
2686 lines
74 KiB

'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var preconditions = require('preconditions').singleton();
var inherits = require('inherits');
var events = require('events');
var async = require('async');
var bitcore = require('bitcore');
var BIP21 = bitcore.BIP21;
var bignum = bitcore.Bignum;
var coinUtil = bitcore.util;
var buffertools = bitcore.buffertools;
var Builder = bitcore.TransactionBuilder;
var SecureRandom = bitcore.SecureRandom;
var Base58Check = bitcore.Base58.base58Check;
var Address = bitcore.Address;
var PayPro = bitcore.PayPro;
var Transaction = bitcore.Transaction;
var log = require('../log');
var cryptoUtil = require('../util/crypto');
var httpUtil = require('../util/HTTP');
var HDParams = require('./HDParams');
var PublicKeyRing = require('./PublicKeyRing');
var TxProposal = require('./TxProposal');
var TxProposals = require('./TxProposals');
var PrivateKey = require('./PrivateKey');
var Async = require('./Async');
var Insight = module.exports.Insight = require('./Insight');
var copayConfig = require('../../config');
var TX_MAX_INS = 70;
* @desc
* Wallet manages a private key for Copay, network and blockchain information.
* @TODO: Split this leviathan.
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {Network} - used to send and retrieve messages from
* copayers
* @param {Blockchain} opts.blockchain - source of truth for what happens in
* the blockchain (utxos, balances)
* @param {number} opts.requiredCopayers - number of required copayers to
* release funds
* @param {number} opts.totalCopayers - number of copayers in the wallet
* @param {boolean} opts.spendUnconfirmed - whether it's safe to spend
* unconfirmed outputs or not
* @param {PublicKeyRing} opts.publicKeyRing - an instance of {@link PublicKeyRing}
* @param {TxProposals} opts.txProposals - an instance of {@link TxProposals}
* @param {PrivateKey} opts.privateKey - an instance of {@link PrivateKey}
* @param {string} opts.version - the version of copay where this wallet was
* created
* @TODO: figure out if reconnectDelay is set in milliseconds
* @param {number} opts.reconnectDelay - amount of seconds to wait before
* attempting to reconnect
* @constructor
function Wallet(opts) {
var self = this;
opts.reconnectDelay = opts.reconnectDelay || 500;
var networkName = Wallet.obtainNetworkName(opts);
preconditions.checkState(( && opts.blockchain) || networkName); = || Wallet._newAsync(opts.networkOpts[networkName]);
opts.blockchain = opts.blockchain || Wallet._newInsight(opts.blockchainOpts[networkName]);;
this.httpUtil = opts.httpUtil || httpUtil;
//required params
['network', 'blockchain',
'requiredCopayers', 'totalCopayers', 'spendUnconfirmed',
'publicKeyRing', 'txProposals', 'privateKey', 'version',
].forEach(function(k) {
preconditions.checkArgument(!_.isUndefined(opts[k]), 'MISSOPT: missing required option for Wallet: ' + k);
self[k] = opts[k];
}); = || Wallet.getRandomId();
this.secretNumber = opts.secretNumber || Wallet.getRandomSecretNumber();
// this.lock = new WalletLock(,, opts.lockTimeOutMin);
this.settings = opts.settings || copayConfig.wallet.settings; =;
this.publicKeyRing.walletId =;
this.txProposals.walletId =;
this.registeredPeerIds = [];
this.addressBook = opts.addressBook || {};
this.publicKey = this.privateKey.publicHex;
this.focusedTimestamp = opts.focusedTimestamp || 0;
this.syncedTimestamp = opts.syncedTimestamp || 0;
this.lastMessageFrom = {};
this.paymentRequestsCache = {};
var networkName = Wallet.obtainNetworkName(opts);
preconditions.checkArgument(, 'Incorrect network parameter');
preconditions.checkArgument(this.blockchain.getTransaction, 'Incorrect blockchain parameter'); = this.totalCopayers; = this.secretNumber;
//network nonces are 8 byte buffers, representing a big endian number
//one nonce for oneself, and then one nonce for each copayer;;
inherits(Wallet, events.EventEmitter);
Wallet.TX_BROADCASTED = 'txBroadcasted';
Wallet.TX_PROPOSAL_SENT = 'txProposalSent';
Wallet.TX_SIGNED = 'txSigned';
Wallet.TX_SIGNED_AND_BROADCASTED = 'txSignedAndBroadcasted';
Wallet.prototype.emitAndKeepAlive = function(args) {
var args =;
log.debug('Wallet Emitting:', args);
this.emit.apply(this, arguments);
* @desc Fixed & Forced TransactionBuilder options, for genererating transactions.
* @static
* @property lockTime null
* @property signhash SIGHASH
* @property fee null (automatic)
* @property feeSat null
Wallet.builderOpts = {
lockTime: null,
signhash: bitcore.Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL,
fee: undefined,
feeSat: undefined,
* @desc static list with persisted properties of a wallet.
* These are the properties that get stored/read from localstorage
1: 1,
2: 2,
3: 3,
4: 4,
5: 4,
6: 3,
7: 3,
8: 2,
9: 2,
10: 2,
11: 1,
12: 1,
Wallet.getStoragePrefix = function() {
return 'wallet::';
Wallet.getStorageKey = function(str) {
return Wallet.getStoragePrefix() + str;
Wallet.prototype.getStorageKey = function() {
return Wallet.getStorageKey(this.getId());
/* for stubbing */
Wallet._newInsight = function(opts) {
return new Insight(opts);
/* for stubbing */
Wallet._newAsync = function(opts) {
return new Async(opts);
* @desc Retrieve a random id for the wallet
* @TODO: Discuss changing to a UUID
* @return {string} 8 bytes, hexa encoded
Wallet.getRandomId = function() {
var r = bitcore.SecureRandom.getPseudoRandomBuffer(8).toString('hex');
return r;
* @desc Retrieve a random secret number to secure wallet secret
* @return {string} 5 bytes, hexa encoded
Wallet.getRandomSecretNumber = function() {
var r = bitcore.SecureRandom.getPseudoRandomBuffer(5).toString('hex')
return r;
* @desc
* Get the maximum allowed number of required copayers.
* This is a limit imposed by the maximum allowed size of the scriptSig.
* @param {number} totalCopayers - the total number of copayers
* @return {number}
Wallet.getMaxRequiredCopayers = function(totalCopayers) {
return Wallet.COPAYER_PAIR_LIMITS[totalCopayers];
* @desc obtain network name from serialized wallet
* @param {Object} wallet object
* @return {string} network name
Wallet.obtainNetworkName = function(obj) {
return obj.networkName ||
(obj.opts ? obj.opts.networkName : null) ||
(obj.publicKeyRing ? (obj.publicKeyRing.networkName || : null) ||
(obj.privateKey ? obj.privateKey.networkName : null);
* @desc Set the copayer id for the owner of this wallet
* @param {string} pubkey - the pubkey to set to the {@link Wallet#seededCopayerId} property
Wallet.prototype.seedCopayer = function(pubKey) {
this.seededCopayerId = pubKey;
Wallet.prototype._newAddresses = function(dontUpdateUx) {
this.emitAndKeepAlive('newAddresses', dontUpdateUx);
* @desc Handles an 'indexes' message.
* Processes the data using {@link HDParams#fromList} and merges it with the
* {@link Wallet#publicKeyRing}.
* @param {string} senderId - the sender id
* @param {Object} data - the data recived, {@see HDParams#fromList}
Wallet.prototype._onIndexes = function(senderId, data) {
var inIndexes = HDParams.fromList(data.indexes);
var hasChanged = this.publicKeyRing.mergeIndexes(inIndexes);
if (hasChanged) {
* @desc
* Changes wallet settings. The settings format is:
* var settings = {
* unitName: 'bits',
* unitToSatoshi: 100,
* alternativeName: 'US Dollar',
* alternativeIsoCode: 'USD',
* };
Wallet.prototype.changeSettings = function(settings) {
this.settings = settings;
* @desc
* Handles a 'PUBLICKEYRING' message from <tt>senderId</tt>.
* <tt>data.publicKeyRing</tt> is expected to be processed correctly by
* {@link PublicKeyRing#fromObj}.
* After successful deserialization, {@link Wallet#publicKeyRing} is merged
* with the received data, a call to {@link Wallet#store} is performed if the
* internal state has changed.
