
2050 lines
64 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Project-Id-Version: copay\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: copay\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: es-ES\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: template.pot\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Last-Translator: cmgustavo83\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish\n"
"Language: es\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-15 09:26-0400\n"
#: www/views/modals/search.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "(possible double spend)"
msgstr "(Posible doble gasto)"
#: www/views/modals/paypro.html
msgid "(Trusted)"
msgstr "(De confianza)"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "[Balance Hidden]"
msgstr "[Balance Oculto]"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "{{fee}} will be deducted for bitcoin networking fees"
msgstr "{{fee}} se descontará por comisión de la red bitcoin"
#: www/views/includes/confirm-tx.html
msgid "{{feeRateStr}} of the transaction"
msgstr "{{feeRateStr}} de la transacción"
#: www/views/copayers.html
#: www/views/includes/walletInfo.html
msgid "{{index.m}}-of-{{index.n}}"
msgstr "{{index.m}}-de-{{index.n}}"
#: www/views/modals/search.html
msgid "{{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}} more"
msgstr "{{index.result.length - index.txHistorySearchResults.length}} más"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "{{index.txProgress}} transactions downloaded"
msgstr "{{index.txProgress}} transacciones descargadas"
#: www/views/includes/sidebar.html
msgid "{{item.m}}-of-{{item.n}}"
msgstr "{{item.m}}-de-{{item.n}}"
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "* A payment proposal can be deleted if 1) you are the creator, and no other copayer has signed, or 2) 24 hours have passed since the proposal was created."
msgstr "* Una propuesta de pago puede ser eliminada si 1) Ud. es el creador, y ningún otro copayer la haya firmado, o 2) hayan transcurrido 24 horas desde la creación de la propuesta."
#: www/views/includes/terms.html
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "<b>OR</b> 1 wallet export file and the remaining quorum of wallet recovery phrases (e.g. in a 3-5 wallet: 1 wallet export file + 2 wallet recovery phrases of any of the other copayers)."
msgstr "<b>O</b> 1 archivo exportado del monedero y el quórum restante de la frase de recuperación (por ejemplo en un monedero 3-5: 1 archivo exportado + 2 frases de recuperación del monedero de cualquiera de los otros copayers)."
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "<b>OR</b> the wallet recovery phrase of <b>all</b> copayers in the wallet"
msgstr "<b>O</b> la frase de recuperación de <b>todos</b> los copayers del monedero"
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "<b>OR</b> the wallet recovery phrases of <b>all</b> copayers in the wallet"
msgstr "<b>O</b> las frases de recuperación de <b>todos</b> los copayers del monedero"
#: www/views/disclaimer.html
msgid "A multisignature bitcoin wallet"
msgstr "Monedero multifirma de bitcoin"
#: www/views/preferencesGlobal.html
msgid "About Copay"
msgstr "Acerca de Copay"
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
#: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js
#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Aceptar"
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Cuenta"
#: www/views/create.html
#: www/views/import.html
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "Account Number"
msgstr "Número de cuenta"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Activity"
msgstr "Actividad"
#: www/views/modals/addressbook.html
msgid "Add a new entry"
msgstr "Agregar una nueva entrada"
#: www/views/create.html
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "Add a Password"
msgstr "Agregar una contraseña"
#: www/views/create.html
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "Add an optional password to secure the recovery phrase"
msgstr "Agregar una contraseña opcional para asegurar la frase de recuperación"
#: www/views/includes/note.html
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "Add comment"
msgstr "Añadir comentario"
#: www/views/includes/sidebar.html
msgid "Add wallet"
msgstr "Agregar monedero"
#: www/views/modals/addressbook.html
#: www/views/modals/customized-amount.html
#: www/views/modals/paypro.html
#: www/views/paymentUri.html
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Dirección"
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Address Type"
msgstr "Tipo de Dirección"
#: www/views/preferences.html
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avanzado"
#: www/views/preferences.html
msgid "Alias"
msgstr "Alias"
#: www/views/preferencesAlias.html
msgid "Alias for <i>{{index.walletName}}</i>"
msgstr "Alias de <i>{{index.walletName}}</i>"
#: www/views/preferencesLanguage.html
#: www/views/translators.html
msgid "All contributions to Copay's translation are welcome. Sign up at and join the Copay project at"
msgstr "Todas las contribuciones a la traducción de Copay son bienvenidas. Regístrese en y únase al proyecto Copay en"
#: www/views/includes/terms.html
msgid "All transaction requests are irreversible."
msgstr "Todas las solicitudes de transacciones son irreversibles."
#: www/views/preferencesGlobal.html
msgid "Alternative Currency"
msgstr "Moneda Alternativa"
#: www/views/includes/output.html
#: www/views/modals/customized-amount.html
#: www/views/paymentUri.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Amount"
msgstr "Importe"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Amount below minimum allowed"
msgstr "Cantidad por debajo del mínimo permitido"
#: www/views/modals/customized-amount.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Amount in"
msgstr "Importe en"
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the recovery phrase?"
msgstr "¿Está seguro que quiere eliminar la frase de recuperación?"
#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?"
msgstr "¿Estas seguro de borrar este monedero?"
#: www/views/includes/walletInfo.html
msgid "Auditable"
msgstr "Auditables"
#: www/views/includes/available-balance.html
msgid "Available Balance"
msgstr "Balance disponible"
#: www/views/preferencesFee.html
msgid "Average confirmation time: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutes"
msgstr "Tiempo promedio de confirmación: {{fee.nbBlocks * 10}} minutos"
#: www/views/includes/topbar.html
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Volver"
#: www/views/preferences.html
msgid "Backup"
msgstr "Copia de seguridad"
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "Backup failed"
msgstr "Falló la copia de seguridad"
#: www/views/paperWallet.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Backup Needed"
msgstr "Se requiere hacer copia de seguridad"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Backup now"
msgstr "Realizar copia de seguridad ahora"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Bad wallet invitation"
msgstr "Invitación incorrecta al monedero"
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Balance By Address"
msgstr "Balance por Dirección"
#: www/views/paperWallet.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Before receiving funds, you must backup your wallet. If this device is lost, it is impossible to access your funds without a backup."
msgstr "Antes de recibir fondos, es necesario hacer una copia de seguridad de su monedero. Si pierde este dispositivo, es imposible tener acceso a sus fondos sin una copia de seguridad."
