
257 lines
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package routing
import (
type testCtx struct {
router *ChannelRouter
graph *channeldb.ChannelGraph
aliases map[string]*btcec.PublicKey
chain *mockChain
chainView *mockChainView
func createTestCtx(startingHeight uint32, testGraph ...string) (*testCtx, func(), error) {
var (
graph *channeldb.ChannelGraph
sourceNode *channeldb.LightningNode
cleanup func()
err error
aliasMap := make(map[string]*btcec.PublicKey)
// If the testGraph isn't set, then we'll create an empty graph to
// start out with. Our usage of a variadic parameter allows caller to
// omit the testGraph argument all together if they wish to start with
// a blank graph.
if testGraph == nil {
// First we'll set up a test graph for usage within the test.
graph, cleanup, err = makeTestGraph()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to create test graph: %v", err)
sourceNode, err = createTestNode()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to create source node: %v", err)
if err = graph.SetSourceNode(sourceNode); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to set source node: %v", err)
} else {
// Otherwise, we'll attempt to locate and parse out the file
// that encodes the graph that our tests should be run against.
graph, cleanup, aliasMap, err = parseTestGraph(testGraph[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to create test graph: %v", err)
sourceNode, err = graph.SourceNode()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to fetch source node: %v", err)
// Next we'll initialize an instance of the channel router with mock
// versions of the chain and channel notifier. As we don't need to test
// any p2p functionality, the peer send and switch send messages won't
// be populated.
chain := newMockChain(startingHeight)
chainView := newMockChainView()
router, err := New(Config{
Graph: graph,
Chain: chain,
ChainView: chainView,
SendToSwitch: func(_ *btcec.PublicKey,
_ *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC) ([32]byte, error) {
return [32]byte{}, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to create router %v", err)
if err := router.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to start router: %v", err)
cleanUp := func() {
return &testCtx{
router: router,
graph: graph,
aliases: aliasMap,
chain: chain,
chainView: chainView,
}, cleanUp, nil
// TestFindRoutesFeeSorting asserts that routes found by the FindRoutes method
// within the channel router are properly returned in a sorted order, with the
// lowest fee route coming first.
func TestFindRoutesFeeSorting(t *testing.T) {
const startingBlockHeight = 101
ctx, cleanUp, err := createTestCtx(startingBlockHeight, basicGraphFilePath)
defer cleanUp()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create router: %v", err)
// In this test we'd like to ensure proper integration of the various
// functions that are involved in path finding, and also route
// selection.
// Execute a query for all possible routes between roasbeef and luo ji.
const paymentAmt = btcutil.Amount(100)
target := ctx.aliases["luoji"]
routes, err := ctx.router.FindRoutes(target, paymentAmt)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to find any routes: %v", err)
// Exactly, two such paths should be found.
if len(routes) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("2 routes shouldn't been selected, instead %v were: %v",
len(routes), spew.Sdump(routes))
// The paths should properly be ranked according to their total fee
// rate.
if routes[0].TotalFees > routes[1].TotalFees {
t.Fatalf("routes not ranked by total fee: %v",
// TestSendPaymentRouteFailureFallback tests that when sending a payment, if
// one of the target routes is seen as unavailable, then the next route in the
// queue is used instead. This process should continue until either a payment
// succeeds, or all routes have been exhausted.
func TestSendPaymentRouteFailureFallback(t *testing.T) {
const startingBlockHeight = 101
ctx, cleanUp, err := createTestCtx(startingBlockHeight, basicGraphFilePath)
defer cleanUp()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to create router: %v", err)
// Craft a LightningPayment struct that'll send a payment from roasbeef
// to luo ji for 100 satoshis.
var payHash [32]byte
payment := LightningPayment{
Target: ctx.aliases["luoji"],
Amount: btcutil.Amount(1000),
PaymentHash: payHash,
var preImage [32]byte
copy(preImage[:], bytes.Repeat([]byte{9}, 32))
// We'll modify the SendToSwitch method that's been set within the
// router's configuration to ignore the path that has luo ji as the
// first hop. This should force the router to instead take the
// available two hop path (through satoshi).
ctx.router.cfg.SendToSwitch = func(n *btcec.PublicKey,
_ *lnwire.UpdateAddHTLC) ([32]byte, error) {
if ctx.aliases["luoji"].IsEqual(n) {
return [32]byte{}, errors.New("send error")
return preImage, nil
// Send off the payment request to the router, route through satoshi
// should've been selected as a fall back and succeeded correctly.
paymentPreImage, route, err := ctx.router.SendPayment(&payment)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to send payment: %v", err)
// The route selected should have two hops
if len(route.Hops) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("incorrect route length: expected %v got %v", 2,
// The preimage should match up with the once created above.
if !bytes.Equal(paymentPreImage[:], preImage[:]) {
t.Fatalf("incorrect preimage used: expected %x got %x",
preImage[:], paymentPreImage[:])
// The route should have satoshi as the first hop.
if route.Hops[0].Channel.Node.Alias != "satoshi" {
t.Fatalf("route should go through satoshi as first hop, "+
"instead passes through: %v",
// TestAddProof checks that we can update the channel proof after channel
// info was added to the database.
func TestAddProof(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cleanup, err := createTestCtx(0)
if err != nil {
defer cleanup()
// In order to be able to add the edge we should have the valud
// funding UTXO within the blockchain.
fundingTx, _, chanID, err := createChannelEdge(ctx,
bitcoinKey1.SerializeCompressed(), bitcoinKey2.SerializeCompressed(),
100, 0)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable create channel edge: %v", err)
fundingBlock := &wire.MsgBlock{
Transactions: []*wire.MsgTx{fundingTx},
ctx.chain.addBlock(fundingBlock, chanID.BlockHeight)
// After utxo was recreated adding the edge without the proof.
edge := &channeldb.ChannelEdgeInfo{
ChannelID: chanID.ToUint64(),
NodeKey1: priv1.PubKey(),
NodeKey2: priv1.PubKey(),
BitcoinKey1: bitcoinKey1,
BitcoinKey2: bitcoinKey2,
AuthProof: nil,
if err := ctx.router.AddEdge(edge); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to add edge: %v", err)
// No trying to update the proof and checking that it have been updated.
if err := ctx.router.AddProof(*chanID, &testAuthProof); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to add proof: %v", err)
info, _, _, err := ctx.router.GetChannelByID(*chanID)
if info.AuthProof == nil {
t.Fatal("proof have been updated")