
1046 lines
34 KiB

// Equihash CUDA solver
// Copyright (c) 2016 John Tromp
#include "equi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "blake2b.cu"
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef uint64_t u64;
#define checkCudaErrors(ans) { gpuAssert((ans), __FILE__, __LINE__); }
inline void gpuAssert(cudaError_t code, const char *file, int line, bool abort=true) {
if (code != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr,"GPUassert: %s %s %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(code), file, line);
if (abort) exit(code);
#ifndef RESTBITS
#define RESTBITS 4
// 2_log of number of buckets
#ifndef SAVEMEM
#if RESTBITS == 4
// can't save memory in such small buckets
#define SAVEMEM 1
#elif RESTBITS >= 8
// take advantage of law of large numbers (sum of 2^8 random numbers)
// this reduces (200,9) memory to under 144MB, with negligible discarding
#define SAVEMEM 9/14
// number of buckets
static const u32 NBUCKETS = 1<<BUCKBITS;
// bucket mask
static const u32 BUCKMASK = NBUCKETS-1;
// 2_log of number of slots per bucket
static const u32 SLOTBITS = RESTBITS+1+1;
static const u32 SLOTRANGE = 1<<SLOTBITS;
// number of slots per bucket
static const u32 NSLOTS = SLOTRANGE * SAVEMEM;
// SLOTBITS mask
static const u32 SLOTMASK = SLOTRANGE-1;
// number of possible values of xhash (rest of n) bits
static const u32 NRESTS = 1<<RESTBITS;
// RESTBITS mask
static const u32 RESTMASK = NRESTS-1;
// number of blocks of hashes extracted from single 512 bit blake2b output
// nothing larger found in 100000 runs
static const u32 MAXSOLS = 8;
// tree node identifying its children as two different slots in
// a bucket on previous layer with the same rest bits (x-tra hash)
struct tree {
u32 bid_s0_s1_x; // manual bitfields
__device__ tree(const u32 idx, const u32 xh) {
bid_s0_s1_x = idx << RESTBITS | xh;
__device__ tree(const u32 idx) {
bid_s0_s1_x = idx;
__device__ tree(const u32 bid, const u32 s0, const u32 s1, const u32 xh) {
#ifdef XINTREE
bid_s0_s1_x = ((((bid << SLOTBITS) | s0) << SLOTBITS) | s1) << RESTBITS | xh;
bid_s0_s1_x = (((bid << SLOTBITS) | s0) << SLOTBITS) | s1;
__device__ u32 getindex() const {
#ifdef XINTREE
return bid_s0_s1_x >> RESTBITS;
return bid_s0_s1_x;
__device__ u32 bucketid() const {
#ifdef XINTREE
return bid_s0_s1_x >> (2 * SLOTBITS + RESTBITS);
return bid_s0_s1_x >> (2 * SLOTBITS);
__device__ u32 slotid0() const {
#ifdef XINTREE
return (bid_s0_s1_x >> SLOTBITS+RESTBITS) & SLOTMASK;
return (bid_s0_s1_x >> SLOTBITS) & SLOTMASK;
__device__ u32 slotid1() const {
#ifdef XINTREE
return (bid_s0_s1_x >> RESTBITS) & SLOTMASK;
return bid_s0_s1_x & SLOTMASK;
__device__ u32 xhash() const {
return bid_s0_s1_x & RESTMASK;
union hashunit {
u32 word;
uchar bytes[sizeof(u32)];
#define WORDS(bits) ((bits + 31) / 32)
struct slot0 {
tree attr;
hashunit hash[HASHWORDS0];
struct slot1 {
tree attr;
hashunit hash[HASHWORDS1];
// a bucket is NSLOTS treenodes
typedef slot0 bucket0[NSLOTS];
typedef slot1 bucket1[NSLOTS];
// the N-bit hash consists of K+1 n-bit "digits"
// each of which corresponds to a layer of NBUCKETS buckets
typedef bucket0 digit0[NBUCKETS];
typedef bucket1 digit1[NBUCKETS];
// size (in bytes) of hash in round 0 <= r < WK
u32 hhashsize(const u32 r) {
#ifdef XINTREE
const u32 hashbits = WN - (r+1) * DIGITBITS;
const u32 hashbits = WN - (r+1) * DIGITBITS + RESTBITS;
return (hashbits + 7) / 8;
// size (in bytes) of hash in round 0 <= r < WK
__device__ u32 hashsize(const u32 r) {
#ifdef XINTREE
const u32 hashbits = WN - (r+1) * DIGITBITS;
const u32 hashbits = WN - (r+1) * DIGITBITS + RESTBITS;
return (hashbits + 7) / 8;
u32 hhashwords(u32 bytes) {
return (bytes + 3) / 4;
__device__ u32 hashwords(u32 bytes) {
return (bytes + 3) / 4;
// manages hash and tree data
