add self assessment

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John Tromp 2016-11-25 00:49:40 -05:00
parent 01badc477e
commit 0371fb3c94
1 changed files with 67 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -50,6 +50,14 @@ xor-able slots, which gave me the final speed boost.
On Thursday Nov 3, user elbandi on Slack reported a bug in verify() where it allows a non-zero
final digit in the top-level xor. That is now fixed.
On November 11, I implemented an interleaved 8-way blake, but this turned out to provide no gain.
On November 17, I added Cantor coding for slot pairs, as found in xenoncat's and morpav's solvers.
This allows the use of 2^10 buckets for (200,9) which turns out to be a small gain,
so I made this the new default.
I implemented prefetching for memory writes, but found no gain, and left the code out.
More detailed documentation is available in the equi_miner.h source code.
Performance summary (on 4GHz i7-4790K and NVidia GTX980):
@ -70,3 +78,62 @@ And now, for something completely different: (144,5) taking 2.6 GB of memory
- eq1445x4 -t 8: 1.2 Sol/s
- eqcuda1445: 2.2 Sol/s
Contest judges requested the following information:
1. A brief self-assessment of your submission per the published judging criteria.
- testibility is integrated into the submission by provision of a
int verify(proof indices, const char *headernonce, const u32 headerlen);
routine, and standalone verifier equi.c. This is part of the default make targets
together with tests for both the (200,9) and (144,5) parameters.
- despite lack of implementation of the suggested API, the implemented API of
equi(const u32 n_threads);
for solver construction, with methods
void setheadernonce(const char *headernonce, const u32 len);
void digit0(const u32 id);
void digitodd(const u32 r, const u32 id);
void digiteven(const u32 r, const u32 id);
void digitK(const u32 id);
and specialized unrolled versions
void digit1(const u32 id);
void digit8(const u32 id);
have proved practical enough to support integration into zcashd and nicehash miners.
- the submission is written with portability in mind, with no dependencies beyond pthreads,
no architectural assumptions like word size or endian-ness, and using a subset of C++ features
(i.e. no templates) for ease of porting to plain C.
- SIMD support is available in two ways:
1) through an included blake2b reference impolementation that's been modified to make compression
rounds strict rather than lazy, allowing for computation of an actual midstate
2) through a custom 4-way blake2b implementation using intrinsics based on Samuel Neves' blake2bp code
- the implementation supports (200,9) and (144,5) out of the box, and can easily adapt to other
parameters by changing a few lines to select the appropriate bit segements from the hash.
- memory is already minimized to the point of losing a tiny fraction of solutions (much less than 1%),
but can trivially be reduced further with a compile time define, at the cost of more discarding.
- file equi_miner.h contains both a problem description as well as a very rough algorithm overview,
followed by a slightly more detailed overview in lines 243--277. beyond that many single line
comments can be found throughout the code.
- a list of post-deadline improvements may be found above, as well as expected performance.
- the solution rate has been measured as 1.88 Sol/run,
with a fraction of about 0.002 of solutions discarded.
- due to static allocation, average and peak memory conincide.
- runtime varies only slightly (a few %) from run ro run.
2. An explanation about what you think are the strengths of your submission.
- relatively portable, concise and straightforward code
- support for multiple parameter sets including (144,5)
- multi-threading support (crucial for 144,5)
- support for a wide range of buckets
- support for storing part of hash in treenode to further optimize space use
- support for CUDA devices
- minimal staticically allocated memory use
- optional visualization of bucket size distribution
3. An explanation about what you think are the weaknesses of your submission.
- single threaded x86 performance on (200,9) lags somewhat behind other solvers
- lacking a 2-way blake SIMD implementation
- CUDA solver treats GPU as a many core cpu and fails to take better advantage of architectural