* This locks new incoming connections in case the public key ring is completed
* @param {string} senderId - the sender id
* @param {Object} data - the data recived, {@see HDParams#fromList}
* @param {Object} data.publicKeyRing - data to be deserialized into a {@link PublicKeyRing}
* using {@link PublicKeyRing#fromObj}
* @emits connectionError
Wallet.prototype._onPublicKeyRing = function(senderId, data) {
log.debug('Wallet:' + + ' RECV PUBLICKEYRING:', data);
var inPKR = PublicKeyRing.fromObj(data.publicKeyRing);
var wasIncomplete = !this.publicKeyRing.isComplete();
var hasChanged;
try {
hasChanged = this.publicKeyRing.merge(inPKR, true);
} catch (e) {
log.debug('Wallet:' + + '## WALLET ERROR', e);
this.emitAndKeepAlive('connectionError', e.message);
if (hasChanged) {
if (wasIncomplete) {
if (this.publicKeyRing.isComplete()) {
* @desc
* Retrieves a keymap from a transaction proposal set extracts a maps from
* public key to cosignerId for each signed input of the transaction proposal.
* @param {TxProposals} txp - the transaction proposals
* @return {Object} [pubkey] -> copayerId
Wallet.prototype._getPubkeyToCopayerMap = function(txp) {
var inSig0, keyMapAll = {},
self = this;
var signersPubKeys = txp.getSignersPubKeys();
_.each(signersPubKeys, function(inputSignersPubKey, i) {
var keyMap = self.publicKeyRing.copayersForPubkeys(inputSignersPubKey, txp.inputChainPaths);
if (_.size(keyMap) !== _.size(inputSignersPubKey))
throw new Error('Signature does not match known copayers');
_.extend(keyMapAll, keyMap);
// From here -> only to check that all inputs have the same sigs
var inSigArr = _.values(keyMap);
var inSig = JSON.stringify(inSigArr.sort());
if (!inSig0) {
inSig0 = inSig;
} else {
if (inSig !== inSig0)
throw new Error('found inputs with different signatures');
return keyMapAll;
* @callback transactionCallback
* @param {error} error
* @param {number} transaction ID (if sent)
* @desc
* Asyncchronously check with the blockchain if a given transaction was sent.
* @param {string} ntxid - the transaction proposal
* @param {transactionCallback} cb
Wallet.prototype._checkIfTxIsSent = function(ntxid, cb) {
var txp = this.txProposals.get(ntxid);
var tx =;
var txHex = tx.serialize().toString('hex');
//Use calcHash NOT getHash which could be cached.
var txid = bitcore.util.formatHashFull(tx.calcHash());
this.blockchain.getTransaction(txid, function(err, tx) {
return cb(err, !err ? txid : null);
* @desc Set Incomming Transaction Proposal seen status
* and send `seen` messages to peers if aplicable.
* @param ntxid
Wallet.prototype._setTxProposalSeen = function(txp) {
if (!txp.getSeen(this.getMyCopayerId())) {
* @desc updates Tx Proposal Sent status by checking the blockchain
* @param ntxid
* @param {transactionCallback} cb
Wallet.prototype._updateTxProposalSent = function(txp, cb) {
var self = this;
this._checkIfTxIsSent(txp.getId(), function(err, txid) {
if (err) return cb(err);
if (txid) {
if (cb)
return cb(null, txid, txid ? Wallet.TX_BROADCASTED : null);
* _processTxProposalPayPro
* @desc Process and incoming PayPro TX Proposal. Fetchs the payment request
* from the merchant.
* @param mergeInfo Proposals merge information, as returned by TxProposals.merge
* @return {fetchPaymentRequestCallback}
Wallet.prototype._processTxProposalPayPro = function(txp, cb) {
var self = this;
if (!txp.paymentProtocolURL)
return cb();'Received a Payment Protocol TX Proposal');
url: txp.paymentProtocolURL
}, function(err, merchantData) {
if (err) return cb(err);
// This will verify current TXP data vs. merchantData (e.g., out addresses)
try {
} catch (e) {
err = 'BADPAYPRO: ' + e.toString();
return cb(err);
* @desc Process an NEW incoming transaction proposal. Runs safety and sanity checks on it.
* @param mergeInfo Proposals merge information, as returned by TxProposals.merge
* @return {errCallback}
Wallet.prototype._processIncomingNewTxProposal = function(txp, cb) {
var self = this;
var ntxid = txp.getId();
self._processTxProposalPayPro(txp, function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
var tx =;
if (tx.isComplete() && !txp.getSent())
return cb();
/* only for stubbing */
Wallet.prototype._txProposalFromUntrustedObj = function(data, opts) {
return TxProposal.fromUntrustedObj(data, opts);
* @desc
* Handles a NEW 'TXPROPOSAL' network message
* @param {string} senderId - the id of the sender
* @param {Object} data - the data received
* @param {Object} data.txProposal - first parameter for {@link TxProposals#merge}
* @emits txProposalsUpdated
Wallet.prototype._onTxProposal = function(senderId, data) {
var self = this;
try {
var incomingTx = self._txProposalFromUntrustedObj(data.txProposal, Wallet.builderOpts);
var incomingNtxid = incomingTx.getId();
} catch (e) {
if (this.txProposals.exist(incomingNtxid)) {
log.warn('Ignoring existing tx Proposal:' + incomingNtxid);
self._processIncomingNewTxProposal(incomingTx, function(err) {
if (err) {
log.warn('Corrupt TX proposal received from:', senderId, err.toString());
var pubkeyToCopayerMap = self._getPubkeyToCopayerMap(incomingTx);
self.emitAndKeepAlive('txProposalEvent', {
type: 'new',
cId: senderId,
Wallet.prototype._onSignature = function(senderId, data) {
var self = this;
try {
var localTx = this.txProposals.get(data.ntxid);
} catch (e) {'Ignoring signature for unknown tx Proposal:' + data.ntxid);
localTx.addSignature(senderId, data.signatures);
self.issueTxIfComplete(data.ntxid, function(err, txid) {
self.emitAndKeepAlive('txProposalEvent', {
type: txid ? 'signedAndBroadcasted' : 'signed',
cId: senderId,
* @desc
* Handle a REJECT message received
* @param {string} senderId
* @param {Object} data
* @param {string} data.ntxid
* @emits txProposalsUpdated
* @emits txProposalEvent
Wallet.prototype._onReject = function(senderId, data) {
log.debug('Wallet:' + + ' RECV REJECT:', data);
try {
var txp = this.txProposals.get(data.ntxid);
} catch (e) {;
if (txp) {
if (txp.signedBy[senderId])
throw new Error('Received Reject for an already signed TX from:' + senderId);
this.emitAndKeepAlive('txProposalEvent', {
type: 'rejected',
cId: senderId,
txId: data.ntxid
* @desc
* Handle a SEEN message received
* @param {string} senderId
* @param {Object} data
* @param {string} data.ntxid
* @emits txProposalsUpdated
* @emits txProposalEvent
Wallet.prototype._onSeen = function(senderId, data) {
try {
var txp = this.txProposals.get(data.ntxid);
} catch (e) {};
if (txp) {
this.emitAndKeepAlive('txProposalEvent', {
type: 'seen',
cId: senderId,
txId: data.ntxid
* @desc
* Handle a ADDRESSBOOK message received
* @param {string} senderId
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Object} data.addressBook
* @emits addressBookUpdated
* @emits txProposalEvent
Wallet.prototype._onAddressBook = function(senderId, data) {
if (!data.addressBook || !_.isObject(data.addressBook))
var self = this,
_.each(data.addressBook, function(value, key) {
if (!self.addressBook[key] && Address.validate(key)) {
self.addressBook[key] = _.pick(value, ['createdTs', 'label']);
// Force author to senderId.
