'use strict'; var valid_pairs = { '1,1': 112, '1,2': 147, '2,2': 220, '1,3': 182, '2,3': 256, '3,3': 329, '1,4': 216, '2,4': 290, '3,4': 363, '4,4': 436, '1,5': 250, '2,5': 324, '3,5': 398, '4,5': 470, '1,6': 284, '2,6': 358, '3,6': 432, '1,7': 318, '2,7': 392, '3,7': 465, '1,8': 353, '2,8': 427, '1,9': 387, '2,9': 461, '1,10': 421, '2,10': 495, '1,11': 455, '1,12': 489 }; angular.module('copay.setup').controller('SetupController', function($scope, $rootScope, $location, $timeout, walletFactory, controllerUtils, Passphrase) { $rootScope.videoInfo = {}; $scope.loading = false; $scope.walletPassword = $rootScope.walletPassword; // ng-repeat defined number of times instead of repeating over array? $scope.getNumber = function(num) { return new Array(num); } $scope.totalCopayers = config.wallet.totalCopayers; $scope.TCValues = []; for (var n = 1; n <= config.limits.totalCopayers; n++) $scope.TCValues.push(n); var updateRCSelect = function(n) { $scope.requiredCopayers = (valid_pairs[[parseInt(n / 2 + 1), n]] > 0 || config.networkName === 'testnet') ? parseInt(n / 2 + 1) : 1; $scope.RCValues = []; for (var m = 1; m <= n; m++) { if (valid_pairs[[m, n]] > 0 || config.networkName === 'testnet') { $scope.RCValues.push(m); } } }; updateRCSelect($scope.totalCopayers); $scope.$watch('totalCopayers', function(tc) { updateRCSelect(tc); }); $scope.create = function(form) { if (form && form.$invalid) { $rootScope.$flashMessage = { message: 'Please, enter required fields', type: 'error' }; return; } $scope.loading = true; Passphrase.getBase64Async($scope.walletPassword, function(passphrase) { var opts = { requiredCopayers: $scope.requiredCopayers, totalCopayers: $scope.totalCopayers, name: $scope.walletName, nickname: $scope.myNickname, passphrase: passphrase, }; var w = walletFactory.create(opts); controllerUtils.startNetwork(w); }); }; });