
1507 lines
45 KiB

package main
import (
var (
numNodes int32
const (
// pingInterval is the interval at which ping messages are sent.
pingInterval = 30 * time.Second
// outgoingQueueLen is the buffer size of the channel which houses
// messages to be sent across the wire, requested by objects outside
// this struct.
outgoingQueueLen = 50
// outgoinMsg packages an lnwire.Message to be sent out on the wire, along with
// a buffered channel which will be sent upon once the write is complete. This
// buffered channel acts as a semaphore to be used for synchronization purposes.
type outgoinMsg struct {
msg lnwire.Message
sentChan chan struct{} // MUST be buffered.
// chanSnapshotReq is a message sent by outside sub-systems to a peer in order
// to gain a snapshot of the peer's currently active channels.
type chanSnapshotReq struct {
resp chan []*channeldb.ChannelSnapshot
// peer is an active peer on the Lightning Network. This struct is responsible
// for managing any channel state related to this peer. To do so, it has
// several helper goroutines to handle events such as HTLC timeouts, new
// funding workflow, and detecting an uncooperative closure of any active
// channels.
// TODO(roasbeef): proper reconnection logic
type peer struct {
// MUST be used atomically.
started int32
connected int32
disconnect int32
connReq *connmgr.ConnReq
conn net.Conn
addr *lnwire.NetAddress
lightningID wire.ShaHash
inbound bool
id int32
// For purposes of detecting retransmits, etc.
lastNMessages map[lnwire.Message]struct{}
// This mutex protects all the stats below it.
timeConnected time.Time
lastSend time.Time
lastRecv time.Time
// The following fields are only meant to be used *atomically*
bytesReceived uint64
bytesSent uint64
satoshisSent uint64
satoshisReceived uint64
// sendQueue is the channel which is used to queue outgoing to be
// written onto the wire. Note that this channel is unbuffered.
sendQueue chan outgoinMsg
// outgoingQueue is a buffered channel which allows second/third party
// objects to queue messages to be sent out on the wire.
outgoingQueue chan outgoinMsg
// sendQueueSync is used as a semaphore to synchronize writes between
// the writeHandler and the queueHandler.
sendQueueSync chan struct{}
// activeChannels is a map which stores the state machines of all
// active channels. Channels are indexed into the map by the txid of
// the funding transaction which opened the channel.
activeChanMtx sync.RWMutex
activeChannels map[wire.OutPoint]*lnwallet.LightningChannel
chanSnapshotReqs chan *chanSnapshotReq
htlcManMtx sync.RWMutex
htlcManagers map[wire.OutPoint]chan lnwire.Message
// newChanBarriers is a map from a channel point to a 'barrier' which
// will be signalled once the channel is fully open. This barrier acts
// as a synchronization point for any incoming/outgoing HTLCs before
// the channel has been fully opened.
barrierMtx sync.RWMutex
newChanBarriers map[wire.OutPoint]chan struct{}
barrierInits chan wire.OutPoint
// newChannels is used by the fundingManager to send fully opened
// channels to the source peer which handled the funding workflow.
newChannels chan *lnwallet.LightningChannel
// localCloseChanReqs is a channel in which any local requests to close
// a particular channel are sent over.
localCloseChanReqs chan *closeLinkReq
// remoteCloseChanReqs is a channel in which any remote requests
// (initiated by the remote peer) close a particular channel are sent
// over.
remoteCloseChanReqs chan *lnwire.CloseRequest
// nextPendingChannelID is an integer which represents the id of the
// next pending channel. Pending channels are tracked by this id
// throughout their lifetime until they become active channels, or are
// cancelled. Channels id's initiated by an outbound node start from 0,
// while channels initiated by an inbound node start from 2^63. In
// either case, this value is always monotonically increasing.
nextPendingChannelID uint64
pendingChannelMtx sync.RWMutex
server *server
queueQuit chan struct{}
quit chan struct{}
wg sync.WaitGroup
// newPeer creates a new peer from an establish connection object, and a
// pointer to the main server.
func newPeer(conn net.Conn, server *server, addr *lnwire.NetAddress,
inbound bool) (*peer, error) {
nodePub := addr.IdentityKey
p := &peer{
conn: conn,
lightningID: wire.ShaHash(fastsha256.Sum256(nodePub.SerializeCompressed())),
addr: addr,
id: atomic.AddInt32(&numNodes, 1),
inbound: inbound,
server: server,
lastNMessages: make(map[lnwire.Message]struct{}),
sendQueueSync: make(chan struct{}, 1),
sendQueue: make(chan outgoinMsg, 1),
outgoingQueue: make(chan outgoinMsg, outgoingQueueLen),
barrierInits: make(chan wire.OutPoint),
newChanBarriers: make(map[wire.OutPoint]chan struct{}),
activeChannels: make(map[wire.OutPoint]*lnwallet.LightningChannel),
htlcManagers: make(map[wire.OutPoint]chan lnwire.Message),
chanSnapshotReqs: make(chan *chanSnapshotReq),
newChannels: make(chan *lnwallet.LightningChannel, 1),
localCloseChanReqs: make(chan *closeLinkReq),
remoteCloseChanReqs: make(chan *lnwire.CloseRequest),
queueQuit: make(chan struct{}),
quit: make(chan struct{}),
// Initiate the pending channel identifier properly depending on if this
// node is inbound or outbound. This value will be used in an increasing
// manner to track pending channels.