self.addressBook[key].copayerId = senderId;
hasChange = true;
if (hasChange) {
* @desc Updates the wallet's last modified timestamp and triggers a save
* @param {number} ts - the timestamp
Wallet.prototype.updateFocusedTimestamp = function(ts) {
preconditions.checkArgument(ts > 2999999999, 'use miliseconds');
this.focusedTimestamp = ts;
Wallet.prototype.updateSyncedTimestamp = function(ts) {
preconditions.checkArgument(ts > 2999999999999, 'use microseconds');
this.syncedTimestamp = ts;
* @desc Called when there are no messages in the server
* Triggers a call to {@link Wallet#sendWalletReady}
Wallet.prototype._onNoMessages = function() {
log.debug('Wallet:' + + ' No messages at the server. Requesting peer sync from: ' + (this.syncedTimestamp + 1));
this.sendWalletReady(null, parseInt((this.syncedTimestamp + 1) / 1000000));
* @desc Demultiplexes a new message received through the wire
* @param {string} senderId - the sender id
* @param {Object} data - the received object
* @param {number} ts - the timestamp when this object was received
* @emits corrupt
Wallet.prototype._onData = function(senderId, data, ts) {
log.debug('Wallet:' + this.getName() + ' RECV:', data.type, data, senderId);
if (data.type !== 'walletId' && !== data.walletId) {
log.debug('Wallet:' + + ' Received corrupt message:', data)
this.emitAndKeepAlive('corrupt', senderId);
switch (data.type) {
// This handler is repeaded on WalletFactory (#join). TODO
case 'walletId':
case 'walletReady':
if (this.lastMessageFrom[senderId] !== 'walletReady') {
log.debug('Wallet:' + + ' peer Sync received. since: ' + (data.sinceTs || 0));
this.sendAllTxProposals(senderId, data.sinceTs); // send old txps
case 'publicKeyRing':
this._onPublicKeyRing(senderId, data);
case 'reject':
this._onReject(senderId, data);
case 'seen':
this._onSeen(senderId, data);
case 'txProposal':
this._onTxProposal(senderId, data);
case 'signature':
this._onSignature(senderId, data);
case 'indexes':
this._onIndexes(senderId, data);
case 'addressbook':
this._onAddressBook(senderId, data);
// unused messages
case 'disconnect':
//case 'an other unused message':
throw new Error('unknown message type received: ' + data.type + ' from: ' + senderId)
this.lastMessageFrom[senderId] = data.type;
* @desc Handles a connect message
* @param {string} newCopayerId - the new copayer in the wallet
* @emits connect
Wallet.prototype._onConnect = function(newCopayerId) {
if (newCopayerId) {
log.debug('Wallet:' + + '#### Setting new COPAYER:', newCopayerId);
var peerID =;
this.emitAndKeepAlive('connect', peerID);
* @desc Returns the network name for this wallet ('testnet' or 'livenet')
* @return {string}
Wallet.prototype.getNetworkName = function() {
* @return {bool}
Wallet.prototype.isTestnet = function() {
return === 'testnet';
* @desc Serialize options into an object
* @return {Object} with keys <tt>id</tt>, <tt>spendUnconfirmed</tt>,
* <tt>requiredCopayers</tt>, <tt>totalCopayers</tt>, <tt>name</tt>,
* <tt>version</tt>
Wallet.prototype._optsToObj = function() {
var obj = {
spendUnconfirmed: this.spendUnconfirmed,
requiredCopayers: this.requiredCopayers,
totalCopayers: this.totalCopayers,
version: this.version,
networkName: this.getNetworkName(),
return obj;
* @desc Retrieve the copayerId pubkey for a given index
* @param {number=} index - the index of the copayer, ours by default
* @return {string} hex-encoded pubkey
Wallet.prototype.getCopayerId = function(index) {
return this.publicKeyRing.getCopayerId(index || 0);
* @desc Get my own pubkey
* @return {string} hex-encoded pubkey
Wallet.prototype.getMyCopayerId = function() {
return this.getCopayerId(0); //copayer id is hex of a public key
* @desc Retrieve my private key
* @return {string} hex-encoded private key
Wallet.prototype.getMyCopayerIdPriv = function() {
return this.privateKey.getIdPriv(); //copayer idpriv is hex of a private key
* @desc Get my own nickname
* @return {string} copayer nickname
Wallet.prototype.getMyCopayerNickname = function() {
return this.publicKeyRing.nicknameForCopayer(this.getMyCopayerId());
* @desc Returns the secret value for other users to join this wallet
* @return {string} my own pubkey, base58 encoded
Wallet.prototype.getSecretNumber = function() {
return this.secretNumber;
* @desc Returns the secret number used to prevent MitM attacks from Insight
* @return {string}
Wallet.prototype.getSecret = function() {
var buf = new Buffer(
this.getMyCopayerId() +
this.getSecretNumber() +
(this.getNetworkName() === 'livenet' ? '00' : '01'),
var str = Base58Check.encode(buf);
return str;
* @desc Returns an object with a <tt>pubKey</tt> value, an hex representation
* of a public key
* @param {string} secretB - the secret to be base58-decoded
* @return {Object}
Wallet.decodeSecret = function(secretB) {
try {
var secret = Base58Check.decode(secretB);
var pubKeyBuf = secret.slice(0, 33);
var secretNumber = secret.slice(33, 38);
var networkName = secret.slice(38, 39).toString('hex') === '00' ? 'livenet' : 'testnet';
return {
pubKey: pubKeyBuf.toString('hex'),
secretNumber: secretNumber.toString('hex'),
networkName: networkName,
} catch (e) {
return false;
* @desc Locks other sessions from connecting to the wallet
* @see Async#lockIncommingConnections
Wallet.prototype._lockIncomming = function() {;
Wallet.prototype._setBlockchainListeners = function() {
var self = this;
log.debug('Setting Blockchain listeners for', this.getName());
self.blockchain.on('reconnect', function(attempts) {
log.debug('Wallet:' + + 'blockchain reconnect event');
self.blockchain.on('disconnect', function() {
log.debug('Wallet:' + + 'blockchain disconnect event');
self.blockchain.on('tx', function(tx) {
log.debug('Wallet:' + + ' blockchain tx event');
var addresses = self.getAddressesInfo();
var addr = _.findWhere(addresses, {
addressStr: tx.address
if (addr) {
self.emitAndKeepAlive('tx', tx.address, addr.isChange);
if (!self.spendUnconfirmed) {
self.blockchain.on('block', self.emitAndKeepAlive.bind(self, 'balanceUpdated'));
* @desc Sets up the networking with other peers.
* @emits connect
* @emits data
* @emits ready
* @emits txProposalsUpdated
* @TODO: FIX PROTOCOL -- emit with a space is shitty
* @emits no messages
Wallet.prototype.netStart = function() {
var self = this;
if (!this.isShared()) {
var net =;
net.on('connect', self._onConnect.bind(self));
net.on('data', self._onData.bind(self));
net.on('no messages', self._onNoMessages.bind(self));
net.on('connect_error', function() {
if (this.publicKeyRing.isComplete()) {
if (net.started) {
log.debug('Wallet:' + self.getName() + ': Wallet networking was ready')
self.emitAndKeepAlive('ready', net.getPeer());
var myId = self.getMyCopayerId();
var myIdPriv = self.getMyCopayerIdPriv();
var startOpts = {
copayerId: myId,
privkey: myIdPriv,
maxPeers: self.totalCopayers,
syncedTimestamp: this.syncedTimestamp || 0,
secretNumber: self.secretNumber,
log.debug('Wallet:' + + ' Starting network.');
net.start(startOpts, function() {
self.emitAndKeepAlive('ready', net.getPeer());
* @desc Retrieves the public keys of all the copayers in the ring
* @return {string[]} hex-encoded public keys of copayers
Wallet.prototype.getRegisteredCopayerIds = function() {
var l = this.publicKeyRing.registeredCopayers();
var copayers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
var cid = this.getCopayerId(i);
return copayers;
* @desc Retrieves the public keys of all the peers in the network
* @TODO: Isn't this deprecated? Now that we don't use peerjs
* @return {string[]} hex-encoded public keys of copayers
Wallet.prototype.getRegisteredPeerIds = function() {
var l = this.publicKeyRing.registeredCopayers();
if (this.registeredPeerIds.length !== l) {
this.registeredPeerIds = [];
var copayers = this.getRegisteredCopayerIds();
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
var cid = copayers[i];
var pid =;
peerId: pid,
copayerId: cid,
nick: this.publicKeyRing.nicknameForCopayer(cid),
index: i,
return this.registeredPeerIds;
* @TODO: Review design of this call
* @desc Send a keepalive to this wallet's {@link WalletLock} instance.
