
70 lines
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ng-init="titleSection='Backup'; goBackToState = 'preferences'">
<div class="content p20v" ng-controller="wordsController as wordsC">
<div class="row">
<div class="m10t columns size-14 text-gray" translate>
<span translate>
In order to restore your Copay wallet you will need these 12 backup words.
<span translate class="text-bold">
Write them down and keep them somethere safe
<div class="row m20t" ng-show="!wordsC.mywords">
<div class="columns size-14 text-gray" translate>
The backup words had been deleted from this device
<div ng-show="wordsC.mywords">
<div class="row">
<div class="m10t oh" ng-init="show=false">
<a class="button outline light-gray expand tiny" ng-click="show=!show">
<i class="fi-widget m3r"></i>
<span translate ng-hide="show" ng-click="wordsC.done()">Show Backup Words</span>
<span translate ng-hide="!show">Hide Backup Words</span>
<i ng-if="!show" class="icon-arrow-down4"></i>
<i ng-if="show" class="icon-arrow-up4"></i>
<div class="row" ng-show="show" >
<span class="m10" ng-repeat="word in wordsC.mywords">
<div class="m10 text-center">
<div class="m10 size-14 text-gray" translate>
<span translate>
Once you have wrote your backup words, it is recommended to delete them from this device.
<button class="button outline round dark-gray tiny" ng-click="wordsC.delete()">
<i class="fi-trash"></i>
<span translate>
<div class="row m20t">
<div class="columns size-14 text-gray" translate>
You can safely install your backup on another device and use your wallet from multiple devices at the same time. <a href="#" ng-click="$root.openExternalLink('')">
<span translate>Learn more about Copay backups</span>
<div class="extra-margin-bottom"></div>