { pluginManager: pluginManager.getInstance(config), network: config.network, networkName: config.networkName, walletDefaults: config.wallet, passphraseConfig: config.passphraseConfig, }, function(err, iden, walletObjs) { if (err) return cb(err); root.bind(iden); iden.importMultipleWalletsFromObj(walletObjs); return cb(); }); }; return root; });