* @emits locked - in case the wallet is opened in another instance
Wallet.prototype.keepAlive = function() {
var self = this;
// this.lock.keepAlive(function(err) {
// if (err) {
// log.debug(err);
// self.emitAndKeepAlive('locked', null, 'Wallet appears to be openned on other browser instance. Closing this one.');
// }
// });
Wallet.prototype.getId = function() {
* @desc Serialize the wallet into a plain object.
* @return {Object}
Wallet.prototype.toObj = function() {
var optsObj = this._optsToObj();
var walletObj = {
opts: optsObj,
settings: this.settings,
networkNonce:, //yours
networkNonces:, //copayers
publicKeyRing: this.publicKeyRing.toObj(),
txProposals: this.txProposals.toObj(),
privateKey: this.privateKey ? this.privateKey.toObj() : undefined,
addressBook: this.addressBook,
syncedTimestamp: this.syncedTimestamp || 0,
focusedTimestamp: this.focusedTimestamp || 0,
secretNumber: this.secretNumber,
return walletObj;
* @desc: returns the sizes, by component, of a wallet, in bytes.
* @return {object} sizes by component name and 'total' for the total wallet size.
Wallet.prototype.sizes = function() {
var obj = this.toObj();
var sizes = {},
total = 0;
_.each(obj, function(val, key) {
var s = JSON.stringify(val).length;
sizes[key] = s;
total += s;
}); = total;
return sizes;
Wallet.fromUntrustedObj = function(obj, readOpts) {
obj = _.clone(obj);
var o = {};
_.each(Wallet.PERSISTED_PROPERTIES, function(p) {
o[p] = obj[p];
return Wallet.fromObj(o, readOpts);
* @desc Retrieve the wallet state from a trusted object
* @param {Object} o
* @param {Object[]} o.addressBook - Stores known associations of bitcoin addresses to names
* @param {Object} o.privateKey - Private key to be deserialized by {@link PrivateKey#fromObj}
* @param {string} o.networkName - 'livenet' or 'testnet'
* @param {Object} o.publicKeyRing - PublicKeyRing to be deserialized by {@link PublicKeyRing#fromObj}
* @param {number} o.syncedTimestamp - ts of the last synced message with insifht (in microseconds, as insight returns ts)
* @param {number} o.focusedTimestamp - last time this wallet was focused (open) by a user (in miliseconds)
* @param {Object} o.txProposals - TxProposals to be deserialized by {@link TxProposals#fromObj}
* @param {string} o.nickname - user's nickname
* @param
* @param readOpts.blockchain
* @param readOpts.{string[]} skipFields - parameters to ignore when importing
Wallet.fromObj = function(o, readOpts) {
var networkOpts = readOpts.networkOpts;
var blockchainOpts = readOpts.blockchainOpts;
var skipFields = readOpts.skipFields || [];
if (skipFields) {
_.each(skipFields, function(k) {
if (o[k]) {
delete o[k];
} else {
throw new Error('unknown field:' + k);
var networkName = Wallet.obtainNetworkName(o);
// TODO Why moving everything to opts. This needs refactoring.
// clone opts
if (!o.opts) {
return null;
var opts = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o.opts));
opts.addressBook = o.addressBook;
opts.settings = o.settings;
if (o.privateKey) {
opts.privateKey = PrivateKey.fromObj(o.privateKey);
} else {
opts.privateKey = new PrivateKey({
networkName: networkName
opts.secretNumber = o.secretNumber;
if (o.publicKeyRing) {
opts.publicKeyRing = PublicKeyRing.fromObj(o.publicKeyRing);
} else {
opts.publicKeyRing = new PublicKeyRing({
networkName: networkName,
requiredCopayers: opts.requiredCopayers,
totalCopayers: opts.totalCopayers,
if (o.txProposals) {
opts.txProposals = TxProposals.fromObj(o.txProposals, Wallet.builderOpts);
} else {
opts.txProposals = new TxProposals({
networkName: networkName,
opts.syncedTimestamp = o.syncedTimestamp || 0;
opts.focusedTimestamp = o.focusedTimestamp || 0;
opts.blockchainOpts = readOpts.blockchainOpts;
opts.networkOpts = readOpts.networkOpts;
return new Wallet(opts);
* @desc sends a message to peers
* @param {string[]} recipients - the pubkey of the recipients of the message. Null for sending to all peers.
* @param {Object} obj - the data to be sent to them.
* @param {String} obj.type - Type of the message to be send
Wallet.prototype._sendToPeers = function(recipients, obj) {
if (!this.isShared()) return;'Wallet:' + this.getName() + ' ### Sending ' + obj.type);
log.debug('Sending obj', obj);, obj);
* @desc Send the set of TxProposals to peers
* @param {string[]} recipients - the pubkeys of the recipients
Wallet.prototype.sendAllTxProposals = function(recipients, sinceTs) {
var ntxids = sinceTs ? this.txProposals.getNtxidsSince(sinceTs) : this.txProposals.getNtxids();
var self = this;
_.each(ntxids, function(ntxid, key) {
self.sendTxProposal(ntxid, recipients);
* @desc Send a TxProposal identified by transaction id to a set of recipients
* @param {string} ntxid - the transaction proposal id
* @param {string[]} [recipients] - the pubkeys of the recipients
Wallet.prototype.sendTxProposal = function(ntxid, recipients) {
this._sendToPeers(recipients, {
type: 'txProposal',
txProposal: this.txProposals.get(ntxid).toObjTrim(),
* @desc Notifies other peers that a transaction proposal was seen
* @param {string} ntxid
Wallet.prototype.sendSeen = function(ntxid) {
this._sendToPeers(null, {
type: 'seen',
ntxid: ntxid,
* @desc Notifies other peers that a transaction proposal was rejected
* @param {string} ntxid
Wallet.prototype.sendReject = function(ntxid) {
this._sendToPeers(null, {
type: 'reject',
ntxid: ntxid,
* @desc Send a signature for a TX Proposal
* @param {string} ntxid
Wallet.prototype.sendSignature = function(ntxid) {
var txp = this.txProposals.get(ntxid);
var signatures = txp.getMySignatures();
preconditions.checkState(signatures && signatures.length);
this._sendToPeers(null, {
type: 'signature',
ntxid: ntxid,
signatures: signatures,
* @desc Notify other peers that a wallet has been backed up and it's ready to be used
* @param {string[]} [recipients] - the pubkeys of the recipients
Wallet.prototype.sendWalletReady = function(recipients, sinceTs) {
this._sendToPeers(recipients, {
type: 'walletReady',
sinceTs: sinceTs,
* @desc Notify other peers of the walletId
* @TODO: Why is this needed? Can't everybody just calculate the walletId?