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "BETA: Android Key Derivation Test:"
msgstr "BETA: Prueba de derivación de claves Android:"
#: www/views/create.html
#: www/views/import.html
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "BIP32 path for address derivation"
msgstr "BIP32 para el camino de derivación de direcciones"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Bitcoin address"
msgstr "Dirección bitcoin"
#: www/views/preferencesGlobal.html
msgid "Bitcoin Network Fee Policy"
msgstr "Política de Comisión de la Red Bitcoin"
#: www/views/preferencesFee.html
msgid "Bitcoin transactions may include a fee collected by miners on the network. The higher the fee, the greater the incentive a miner has to include that transaction in a block. Current fees are determined based on network load and the selected policy."
msgstr "Las transacciones de Bitcoin pueden incluir una comisión colectada por los mineros en la red. Cuanto mayor sea la comisión, mayor será el incentivo para que el minero incluya esa transacción en un bloque. Las comisiones actuales se determinan en base a la carga de la red y a la política seleccionada."
#: www/views/paymentUri.html
msgid "Bitcoin URI is NOT valid!"
msgstr "¡Bitcoin URI no es válida!"
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Broadcast Payment"
msgstr "Enviar Pago"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Broadcasting transaction"
msgstr "Finalizando transacción"
#: www/views/unsupported.html
msgid "Browser unsupported"
msgstr "Navegador no soportado"
#: www/views/includes/sidebar.html
msgid "Buy and Sell"
msgstr "Comprar y Vender"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Calculating fee"
msgstr "Calculando comisión"
#: www/views/includes/confirm-tx.html
#: www/views/includes/note.html
#: www/views/includes/password.html
#: www/views/modals/addressbook.html
#: www/views/modals/confirmation.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
#: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js
#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
#: www/views/copayers.html
msgid "Cancel and delete the wallet"
msgstr "Cancelar y borrar el monedero"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Cannot create transaction. Insufficient funds"
msgstr "No se puede crear transacciones. Insuficiencia de fondos"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Cannot join the same wallet more that once"
msgstr "No puede unirse al mismo monedero más de una vez"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Cannot sign: The payment request has expired"
msgstr "No se pudo firmar: la solicitud de pago ha expirado"
#: www/views/modals/paypro.html
msgid "Certified by"
msgstr "Certificado por"
#: www/views/preferencesAlias.html
msgid "Changing wallet alias only affects the local wallet name."
msgstr "Cambiar el alias del monedero solo afecta al nombre del monedero local."
#: www/views/translators.html
msgid "Chinese"
msgstr "Chino"
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "Choose a backup file from your computer"
msgstr "Seleccione el archivo de copia de seguridad de su computadora"
#: www/views/preferencesHistory.html
msgid "Clear cache"
msgstr "Limpiar cache"
#: www/views/includes/topbar.html
#: www/views/modals/addressbook.html
#: www/views/modals/customized-amount.html
#: www/views/modals/paypro.html
#: www/views/modals/scanner.html
#: www/views/modals/search.html
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Cerrar"
#: www/views/preferences.html
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Color"
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Comentario"
#: www/views/preferencesAbout.html
msgid "Commit hash"
msgstr "Commit hash"
#: www/views/includes/confirm-tx.html
#: src/js/services/confirmDialog.js
#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Confirmar"
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "Confirm your wallet recovery phrase"
msgstr "Confirmar frase de recuperación del monedero"
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "Confirmations"
msgstr "Confirmaciones"
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr "¡Felicitaciones!"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Connecting to Coinbase..."
msgstr "Conectando a Coinbase..."
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Connecting to Glidera..."
msgstr "Conectando a Glidera..."
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Connection reset by peer"
msgstr "Conexión re establecida"
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Continuar"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Copayer already in this wallet"
msgstr "Ya se encuentra en este monedero"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Copayer already voted on this spend proposal"
msgstr "Ya ha votado en esta propuesta de gasto"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Copayer data mismatch"
msgstr "Discrepancia en los datos del Copayer"
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Copayers"
msgstr "Copayers"
#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js
#: src/js/controllers/export.js
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesInformation.js
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Copied to clipboard"
msgstr "Copiado al portapapeles"
#: www/views/export.html
msgid "Copy this text as it is to a safe place (notepad or email)"
msgstr "Copiar el texto como esta en un lugar seguro (bloc de notas o correo electrónico)"
#: www/views/export.html
msgid "Copy to clipboard"
msgstr "Copiar al portapapeles"
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "Could not access the wallet at the server. Please check:"
msgstr "No se pudo acceder al monedero del servidor. Por favor verificar:"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Could not access wallet"
msgstr "No se pudo acceder al monedero"
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Could not access Wallet Service: Not found"
msgstr "No se pudo acceder a Wallet Service: No encontrado"
#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js
msgid "Could not broadcast payment"
msgstr "No se pudo enviar el pago"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Could not build transaction"
msgstr "No se pudo construir la transacción"
#: src/js/services/addressService.js
msgid "Could not create address"
msgstr "No se pudo crear la dirección"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Could not create payment proposal"
msgstr "No se pudo crear la propuesta de pago"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Could not create using the specified extended private key"
msgstr "No se pudo crear el monedero usando la clave privada ingresada"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Could not create using the specified extended public key"
msgstr "No se pudo crear con la clave pública extendida especificada"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Could not create: Invalid wallet recovery phrase"
msgstr "No se pudo crear: frase de recuperación inválida"
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
msgid "Could not decrypt file, check your password"
msgstr "No se pudo descifrar el archivo, verifique su contraseña"
#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js
msgid "Could not delete payment proposal"
msgstr "No se pudo eliminar la propuesta de pago"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Could not fetch payment information"
msgstr "No se pudo obtener información del pago"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Could not get fee value"
msgstr "No se pudo obtener valor de la comisión"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Could not import"
msgstr "No se pudo importar"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Could not import. Check input file and spending password"
msgstr "No se pudo importar. Verifique el archivo y la contraseña para enviar"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Could not join wallet"
msgstr "No se pudo unir al monedero"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Could not recognize a valid Bitcoin QR Code"
msgstr "No se reconoció el código QR de Bitcoin válido"
#: src/js/controllers/modals/txpDetails.js
msgid "Could not reject payment"
msgstr "No se pudo rechazar el pago"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Could not send payment"
msgstr "No se pudo enviar el pago"
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Could not update Wallet"
msgstr "No se pudo actualizar el monedero"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Crear"
#: www/views/create.html
msgid "Create {{requiredCopayers}}-of-{{totalCopayers}} wallet"
msgstr "Crea monedero {{requiredCopayers}}-de-{{totalCopayers}}"
#: www/views/add.html
#: www/views/create.html
msgid "Create new wallet"
msgstr "Crear un nuevo monedero"
#: www/views/includes/sidebar.html
msgid "Create, join or import"
msgstr "Crear, unirse o importar"
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Creado por"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Creating transaction"
msgstr "Creando transacción"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Creating Wallet..."
msgstr "Creando monedero..."
