[Application Options] # Location of the log file # logfile = lightningTip.log # Log level for log file and console. Options are: debug, info, warning and error # loglevel = info # Host for the REST interface of LightningTip # resthost = localhost:8081 # The domain (or IP address) you are using LightningTip from # Only needed if LightningTip is running on another port than the web server and no reverse proxy is used # Set the value to "*" to allow all domains and IP addresses # This value is used for the HTTP header: "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" # accessdomain = # After how many seconds invoices should expire # tipexpiry = 3600 [LND] # LightningTip should work out of the box with LND # You only have to change this settings if you edited the according settings in the LND config # Host of the gRPC interface of LND # lnd.grpchost = localhost:10009 # TLS certificate for the LND gRPC and REST services # lnd.certfile = .lnd/tls.cert # Admin macaroon file for authentication # Set an empty string if you disabled the usage of macaroons (not recommended) # lnd.macaroonfile = .lnd/admin.macaroon