struct htalloc {
bucket0 *trees0[(WK+1)/2];
bucket1 *trees1[WK/2];
typedef u32 bsizes[NBUCKETS];
struct equi {
blake2b_state blake_ctx;
htalloc hta;
bsizes *nslots;
proof *sols;
u32 nsols;
u32 nthreads;
equi(const u32 n_threads) {
nthreads = n_threads;
void setheadernonce(const char *headernonce, const u32 len) {
setheader(&blake_ctx, headernonce);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemset(nslots, 0, NBUCKETS * sizeof(u32)));
nsols = 0;
__device__ u32 getnslots0(const u32 bid) {
u32 &nslot = nslots[0][bid];
const u32 n = min(nslot, NSLOTS);
nslot = 0;
return n;
__device__ u32 getnslots1(const u32 bid) {
u32 &nslot = nslots[1][bid];
const u32 n = min(nslot, NSLOTS);
nslot = 0;
return n;
__device__ void orderindices(u32 *indices, u32 size) {
if (indices[0] > indices[size]) {
for (u32 i=0; i < size; i++) {
const u32 tmp = indices[i];
indices[i] = indices[size+i];
indices[size+i] = tmp;
__device__ void listindices1(const tree t, u32 *indices) {
const bucket0 &buck = hta.trees0[0][t.bucketid()];
const u32 size = 1 << 0;
indices[0] = buck[t.slotid0()].attr.getindex();
indices[size] = buck[t.slotid1()].attr.getindex();
orderindices(indices, size);
__device__ void listindices2(const tree t, u32 *indices) {
const bucket1 &buck = hta.trees1[0][t.bucketid()];
const u32 size = 1 << 1;
listindices1(buck[t.slotid0()].attr, indices);
listindices1(buck[t.slotid1()].attr, indices+size);
orderindices(indices, size);
__device__ void listindices3(const tree t, u32 *indices) {
const bucket0 &buck = hta.trees0[1][t.bucketid()];
const u32 size = 1 << 2;
listindices2(buck[t.slotid0()].attr, indices);
listindices2(buck[t.slotid1()].attr, indices+size);
orderindices(indices, size);
__device__ void listindices4(const tree t, u32 *indices) {
const bucket1 &buck = hta.trees1[1][t.bucketid()];
const u32 size = 1 << 3;
listindices3(buck[t.slotid0()].attr, indices);
listindices3(buck[t.slotid1()].attr, indices+size);
orderindices(indices, size);
__device__ void listindices5(const tree t, u32 *indices) {
const bucket0 &buck = hta.trees0[2][t.bucketid()];
const u32 size = 1 << 4;
listindices4(buck[t.slotid0()].attr, indices);
listindices4(buck[t.slotid1()].attr, indices+size);
orderindices(indices, size);
__device__ void listindices6(const tree t, u32 *indices) {
const bucket1 &buck = hta.trees1[2][t.bucketid()];
const u32 size = 1 << 5;
listindices5(buck[t.slotid0()].attr, indices);
listindices5(buck[t.slotid1()].attr, indices+size);
orderindices(indices, size);
__device__ void listindices7(const tree t, u32 *indices) {
const bucket0 &buck = hta.trees0[3][t.bucketid()];
const u32 size = 1 << 6;
listindices6(buck[t.slotid0()].attr, indices);
listindices6(buck[t.slotid1()].attr, indices+size);
orderindices(indices, size);
__device__ void listindices8(const tree t, u32 *indices) {
const bucket1 &buck = hta.trees1[3][t.bucketid()];
const u32 size = 1 << 7;
listindices7(buck[t.slotid0()].attr, indices);
listindices7(buck[t.slotid1()].attr, indices+size);
orderindices(indices, size);
__device__ void listindices9(const tree t, u32 *indices) {
const bucket0 &buck = hta.trees0[4][t.bucketid()];
const u32 size = 1 << 8;
listindices8(buck[t.slotid0()].attr, indices);
listindices8(buck[t.slotid1()].attr, indices+size);
orderindices(indices, size);
__device__ void candidate(const tree t) {
proof prf;
#if WK==9
listindices9(t, prf);
#elif WK==5
listindices5(t, prf);
#error not implemented
if (probdupe(prf))
u32 soli = atomicAdd(&nsols, 1);
if (soli < MAXSOLS)
#if WK==9
listindices9(t, sols[soli]);
#elif WK==5
listindices5(t, sols[soli]);
#error not implemented
void showbsizes(u32 r) {
#if defined(HIST) || defined(SPARK) || defined(LOGSPARK)
u32 ns[NBUCKETS];