* @param {string[]} [recipients] - the pubkeys of the recipients
Wallet.prototype.sendWalletId = function(recipients) {
this._sendToPeers(recipients, {
type: 'walletId',
opts: this._optsToObj(),
networkName: this.getNetworkName(),
* @desc Send the current PublicKeyRing to other recipients
* @param {string[]} [recipients] - the pubkeys of the recipients
Wallet.prototype.sendPublicKeyRing = function(recipients) {
var publicKeyRingObj = this.publicKeyRing.toObj();
this._sendToPeers(recipients, {
type: 'publicKeyRing',
publicKeyRing: publicKeyRingObj,
* @desc Send the current indexes of our public key ring to other peers
* @param {string[]} recipients - the pubkeys of the recipients
Wallet.prototype.sendIndexes = function(recipients) {
var indexes = HDParams.serialize(this.publicKeyRing.indexes);
this._sendToPeers(recipients, {
type: 'indexes',
indexes: indexes,
* sendAddressBook
* @desc Send our addressBook to other recipients
* @param {string[]} recipients - the pubkeys of the recipients
* @param onlyKey
* @return {undefined}
Wallet.prototype.sendAddressBook = function(recipients, onlyKey) {
var toSend = [],
myId = this.getMyCopayerId();
if (onlyKey && this.addressBook[onlyKey]) {
toSend = {};
toSend[onlyKey] = this.addressBook[onlyKey];
} else {
toSend = _.filter(this.addressBook, function(entry) {
return entry.copayerId === myId;
if (_.isEmpty(toSend)) return;
this._sendToPeers(recipients, {
type: 'addressbook',
addressBook: toSend,
* @desc Retrieve this wallet's name
* @return {string}
Wallet.prototype.getName = function() {
return ||;
* @desc Generate a new address
* @param {boolean} isChange - whether to generate a change address or a receive address
* @return {string[]} a list of all the addresses generated so far for the wallet
Wallet.prototype._doGenerateAddress = function(isChange) {
return this.publicKeyRing.generateAddress(isChange, this.publicKey);
* @callback addressCallback
* @param {string} addr - all the addresses of the wallet
* @desc Generate a new address
* @param {boolean} isChange - whether to generate a change address or a receive address
* @param {addressCallback} cb
* @return {string[]} a list of all the addresses generated so far for the wallet
Wallet.prototype.generateAddress = function(isChange, cb) {
var addr = this._doGenerateAddress(isChange);
if (cb) return cb(addr);
return addr;
* TODO: get this out of here
* @desc get list of actions (see {@link getPendingTxProposals})
Wallet.prototype._getActionList = function(txp) {
var self = this;
var peers = [];
_.each(self.getRegisteredCopayerIds(), function(copayerId) {
var actions = {
rejected: txp.rejectedBy[copayerId],
sign: txp.signedBy[copayerId],
seen: txp.seenBy[copayerId],
create: (txp.creator === copayerId) ? txp.createdTs : null,
cId: copayerId,
actions: actions,
return peers;
* @desc Retrieve Pendings Transaction proposals (see {@link TxProposals})
* @return {Object[]} each object returned represents a transaction proposal
Wallet.prototype.getPendingTxProposals = function() {
var self = this;
var ret = [];
ret.txs = [];
var pendingForUs = 0;
var txps = this.txProposals.txps;
var maxRejectCount = this.maxRejectCount();
var satToUnit = 1 / this.settings.unitToSatoshi;
_.each(txps, function(inTxp, ntxid) {
if (!inTxp.isPending(maxRejectCount))
var txp = _.clone(inTxp);
txp.ntxid = ntxid;
var addresses = {};
var outs = JSON.parse(txp.builder.vanilla.outs);
outs.forEach(function(o) {
if (!self.addressIsOwn(o.address)) {
if (!addresses[o.address]) addresses[o.address] = 0;
addresses[o.address] += (o.amountSatStr || Math.round(o.amount * bitcore.util.COIN));
txp.outs = [];
_.each(addresses, function(value, address) {
address: address,
value: value * satToUnit
// extra fields
txp.fee = txp.builder.feeSat * satToUnit;
txp.missingSignatures =;
txp.actionList = self._getActionList(txp);
ret.pendingForUs = pendingForUs;
return ret;
* @desc Removes old transactions
* @param {boolean} deleteAll - if true, remove all the transactions
* @return {number} the number of deleted proposals
Wallet.prototype.purgeTxProposals = function(deleteAll) {
var deleted = this.txProposals.purge(deleteAll, this.maxRejectCount());
if (deleted) {
return deleted;
* @desc Reject a proposal
* @param {string} ntxid the id of the transaction proposal to reject
* @emits txProposalsUpdated
Wallet.prototype.reject = function(ntxid) {
var txp = this.txProposals.get(ntxid);
* @callback signCallback
* @param {Error} error if any
* @param {number} Transaction ID or Transaction Proposal ID
* @param {status} Wallet.TX_* Status:
* @desc Signs a transaction proposal
* @param {string} ntxid the id of the transaction proposal to sign
* @emits txProposalsUpdated
* @throws {Error} Could not sign proposal
* @throws {Error} Bad payment request
* @return {boolean} true if signing actually incremented the number of signatures
* @emits txProposalsUpdated
Wallet.prototype.sign = function(ntxid) {
var txp = this.txProposals.get(ntxid);
var keys = this.privateKey.getForPaths(txp.inputChainPaths);
var signaturesAdded = txp.sign(keys, this.getMyCopayerId());
if (!signaturesAdded)
return false;
return true;
Wallet.prototype.issueTxIfComplete = function(ntxid, cb) {
var txp = this.txProposals.get(ntxid);
var tx =;
if (tx.isComplete()) {
this.issueTx(ntxid, cb);
} else {
return cb();
* @desc signs and send or broadcast a transaction.
* In m-n wallets,
* if m==1 it will broadcast it to the Bitcoin Network
* if n>1 it will send the proposal to the peers
* @param ntxid Transaction Proposal Id
* @param {signCallback} cb
* @throws {Error} Could not sign proposal
Wallet.prototype.signAndSend = function(ntxid, cb) {
if (this.sign(ntxid)) {
this.issueTxIfComplete(ntxid, function(err, txid, status) {
if (!txid)
return cb(null, ntxid, Wallet.TX_SIGNED);
return cb(null, ntxid, Wallet.TX_SIGNED_AND_BROADCASTED);
} else {
return cb(new Error('Could not sign the proposal'));
* @desc Broadcast a tx proposal. In case of failure, check if the resulting
* transactions is already on the blockchain.
* @param ntxid
* @param cb
* @return {undefined}
Wallet.prototype.broadcastToBitcoinNetwork = function(ntxid, cb) {
var self = this;
var txp = this.txProposals.get(ntxid);
var tx =;
preconditions.checkState(tx.isComplete(), 'tx is not complete');
var txHex = tx.serialize().toString('hex');'Wallet:' + + ' Broadcasting Transaction ntxid:' + ntxid);
log.debug('\tRaw transaction: ', txHex);
this.blockchain.broadcast(txHex, function(err, txid) {
if (err || !txid) {'Wallet:' + self.getName() + '. Sent failed:' +
err + '. Checking if the TX was sent already');
self._checkIfTxIsSent(ntxid, function(err, txid) {
return cb(err, txid);
} else {'Wallet:' + self.getName() + ' broadcasted a TX! TXID:', txid);
return cb(null, txid);
* @desc Broadcasts a transaction to the blockchain, updates tx transactions
* sent status. If the tx proposal is a payment protocol request,it will also
* send the payment message to the server,and process the response.
* @param {string} ntxid - the transaction proposal id
* @param {string} txid - the transaction id on the blockchain
* @param {signCallback} cb
Wallet.prototype.issueTx = function(ntxid, cb) {
var self = this;
self.broadcastToBitcoinNetwork(ntxid, function(err, txid) {
if (err) return cb(err);
var txp = self.txProposals.get(ntxid);
// PAYPRO: Payment message is optional, only if payment_url is set
// This is async. and will notify and update txp async.
if (txp.merchant && {
var data = self.createPayProPayment(txp);
self.sendPayProPayment(txp, data, function(err, data) {
if (err) return cb(err);
self.onPayProPaymentAck(ntxid, data);
return cb(null, txid, Wallet.TX_BROADCASTED);
* @callback {fetchPaymentRequestCallback}
* @param {string=} err - an error, if any
* @param {Object} merchantData - object representing the payment request. Add described on BIP70 merchant_data
* @desc Creates a Payment Protocol transaction
* @param {Object|string} options - if it's a string, parse it as the url
* @param {string} options.url the url for the transaction
* @return {fetchPaymentRequestCallback} cb
Wallet.prototype.fetchPaymentRequest = function(options, cb) {
preconditions.checkArgument(options.url.indexOf('http') == 0, 'Bad PayPro URL given:' + options.url);
var self = this;
if (self.paymentRequestsCache[options.url])
return cb(null, self.paymentRequestsCache[options.url]);
method: 'GET',
url: options.url,
headers: {
responseType: 'arraybuffer'
.success(function(rawData) {'PayPro Request done successfully. Parsing response')
var merchantData, err;
try {
merchantData = self.parsePaymentRequest(options, rawData);
} catch (e) {
err = e
log.debug('PayPro request data', merchantData);
self.paymentRequestsCache[options.url] = merchantData;
return cb(err, merchantData);
.error(function(data, status) {
log.debug('Server did not return PaymentRequest.\nXHR status: ' + status);
return cb(new Error('Status: ' + status));
* _addOutputsToMerchantData
* @desc parses merchant_data internal output representation and stores
* the result in merchant_data.outs = [{address: xx, amountSatStr: xx}],
* to be compatible with TransactionBuilder.
