#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; var copay = require('../copay'); var _ = require('lodash'); var config = require('../config'); var version = require('../version').version; var sinon = require('sinon'); var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var readline = require('readline'); var async = require('async'); var program = require('commander'); function list(val) { return val.split(','); } program .version('0.0.1') .usage('-d n2kMqQ8Si9GndzQ6FrJxcwHMKacK2rCEpK -n 2 -k tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPem5BuuDT6xY9etUC2RohpUoyzoa1MEkkZyAHhszaHPZTmgDheN31hSP1r6bRwpj2JC66r1CPpftwaRrhz') .option('-d, --destination ', 'Destination Address') .option('-n, --required ', 'Required number of signatures', parseInt) .option('-k, --keys ', 'master private keys, separated by , ', list) .option('-a, --amount ', 'Optional, amount to transfer, in Satoshis. If not provided, will wipe all funds', parseInt) .option('-f, --fee [n]', 'Optional, fee in BTC (default 0.0001 BTC), only if amount is not provided', parseFloat) .parse(process.argv); var rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout }); var args = process.argv; var requiredCopayers = program.required; var extPrivKeys = program.keys; var destAddr = program.destination; var amount = program.amount; if (amount && program.fee) { console.log('If amount if given, fee will be automatically calculated'); process.exit(1); } if (!requiredCopayers || !extPrivKeys || !extPrivKeys.length || !destAddr) { program.outputHelp(); process.exit(1); } // Fee to asign to the tx. Please put a bigger number if you get 'unsufficient unspent' var fee = program.fee || 0.0001; var totalCopayers = extPrivKeys.length; var addr = new bitcore.Address(destAddr); if (!addr.isValid()) { console.log('\tBad destination address'); //TODO process.exit(1); } var networkName = addr.network().name; console.log('\tNetwork: %s\n\tDestination Address:%s\n\tRequired copayers: %d\n\tTotal copayers: %d\n\tFee: %d\n\tKeys:', networkName, destAddr, requiredCopayers, totalCopayers, fee, extPrivKeys); //TODO console.log('\n ----------------------------'); if (requiredCopayers > totalCopayers) throw new Error('No enought private keys given'); function createWallet(networkName, extPrivKeys, index) { var opts = {}; opts.networkName = networkName || 'testnet'; opts.publicKeyRing = new copay.PublicKeyRing({ networkName: networkName, requiredCopayers: requiredCopayers, totalCopayers: totalCopayers, }); _.each(extPrivKeys, function(extPrivKey, i) { console.log('\tAdding key:', i); var privateKey = new copay.PrivateKey({ networkName: networkName, extendedPrivateKeyString: extPrivKeys[i], }); if (i === index) opts.privateKey = privateKey; opts.publicKeyRing.addCopayer( privateKey.deriveBIP45Branch().extendedPublicKeyString(), 'public key ' + i ); }) console.log('\t### PublicKeyRing Initialized'); opts.txProposals = new copay.TxProposals({ networkName: networkName, }); opts.requiredCopayers = requiredCopayers; opts.totalCopayers = totalCopayers; opts.network = { setHexNonce: sinon.stub(), setHexNonces: sinon.stub(), send: sinon.stub(), }; // opts.networkOpts = { // 'livenet': config.network.livenet, // 'testnet': config.network.testnet, // }; opts.blockchainOpts = { 'livenet': config.network.livenet, 'testnet': config.network.testnet, }; opts.spendUnconfirmed = true; opts.version = version; // opts.reconnectDelay = opts.reconnectDelay || this.walletDefaults.reconnectDelay; return new copay.Wallet(opts); } console.log('## CREATING ALL WALLETS'); //TODO var w = []; _.each(extPrivKeys, function(extPrivKey, i) { w.push(createWallet(networkName, extPrivKeys, i)); }); console.log(' => %d Wallets created', w.length); console.log('\n\n## Scanning for funds'); var firstWallet = w.pop(); firstWallet.updateIndexes(function() { console.log('Scan done.'); //TODO firstWallet.getBalance(function(err, balance, balanceByAddr) { console.log('\n\n\n\n### TOTAL BALANCE: %d SATOSHIS', balance); //TODO console.log('Balance per address:', balanceByAddr); //TODO if (!balance) { throw ('Could not find any coins in the generated wallet'); } if (amount && amount >= balance) throw ('Not enought balance fund to fullfill ' + amount + ' satoshis'); rl.question("\n\tShould I swipe the wallet (destination address is:" + destAddr + " Amount: " + (amount || balance) + " satoshis)?\n\t(`yes` to continue)\n\t", function(answer) { if (answer !== 'yes') process.exit(1); amount = amount || balance - fee * bitcore.util.COIN; firstWallet.createTx(destAddr, amount, '', {}, function(err, ntxid) { if (err || !ntxid) { if (err && err.toString().match('BIG')) { throw new Error('Could not create tx' + err); } else { throw new Error('Could not create tx' + err + '. Try a bigger fee (--fee).'); } } console.log('\n\t### Tx Proposal Created...\n\tWith copayer 0 signature.'); if (requiredCopayers === 1) { firstWallet.sendTx(ntxid, function(txid) { console.log('\t ####### SENT TXID:', txid); process.exit(1); }); } var signers = w.slice(0, requiredCopayers - 1); console.log('Will add %d more signatures:', signers.length); var i = 0; async.eachSeries(signers, function(dummy, cb) { console.log('\t Signing with copayer', i + 1); w[i].txProposals = firstWallet.txProposals; try { w[i].sign(ntxid); } catch (e) { return cb('Could not sign'); } console.log('\t Signed!'); firstWallet.txProposals = firstWallet.txProposals; i++; return cb(null); }, function(err) { if (err) throw new Error(err); var p = firstWallet.txProposals.getTxProposal(ntxid); if (p.builder.isFullySigned()) { console.log('\t FULLY SIGNED. BROADCASTING NOW....'); var tx = p.builder.build(); var txHex = tx.serialize().toString('hex'); //console.log('\t RAW TX: ', txHex); firstWallet.sendTx(ntxid, function(txid) { console.log('\t ####### SENT TXID:', txid); process.exit(1); }); } else { throw new Error('Error: could not fully sign the TX'); } } ) }); }); }); });