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(ns, nslots[r&1], NBUCKETS * sizeof(u32), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
u32 binsizes[65];
memset(binsizes, 0, 65 * sizeof(u32));
for (u32 bucketid = 0; bucketid < NBUCKETS; bucketid++) {
u32 bsize = min(ns[bucketid], NSLOTS) >> (SLOTBITS-6);
for (u32 i=0; i < 65; i++) {
#ifdef HIST
printf(" %d:%d", i, binsizes[i]);
#ifdef SPARK
u32 sparks = binsizes[i] / SPARKSCALE;
u32 sparks = 0;
for (u32 bs = binsizes[i]; bs; bs >>= 1) sparks++;
sparks = sparks * 7 / SPARKSCALE;
printf("\342\226%c", '\201' + sparks);
// proper dupe test is a little costly on GPU, so allow false negatives
__device__ bool probdupe(u32 *prf) {
unsigned short susp[PROOFSIZE];
memset(susp, 0xffff, PROOFSIZE * sizeof(unsigned short));
for (u32 i=0; i<PROOFSIZE; i++) {
u32 bin = prf[i] & (PROOFSIZE-1);
unsigned short msb = prf[i]>>WK;
if (msb == susp[bin])
return true;
susp[bin] = msb;
return false;
struct htlayout {
htalloc hta;
u32 prevhashunits;
u32 nexthashunits;
u32 dunits;
u32 prevbo;
u32 nextbo;
__device__ htlayout(equi *eq, u32 r): hta(eq->hta), prevhashunits(0), dunits(0) {
u32 nexthashbytes = hashsize(r);
nexthashunits = hashwords(nexthashbytes);
prevbo = 0;
nextbo = nexthashunits * sizeof(hashunit) - nexthashbytes; // 0-3
if (r) {
u32 prevhashbytes = hashsize(r-1);
prevhashunits = hashwords(prevhashbytes);
prevbo = prevhashunits * sizeof(hashunit) - prevhashbytes; // 0-3
dunits = prevhashunits - nexthashunits;
__device__ u32 getxhash0(const slot0* pslot) const {
#ifdef XINTREE
return pslot->attr.xhash();
#elif WN == 200 && RESTBITS == 4
return pslot->hash->bytes[prevbo] >> 4;
#elif WN == 200 && RESTBITS == 8
return (pslot->hash->bytes[prevbo] & 0xf) << 4 | pslot->hash->bytes[prevbo+1] >> 4;
#elif WN == 144 && RESTBITS == 4
return pslot->hash->bytes[prevbo] & 0xf;
#elif WN == 200 && RESTBITS == 6
return (pslot->hash->bytes[prevbo] & 0x3) << 4 | pslot->hash->bytes[prevbo+1] >> 4;
#error non implemented
__device__ u32 getxhash1(const slot1* pslot) const {
#ifdef XINTREE
return pslot->attr.xhash();
#elif WN == 200 && RESTBITS == 4
return pslot->hash->bytes[prevbo] & 0xf;
#elif WN == 200 && RESTBITS == 8
return pslot->hash->bytes[prevbo];
#elif WN == 144 && RESTBITS == 4
return pslot->hash->bytes[prevbo] & 0xf;
#elif WN == 200 && RESTBITS == 6
return pslot->hash->bytes[prevbo] &0x3f;
#error non implemented
__device__ bool equal(const hashunit *hash0, const hashunit *hash1) const {
return hash0[prevhashunits-1].word == hash1[prevhashunits-1].word;
struct collisiondata {
#ifdef XBITMAP
#if NSLOTS > 64
#error cant use XBITMAP with more than 64 slots
u64 xhashmap[NRESTS];
u64 xmap;
#if RESTBITS <= 6
typedef uchar xslot;
typedef u16 xslot;
static const xslot xnil = ~0;
xslot xhashslots[NRESTS];
xslot nextxhashslot[NSLOTS];
xslot nextslot;
u32 s0;
__device__ void clear() {
#ifdef XBITMAP
memset(xhashmap, 0, NRESTS * sizeof(u64));
memset(xhashslots, xnil, NRESTS * sizeof(xslot));
memset(nextxhashslot, xnil, NSLOTS * sizeof(xslot));
__device__ bool addslot(u32 s1, u32 xh) {
#ifdef XBITMAP
xmap = xhashmap[xh];
xhashmap[xh] |= (u64)1 << s1;
s0 = ~0;
return true;
nextslot = xhashslots[xh];
nextxhashslot[s1] = nextslot;
xhashslots[xh] = s1;
return true;
__device__ bool nextcollision() const {
#ifdef XBITMAP
return xmap != 0;
return nextslot != xnil;
__device__ u32 slot() {
#ifdef XBITMAP
const u32 ffs = __ffsll(xmap);
s0 += ffs; xmap >>= ffs;
nextslot = nextxhashslot[s0 = nextslot];
return s0;
__global__ void digitH(equi *eq) {
uchar hash[HASHOUT];
blake2b_state state;
equi::htlayout htl(eq, 0);
const u32 hashbytes = hashsize(0);
const u32 id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for (u32 block = id; block < NBLOCKS; block += eq->nthreads) {
state = eq->blake_ctx;
blake2b_gpu_hash(&state, block, hash, HASHOUT);