* @param merchantData BIP70 merchant_data (from the payment request)
* @throws {Error} PayPro: Unsupported inputs
* @return {undefined}
Wallet.prototype._addOutputsToMerchantData = function(merchantData) {
var total = bignum(0);
var outs = {};
_.each(, function(output) {
var amount = output.amount;
// big endian
var v = new Buffer(8);
v[0] = (amount.high >> 24) & 0xff;
v[1] = (amount.high >> 16) & 0xff;
v[2] = (amount.high >> 8) & 0xff;
v[3] = (amount.high >> 0) & 0xff;
v[4] = (amount.low >> 24) & 0xff;
v[5] = (amount.low >> 16) & 0xff;
v[6] = (amount.low >> 8) & 0xff;
v[7] = (amount.low >> 0) & 0xff;
var script = {
offset: output.script.offset,
limit: output.script.limit,
buffer: new Buffer(output.script.buffer, 'hex')
var s = script.buffer.slice(script.offset, script.limit);
var network = === 'main' ? 'livenet' : 'testnet';
var addr = bitcore.Address.fromScriptPubKey(new bitcore.Script(s), network);
var a = addr[0].toString();
outs[a] = bignum.fromBuffer(v, {
endian: 'big',
size: 1
}).add(outs[a] || bignum(0));
total = total.add(bignum.fromBuffer(v, {
endian: 'big',
size: 1
// for now we only support PayPro with 1 output.
if (_.size(outs) !== 1)
throw new Error('PayPro: Unsupported outputs');
var out = _.pairs(outs)[0];
merchantData.outs = [{
address: out[0],
amountSatStr: out[1].toString(10),
}]; = total.toString(10);
// If user is granted the privilege of choosing
// their own amount, add it to the tx.
if ( === 0 && options.amount) {
merchant.outs[0].amountSatStr = = outions.amount;
* @desc Analyzes a payment request and generate merchantData
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.url url where the pay request was acquired
* @param {string} options.amount Only used if pay requesst allow user to set the amount
* @param {PayProRequest} rawData
Wallet.prototype.parsePaymentRequest = function(options, rawData) {
var self = this;
var data = PayPro.PaymentRequest.decode(rawData);
var paypro = new PayPro();
var pr = paypro.makePaymentRequest(data);
var ver = pr.get('payment_details_version');
var pki_type = pr.get('pki_type');
var pki_data = pr.get('pki_data');
var details = pr.get('serialized_payment_details');
var sig = pr.get('signature');
var certs = PayPro.X509Certificates.decode(pki_data);
certs = certs.certificate;
// Verify Signature
var trust = pr.verify(true);
if (!trust.verified) {
throw new Error('Server sent a bad signature.');
details = PayPro.PaymentDetails.decode(details);
var pd = new PayPro();
pd = pd.makePaymentDetails(details);
var network = pd.get('network');
var outputs = pd.get('outputs');
var time = pd.get('time');
var expires = pd.get('expires');
var memo = pd.get('memo');
var payment_url = pd.get('payment_url');
var merchant_data = pd.get('merchant_data');
var merchantData = {
pr: {
payment_details_version: ver,
pki_type: pki_type,
pki_data: certs,
pd: {
network: network,
outputs: {
return {
amount: output.get('amount'),
script: {
offset: output.get('script').offset,
limit: output.get('script').limit,
// NOTE: For some reason output.script.buffer
// is only an ArrayBuffer
buffer: new Buffer(new Uint8Array(
time: time,
expires: expires,
memo: memo || 'This server would like some BTC from you.',
payment_url: payment_url,
merchant_data: merchant_data ? merchant_data.toString('hex') : null
signature: sig.toString('hex'),
ca: trust.caName,
untrusted: !trust.caTrusted,
selfSigned: trust.selfSigned
expires: expires,
request_url: options.url,
total: bignum('0', 10).toString(10),
this._addOutputsToMerchantData(merchantData, options.amount);
return merchantData;
* _getPayProRefundOutputs
* Create refund outputs for a PayPro Payment Message
* Uses current transaction's change address.
* @param txp
* @return {undefined}
Wallet.prototype._getPayProRefundOutputs = function(txp) {
var pkr = this.publicKeyRing;
var index = pkr.getHDParams(this.publicKey);
var amount =;
var output = new PayPro.Output();
var script = pkr.getScriptPubKeyHex(index.changeIndex, true, this.pubkey);
output.set('script', new Buffer(script, 'hex'));
output.set('amount', amount);
return [output];
* @desc Creates a Payment Protocol Payment message for the given TX Proposal
* @param txp Transaction Proposal
* @param txHex
* @return {undefined}
Wallet.prototype.createPayProPayment = function(txp) {
var tx =;
var txBuf = tx.serialize();
var refund_outputs = this._getPayProRefundOutputs(txp);
// We send this to the serve after receiving a PaymentRequest
var pay = new PayPro();
pay = pay.makePayment();
var merchant_data =;
if (merchant_data) {
merchant_data = new Buffer(merchant_data, 'hex');
pay.set('merchant_data', merchant_data);
pay.set('transactions', [txBuf]);
pay.set('refund_to', refund_outputs);
// Unused for now
// options.memo = '';
// pay.set('memo', options.memo);
pay = pay.serialize();
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(pay.length);
var view = new Uint8Array(buf);
for (var i = 0; i < pay.length; i++) {
view[i] = pay[i];
return view;
* onPayProPaymentAck
* @desc parse and process a Payment Protocol Payment Ack. Updates
* given TX Proposal with merchant's memo and send it to copayers
* @param ntxid ID of the Transaction Proposal
* @param rawData of the Payment Ack
* @emits paymentACK - (merchants's memo)
Wallet.prototype.onPayProPaymentAck = function(ntxid, rawData) {
var data = PayPro.PaymentACK.decode(rawData);
var paypro = new PayPro();
var ack = paypro.makePaymentACK(data);
var memo = ack.get('memo');
log.debug('Payment Acknowledged!: %s', memo);
var txp = this.txProposals.get(ntxid);
txp.paymentAckMemo = memo;
this.emitAndKeepAlive('paymentACK', memo);
* @desc Send a payment transaction to a merchant, complying with BIP70
* on Acknoledge, updates the TX Proposal with server's memo and send it
* to peers
* @param {string} ntxid - the transaction proposal ID for with the
Wallet.prototype.sendPayProPayment = function(txp, data, cb) {
var self = this;
log.debug('Sending Payment Message to merchant server');
var postInfo = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
// BIP-71
// XHR does not allow these:
// 'Content-Length': (pay.byteLength || pay.length) + '',
// 'Content-Transfer-Encoding': 'binary'
// Technically how this should be done via XHR (used to
// be the ArrayBuffer, now you send the View instead).
data: data,
responseType: 'arraybuffer'
.success(function(rawData) {
return cb(null, rawData);
.error(function(data, status) {
log.error('Sending payment notification: XHR status: ' + status);
return cb(new Error(status));
* @desc Mark that a user has seen a given TxProposal
* @return {boolean} true if the internal state has changed
Wallet.prototype.addSeenToTxProposals = function() {
var ret = false;
var myId = this.getMyCopayerId();
for (var k in this.txProposals.txps) {
var txp = this.txProposals.txps[k];
if (!txp.seenBy[myId]) {
txp.seenBy[myId] =;
ret = true;
return ret;
* @desc Alias for {@link PublicKeyRing#getAddresses}
* @TODO: remove this method and use getAddressesInfo everywhere
* @return {Buffer[]}
Wallet.prototype.getAddresses = function(opts) {
return this.publicKeyRing.getAddresses(opts);
* @desc Retrieves all addresses as strings.
* @param {Object} opts - Same options as {@link PublicKeyRing#getAddresses}
* @return {string[]}
Wallet.prototype.getAddressesStr = function(opts) {
return this.getAddresses(opts).map(function(a) {
return a.toString();
Wallet.prototype.subscribeToAddresses = function() {
if (!this.publicKeyRing.isComplete()) return;
var addrInfo = this.publicKeyRing.getAddressesInfo();
this.blockchain.subscribe(_.pluck(addrInfo, 'addressStr'));
log.debug('Subscribed to ' + addrInfo.length + ' addresses');
* @desc Alias for {@link PublicKeyRing#getAddressesInfo}
Wallet.prototype.getAddressesInfo = function(opts) {
return this.publicKeyRing.getAddressesInfo(opts, this.publicKey);
* @desc Returns true if a given address was generated by deriving our master public key
* @return {boolean}
Wallet.prototype.addressIsOwn = function(addrStr) {
return !!this.publicKeyRing.addressToPath[addrStr];
* Estimate a tx fee in satoshis given its input count
* (only used when spending all wallet funds)
Wallet.estimatedFee = function(unspentCount) {
var estimatedSizeKb = Math.ceil((500 + unspentCount * 250) / 1024);
return parseInt(estimatedSizeKb * bitcore.TransactionBuilder.FEE_PER_1000B_SAT);
* @callback {getBalanceCallback}
* @param {string=} err - an error, if any
* @param {number} balance - total number of satoshis for all addresses
* @param {Object} balanceByAddr - maps string addresses to satoshis
* @param {number} safeBalance - total number of satoshis in UTXOs that are not part of any TxProposal
* @param {number} safeUnspentCount - total number of safe unspent Outputs that make this balance.