#: www/views/preferencesFee.html
msgid "Current fee rate for this policy: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB"
msgstr "Comisión actual para esta política: {{fee.feePerKBUnit}}/kiB"
#: www/views/translators.html
msgid "Czech"
msgstr "Checo"
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"
#: www/views/paperWallet.html
msgid "Decrypting a paper wallet could take around 5 minutes on this device. please be patient and keep the app open."
msgstr "Descifrar un monedero de papel podría tomar alrededor de 5 minutos en este dispositivo. Por favor, sea paciente y mantenga la aplicación abierta."
#: www/views/copayers.html
msgid "Delete it and create a new one"
msgstr "Borrar y crear uno nuevo"
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Delete Payment Proposal"
msgstr "Eliminar Propuesta de Pago"
#: www/views/preferences.html
msgid "Delete recovery phrase"
msgstr "Eliminar frase de recuperación"
#: www/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html
msgid "Delete Recovery Phrase"
msgstr "Eliminar Frase de Recuperación"
#: www/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html
msgid "Delete wallet"
msgstr "Eliminar monedero"
#: www/views/preferencesAdvanced.html
msgid "Delete Wallet"
msgstr "Eliminar Monedero"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Deleting Wallet..."
msgstr "Eliminando Monedero..."
#: www/views/create.html
#: www/views/import.html
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "Derivation Path"
msgstr "Camino de derivación"
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Derivation Strategy"
msgstr "Estrategia de derivación"
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripción"
#: www/views/modals/coinbase-tx-details.html
#: www/views/modals/customized-amount.html
#: www/views/modals/glidera-tx-details.html
#: www/views/modals/paypro.html
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalles"
#: www/views/preferences.html
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Deshabilitado"
#: www/views/export.html
msgid "Do not include private key"
msgstr "No incluir la clave privada"
#: www/views/preferencesLanguage.html
#: www/views/translators.html
msgid "Don't see your language on Crowdin? Contact the Owner on Crowdin! We'd love to support your language."
msgstr "¿No ve su idioma en Crowdin? Contáctese con el encargado del proyecto! Nos encantaría soportar su idioma."
#: www/views/modals/addressbook.html
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Listo"
#: www/views/export.html
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Descargar"
#: src/js/services/feeService.js
msgid "Economy"
msgstr "Económico"
#: www/views/modals/addressbook.html
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
#: www/views/includes/note.html
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "Edit comment"
msgstr "Editar comentario"
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "Edited by"
msgstr "Editado por"
#: www/views/preferencesEmail.html
msgid "Email for wallet notifications"
msgstr "Correo electrónico para notificaciones del monedero"
#: www/views/preferences.html
msgid "Email Notifications"
msgstr "Notificaciones por Correo electrónico"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Empty addresses limit reached. New addresses cannot be generated."
msgstr "Se ha alcanzado el límite de direcciones vacías. No se pueden generar nuevas direcciones."
#: www/views/preferencesGlobal.html
msgid "Enable Coinbase Service"
msgstr "Habilitar Coinbase"
#: www/views/preferencesGlobal.html
msgid "Enable Glidera Service"
msgstr "Habilitar Glidera"
#: www/views/preferencesGlobal.html
msgid "Enable push notifications"
msgstr "Activar notificaciones push"
#: src/js/controllers/export.js
msgid "Encrypted export file saved"
msgstr "El archivo cifrado se ha exportado y guardado"
#: www/views/create.html
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "Enter the recovery phrase (BIP39)"
msgstr "Introduzca la frase de recuperación (BIP39)"
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "Enter your password"
msgstr "Ingrese su contraseña"
#: www/views/includes/password.html
msgid "Enter your spending password"
msgstr "Introduzca la contraseña para enviar"
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Error at Wallet Service"
msgstr "Error en Wallet Service"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Error creating wallet"
msgstr "Error al crear monedero"
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Expired"
msgstr "Expirada"
#: www/views/modals/paypro.html
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Expires"
msgstr "Expira"
#: www/views/export.html
msgid "Export options"
msgstr "Opciones de exportación"
#: www/views/preferencesHistory.html
msgid "Export to file"
msgstr "Exportar a archivo"
#: www/views/preferencesAdvanced.html
msgid "Export Wallet"
msgstr "Exportar Monedero"
#: www/views/export.html
msgid "Exporting via QR not supported for this wallet"
msgstr "Exportar vía código QR no es compatible para este monedero"
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Extended Public Keys"
msgstr "Claves Públicas Extendidas"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Extracting Wallet Information..."
msgstr "Obteniendo Información del Monedero..."
#: www/views/export.html
msgid "Failed to export"
msgstr "Error al exportar"
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "Failed to verify backup. Please check your information"
msgstr "No se pudo comprobar la copia de seguridad. Por favor verifique su información"
#: www/views/create.html
msgid "Family vacation funds"
msgstr "Fondos para vacaciones en familia"
#: www/views/includes/confirm-tx.html
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Fee"
msgstr "Comisión"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Fetching Payment Information"
msgstr "Obteniendo información del pago"
#: www/views/export.html
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "File/Text"
msgstr "Archivo/Texto"
#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js
msgid "Finger Scan Failed"
msgstr "Fallo en la verificación de la huella"
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "Finalizar"
#: www/views/create.html
msgid "For audit purposes"
msgstr "Para propósitos de auditoría"
#: www/views/translators.html
msgid "French"
msgstr "Francés"
#: www/views/export.html
msgid "From the destination device, go to Add wallet &gt; Import wallet and scan this QR code"
msgstr "Desde el dispositivo de destino, ir a Agregar monedero &gt; Importar y escanear este código QR"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Funds are locked by pending spend proposals"
msgstr "Los fondos están bloqueados por propuestas de gastos pendientes"
#: www/views/paperWallet.html
msgid "Funds found"
msgstr "Fondos encontrados"
#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js
msgid "Funds received"
msgstr "Fondos Recibidos"
#: www/views/paperWallet.html
msgid "Funds will be transferred to"
msgstr "Los fondos serán transferidos a"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Generate new address"
msgstr "Generar nueva dirección"
#: www/views/modals/customized-amount.html
msgid "Generate QR Code"
msgstr "Generar código QR"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Generating .csv file..."
msgstr "Generando archivo .csv..."
#: www/views/translators.html
msgid "German"
msgstr "Alemán"
#: www/views/modals/addressbook.html
msgid "Getting address for wallet {{selectedWalletName}} ..."
msgstr "Obteniendo direcciones para el monedero {{selectedWalletName}} ..."