for (u32 i = 0; i<HASHESPERBLAKE; i++) {
const uchar *ph = hash + i * WN/8;
#if BUCKBITS == 16 && RESTBITS == 4
const u32 bucketid = ((u32)ph[0] << 8) | ph[1];
#ifdef XINTREE
const u32 xhash = ph[2] >> 4;
#elif BUCKBITS == 14 && RESTBITS == 6
const u32 bucketid = ((u32)ph[0] << 6) | ph[1] >> 2;
#elif BUCKBITS == 12 && RESTBITS == 8
const u32 bucketid = ((u32)ph[0] << 4) | ph[1] >> 4;
#elif BUCKBITS == 20 && RESTBITS == 4
const u32 bucketid = ((((u32)ph[0] << 8) | ph[1]) << 4) | ph[2] >> 4;
#ifdef XINTREE
const u32 xhash = ph[2] & 0xf;
#elif BUCKBITS == 12 && RESTBITS == 4
const u32 bucketid = ((u32)ph[0] << 4) | ph[1] >> 4;
const u32 xhash = ph[1] & 0xf;
#error not implemented
const u32 slot = atomicAdd(&eq->nslots[0][bucketid], 1);
if (slot >= NSLOTS)
slot0 &s = eq->hta.trees0[0][bucketid][slot];
#ifdef XINTREE
s.attr = tree(block*HASHESPERBLAKE+i, xhash);
s.attr = tree(block*HASHESPERBLAKE+i);
memcpy(s.hash->bytes+htl.nextbo, ph+WN/8-hashbytes, hashbytes);
__global__ void digitO(equi *eq, const u32 r) {
equi::htlayout htl(eq, r);
equi::collisiondata cd;
const u32 id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for (u32 bucketid=id; bucketid < NBUCKETS; bucketid += eq->nthreads) {
slot0 *buck = htl.hta.trees0[(r-1)/2][bucketid];
u32 bsize = eq->getnslots0(bucketid);
for (u32 s1 = 0; s1 < bsize; s1++) {
const slot0 *pslot1 = buck + s1;
if (!cd.addslot(s1, htl.getxhash0(pslot1)))
for (; cd.nextcollision(); ) {
const u32 s0 = cd.slot();
const slot0 *pslot0 = buck + s0;
if (htl.equal(pslot0->hash, pslot1->hash))
u32 xorbucketid;
u32 xhash;
const uchar *bytes0 = pslot0->hash->bytes, *bytes1 = pslot1->hash->bytes;
#if WN == 200 && BUCKBITS == 16 && RESTBITS == 4 && defined(XINTREE)
xorbucketid = ((((u32)(bytes0[htl.prevbo] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo]) & 0xf) << 8)
| (bytes0[htl.prevbo+1] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+1])) << 4
| (xhash = bytes0[htl.prevbo+2] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+2]) >> 4;
xhash &= 0xf;
#elif WN == 144 && BUCKBITS == 20 && RESTBITS == 4
xorbucketid = ((((u32)(bytes0[htl.prevbo+1] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+1]) << 8)
| (bytes0[htl.prevbo+2] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+2])) << 4)
| (xhash = bytes0[htl.prevbo+3] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+3]) >> 4;
xhash &= 0xf;
#elif WN == 96 && BUCKBITS == 12 && RESTBITS == 4
xorbucketid = ((u32)(bytes0[htl.prevbo+1] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+1]) << 4)
| (xhash = bytes0[htl.prevbo+2] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+2]) >> 4;
xhash &= 0xf;
#elif WN == 200 && BUCKBITS == 14 && RESTBITS == 6
xorbucketid = ((((u32)(bytes0[htl.prevbo+1] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+1]) & 0xf) << 8)
| (bytes0[htl.prevbo+2] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+2])) << 2
| (bytes0[htl.prevbo+3] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+3]) >> 6;
#error not implemented
const u32 xorslot = atomicAdd(&eq->nslots[1][xorbucketid], 1);
if (xorslot >= NSLOTS)
slot1 &xs = htl.hta.trees1[r/2][xorbucketid][xorslot];
#ifdef XINTREE
xs.attr = tree(bucketid, s0, s1, xhash);
xs.attr = tree(bucketid, s0, s1);
for (u32 i=htl.dunits; i < htl.prevhashunits; i++)
xs.hash[i-htl.dunits].word = pslot0->hash[i].word ^ pslot1->hash[i].word;
__global__ void digitE(equi *eq, const u32 r) {
equi::htlayout htl(eq, r);
equi::collisiondata cd;
const u32 id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for (u32 bucketid=id; bucketid < NBUCKETS; bucketid += eq->nthreads) {
slot1 *buck = htl.hta.trees1[(r-1)/2][bucketid];
u32 bsize = eq->getnslots1(bucketid);
for (u32 s1 = 0; s1 < bsize; s1++) {
const slot1 *pslot1 = buck + s1;