* @desc Returns the balances for all addresses in Satoshis
* @param {getBalanceCallback} cb
Wallet.prototype.getBalance = function(cb) {
var balance = 0;
var safeBalance = 0;
var balanceByAddr = {};
var COIN = coinUtil.COIN;
this.getUnspent(function(err, safeUnspent, unspent) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
for (var i = 0; i < unspent.length; i++) {
var u = unspent[i];
var amt = u.amount * COIN;
balance += amt;
balanceByAddr[u.address] = (balanceByAddr[u.address] || 0) + amt;
// we multiply and divide by BIT to avoid rounding errors when adding
for (var a in balanceByAddr) {
balanceByAddr[a] = parseInt(balanceByAddr[a].toFixed(0), 10);
balance = parseInt(balance.toFixed(0), 10);
var safeUnspentCount = safeUnspent.length;
for (var i = 0; i < safeUnspentCount; i++) {
var u = safeUnspent[i];
var amt = u.amount * COIN;
safeBalance += amt;
safeBalance = parseInt(safeBalance.toFixed(0), 10);
return cb(null, balance, balanceByAddr, safeBalance, safeUnspentCount);
// See
// maxRejectCount should equal requiredCopayers
// strictly.
* @desc Get the number of copayers that need to reject a transaction so it can't be signed
* @return {number}
Wallet.prototype.maxRejectCount = function() {
return this.totalCopayers - this.requiredCopayers;
* @callback getUnspentCallback
* @desc Get a list of unspent transaction outputs
* @param {string} error
* @param {Object[]} safeUnspendList
* @param {Object[]} unspentList
* @param {getUnspentCallback} cb
// TODO: Can we add cache to getUnspent?
Wallet.prototype.getUnspent = function(cb) {
var self = this;
this.blockchain.getUnspent(this.getAddressesStr(), function(err, unspentList) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
var safeUnspendList = [];
var uu = self.txProposals.getUsedUnspent(self.maxRejectCount());
for (var i in unspentList) {
var u = unspentList[i];
var name = u.txid + ',' + u.vout;
if (!uu[name] && (self.spendUnconfirmed || u.confirmations >= 1))
return cb(null, safeUnspendList, unspentList);
* spend
* @desc Spends coins from the wallet
* Create a Transaction Proposal and send it
* to copayers (broadcast it in a 1-x wallet)
* @param {object} opts
* @param {string} opts.toAddress address to send coins
* @param {number} opts.amountSat amount in satoshis
* @param {string} opts.comment optional transaction proposal private comment (for copayers)
* @param {string} opts.url optional (payment protocol URL). If this is given, toAddress will be ignored, and amount could be ignored or not, depending on the payment protocol request.
* @param {signCallback} cb
Wallet.prototype.spend = function(opts, cb) {
log.debug('create Options', opts);
var self = this;
var toAddress = opts.toAddress;
var amountSat = opts.amountSat;
var comment = opts.comment;
var url = opts.url;
// PayPro? Fetch payment data and recurse
if (url && !opts.merchantData) {
return self.fetchPaymentRequest({
url: url,
memo: comment,
amount: amountSat,
}, function(err, merchantData) {
if (err) return cb(err);
opts.merchantData = merchantData;
opts.toAddress = merchantData.outs[0].address;
opts.amountSat = parseInt(merchantData.outs[0].amountSatStr);
return self.spend(opts, cb);
preconditions.checkArgument(amountSat, 'no amount');
preconditions.checkArgument(toAddress, 'no address');
this.getUnspent(function(err, safeUnspent) {
if (err) {;
return cb(new Error('Spend: Could not get list of UTXOs'));
var ntxid, txp;
try {
txp = self._createTxProposal(toAddress,
amountSat, comment, safeUnspent, opts.builderOpts);
} catch (e) {
return cb(e);
if (opts.merchantData) {
var ntxid = self.txProposals.add(txp);
if (!ntxid) {
return cb(new Error('Error creating the transaction'));
log.debug('TXP Added: ', ntxid);
// Needs only one signature? Broadcast it!
if (!self.requiresMultipleSignatures()) {
self.issueTx(ntxid, cb);
} else {
return cb(null, ntxid, Wallet.TX_PROPOSAL_SENT);
* _getAddress
* Returns an Address object from an address string or a BIP21 URL.*
* @param address
* @return { bitcore.Address }
Wallet._getAddress = function(address) {
if (/ ^ bitcoin: /g.test(address)) {
return new BIP21(address).address;
return new Address(address);
Wallet.prototype._getBuilder = function(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
if (!opts.remainderOut) {
opts.remainderOut = {
address: this._doGenerateAddress(true).toString()
if (_.isUndefined(opts.spendUnconfirmed)) {
opts.spendUnconfirmed = this.spendUnconfirmed;
for (var k in Wallet.builderOpts) {
opts[k] = Wallet.builderOpts[k];
return new Builder(opts);
* _createTxProposal
* Creates a transaction proposal and run many sanity checks
* @param toAddress
* @param amountSat
* @param comment (optional)
* @param utxos
* @param builderOpts bitcore.TransactionBuilder options(like spendUnconfirmed)
* @return {TxProposal} The newly created transaction proposal.*
* Throws errors on unexpected inputs.
Wallet.prototype._createTxProposal = function(toAddress, amountSat, comment, utxos, builderOpts) {
preconditions.checkArgument(!comment || comment.length <= 100, 'Comment too long');
var pkr = this.publicKeyRing;
var priv = this.privateKey;
var addr = Wallet._getAddress(toAddress);
preconditions.checkState(addr && && addr.isValid(), 'Bad address:' + addr.toString());
preconditions.checkArgument( === this.getNetworkName(), 'networkname mismatch');
preconditions.checkState(pkr.isComplete(), 'pubkey ring incomplete');
preconditions.checkState(priv, 'no private key');
var b = this._getBuilder(builderOpts);
amountSatStr: amountSat,
var selectedUtxos = b.getSelectedUnspent();
if (selectedUtxos.length > TX_MAX_INS)
throw new Error('BIG: Resulting TX is too big:' + selectedUtxos.length +
' inputs. Aborting');
var inputChainPaths = {
return pkr.pathForAddress(utxo.address);
var tx =;
var myId = this.getMyCopayerId();
var keys = priv.getForPaths(inputChainPaths);
return new TxProposal({
inputChainPaths: inputChainPaths,
comment: comment,
builder: b,
creator: myId,
signWith: keys,
console.log('[Wallet.js.2303]'); //TODO
return txp;
* @desc Updates all the indexes for the current publicKeyRing. This scans
* the blockchain looking for transactions on derived addresses.
* @param {Function} callback - called when all indexes have been updated. Receives an error, if any, as first argument
Wallet.prototype.updateIndexes = function(callback) {
var self = this;
if (!self.isReady())
return callback();
log.debug('Wallet:' + + ' Updating indexes...');
var tasks = {
return function(callback) {
self.updateIndex(index, callback);
async.parallel(tasks, function(err) {
if (err) callback(err);
log.debug('Wallet:' + + ' Indexes updated');
* @desc Updates the lastly used index
* @param {Object} index - an index, as used by {@link PublicKeyRing}
* @param {Function} callback - called with no arguments when done updating
Wallet.prototype.updateIndex = function(index, callback) {
var self = this;
var SCANN_WINDOW = 20;
self.indexDiscovery(index.changeIndex, true, index.copayerIndex, SCANN_WINDOW, function(err, changeIndex) {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (changeIndex != -1)
index.changeIndex = changeIndex + 1;
self.indexDiscovery(index.receiveIndex, false, index.copayerIndex, SCANN_WINDOW, function(err, receiveIndex) {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (receiveIndex != -1)
index.receiveIndex = receiveIndex + 1;
* @desc Derive addresses using the given parameters
* @param {number} index - the index to start with
* @param {number} amount - number of addresses to derive
* @param {boolean} isChange - derive change addresses or receive addresses
* @param {number} copayerIndex - the index of the copayer for whom to derive addresses
* @return {string[]} the result of calling {@link PublicKeyRing#getAddress}
Wallet.prototype.deriveAddresses = function(index, amount, isChange, copayerIndex) {
var ret = new Array(amount);
for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
ret[i] = this.publicKeyRing.getAddress(index + i, isChange, copayerIndex).toString();
return ret;
* @callback {indexDiscoveryCallback}
* @param {?} err
* @param {number} lastActivityIndex
* @desc Scans the block chain for the last index with activity for a copayer
* This function scans the publicKeyRing branch starting at index @start and reports the index with last activity,
* using a scan window of @gap. The argument @change defines the branch to scan: internal or external.