#: www/views/includes/sidebar.html
msgid "Global preferences"
msgstr "Preferencias globales"
#: www/views/preferences.html
msgid "Hardware wallet"
msgstr "Monedero de Hardware"
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "Hardware Wallet"
msgstr "Monedero Físico"
#: www/views/create.html
#: www/views/export.html
#: www/views/import.html
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "Hide advanced options"
msgstr "Ocultar opciones avanzadas"
#: www/views/disclaimer.html
msgid "I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree with these terms."
msgstr "Confirmo haber leído, entendido y aceptado estos términos."
#: www/views/disclaimer.html
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importar"
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "Import backup"
msgstr "Importar copia de seguridad"
#: www/views/add.html
msgid "Import wallet"
msgstr "Importar monedero"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Importing Wallet..."
msgstr "Importando Monedero..."
#: www/views/includes/terms.html
msgid "In no event shall the authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, or BitPay, Inc. be held liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software."
msgstr "En ningún caso los autores, empleados y afiliados de Bitpay, los titulares de derechos de autor, o BitPay, Inc. serán declarados responsables de los reclamos, daños o cualquier otra responsabilidad, ya sea en una acción de contrato, agravio o de otra manera, que surja fuera de la conexión con el software."
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "In order to verify your wallet backup, please type your password:"
msgstr "Con el fin de verificar la copia de seguridad del monedero, por favor escriba su contraseña:"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Incorrect address network"
msgstr "Dirección de red incorrecta"
#. Trying to import a malformed wallet export QR code
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
msgid "Incorrect code format"
msgstr "Formato de código incorrecto"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Insufficient funds"
msgstr "Fondos insuficientes"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Insufficient funds for fee"
msgstr "Fondos insuficientes para el pago de la comisión"
#: www/views/modals/search.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "Inválido"
#: src/js/controllers/create.js
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
#: src/js/controllers/join.js
msgid "Invalid account number"
msgstr "Número de cuenta inválido"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Invalid address"
msgstr "Dirección inválida"
#: src/js/controllers/create.js
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
#: src/js/controllers/join.js
msgid "Invalid derivation path"
msgstr "Camino de derivación no válido"
#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js
msgid "Invitation to share a Copay Wallet"
msgstr "Invitación para compartir un monedero de Copay"
#: www/views/translators.html
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italiano"
#: www/views/translators.html
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japonés"
#: www/views/create.html
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "John"
msgstr "Juan"
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "Join"
msgstr "Unirse"
#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js
msgid "Join my Copay wallet. Here is the invitation code: {{secret}} You can download Copay for your phone or desktop at"
msgstr "Únase a mi monedero Copay. Aquí esta el código de invitación: {{secret}}. Puedes descargar Copay a su teléfono o computadora desde"
#: www/views/add.html
msgid "Join shared wallet"
msgstr "Unirse a un monedero compartido"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Joining Wallet..."
msgstr "Uniéndose al monedero..."
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Key already associated with an existing wallet"
msgstr "La clave ya esta asociada a un monedero existente"
#: www/views/modals/addressbook.html
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Etiqueta"
#: www/views/preferencesGlobal.html
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Idioma"
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Last Wallet Addresses"
msgstr "Últimas Direcciones del Monedero"
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "Learn more about Copay backups"
msgstr "Más información sobre copias de seguridad en Copay"
#: www/views/preferencesFee.html
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Cargando..."
#: www/views/includes/available-balance.html
msgid "locked by pending payments"
msgstr "bloqueado por pagos pendientes"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Locktime in effect. Please wait to create a new spend proposal"
msgstr "Bloqueo temporal. Por favor espere para crear una nueva propuesta de gasto"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Locktime in effect. Please wait to remove this spend proposal"
msgstr "Bloqueo temporal. Por favor espere para eliminar esta propuesta de gasto"
#: www/views/paymentUri.html
msgid "Make a payment to"
msgstr "Hacer un pago a"
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Matches:"
msgstr "Coincidencias:"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "me"
msgstr "yo"
#: www/views/includes/copayers.html
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Me"
msgstr "Yo"
#: www/views/modals/paypro.html
msgid "Memo"
msgstr "Nota"
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "Merchant message"
msgstr "Mensaje del negocio"
#: www/views/paymentUri.html
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Mensaje"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Missing parameter"
msgstr "Faltan parámetros"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Missing private keys to sign"
msgstr "Faltan las claves privadas para firmar"
#: www/views/modals/search.html
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Moved"
msgstr "Movido"
#: www/views/includes/confirm-tx.html
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Multiple recipients"
msgstr "Varios destinatarios"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "My Bitcoin address"
msgstr "Mi dirección Bitcoin"
#: www/views/modals/addressbook.html
msgid "My contacts"
msgstr "Mis contactos"
#: www/views/modals/addressbook.html
msgid "My wallets"
msgstr "Mis monederos"
#: www/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html
msgid "Need to do backup"
msgstr "Necesita hacer una copias de seguridad"
#: www/views/paymentUri.html
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Red"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Network connection error"
msgstr "Error de conexión a la red"
#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js
msgid "New Payment Proposal"
msgstr "Nueva Propuesta de Pago"
#: src/js/controllers/create.js
#: src/js/controllers/join.js
msgid "New Random Recovery Phrase"
msgstr "Nueva frase de recuperación aleatoria"
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "No hardware wallets supported on this device"
msgstr "No hay monederos hardware compatibles con este dispositivo"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "No transactions yet"
msgstr "Sin transacciones todavía"
#: src/js/services/feeService.js
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Not authorized"
msgstr "No autorizado"
#: www/views/preferences.html
msgid "Not completed"
msgstr "No completado"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Not enough funds for fee"
msgstr "No hay suficientes fondos para la comisión"
#: www/views/modals/addressbook.html
#: www/views/modals/customized-amount.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Not valid"
msgstr "No válido"
#: www/views/includes/output.html
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Nota"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Note: a total of {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}} were excluded. The maximum size allowed for a transaction was exceeded"
msgstr "Nota: se excluyeron un total de {{amountAboveMaxSizeStr}}. El tamaño máximo permitido para una transacción se ha excedido"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Note: a total of {{amountBelowFeeStr}} were excluded. These funds come from UTXOs smaller than the network fee provided."
msgstr "Nota: se excluyeron un total de {{amountBelowFeeStr}}. Estos fondos provienen de UTXOs más pequeños que la tarifa de red suministrada."
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "NOTE: To import a wallet from a 3rd party software, please go to Add Wallet &gt; Create Wallet, and specify the Recovery Phrase there."
msgstr "Nota: Para importar un monedero de un software de tercero, por favor vaya a Añadir Monedero &gt; Crear Monedero, y especificar la frase de recuperación allí."