if (!cd.addslot(s1, htl.getxhash1(pslot1)))
for (; cd.nextcollision(); ) {
const u32 s0 = cd.slot();
const slot1 *pslot0 = buck + s0;
if (htl.equal(pslot0->hash, pslot1->hash))
u32 xorbucketid;
u32 xhash;
const uchar *bytes0 = pslot0->hash->bytes, *bytes1 = pslot1->hash->bytes;
#if WN == 200 && BUCKBITS == 16 && RESTBITS == 4 && defined(XINTREE)
xorbucketid = ((u32)(bytes0[htl.prevbo] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo]) << 8)
| (bytes0[htl.prevbo+1] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+1]);
xhash = (bytes0[htl.prevbo+2] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+2]) >> 4;
#elif WN == 144 && BUCKBITS == 20 && RESTBITS == 4
xorbucketid = ((((u32)(bytes0[htl.prevbo+1] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+1]) << 8)
| (bytes0[htl.prevbo+2] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+2])) << 4)
| (bytes0[htl.prevbo+3] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+3]) >> 4;
#elif WN == 96 && BUCKBITS == 12 && RESTBITS == 4
xorbucketid = ((u32)(bytes0[htl.prevbo+1] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+1]) << 4)
| (bytes0[htl.prevbo+2] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+2]) >> 4;
#elif WN == 200 && BUCKBITS == 14 && RESTBITS == 6
xorbucketid = ((u32)(bytes0[htl.prevbo+1] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+1]) << 6)
| (bytes0[htl.prevbo+2] ^ bytes1[htl.prevbo+2]) >> 2;
#error not implemented
const u32 xorslot = atomicAdd(&eq->nslots[0][xorbucketid], 1);
if (xorslot >= NSLOTS)
slot0 &xs = htl.hta.trees0[r/2][xorbucketid][xorslot];
#ifdef XINTREE
xs.attr = tree(bucketid, s0, s1, xhash);
xs.attr = tree(bucketid, s0, s1);
for (u32 i=htl.dunits; i < htl.prevhashunits; i++)
xs.hash[i-htl.dunits].word = pslot0->hash[i].word ^ pslot1->hash[i].word;
#ifdef UNROLL
__global__ void digit_1(equi *eq) {
equi::htlayout htl(eq, 1);
equi::collisiondata cd;
const u32 id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for (u32 bucketid=id; bucketid < NBUCKETS; bucketid += eq->nthreads) {
slot0 *buck = htl.hta.trees0[0][bucketid];
u32 bsize = eq->getnslots0(bucketid);
for (u32 s1 = 0; s1 < bsize; s1++) {
const slot0 *pslot1 = buck + s1;
if (!cd.addslot(s1, htl.getxhash0(pslot1)))
for (; cd.nextcollision(); ) {
const u32 s0 = cd.slot();
const slot0 *pslot0 = buck + s0;
if (htl.equal(pslot0->hash, pslot1->hash))
const u32 xor0 = pslot0->hash->word ^ pslot1->hash->word;
const u32 bexor = __byte_perm(xor0, 0, 0x0123);
const u32 xorbucketid = bexor >> 4 & BUCKMASK;
const u32 xhash = bexor & 0xf;
const u32 xorslot = atomicAdd(&eq->nslots[1][xorbucketid], 1);
if (xorslot >= NSLOTS)
slot1 &xs = htl.hta.trees1[0][xorbucketid][xorslot];
xs.attr = tree(bucketid, s0, s1, xhash);
xs.hash[0].word = pslot0->hash[1].word ^ pslot1->hash[1].word;
xs.hash[1].word = pslot0->hash[2].word ^ pslot1->hash[2].word;
xs.hash[2].word = pslot0->hash[3].word ^ pslot1->hash[3].word;
xs.hash[3].word = pslot0->hash[4].word ^ pslot1->hash[4].word;
xs.hash[4].word = pslot0->hash[5].word ^ pslot1->hash[5].word;
__global__ void digit2(equi *eq) {
equi::htlayout htl(eq, 2);
equi::collisiondata cd;
const u32 id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for (u32 bucketid=id; bucketid < NBUCKETS; bucketid += eq->nthreads) {
slot1 *buck = htl.hta.trees1[0][bucketid];
u32 bsize = eq->getnslots1(bucketid);
for (u32 s1 = 0; s1 < bsize; s1++) {
const slot1 *pslot1 = buck + s1;
if (!cd.addslot(s1, htl.getxhash1(pslot1)))
for (; cd.nextcollision(); ) {
const u32 s0 = cd.slot();
const slot1 *pslot0 = buck + s0;
if (htl.equal(pslot0->hash, pslot1->hash))
const u32 xor0 = pslot0->hash->word ^ pslot1->hash->word;
const u32 bexor = __byte_perm(xor0, 0, 0x0123);
const u32 xorbucketid = bexor >> 16;
const u32 xhash = bexor >> 12 & 0xf;
