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// Code derived from https:// github.com/btcsuite/btcd/blob/master/wire/message.go
package lnwire
import (
2015-12-31 08:38:33 -08:00
2015-12-31 08:38:33 -08:00
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// MessageHeaderSize is the number of bytes in a lightning message header.
// The bytes are allocated as follows: network magic 4 bytes + command 4
// bytes + payload length 4 bytes. Note that a checksum is omitted as lightning
// messages are assumed to be transmitted over an AEAD secured connection which
// provides integrity over the entire message.
const MessageHeaderSize = 12
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// MaxMessagePayload is the maximum bytes a message can be regardless of other
// individual limits imposed by messages themselves.
const MaxMessagePayload = 1024 * 1024 * 32 // 32MB
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// Commands used in lightning message headers which detail the type of message.
const (
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// Commands for opening a channel funded by one party (single funder).
CmdSingleFundingRequest = uint32(100)
CmdSingleFundingResponse = uint32(110)
CmdSingleFundingComplete = uint32(120)
CmdSingleFundingSignComplete = uint32(130)
CmdSingleFundingOpenProof = uint32(140)
// Commands for the workflow of cooperatively closing an active channel.
CmdCloseRequest = uint32(300)
CmdCloseComplete = uint32(310)
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// Commands for negotiating HTLCs.
CmdHTLCAddRequest = uint32(1000)
CmdHTLCAddAccept = uint32(1010)
CmdHTLCAddReject = uint32(1020)
CmdHTLCSettleRequest = uint32(1100)
CmdHTLCTimeoutRequest = uint32(1300)
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// Commands for modifying commitment transactions.
CmdCommitSignature = uint32(2000)
CmdCommitRevocation = uint32(2010)
// Commands for routing
CmdNeighborHelloMessage = uint32(3000)
CmdNeighborUpdMessage = uint32(3010)
CmdNeighborAckMessage = uint32(3020)
CmdNeighborRstMessage = uint32(3030)
CmdRoutingTableRequestMessage = uint32(3040)
CmdRoutingTableTransferMessage = uint32(3050)
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// Commands for reporting protocol errors.
CmdErrorGeneric = uint32(4000)
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// Message is an interface that defines a lightning wire protocol message. The
// interface is general in order to allow implementing types full control over
// the representation of its data.
type Message interface {
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
Decode(io.Reader, uint32) error
Encode(io.Writer, uint32) error
Command() uint32
MaxPayloadLength(uint32) uint32
Validate() error
String() string
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// makeEmptyMessage creates a new empty message of the proper concrete type
// based on the command ID.
func makeEmptyMessage(command uint32) (Message, error) {
var msg Message
switch command {
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
case CmdSingleFundingRequest:
msg = &SingleFundingRequest{}
case CmdSingleFundingResponse:
msg = &SingleFundingResponse{}
case CmdSingleFundingComplete:
msg = &SingleFundingComplete{}
case CmdSingleFundingSignComplete:
msg = &SingleFundingSignComplete{}
case CmdSingleFundingOpenProof:
msg = &SingleFundingOpenProof{}
2015-12-31 02:42:25 -08:00
case CmdCloseRequest:
msg = &CloseRequest{}
case CmdCloseComplete:
msg = &CloseComplete{}
case CmdHTLCAddRequest:
msg = &HTLCAddRequest{}
case CmdHTLCAddReject:
msg = &HTLCAddReject{}
case CmdHTLCSettleRequest:
msg = &HTLCSettleRequest{}
case CmdHTLCTimeoutRequest:
msg = &HTLCTimeoutRequest{}
case CmdCommitSignature:
msg = &CommitSignature{}
case CmdCommitRevocation:
msg = &CommitRevocation{}
case CmdErrorGeneric:
msg = &ErrorGeneric{}
case CmdNeighborHelloMessage:
msg = &NeighborHelloMessage{}
case CmdNeighborUpdMessage:
msg = &NeighborUpdMessage{}
case CmdNeighborAckMessage:
msg = &NeighborAckMessage{}
case CmdNeighborRstMessage:
msg = &NeighborRstMessage{}
case CmdRoutingTableRequestMessage:
msg = &RoutingTableRequestMessage{}
case CmdRoutingTableTransferMessage:
msg = &RoutingTableTransferMessage{}
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unhandled command [%d]", command)
return msg, nil
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// messageHeader represents the header structure for all lightning protocol
// messages.
type messageHeader struct {
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// magic represents Which Blockchain Technology(TM) to use.
// NOTE(j): We don't need to worry about the magic overlapping with
// bitcoin since this is inside encrypted comms anyway, but maybe we
// should use the XOR (^wire.TestNet3) just in case???