#: www/views/disclaimer.html
#: www/views/termOfUse.html
msgid "Official English Disclaimer"
msgstr "Renuncia oficial en inglés"
#: www/views/modals/tx-status.html
msgid "OKAY"
msgstr "LISTO"
#: www/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html
msgid "Once you have copied your wallet recovery phrase down, it is recommended to delete it from this device."
msgstr "Una vez que ha copiado la frase de recuperación del monedero en un papel, es recomendable eliminarla del dispositivo."
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Only Main (not change) addresses are shown. The addresses on this list were not verified locally at this time."
msgstr "Sólo las direcciones principales aparecen (no las usadas para el vuelto). Las direcciones de esta lista no fueron verificadas localmente en este momento."
#: www/views/preferencesGlobal.html
msgid "Open Settings app"
msgstr "Abrir Configuración de la Aplicación"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "optional"
msgstr "opcional"
#: www/views/paperWallet.html
msgid "Paper Wallet Private Key"
msgstr "Clave privada del monedero de papel"
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Participants"
msgstr "Participantes"
#: www/views/paperWallet.html
msgid "Passphrase"
msgstr "Contraseña"
#: www/views/create.html
#: www/views/import.html
#: www/views/join.html
#: www/views/paperWallet.html
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contraseña"
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
msgid "Password required. Make sure to enter your password in advanced options"
msgstr "Contraseña necesaria. Asegúrese de introducir su contraseña en opciones avanzadas"
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "Paste invitation here"
msgstr "Pegar invitación aquí"
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "Paste the backup plain text code"
msgstr "Pegar copia de seguridad en texto plano"
#: www/views/paperWallet.html
msgid "Paste your paper wallet private key here"
msgstr "Pegar la clave privada del monedero aquí"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Pasted from clipboard"
msgstr "Pegado desde el portapapeles"
#: www/views/modals/paypro.html
msgid "Pay To"
msgstr "Pagar A"
#: www/views/modals/tx-status.html
msgid "Payment Accepted"
msgstr "Pago Aceptado"
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Payment accepted, but not yet broadcasted"
msgstr "Pago aceptado, pero aún no fue enviado"
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Payment accepted. It will be broadcasted by Glidera. In case there is a problem, it can be deleted 6 hours after it was created."
msgstr "Pago aceptado. Se transmitirá por Glidera. En caso de que haya un problema, puede eliminar la transacción 6 horas después de fue creada."
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Payment details"
msgstr "Detalles del pago"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Payment expires"
msgstr "Pago expira"
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Payment Proposal"
msgstr "Propuesta de Pago"
#: www/views/modals/tx-status.html
msgid "Payment Proposal Created"
msgstr "Propuesta de Pago Creada"
#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js
msgid "Payment Proposal Rejected"
msgstr "Propuesta de Pago Rechazada"
#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js
msgid "Payment Proposal Rejected by Copayer"
msgstr "Propuesta de Pago Rechazada por Copayer"
#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js
msgid "Payment Proposal Signed by Copayer"
msgstr "Propuesta de Pago Firmada por Copayer"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Payment Proposals"
msgstr "Propuestas de Pago"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Payment Protocol Invalid"
msgstr "Protocolo de Pago Inválido"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "Payment Protocol not supported on Chrome App"
msgstr "El protocolo de pago no está soportado en Chrome"
#: www/views/modals/tx-status.html
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Payment Rejected"
msgstr "Pago Rechazado"
#: www/views/modals/paypro.html
msgid "Payment request"
msgstr "Solicitud de pago"
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js
msgid "Payment Sent"
msgstr "Pago Enviado"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Payment to"
msgstr "Pago a"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Pending Confirmation"
msgstr "Confirmación Pendiente"
#: www/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html
msgid "Permanently delete this wallet. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE REVERSED"
msgstr "Borrar permanentemente este monedero. ESTA ACCIÓN NO PUEDE SER REVERTIDA"
#: www/views/create.html
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Personal Wallet"
msgstr "Monedero Personal"
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
msgid "Please enter the recovery phrase"
msgstr "Por favor ingrese la frase de recuperación"
#: src/js/controllers/create.js
#: src/js/controllers/join.js
msgid "Please enter the required fields"
msgstr "Por favor ingrese los campos requeridos"
#: src/js/controllers/create.js
#: src/js/controllers/join.js
msgid "Please enter the wallet recovery phrase"
msgstr "Por favor ingrese la frase de recuperación del monedero"
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "Please tap the words in order to confirm your backup phrase is correctly written."
msgstr "Por favor presione las palabras para confirmar que su copia de seguridad está correctamente escrita."
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Please upgrade Copay to perform this action"
msgstr "Por favor actualice Copay para realizar esta acción"
#: www/views/uri.html
msgid "Please wait to be redirected..."
msgstr "Por favor, espere a ser redirigido..."
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
msgid "Please, select your backup file"
msgstr "Por favor, seleccione el archivo de copia de seguridad"
#: www/views/translators.html
msgid "Polish"
msgstr "Polaco"
#: www/views/paperWallet.html
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Preferencias"
#: src/js/controllers/export.js
msgid "Preparing backup..."
msgstr "Preparando copia de seguridad..."
#: www/views/preferencesHistory.html
msgid "preparing..."
msgstr "preparando..."
#: src/js/routes.js
msgid "Press again to exit"
msgstr "Presione nuevamente para salir"
#: src/js/services/feeService.js
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Prioritario"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Private key is encrypted, cannot sign"
msgstr "La clave privada esta encriptada, no puede firmar"
#: www/views/preferencesGlobal.html
msgid "Push notifications for Copay are currently disabled. Enable them in the Settings app."
msgstr "Notificaciones push para Copay están deshabilitadas. Habilitarla en la configuración de la aplicación."
#: www/views/export.html
#: www/views/modals/customized-amount.html
msgid "QR Code"
msgstr "Código QR"
#: www/views/modals/scanner.html
msgid "QR-Scanner"
msgstr "Lector de QR"
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Recibir"
#: www/views/modals/search.html
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Received"
msgstr "Recibido"
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Recipients"
msgstr "Destinatarios"
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "Recovery Phrase"
msgstr "Frase de Recuperación"
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDeleteWords.js
msgid "Recovery phrase deleted"
msgstr "Frase de recuperación eliminada"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Recreate"
msgstr "Recrear"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Recreating Wallet..."
msgstr "Recreando Monedero..."
