// Wagner's algorithm for Generalized Birthday Paradox, a memory-hard proof-of-work // Copyright (c) 2016 John Tromp #include "equi_miner.h" #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { int nthreads = 1; int nonce = 0; int range = 1; bool showsol = false; const char *header = ""; int c; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "h:n:r:t:s")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'h': header = optarg; break; case 'n': nonce = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': range = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': showsol = true; break; case 't': nthreads = atoi(optarg); break; } } #ifndef XWITHASH if (sizeof(tree) > 4) printf("WARNING: please compile with -DXWITHASH to shrink tree!\n"); #endif #ifdef ATOMIC if (nthreads==1) printf("WARNING: use of atomics hurts single threaded performance!\n"); #else assert(nthreads==1); #endif printf("Looking for wagner-tree on (\"%s\",%d", header, nonce); if (range > 1) printf("-%d", nonce+range-1); printf(") with %d %d-bit digits and %d threads\n", NDIGITS, DIGITBITS, nthreads); thread_ctx *threads = (thread_ctx *)calloc(nthreads, sizeof(thread_ctx)); assert(threads); equi eq(nthreads); printf("Using %dMB of memory", 1 + eq.hta.alloced / 0x100000); #ifdef __AVX2__ printf(" and AVX2 intrinsics to compute 4-way blake2b\n"); #else printf("; no AVX2 detected\n"); #endif u32 sumnsols = 0; char headernonce[HEADERNONCELEN]; u32 hdrlen = strlen(header); memcpy(headernonce, header, hdrlen); memset(headernonce+hdrlen, 0, sizeof(headernonce)-hdrlen); for (int r = 0; r < range; r++) { ((u32 *)headernonce)[32] = htole32(nonce+r); eq.setheadernonce(headernonce, sizeof(headernonce)); for (int t = 0; t < nthreads; t++) { threads[t].id = t; threads[t].eq = &eq; int err = pthread_create(&threads[t].thread, NULL, worker, (void *)&threads[t]); assert(err == 0); } for (int t = 0; t < nthreads; t++) { int err = pthread_join(threads[t].thread, NULL); assert(err == 0); } u32 nsols, maxsols = min(MAXSOLS, eq.nsols); for (nsols = 0; nsols < maxsols; nsols++) { if (showsol) { printf("\nSolution"); for (u32 i = 0; i < PROOFSIZE; i++) printf(" %jx", (uintmax_t)eq.sols[nsols][i]); } } printf("\n%d solutions\n", nsols); sumnsols += nsols; } free(threads); printf("%d total solutions\n", sumnsols); return 0; }