const u32 xorslot = atomicAdd(&eq->nslots[0][xorbucketid], 1);
if (xorslot >= NSLOTS)
slot0 &xs = htl.hta.trees0[1][xorbucketid][xorslot];
xs.attr = tree(bucketid, s0, s1, xhash);
xs.hash[0].word = xor0;
xs.hash[1].word = pslot0->hash[1].word ^ pslot1->hash[1].word;
xs.hash[2].word = pslot0->hash[2].word ^ pslot1->hash[2].word;
xs.hash[3].word = pslot0->hash[3].word ^ pslot1->hash[3].word;
xs.hash[4].word = pslot0->hash[4].word ^ pslot1->hash[4].word;
__global__ void digit3(equi *eq) {
equi::htlayout htl(eq, 3);
equi::collisiondata cd;
const u32 id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for (u32 bucketid=id; bucketid < NBUCKETS; bucketid += eq->nthreads) {
slot0 *buck = htl.hta.trees0[1][bucketid];
u32 bsize = eq->getnslots0(bucketid);
for (u32 s1 = 0; s1 < bsize; s1++) {
const slot0 *pslot1 = buck + s1;
if (!cd.addslot(s1, htl.getxhash0(pslot1)))
for (; cd.nextcollision(); ) {
const u32 s0 = cd.slot();
const slot0 *pslot0 = buck + s0;
if (htl.equal(pslot0->hash, pslot1->hash))
const u32 xor0 = pslot0->hash->word ^ pslot1->hash->word;
const u32 xor1 = pslot0->hash[1].word ^ pslot1->hash[1].word;
const u32 bexor = __byte_perm(xor0, xor1, 0x1234);
const u32 xorbucketid = bexor >> 4 & BUCKMASK;
const u32 xhash = bexor & 0xf;
const u32 xorslot = atomicAdd(&eq->nslots[1][xorbucketid], 1);
if (xorslot >= NSLOTS)
slot1 &xs = htl.hta.trees1[1][xorbucketid][xorslot];
xs.attr = tree(bucketid, s0, s1, xhash);
xs.hash[0].word = xor1;
xs.hash[1].word = pslot0->hash[2].word ^ pslot1->hash[2].word;
xs.hash[2].word = pslot0->hash[3].word ^ pslot1->hash[3].word;
xs.hash[3].word = pslot0->hash[4].word ^ pslot1->hash[4].word;
__global__ void digit4(equi *eq) {
equi::htlayout htl(eq, 4);
equi::collisiondata cd;
const u32 id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for (u32 bucketid=id; bucketid < NBUCKETS; bucketid += eq->nthreads) {
slot1 *buck = htl.hta.trees1[1][bucketid];
u32 bsize = eq->getnslots1(bucketid);
for (u32 s1 = 0; s1 < bsize; s1++) {
const slot1 *pslot1 = buck + s1;
if (!cd.addslot(s1, htl.getxhash1(pslot1)))
for (; cd.nextcollision(); ) {
const u32 s0 = cd.slot();
const slot1 *pslot0 = buck + s0;
if (htl.equal(pslot0->hash, pslot1->hash))
const u32 xor0 = pslot0->hash->word ^ pslot1->hash->word;
const u32 bexor = __byte_perm(xor0, 0, 0x4123);
const u32 xorbucketid = bexor >> 8;
const u32 xhash = bexor >> 4 & 0xf;
const u32 xorslot = atomicAdd(&eq->nslots[0][xorbucketid], 1);
if (xorslot >= NSLOTS)
slot0 &xs = htl.hta.trees0[2][xorbucketid][xorslot];
xs.attr = tree(bucketid, s0, s1, xhash);
xs.hash[0].word = xor0;
xs.hash[1].word = pslot0->hash[1].word ^ pslot1->hash[1].word;
xs.hash[2].word = pslot0->hash[2].word ^ pslot1->hash[2].word;
xs.hash[3].word = pslot0->hash[3].word ^ pslot1->hash[3].word;
__global__ void digit5(equi *eq) {
equi::htlayout htl(eq, 5);
equi::collisiondata cd;
const u32 id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for (u32 bucketid=id; bucketid < NBUCKETS; bucketid += eq->nthreads) {
slot0 *buck = htl.hta.trees0[2][bucketid];
u32 bsize = eq->getnslots0(bucketid);
for (u32 s1 = 0; s1 < bsize; s1++) {
const slot0 *pslot1 = buck + s1;
if (!cd.addslot(s1, htl.getxhash0(pslot1)))
for (; cd.nextcollision(); ) {
const u32 s0 = cd.slot();
const slot0 *pslot0 = buck + s0;
if (htl.equal(pslot0->hash, pslot1->hash))
const u32 xor0 = pslot0->hash->word ^ pslot1->hash->word;
const u32 xor1 = pslot0->hash[1].word ^ pslot1->hash[1].word;
const u32 bexor = __byte_perm(xor0, xor1, 0x2345);
const u32 xorbucketid = bexor >> 4 & BUCKMASK;
const u32 xhash = bexor & 0xf;
const u32 xorslot = atomicAdd(&eq->nslots[1][xorbucketid], 1);
if (xorslot >= NSLOTS)
slot1 &xs = htl.hta.trees1[2][xorbucketid][xorslot];
xs.attr = tree(bucketid, s0, s1, xhash);
