
395 lines
13 KiB

'use strict';
var TxProposals = require('./TxProposals');
var PublicKeyRing = require('./PublicKeyRing');
var PrivateKey = require('./PrivateKey');
var Wallet = require('./Wallet');
var _ = require('underscore');
var log = require('../../log');
var Async = module.exports.Async = require('../network/Async');
var Insight = module.exports.Insight = require('../blockchain/Insight');
var StorageLocalEncrypted = module.exports.StorageLocalEncrypted = require('../storage/LocalEncrypted');
* @desc
* WalletFactory - stores the state for a wallet in creation
* @param {Object} config - configuration for this wallet
* @TODO: Don't pass a class for these three components
* -- send a factory or instance, the 'new' call considered harmful for refactoring
* -- arguable, since all of them is called with an object as argument.
* -- Still, could it be hard to refactor? (for example, what if we want to fail hard if a network call gets interrupted?)
* @param {Storage} config.Storage - the class to instantiate to store the wallet (StorageLocalEncrypted by default)
* @param {Object} - the configuration to be sent to the Storage constructor
* @param {Network} config.Network - the class to instantiate to make network requests to copayers (the Async module by default)
* @param {Object} - the configuration to be sent to the Network constructor
* @param {Blockchain} config.Blockchain - the class to instantiate to get information about the blockchain (Insight by default)
* @param {Object} config.blockchain - the configuration to be sent to the Blockchain constructor
* @param {string} config.networkName - the name of the bitcoin network to use ('testnet' or 'livenet')
* @TODO: Investigate what parameters go inside this object
* @param {Object} config.wallet - default configuration for the wallet
* @TODO: put `version` inside of the config object
* @param {string} version - the version of copay for which this wallet was generated (for example, 0.4.7)
function WalletFactory(config, version) {
var self = this;
config = config || {};
this.Storage = config.Storage || StorageLocalEncrypted;
this.Network = config.Network || Async;
this.Blockchain = config.Blockchain || Insight; = new this.Storage(; = new this.Network(;
this.blockchain = new this.Blockchain(config.blockchain);
this.networkName = config.networkName;
this.walletDefaults = config.wallet;
this.version = version;
* @desc
* Returns true if the storage instance can retrieve the following keys using a given walletId
* <ul>
* <li><tt>publicKeyRing</tt></li>
* <li><tt>txProposals</tt></li>
* <li><tt>opts</tt></li>
* <li><tt>privateKey</tt></li>
* </ul>
* @param {string} walletId
* @return {boolean} true if all the keys are present in the storage instance
WalletFactory.prototype._checkRead = function(walletId) {
var s =;
var ret =
s.get(walletId, 'publicKeyRing') &&
s.get(walletId, 'txProposals') &&
s.get(walletId, 'opts') &&
s.get(walletId, 'privateKey');
return !!ret;
* @desc Deserialize an object to a Wallet
* @param {Object} obj
* @param {string[]} skipFields - fields to skip when importing
* @return {Wallet}
WalletFactory.prototype.fromObj = function(obj, skipFields) {
// not stored options
obj.opts.reconnectDelay = this.walletDefaults.reconnectDelay;
// this is only used if private key or public key ring is skipped
obj.opts.networkName = this.networkName;
skipFields = skipFields || [];
if (obj[k]) {
delete obj[k];
} else
throw new Error('unknown field:' + k);
var w = Wallet.fromObj(obj,,, this.blockchain);
if (!w) return false;
w.verbose = this.verbose;
return w;
* @desc Imports a wallet from an encrypted base64 object
* @param {string} base64 - the base64 encoded object
* @param {string} password - password to decrypt it
* @param {string[]} skipFields - fields to ignore when importing
* @return {Wallet}
WalletFactory.prototype.fromEncryptedObj = function(base64, password, skipFields) {;
var walletObj =;
if (!walletObj) return false;
var w = this.fromObj(walletObj, skipFields);
return w;
* @TODO: import is a reserved keyword! DONT USE IT
* @TODO: this is essentialy the same method as {@link WalletFactory#fromEncryptedObj}!