* Returns -1 if no activity is found in range.
* @param {number} start - the number for which to start scanning
* @param {boolean} change - whether to search for in the change branch or the receive branch
* @param {number} copayerIndex - the index of the copayer
* @param {number} gap - the maximum number of addresses to scan after the last active address
* @param {indexDiscoveryCallback} cb - callback
* @return {number} -1 if there's no activity in the range provided
Wallet.prototype.indexDiscovery = function(start, change, copayerIndex, gap, cb) {
var scanIndex = start;
var lastActive = -1;
var hasActivity = false;
var self = this;
function _do(next) {
// Optimize window to minimize the derivations.
var scanWindow = (lastActive == -1) ? gap : gap - (scanIndex - lastActive) + 1;
var addresses = self.deriveAddresses(scanIndex, scanWindow, change, copayerIndex);
self.blockchain.getActivity(addresses, function(err, actives) {
if (err) throw err;
// Check for new activities in the newlly scanned addresses
var recentActive = actives.reduce(function(r, e, i) {
return e ? scanIndex + i : r;
}, lastActive);
hasActivity = lastActive != recentActive;
lastActive = recentActive;
scanIndex += scanWindow;
function _while() {
return hasActivity;
function _finally(err) {
if (err) return cb(err);
cb(null, lastActive);
* @desc Closes the wallet and disconnects all services
Wallet.prototype.close = function(cb) {;
log.debug('## CLOSING Wallet: ' +;
// this.lock.release(function() {
if (cb) return cb();
// });
* @desc Returns the name of the network ('livenet' or 'testnet')
* @return {string}
Wallet.prototype.getNetwork = function() {
* @desc Throws an error if an address already exists in the address book
* @private
Wallet.prototype._checkAddressBook = function(key) {
if (this.addressBook[key] && this.addressBook[key].copayerId != -1) {
throw new Error('This address already exists in your Address Book');
* @desc Add an entry to the address book
* @param {string} key - the address to be added
* @param {string} label - a name for the address
Wallet.prototype.setAddressBook = function(key, label) {
var copayerId = this.getMyCopayerId();
var ts =;
var newEntry = {
hidden: false,
createdTs: ts,
copayerId: copayerId,
label: label,
this.addressBook[key] = newEntry;
this.sendAddressBook(null, key);
* @desc Hides or unhides an address book entry
* @param {string} key - the address in the addressbook
Wallet.prototype.toggleAddressBookEntry = function(key) {
if (!key) throw new Error('Key is required');
this.addressBook[key].hidden = !this.addressBook[key].hidden;
this.emitAndKeepAlive('addressBookUpdated', true);
* @desc Returns true if there are more than one cosigners
* @return {boolean}
Wallet.prototype.isShared = function() {
return this.totalCopayers > 1;
* @desc Returns true if more than one signature is required
* @return {boolean}
Wallet.prototype.requiresMultipleSignatures = function() {
return this.requiredCopayers > 1;
* @desc Returns true if the keyring is complete
* @return {boolean}
Wallet.prototype.isReady = function() {
return this.publicKeyRing.isComplete();
* @desc Return a list of past transactions
* @param {number} opts.currentPage - the desired page in the dataset
* @param {number} opts.itemsPerPage - number of items per page
* @return {Object} the list of transactions
Wallet.prototype.getTransactionHistory = function(opts, cb) {
var self = this;
if (_.isFunction(opts)) {
cb = opts;
opts = {};
opts = opts || {};
var addresses = self.getAddressesInfo();
var proposals = self.txProposals.txps;
var satToUnit = 1 / self.settings.unitToSatoshi;
var indexedProposals = _.indexBy(proposals, 'sentTxid');
function extractInsOuts(tx) {
// Inputs
var inputs =, function(item) {
var addr = _.findWhere(addresses, {
addressStr: item.addr
return {
type: 'in',
address: addr ? addr.addressStr : item.addr,
isMine: !_.isUndefined(addr),
isChange: addr ? !!addr.isChange : false,
amountSat: item.valueSat,
var outputs =, function(item) {
var addr;
var itemAddr;
// If classic multisig, ignore
if (item.scriptPubKey && item.scriptPubKey.addresses.length == 1) {
itemAddr = item.scriptPubKey.addresses[0];
addr = _.findWhere(addresses, {
addressStr: itemAddr,
return {
type: 'out',
address: addr ? addr.addressStr : itemAddr,
isMine: !_.isUndefined(addr),
isChange: addr ? !!addr.isChange : false,
label: self.addressBook[itemAddr] ? self.addressBook[itemAddr].label : undefined,
amountSat: parseInt((item.value * bitcore.util.COIN).toFixed(0)),
return inputs.concat(outputs);
function sum(items, filter) {
return _.reduce(_.where(items, filter),
function(memo, item) {
return memo + item.amountSat;
}, 0);
function decorateTx(tx) {
var items = extractInsOuts(tx);
var amountIn = sum(items, {
type: 'in',
isMine: true
var amountOut = sum(items, {
type: 'out',
isMine: true,
isChange: false,
var amountOutChange = sum(items, {
type: 'out',
isMine: true,
isChange: true,
var fees = parseInt((tx.fees * bitcore.util.COIN).toFixed(0));
var amount;
if (amountIn == (amountOut + amountOutChange + (amountIn > 0 ? fees : 0))) {
tx.action = 'moved';
amount = amountOut;
} else {
amount = amountIn - amountOut - amountOutChange - (amountIn > 0 ? fees : 0);
tx.action = amount > 0 ? 'sent' : 'received';
if (tx.action == 'sent' || tx.action == 'moved') {
var firstOut = _.findWhere(items, {
type: 'out'
if (firstOut) {
tx.labelTo = firstOut.label;
tx.addressTo = firstOut.address;
tx.amountSat = Math.abs(amount);
tx.amount = tx.amountSat * satToUnit;
tx.minedTs = !_.isNaN(tx.time) ? tx.time * 1000 : undefined;
var proposal = indexedProposals[tx.txid];
if (proposal) {
// TODO refactor
tx.comment = proposal.comment;
tx.merchant = proposal.merchant;
tx.peerActions = proposal.peerActions;
tx.merchant = proposal.merchant;
tx.paymentAckMemo = proposal.paymentAckMemo;
tx.actionList = self._getActionList(proposal);
function paginate(res, currentPage, itemsPerPage) {
if (!res) {
res = {
totalItems: 0,
items: [],
var r = {
itemsPerPage: itemsPerPage || res.totalItems,
currentPage: currentPage || 1,
nbItems: res.totalItems,
items: res.items,
r.nbPages = r.itemsPerPage != 0 ? Math.ceil(r.nbItems / r.itemsPerPage) : 1;
return r;
if (addresses.length > 0) {
var addressesStr = _.pluck(addresses, 'addressStr');
var from = (opts.currentPage - 1) * opts.itemsPerPage;
var to = opts.currentPage * opts.itemsPerPage;
self.blockchain.getTransactions(addressesStr, from, to, function(err, res) {
if (err) return cb(err);
_.each(res.items, function(tx) {
return cb(null, paginate(res, opts.currentPage, opts.itemsPerPage));
} else {
return cb(null, paginate(null, opts.currentPage, opts.itemsPerPage));
Wallet.prototype.exportEncrypted = function(password, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var crypto = opts.cryptoUtil || cryptoUtil;
return crypto.encrypt(password, this.toObj());
module.exports = Wallet;