xs.hash[0].word = xor1;
xs.hash[1].word = pslot0->hash[2].word ^ pslot1->hash[2].word;
xs.hash[2].word = pslot0->hash[3].word ^ pslot1->hash[3].word;
__global__ void digit6(equi *eq) {
equi::htlayout htl(eq, 6);
equi::collisiondata cd;
const u32 id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for (u32 bucketid=id; bucketid < NBUCKETS; bucketid += eq->nthreads) {
slot1 *buck = htl.hta.trees1[2][bucketid];
u32 bsize = eq->getnslots1(bucketid);
for (u32 s1 = 0; s1 < bsize; s1++) {
const slot1 *pslot1 = buck + s1;
if (!cd.addslot(s1, htl.getxhash1(pslot1)))
for (; cd.nextcollision(); ) {
const u32 s0 = cd.slot();
const slot1 *pslot0 = buck + s0;
if (htl.equal(pslot0->hash, pslot1->hash))
const u32 xor0 = pslot0->hash->word ^ pslot1->hash->word;
const u32 xor1 = pslot0->hash[1].word ^ pslot1->hash[1].word;
const u32 bexor = __byte_perm(xor0, xor1, 0x2345);
const u32 xorbucketid = bexor >> 16;
const u32 xhash = bexor >> 12 & 0xf;
const u32 xorslot = atomicAdd(&eq->nslots[0][xorbucketid], 1);
if (xorslot >= NSLOTS)
slot0 &xs = htl.hta.trees0[3][xorbucketid][xorslot];
xs.attr = tree(bucketid, s0, s1, xhash);
xs.hash[0].word = xor1;
xs.hash[1].word = pslot0->hash[2].word ^ pslot1->hash[2].word;
__global__ void digit7(equi *eq) {
equi::htlayout htl(eq, 7);
equi::collisiondata cd;
const u32 id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for (u32 bucketid=id; bucketid < NBUCKETS; bucketid += eq->nthreads) {
slot0 *buck = htl.hta.trees0[3][bucketid];
u32 bsize = eq->getnslots0(bucketid);
for (u32 s1 = 0; s1 < bsize; s1++) {
const slot0 *pslot1 = buck + s1;
if (!cd.addslot(s1, htl.getxhash0(pslot1)))
for (; cd.nextcollision(); ) {
const u32 s0 = cd.slot();
const slot0 *pslot0 = buck + s0;
if (htl.equal(pslot0->hash, pslot1->hash))
const u32 xor0 = pslot0->hash->word ^ pslot1->hash->word;
const u32 bexor = __byte_perm(xor0, 0, 0x4012);
const u32 xorbucketid = bexor >> 4 & BUCKMASK;
const u32 xhash = bexor & 0xf;
const u32 xorslot = atomicAdd(&eq->nslots[1][xorbucketid], 1);
if (xorslot >= NSLOTS)
slot1 &xs = htl.hta.trees1[3][xorbucketid][xorslot];
xs.attr = tree(bucketid, s0, s1, xhash);
xs.hash[0].word = xor0;
xs.hash[1].word = pslot0->hash[1].word ^ pslot1->hash[1].word;
__global__ void digit8(equi *eq) {
equi::htlayout htl(eq, 8);
equi::collisiondata cd;
const u32 id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for (u32 bucketid=id; bucketid < NBUCKETS; bucketid += eq->nthreads) {
slot1 *buck = htl.hta.trees1[3][bucketid];
u32 bsize = eq->getnslots1(bucketid);
for (u32 s1 = 0; s1 < bsize; s1++) {
const slot1 *pslot1 = buck + s1;
if (!cd.addslot(s1, htl.getxhash1(pslot1)))
for (; cd.nextcollision(); ) {
const u32 s0 = cd.slot();
const slot1 *pslot0 = buck + s0;
if (htl.equal(pslot0->hash, pslot1->hash))
const u32 xor0 = pslot0->hash->word ^ pslot1->hash->word;
const u32 xor1 = pslot0->hash[1].word ^ pslot1->hash[1].word;
const u32 bexor = __byte_perm(xor0, xor1, 0x3456);
const u32 xorbucketid = bexor >> 16;
const u32 xhash = bexor >> 12 & 0xf;
const u32 xorslot = atomicAdd(&eq->nslots[0][xorbucketid], 1);
if (xorslot >= NSLOTS)
slot0 &xs = htl.hta.trees0[4][xorbucketid][xorslot];
xs.attr = tree(bucketid, s0, s1, xhash);
xs.hash[0].word = xor1;
__global__ void digitK(equi *eq) {
equi::collisiondata cd;
equi::htlayout htl(eq, WK);
const u32 id = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
for (u32 bucketid = id; bucketid < NBUCKETS; bucketid += eq->nthreads) {
slot0 *buck = htl.hta.trees0[(WK-1)/2][bucketid];
u32 bsize = eq->getnslots0(bucketid); // assume WK odd
for (u32 s1 = 0; s1 < bsize; s1++) {
const slot0 *pslot1 = buck + s1;
if (!cd.addslot(s1, htl.getxhash0(pslot1))) // assume WK odd
for (; cd.nextcollision(); ) {
const u32 s0 = cd.slot();
const slot0 *pslot0 = buck + s0;