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Reject"
msgstr "Rechazar"
#: www/views/preferencesAbout.html
msgid "Release Information"
msgstr "Información de la versión"
#: www/views/modals/addressbook.html
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Eliminar"
#: www/views/export.html
msgid "Repeat password"
msgstr "Escriba nuevamente la contraseña"
#: www/views/export.html
msgid "Repeat the password"
msgstr "Repetir la contraseña"
#: www/views/includes/password.html
msgid "Repeat the spending password"
msgstr "Repetir la contraseña para enviar"
#: www/views/modals/customized-amount.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Request a specific amount"
msgstr "Solicitar importe específico"
#: www/views/preferences.html
msgid "Request Spending Password"
msgstr "Solicitar contraseña para enviar"
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Requerido"
#: www/views/create.html
msgid "Required number of signatures"
msgstr "Número requerido de firmas"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Retrieving inputs information"
msgstr "Recuperando información de las entradas"
#: www/views/translators.html
msgid "Russian"
msgstr "Ruso"
#: www/views/includes/note.html
#: www/views/modals/addressbook.html
#: www/views/preferencesAlias.html
#: www/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html
#: www/views/preferencesEmail.html
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Guardar"
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Scan addresses for funds"
msgstr "Busca direcciones con fondos"
#: www/views/preferences.html
msgid "Scan Fingerprint"
msgstr "Lector de huella digital"
#: src/js/services/notificationsService.js
msgid "Scan Finished"
msgstr "Búsqueda Finalizada"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Scan status finished with error"
msgstr "La búsqueda finalizó con error"
#: www/views/paperWallet.html
msgid "Scan Wallet Funds"
msgstr "Buscar fondos del monedero"
#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js
msgid "Scan your fingerprint please"
msgstr "Por favor ingrese su huella digital"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Scanning Wallet funds..."
msgstr "Buscando fondos en el Monedero..."
#: www/views/modals/search.html
msgid "Search transactions"
msgstr "Buscar transacciones"
#: www/views/modals/search.html
msgid "Search Transactions"
msgstr "Buscar transacciones"
#: www/views/preferences.html
msgid "Security preferences"
msgstr "Preferencias de seguridad"
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "See it on the blockchain"
msgstr "Ver en la blockchain"
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "Select a backup file"
msgstr "Seleccionar el archivo de copia de seguridad"
#: www/views/paymentUri.html
msgid "Select a wallet"
msgstr "Seleccionar un monedero"
#: www/views/modals/paypro.html
msgid "Self-signed Certificate"
msgstr "Certificado autofirmado"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Enviar"
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Send addresses by email"
msgstr "Enviar las direcciones por email"
#: www/views/includes/confirm-tx.html
msgid "Send bitcoin"
msgstr "Enviar bitcoin"
#: www/views/export.html
#: www/views/preferencesLogs.html
msgid "Send by email"
msgstr "Enviar por correo electrónico"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Send Max"
msgstr "Enviar máximo"
#: www/views/includes/transaction.html
msgid "Sending"
msgstr "Enviando"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Sending transaction"
msgstr "Enviando transacción"
#: www/views/modals/search.html
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: www/views/modals/tx-status.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Sent"
msgstr "Enviado"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Server response could not be verified"
msgstr "La respuesta del servidor no se ha podido verificar"
#: www/views/preferencesAbout.html
msgid "Session log"
msgstr "Registro de sesión"
#: www/views/includes/password.html
msgid "SET"
#: www/views/preferencesBwsUrl.html
msgid "Set default url"
msgstr "Establecer URL predeterminada"
#: www/views/export.html
msgid "Set up a password"
msgstr "Configurar una contraseña"
#: www/views/includes/password.html
msgid "Set up a spending password"
msgstr "Configurar contraseña para enviar"
#: www/views/preferencesEmail.html
msgid "Setting up email notifications could weaken your privacy, if the wallet service provider is compromised. Information available to an attacker would include your wallet addresses and its balance, but no more."
msgstr "Configurar notificaciones por correo electrónico podría debilitar su privacidad, si el proveedor de Wallet Service se ve comprometido. La información disponible para un atacante incluiría sus direcciones del monedero y su balance, pero no más."
#: www/views/includes/sidebar.html
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Configuración"
#: www/views/modals/customized-amount.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Share address"
msgstr "Compartir dirección"
#: www/views/copayers.html
msgid "Share invitation"
msgstr "Compartir invitación"
#: www/views/copayers.html
msgid "Share this invitation with your copayers"
msgstr "Compartir esta invitación con sus copayers"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments"
msgstr "Compartir esta dirección del monedero para recibir pagos"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Share this wallet address to receive payments. To protect your privacy, new addresses are generated automatically once you use them."
msgstr "Compartir esta dirección para recibir pagos. Para proteger su privacidad, se generan nuevas direcciones automáticamente luego de recibir un pago."
#: www/views/create.html
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "Shared Wallet"
msgstr "Monedero Compartido"
#: www/views/create.html
#: www/views/export.html
#: www/views/import.html
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "Show advanced options"
msgstr "Mostrar opciones avanzadas"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Signatures rejected by server"
msgstr "Firmas rechazadas por el servidor"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Signing transaction"
msgstr "Firmando transacción"
#: www/views/create.html
msgid "Single Address Wallet"
msgstr "Monedero de una sola dirección"
#: www/views/translators.html
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Español"
#: src/js/controllers/create.js
#: src/js/controllers/join.js
msgid "Specify Recovery Phrase..."
msgstr "Especificar la frase de recuperación..."
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Spend proposal is not accepted"
msgstr "La propuesta de gasto no se ha aceptado"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Spend proposal not found"
msgstr "La propuesta de gasto no se ha encontrado"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Spending Password needed"
msgstr "Se necesita la contraseña para enviar"
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Spending Passwords do not match"
msgstr "Las contraseña para enviar no coinciden"
#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js
#: src/js/controllers/export.js
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Listo"
#: src/js/services/feeService.js
msgid "Super Economy"
msgstr "Súper Económico"
#: www/views/preferencesAdvanced.html
msgid "Sweep paper wallet"
msgstr "Importar monedero en papel"
#: www/views/paperWallet.html
msgid "Sweep Wallet"
msgstr "Importar Monedero"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Sweeping Wallet..."
msgstr "Leyendo el Monedero..."
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Tap and hold to show"
msgstr "Tocar y mantener para mostrar"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Tap to retry"
msgstr "Toque para reintentar"
#: www/views/disclaimer.html
#: www/views/preferencesAbout.html
msgid "Terms of Use"
msgstr "Términos de Uso"
#: www/views/includes/terms.html
msgid "The authors of the software, employees and affiliates of Bitpay, copyright holders, and BitPay, Inc. cannot retrieve your private keys or passwords if you lose or forget them and cannot guarantee transaction confirmation as they do not have control over the Bitcoin network."
msgstr "Los autores de los software, empleados y afiliados de Bitpay, los titulares de derechos de autor, y BitPay, Inc. no pueden recuperar sus claves privadas o contraseñas si se pierde o se olvida de ellos y no se puede garantizar la confirmación de la transacción, ya que no tienen control sobre la red Bitcoin."