* @desc Imports a wallet from an encrypted base64 object
* @param {string} base64 - the base64 encoded object
* @param {string} password - password to decrypt it
* @param {string[]} skipFields - fields to ignore when importing
* @return {Wallet}
WalletFactory.prototype.import = function(base64, password, skipFields) {
var self = this;
var w = self.fromEncryptedObj(base64, password, skipFields);
if (!w) throw new Error('Wrong password');
return w;
* @desc Retrieve a wallet from storage
* @param {string} walletId - the wallet id
* @param {string[]} skipFields - parameters to ignore when importing
* @return {Wallet}
*/ = function(walletId, skipFields) {
if (!this._checkRead(walletId))
return false;
var obj = {};
var s =; = walletId;
obj.opts = s.get(walletId, 'opts');
obj.publicKeyRing = s.get(walletId, 'publicKeyRing');
obj.txProposals = s.get(walletId, 'txProposals');
obj.privateKey = s.get(walletId, 'privateKey');
obj.addressBook = s.get(walletId, 'addressBook');
obj.backupOffered = s.get(walletId, 'backupOffered');
obj.lastTimestamp = s.get(walletId, 'lastTimestamp');
var w = this.fromObj(obj, skipFields);
return w;
* @desc This method instantiates a wallet
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {string}
* @param {PrivateKey=} opts.privateKey
* @param {string=} opts.privateKeyHex
* @param {number} opts.requiredCopayers
* @param {number} opts.totalCopayers
* @param {PublicKeyRing=} opts.publicKeyRing
* @param {string} opts.nickname
* @param {string} opts.passphrase
* @TODO: Figure out what is this parameter
* @param {?} opts.spendUnconfirmed this.walletDefaults.spendUnconfirmed ??
* @TODO: Figure out in what unit is this reconnect delay.
* @param {number} opts.reconnectDelay milliseconds?
* @param {number=} opts.version
* @return {Wallet}
WalletFactory.prototype.create = function(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
log.debug('### CREATING NEW WALLET.' + ( ? ' USING ID: ' + : ' NEW ID') + (opts.privateKey ? ' USING PrivateKey: ' + opts.privateKey.getId() : ' NEW PrivateKey'));
var privOpts = {
networkName: this.networkName,
if (opts.privateKeyHex && opts.privateKeyHex.length>1) {
privOpts.extendedPrivateKeyString = opts.privateKeyHex;
opts.privateKey = opts.privateKey || new PrivateKey(privOpts);
var requiredCopayers = opts.requiredCopayers || this.walletDefaults.requiredCopayers;
var totalCopayers = opts.totalCopayers || this.walletDefaults.totalCopayers;
opts.lockTimeoutMin = this.walletDefaults.idleDurationMin;
opts.publicKeyRing = opts.publicKeyRing || new PublicKeyRing({
networkName: this.networkName,
requiredCopayers: requiredCopayers,
totalCopayers: totalCopayers,
log.debug('\t### PublicKeyRing Initialized');
opts.txProposals = opts.txProposals || new TxProposals({
networkName: this.networkName,
log.debug('\t### TxProposals Initialized');; =; =;
opts.blockchain = this.blockchain;
opts.verbose = this.verbose;
opts.spendUnconfirmed = opts.spendUnconfirmed || this.walletDefaults.spendUnconfirmed;
opts.reconnectDelay = opts.reconnectDelay || this.walletDefaults.reconnectDelay;
opts.requiredCopayers = requiredCopayers;
opts.totalCopayers = totalCopayers;
opts.version = opts.version || this.version;
var w = new Wallet(opts);;;
return w;
* @desc Checks if a version is compatible with the current version
* @param {string} inVersion - a version, with major, minor, and revision, period-separated (x.y.z)
* @throws {Error} if there's a major version difference
WalletFactory.prototype._checkVersion = function(inVersion) {
var thisV = this.version.split('.');
var thisV0 = parseInt(thisV[0]);
var inV = inVersion.split('.');