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
magic wire.BitcoinNet // 4 bytes
command uint32 // 4 bytes
length uint32 // 4 bytes
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// readMessageHeader reads a lightning protocol message header from r.
func readMessageHeader(r io.Reader) (int, *messageHeader, error) {
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// As the message header is a fixed size structure, read bytes for the
// entire header at once.
var headerBytes [MessageHeaderSize]byte
n, err := io.ReadFull(r, headerBytes[:])
if err != nil {
return n, nil, err
hr := bytes.NewReader(headerBytes[:])
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// Create and populate the message header from the raw header bytes.
hdr := messageHeader{}
err = readElements(hr,
if err != nil {
return n, nil, err
return n, &hdr, nil
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// discardInput reads n bytes from reader r in chunks and discards the read
// bytes. This is used to skip payloads when various errors occur and helps
// prevent rogue nodes from causing massive memory allocation through forging
// header length.
func discardInput(r io.Reader, n uint32) {
maxSize := uint32(10 * 1024) // 10k at a time
numReads := n / maxSize
bytesRemaining := n % maxSize
if n > 0 {
buf := make([]byte, maxSize)
for i := uint32(0); i < numReads; i++ {
io.ReadFull(r, buf)
if bytesRemaining > 0 {
buf := make([]byte, bytesRemaining)
io.ReadFull(r, buf)
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// WriteMessage writes a lightning Message to w including the necessary header
// information and returns the number of bytes written.
func WriteMessage(w io.Writer, msg Message, pver uint32, btcnet wire.BitcoinNet) (int, error) {
totalBytes := 0
cmd := msg.Command()
// Encode the message payload
var bw bytes.Buffer
err := msg.Encode(&bw, pver)
if err != nil {
return totalBytes, err
payload := bw.Bytes()
lenp := len(payload)
// Enforce maximum overall message payload
if lenp > MaxMessagePayload {
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
return totalBytes, fmt.Errorf("message payload is too large - "+
"encoded %d bytes, but maximum message payload is %d bytes",
lenp, MaxMessagePayload)
// Enforce maximum message payload on the message type
mpl := msg.MaxPayloadLength(pver)
if uint32(lenp) > mpl {
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
return totalBytes, fmt.Errorf("message payload is too large - "+
"encoded %d bytes, but maximum message payload of "+
"type %x is %d bytes", lenp, cmd, mpl)
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// Create header for the message.
hdr := messageHeader{magic: btcnet, command: cmd, length: uint32(lenp)}
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// Encode the header for the message. This is done to a buffer
// rather than directly to the writer since writeElements doesn't
// return the number of bytes written.
hw := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, MessageHeaderSize))
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
if err := writeElements(hw, hdr.magic, hdr.command, hdr.length); err != nil {
return 0, nil
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// Write the head first.
n, err := w.Write(hw.Bytes())
totalBytes += n
if err != nil {
return totalBytes, err
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// Write payload the payload itself after the header.
n, err = w.Write(payload)
totalBytes += n
if err != nil {
return totalBytes, err
return totalBytes, nil
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// ReadMessageN reads, validates, and parses the next bitcoin Message from r for
// the provided protocol version and bitcoin network. It returns the number of
// bytes read in addition to the parsed Message and raw bytes which comprise the
// message. This function is the same as ReadMessage except it also returns the
// number of bytes read.
func ReadMessage(r io.Reader, pver uint32, btcnet wire.BitcoinNet) (int, Message, []byte, error) {
totalBytes := 0
n, hdr, err := readMessageHeader(r)
totalBytes += n
if err != nil {
return totalBytes, nil, nil, err
// Enforce maximum message payload
if hdr.length > MaxMessagePayload {
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
return totalBytes, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("message payload is "+
"too large - header indicates %d bytes, but max "+
"message payload is %d bytes.", hdr.length,
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// Check for messages in the wrong network.
if hdr.magic != btcnet {
discardInput(r, hdr.length)
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return totalBytes, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("message from other "+
"network [%v]", hdr.magic)
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// Create struct of appropriate message type based on the command.
command := hdr.command
msg, err := makeEmptyMessage(command)
if err != nil {
discardInput(r, hdr.length)
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
return totalBytes, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("ReadMessage %s",
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// Check for maximum length based on the message type.
mpl := msg.MaxPayloadLength(pver)
if hdr.length > mpl {
discardInput(r, hdr.length)
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
return totalBytes, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("payload exceeds max "+
"length. indicates %v bytes, but max of message type %v is %v.",
hdr.length, command, mpl)
2016-05-23 13:49:10 -07:00
// Read payload.
payload := make([]byte, hdr.length)
n, err = io.ReadFull(r, payload)
totalBytes += n
if err != nil {
return totalBytes, nil, nil, err
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// Unmarshal message.
pr := bytes.NewBuffer(payload)
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if err = msg.Decode(pr, pver); err != nil {
return totalBytes, nil, nil, err
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// Validate the data.
if err = msg.Validate(); err != nil {
return totalBytes, nil, nil, err
return totalBytes, msg, payload, nil