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "The derivation path"
msgstr "La ruta de derivación"
#: src/js/services/ledger.js
msgid "The Ledger Chrome application is not installed"
msgstr "La aplicación Ledger de Chrome no esta instalada"
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "The password of the recovery phrase (if set)"
msgstr "La contraseña de la frase de recuperación (si existe)"
#: src/js/controllers/walletHome.js
msgid "The payment was created but could not be completed. Please try again from home screen"
msgstr "El pago fue creado pero no se pudo completar. Por favor intente nuevamente desde la pantalla de inicio"
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "The payment was removed by creator"
msgstr "El pago fue eliminado por el creador"
#: www/views/create.html
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "The recovery phrase could require a password to be imported"
msgstr "La frase de recuperación podría requerir una contraseña para ser importada"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "The request could not be understood by the server"
msgstr "La solicitud no pudo ser comprendida por el servidor"
#: www/views/includes/terms.html
msgid "The software does not constitute an account where BitPay or other third parties serve as financial intermediaries or custodians of your bitcoin."
msgstr "El software no constituye una cuenta donde BitPay u otras terceras partes sirven como intermediarios financieros o custodios de su bitcoin."
#: www/views/includes/terms.html
msgid "The software you are about to use functions as a free, open source, and multi-signature digital wallet."
msgstr "El software que va a utilizar es un monedero digital de código abierto y multi-firmas."
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "The spend proposal is not pending"
msgstr "La propuesta de gasto no esta pendiente"
#: src/js/controllers/copayers.js
#: src/js/controllers/preferencesDelete.js
msgid "The wallet \"{{walletName}}\" was deleted"
msgstr "El monedero \"{{walletName}}\" fue eliminado"
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "The Wallet Recovery Phrase could require a password to be imported"
msgstr "La frase de recuperación del monedero podría requerir una contraseña para ser importado"
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "The wallet service URL"
msgstr "URL de Wallet Service"
#: www/views/paymentUri.html
msgid "There are no wallets to make this payment"
msgstr "No dispone de monederos para realizar este pago"
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "There is a new version of Copay. Please update"
msgstr "Hay una nueva versión de Copay. Por favor actualizar"
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
msgid "There is an error in the form"
msgstr "Hay un error en el formulario"
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "This recovery phrase was created with a password. To recover this wallet both the recovery phrase and password are needed."
msgstr "Esta frase de recuperación fue creada con una contraseña. Para recuperar este monedero, la frase de recuperación y la contraseña son necesarios."
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "This transaction has become invalid; possibly due to a double spend attempt."
msgstr "Esta transacción se ha invalidado; posiblemente debido a un intento de doble gasto."
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "This wallet is not registered at the given Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). You can recreate it from the local information."
msgstr "Este monedero no esta registrado en el servidor de Bitcore Wallet Service (BWS). Debe recrearlo con la información local disponible."
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Hora"
#: www/views/includes/output.html
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "To"
msgstr "Para"
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "To restore this {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} <b>shared</b> wallet you will need"
msgstr "Para restaurar el monedero <b>compartido</b> {{index.m}}-{{index.n}} necesitará"
#: www/views/includes/terms.html
msgid "To the fullest extent permitted by law, this software is provided “as is” and no representations or warranties can be made of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness or a particular purpose and noninfringement."
msgstr "En la máxima medida permitida por la ley, este software se proporciona \"tal cual está\" y no asume la responsabilidad ni ofrece garantías de ningún tipo, expresa o implícita, incluyendo, pero no limitado a las garantías comerciales, de conveniencia o a un propósito particular."
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "too long!"
msgstr "¡demasiado largo!"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Total Locked Balance"
msgstr "Balance Total Bloqueado"
#: www/views/create.html
msgid "Total number of copayers"
msgstr "Número total de copayers"
#: src/js/services/fingerprintService.js
msgid "Touch ID Failed"
msgstr "Falló Touch ID"
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
msgid "Transaction"
msgstr "Transacción"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Transaction already broadcasted"
msgstr "La transacción ya fue enviada"
#: www/views/preferencesAdvanced.html
msgid "Transaction History"
msgstr "Historial de Transacciones"
#: www/views/translators.html
msgid "Translation Credits"
msgstr "Créditos de traducción"
#: www/views/preferencesAbout.html
msgid "Translators"
msgstr "Traductores"
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "Try again"
msgstr "Vuelva a intentarlo"
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "Type the Recovery Phrase (usually 12 words)"
msgstr "Escriba la frase de recuperación (normalmente 12 palabras)"
#: www/views/modals/search.html
#: www/views/modals/tx-details.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Unconfirmed"
msgstr "Sin confirmar"
#: www/views/preferencesGlobal.html
msgid "Unit"
msgstr "Unidad"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Unsent transactions"
msgstr "Transacciones no enviadas"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Updating transaction history. Please stand by."
msgstr "Actualizando el historial de transacciones. Por favor aguarde un momento."
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "Updating Wallet..."
msgstr "Actualizando Monedero..."
#: www/views/preferencesGlobal.html
msgid "Use Unconfirmed Funds"
msgstr "Utilizar los fondos sin confirmar"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Validating recovery phrase..."
msgstr "Validando la frase de recuperación..."
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Validating wallet integrity..."
msgstr "Validación de integridad del monedero..."
#: www/views/preferencesAbout.html
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Versión"
#: www/views/export.html
msgid "View"
msgstr "Ver"
#: www/views/copayers.html
msgid "Waiting for copayers"
msgstr "Esperando a los demás copayers"
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Waiting for Ledger..."
msgstr "Esperando a Ledger..."
#: src/js/services/onGoingProcess.js
msgid "Waiting for Trezor..."
msgstr "Esperando a Trezor..."
#: www/views/copayers.html
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "Esperando..."
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Wallet already exists"
msgstr "El monedero ya existe"
#: src/js/services/profileService.js
msgid "Wallet already in Copay"
msgstr "El monedero ya existe en Copay"
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Wallet Configuration (m-n)"
msgstr "Configuración del Monedero (m-n)"
#: www/views/export.html
msgid "Wallet Export"
msgstr "Exportar Monedero"
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Wallet Id"
msgstr "Id del Monedero"
#: www/views/copayers.html
msgid "Wallet incomplete and broken"
msgstr "Monedero incompleto y roto"
#: www/views/preferencesAdvanced.html
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Wallet Information"
msgstr "Información del Monedero"
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "Wallet Invitation"
msgstr "Invitación para unirse al monedero"
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "Wallet Invitation is not valid!"