var inV0 = parseInt(inV[0]);
//We only check for major version differences
if (thisV0 < inV0) {
throw new Error('Major difference in software versions' +
'. Received:' + inVersion +
'. Current version:' + this.version +
'. Aborting.');
* @desc Throw an error if the network name is different to {@link WalletFactory#networkName}
* @param {string} inNetworkName - the network name to check
* @throws {Error}
WalletFactory.prototype._checkNetwork = function(inNetworkName) {
if (this.networkName !== inNetworkName) {
throw new Error('This Wallet is configured for ' + inNetworkName + ' while currently Copay is configured for: ' + this.networkName + '. Check your settings.');
* @desc Retrieve a wallet from the storage
* @param {string} walletId - the id of the wallet
* @param {string} passphrase - the passphrase to decode it
* @return {Wallet}
*/ = function(walletId, passphrase) {;
var w =;
if (w);;
return w;
* @desc Retrieve all wallets stored without encription in the storage instance
* @returns {Wallet[]}
WalletFactory.prototype.getWallets = function() {
var ret =;
ret.forEach(function(i) { = ? (( + ' <' + + '>')) :;
return ret;
* @desc Deletes this wallet. This involves removing it from the storage instance
* @TODO: delete is a reserved javascript keyword. NEVER USE IT.
* @param {string} walletId
* @TODO: Why is there a callback?
* @callback cb
* @return {?} the result of the callback
WalletFactory.prototype.delete = function(walletId, cb) {
var s =;
return cb();
* @desc Pass through to {@link Wallet#secret}
WalletFactory.prototype.decodeSecret = function(secret) {
try {
return Wallet.decodeSecret(secret);
} catch (e) {
return false;
* @callback walletCreationCallback
* @param {?=} err - an error, if any, that happened during the wallet creation
* @param {Wallet=} wallet - the wallet created
* @desc Start the network functionality.
* Start up the Network instance and try to join a wallet defined by the
* parameter <tt>secret</tt> using the parameter <tt>nickname</tt>. Encode
* information locally using <tt>passphrase</tt>. <tt>privateHex</tt> is the
* private extended master key. <tt>cb</tt> has two params: error and wallet.
* @param {string} secret - the wallet secret
* @param {string} nickname - a nickname for the current user
* @param {string} passphrase - a passphrase to use to encrypt the wallet for persistance
* @param {string} privateHex - the private extended master key
* @param {walletCreationCallback} cb - a callback
WalletFactory.prototype.joinCreateSession = function(secret, nickname, passphrase, privateHex, cb) {
var self = this;
var s = self.decodeSecret(secret);
if (!s) return cb('badSecret');
var privOpts = {
networkName: this.networkName,
if (privateHex && privateHex.length>1) {
privOpts.extendedPrivateKeyString = privateHex;
//Create our PrivateK
var privateKey = new PrivateKey(privOpts);
log.debug('\t### PrivateKey Initialized');
var opts = {
copayerId: privateKey.getId(),
privkey: privateKey.getIdPriv(),
key: privateKey.getIdKey(),
secretNumber : s.secretNumber,
// This is a hack to reconize if the connection was rejected or the peer wasn't there.
var connectedOnce = false;'connected', function(sender, data) {
connectedOnce = true;
});'serverError', function() {
return cb('joinError');
});, function() {,opts.secretNumber);'data', function(sender, data) {
if (data.type === 'walletId') {
if (data.networkName !== self.networkName) {
return cb('badNetwork');
data.opts.privateKey = privateKey;
data.opts.nickname = nickname;
data.opts.passphrase = passphrase; = data.walletId;
var w = self.create(data.opts);
return cb(null, w);
module.exports = WalletFactory;