if (htl.equal(pslot0->hash, pslot1->hash)) {
#ifdef XINTREE
eq->candidate(tree(bucketid, s0, s1, 0));
eq->candidate(tree(bucketid, s0, s1));
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int nthreads = 8192;
int nonce = 0;
int tpb = 0;
int range = 1;
bool showsol = false;
const char *header = "";
int c;
while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "h:n:r:t:p:s")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 'h':
header = optarg;
case 'n':
nonce = atoi(optarg);
case 't':
nthreads = atoi(optarg);
case 'p':
tpb = atoi(optarg);
case 'r':
range = atoi(optarg);
case 's':
showsol = true;
if (!tpb) // if not set, then default threads per block to roughly square root of threads
for (tpb = 1; tpb*tpb < nthreads; tpb *= 2) ;
printf("Looking for wagner-tree on (\"%s\",%d", header, nonce);
if (range > 1)
printf("-%d", nonce+range-1);
printf(") with %d %d-bits digits and %d threads (%d per block)\n", NDIGITS, DIGITBITS, nthreads, tpb);
equi eq(nthreads);
char headernonce[HEADERNONCELEN];
u32 hdrlen = strlen(header);
memcpy(headernonce, header, hdrlen);
memset(headernonce+hdrlen, 0, sizeof(headernonce)-hdrlen);
u32 *heap0, *heap1;
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void**)&heap0, sizeof(digit0)));
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void**)&heap1, sizeof(digit1)));
for (u32 r=0; r < WK; r++)
if ((r&1) == 0)
eq.hta.trees0[r/2] = (bucket0 *)(heap0 + r/2);
eq.hta.trees1[r/2] = (bucket1 *)(heap1 + r/2);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void**)&eq.nslots, 2 * NBUCKETS * sizeof(u32)));
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void**)&eq.sols, MAXSOLS * sizeof(proof)));
equi *device_eq;
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void**)&device_eq, sizeof(equi)));
cudaEvent_t start, stop;
proof sols[MAXSOLS];
u32 sumnsols = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < range; r++) {
cudaEventRecord(start, NULL);
((u32 *)headernonce)[32] = htole32(nonce+r);
eq.setheadernonce(headernonce, sizeof(headernonce));
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(device_eq, &eq, sizeof(equi), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
printf("Digit 0\n");
digitH<<<nthreads/tpb,tpb >>>(device_eq);
#if BUCKBITS == 16 && RESTBITS == 4 && defined XINTREE && defined(UNROLL)
printf("Digit %d\n", 1);
digit_1<<<nthreads/tpb,tpb >>>(device_eq);
printf("Digit %d\n", 2);
digit2<<<nthreads/tpb,tpb >>>(device_eq);
printf("Digit %d\n", 3);
digit3<<<nthreads/tpb,tpb >>>(device_eq);
printf("Digit %d\n", 4);
digit4<<<nthreads/tpb,tpb >>>(device_eq);
printf("Digit %d\n", 5);
digit5<<<nthreads/tpb,tpb >>>(device_eq);
printf("Digit %d\n", 6);
digit6<<<nthreads/tpb,tpb >>>(device_eq);
printf("Digit %d\n", 7);
digit7<<<nthreads/tpb,tpb >>>(device_eq);
printf("Digit %d\n", 8);
digit8<<<nthreads/tpb,tpb >>>(device_eq);
for (u32 r=1; r < WK; r++) {
printf("Digit %d\n", r);
r&1 ? digitO<<<nthreads/tpb,tpb >>>(device_eq, r)
: digitE<<<nthreads/tpb,tpb >>>(device_eq, r);
printf("Digit %d\n", WK);
digitK<<<nthreads/tpb,tpb >>>(device_eq);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(&eq, device_eq, sizeof(equi), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(sols, eq.sols, MAXSOLS * sizeof(proof), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
cudaEventRecord(stop, NULL);
float duration;
cudaEventElapsedTime(&duration, start, stop);
printf("%d rounds completed in %.3f seconds.\n", WK, duration / 1000.0f);
u32 s, nsols, maxsols = min(MAXSOLS, eq.nsols);
for (s = nsols = 0; s < maxsols; s++) {
if (duped(sols[s])) {
if (showsol) {
for (int i = 0; i < PROOFSIZE; i++)
printf(" %jx", (uintmax_t)sols[s][i]);
printf("%d solutions\n", nsols);
sumnsols += nsols;
printf("%d total solutions\n", sumnsols);
return 0;