msgstr "¡Invitación no válida!"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Wallet is full"
msgstr "El monedero está completo"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Wallet is locked"
msgstr "Monedero bloqueado"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Wallet is not complete"
msgstr "El monedero no esta completo"
#: www/views/create.html
msgid "Wallet name"
msgstr "Nombre del monedero"
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Wallet Name (at creation)"
msgstr "Nombre del Monedero (al crear)"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Wallet needs backup"
msgstr "El monedero requiere copia de seguridad"
#: www/views/preferencesInformation.html
msgid "Wallet Network"
msgstr "Red del Monedero"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Wallet not found"
msgstr "Monedero no encontrado"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Wallet not registered at the wallet service. Recreate it from \"Create Wallet\" using \"Advanced Options\" to set your recovery phrase"
msgstr "El monedero no esta registrado en Wallet Service. Para volver a crear, utilice \"Crear Monedero\", \"Opciones avanzadas\" e ingrese la frase de recuperación"
#: src/js/controllers/index.js
msgid "Wallet Preferences"
msgstr "Preferencias del Monedero"
#: www/views/create.html
#: www/views/import.html
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase"
msgstr "Frase de recuperación del monedero"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Wallet Recovery Phrase is invalid"
msgstr "La frase de recuperación es inválida"
#: www/views/backup.html
#: www/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html
msgid "Wallet recovery phrase not available. You can still export it from Advanced &gt; Export."
msgstr "La frase de recuperación del monedero no está disponible. Todavía puede exportar de avanzado &gt; Exportar."
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Wallet service not found"
msgstr "Wallet Service no encontrado"
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "WARNING: Key derivation is not working on this device/wallet. Actions cannot be performed on this wallet."
msgstr "ADVERTENCIA: Derivación de la clave no funciona en este dispositivo/monedero. Acciones no pueden realizarse en este monedero."
#: www/views/export.html
msgid "WARNING: Not including the private key allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so <b>funds will not be accessible from the export</b>."
msgstr "ADVERTENCIA: No incluir la clave privada permite verificar el saldo del monedero, historial de transacciones y crear propuestas de gastos. Sin embargo, no permite aprobar propuestas (firmar), así que <b>los fondos no serán accesibles al exportar</b>."
#: www/views/create.html
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "WARNING: The password cannot be recovered. <b>Be sure to write it down</b>. The wallet can not be restored without the password."
msgstr "ADVERTENCIA: La contraseña no puede ser recuperada. <b>Asegúrese de escribirlo en papel</b>. El monedero no puede ser restaurado sin la contraseña."
#: www/views/export.html
msgid "WARNING: The private key of this wallet is not available. The export allows to check the wallet balance, transaction history, and create spend proposals from the export. However, does not allow to approve (sign) proposals, so <b>funds will not be accessible from the export</b>."
msgstr "ADVERTENCIA: La clave privada de este monedero no está disponible. La exportación permite verificar el saldo del monedero, historial de transacciones y crear propuestas de gastos en la exportación. Sin embargo, no permite aprobar propuestas (firmar), así que <b>los fondos no serán accesibles al exportar</b>."
#: www/views/modals/txp-details.html
msgid "Warning: this transaction has unconfirmed inputs"
msgstr "Advertencia: esta operación tiene entradas sin confirmar"
#: www/views/modals/paypro.html
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "WARNING: Wallet not registered"
msgstr "ADVERTENCIA: Monedero no registrado"
#: www/views/preferencesDeleteWallet.html
#: www/views/preferencesDeleteWords.html
msgid "Warning!"
msgstr "¡Advertencia!"
#: www/views/includes/terms.html
msgid "We reserve the right to modify this disclaimer from time to time."
msgstr "Nos reservamos el derecho a modificar el presente aviso legal de vez en cuando."
#: www/views/disclaimer.html
#: www/views/includes/terms.html
msgid "While the software has undergone beta testing and continues to be improved by feedback from the open-source user and developer community, we cannot guarantee that there will be no bugs in the software."
msgstr "Mientras que el software ha experimentado pruebas en beta y aún sigue mejorando mediante la retroalimentación de la comunidad de desarrollador y usuarios de código abierto, no podemos garantizar que no habrá errores en el software."
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "Write your wallet recovery phrase"
msgstr "Escriba la frase de recuperación del monedero"
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
msgid "Wrong number of recovery words:"
msgstr "Número incorrecto de palabras:"
#: src/js/services/bwcError.js
msgid "Wrong spending password"
msgstr "Contraseña para enviar incorrecta"
#: www/views/modals/confirmation.html
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Si"
#: www/views/includes/terms.html
msgid "You acknowledge that your use of this software is at your own discretion and in compliance with all applicable laws."
msgstr "Usted reconoce que el uso de este software es bajo tu propia responsabilidad y en cumplimiento con todas las leyes aplicables."
#: www/views/includes/terms.html
msgid "You are responsible for safekeeping your passwords, private key pairs, PINs and any other codes you use to access the software."
msgstr "Usted es responsable de la custodia de sus contraseñas, pares de claves privadas, PIN y cualquier otro código que se utiliza para acceder al software."
#: www/views/includes/terms.html
msgid "You assume any and all risks associated with the use of the software."
msgstr "Usted asume todos los riesgos asociados con el uso del software."
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "You backed up your wallet. You can now restore this wallet at any time."
msgstr "Ya realizó una copia de seguridad de su monedero. Ahora puede restaurarlo en cualquier momento."
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "You can safely install your wallet on another device and use it from multiple devices at the same time."
msgstr "Con seguridad puede instalar su monedero en otro dispositivo y usarlo desde varios dispositivos al mismo tiempo."
#: www/views/walletHome.html
msgid "You do not have any wallet"
msgstr "No tienes ningún monedero"
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "You need the wallet recovery phrase to restore this personal wallet. Write it down and keep them somewhere safe."
msgstr "Necesita la frase de recuperación para restaurar su monedero personal. Anótela y guárdela en algún lugar seguro."
#: www/views/create.html
#: www/views/join.html
msgid "Your nickname"
msgstr "Sobrenombre"
#: www/views/export.html
#: www/views/import.html
msgid "Your password"
msgstr "Contraseña"
#: www/views/includes/password.html
msgid "Your spending password"
msgstr "Contraseña para enviar"
#: src/js/controllers/import.js
msgid "Your wallet has been imported correctly"
msgstr "El monedero se ha importado correctamente"
#: www/views/includes/password.html
msgid "Your wallet key will be encrypted. The Spending Password cannot be recovered. Be sure to write it down"
msgstr "La clave del monedero se cifrará. La contraseña para enviar no puede ser recuperada. Asegúrese de escribirla"
#: www/views/backup.html
msgid "Your wallet recovery phrase and access to the server that coordinated the initial wallet creation. You still need {{index.m}} keys to spend."
msgstr "Su frase de recuperación del monedero y el acceso al servidor que coordina la creación del monedero inicial. Aún necesita de {{index.m}} claves para enviar."