if inbound {
p.nextPendingChannelID = 1 << 63
} else {
p.nextPendingChannelID = 0
// Fetch and then load all the active channels we have with this
// remote peer from the database.
activeChans, err := server.chanDB.FetchOpenChannels(p.addr.IdentityKey)
if err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to fetch active chans "+
"for peer %v: %v", p, err)
return nil, err
peerLog.Debugf("Loaded %v active channels from database with peerID(%v)",
len(activeChans), p.id)
if err := p.loadActiveChannels(activeChans); err != nil {
return nil, err
return p, nil
// loadActiveChannels creates indexes within the peer for tracking all active
// channels returned by the database.
func (p *peer) loadActiveChannels(chans []*channeldb.OpenChannel) error {
for _, dbChan := range chans {
chanID := dbChan.ChanID
lnChan, err := lnwallet.NewLightningChannel(p.server.lnwallet.Signer,
p.server.bio, p.server.chainNotifier, dbChan)
if err != nil {
return err
chanPoint := wire.OutPoint{
Hash: chanID.Hash,
Index: chanID.Index,
p.activeChannels[chanPoint] = lnChan
peerLog.Infof("peerID(%v) loaded ChannelPoint(%v)", p.id, chanPoint)
p.server.breachArbiter.newContracts <- lnChan
// Register this new channel link with the HTLC Switch. This is
// necessary to properly route multi-hop payments, and forward
// new payments triggered by RPC clients.
downstreamLink := make(chan *htlcPacket, 10)
plexChan := p.server.htlcSwitch.RegisterLink(p,
dbChan.Snapshot(), downstreamLink)
upstreamLink := make(chan lnwire.Message, 10)
p.htlcManagers[chanPoint] = upstreamLink
go p.htlcManager(lnChan, plexChan, downstreamLink, upstreamLink)
return nil
// Start starts all helper goroutines the peer needs for normal operations.
// In the case this peer has already been started, then this function is a
// noop.
func (p *peer) Start() error {
if atomic.AddInt32(&p.started, 1) != 1 {
return nil
peerLog.Tracef("peer %v starting", p)
go p.readHandler()
go p.queueHandler()
go p.writeHandler()
go p.channelManager()
go p.pingHandler()
return nil
// Stop signals the peer for a graceful shutdown. All active goroutines will be
// signaled to wrap up any final actions. This function will also block until
// all goroutines have exited.
func (p *peer) Stop() error {
// If we're already disconnecting, just exit.
if atomic.AddInt32(&p.disconnect, 1) != 1 {
return nil
// Otherwise, close the connection if we're currently connected.
if atomic.LoadInt32(&p.connected) != 0 {
// Signal all worker goroutines to gracefully exit.
return nil
// Disconnect terminates the connection with the remote peer. Additionally, a
// signal is sent to the server and htlcSwitch indicating the resources
// allocated to the peer can now be cleaned up.
func (p *peer) Disconnect() {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&p.disconnect, 0, 1) {
peerLog.Tracef("Disconnecting %s", p)
if atomic.LoadInt32(&p.connected) != 0 {
if p.connReq != nil {
// Launch a goroutine to clean up the remaining resources.
go func() {
// Tell the switch to unregister all links associated with this
// peer. Passing nil as the target link indicates that all links
// associated with this interface should be closed.
p.server.htlcSwitch.UnregisterLink(p.addr.IdentityKey, nil)
p.server.donePeers <- p
// String returns the string representation of this peer.
func (p *peer) String() string {
return p.conn.RemoteAddr().String()
// readNextMessage reads, and returns the next message on the wire along with
// any additional raw payload.
func (p *peer) readNextMessage() (lnwire.Message, []byte, error) {
// TODO(roasbeef): use our own net magic?
n, nextMsg, rawPayload, err := lnwire.ReadMessage(p.conn, 0,
atomic.AddUint64(&p.bytesReceived, uint64(n))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// TODO(roasbeef): add message summaries
peerLog.Tracef("readMessage from %v: %v", p, newLogClosure(func() string {
return spew.Sdump(nextMsg)
return nextMsg, rawPayload, nil
// readHandler is responsible for reading messages off the wire in series, then
// properly dispatching the handling of the message to the proper sub-system.
// NOTE: This method MUST be run as a goroutine.
func (p *peer) readHandler() {
for atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnect) == 0 {
nextMsg, _, err := p.readNextMessage()
if err != nil {
peerLog.Infof("unable to read message: %v", err)
break out
var isChanUpdate bool
var targetChan *wire.OutPoint
switch msg := nextMsg.(type) {
case *lnwire.Ping:
p.queueMsg(lnwire.NewPong(msg.Nonce), nil)
case *lnwire.SingleFundingRequest:
p.server.fundingMgr.processFundingRequest(msg, p)
case *lnwire.SingleFundingResponse:
p.server.fundingMgr.processFundingResponse(msg, p)
case *lnwire.SingleFundingComplete:
p.server.fundingMgr.processFundingComplete(msg, p)
case *lnwire.SingleFundingSignComplete:
p.server.fundingMgr.processFundingSignComplete(msg, p)
case *lnwire.SingleFundingOpenProof:
p.server.fundingMgr.processFundingOpenProof(msg, p)
case *lnwire.CloseRequest:
p.remoteCloseChanReqs <- msg
case *lnwire.ErrorGeneric:
p.server.fundingMgr.processErrorGeneric(msg, p)
case *lnwire.HTLCAddRequest:
isChanUpdate = true
targetChan = msg.ChannelPoint
case *lnwire.HTLCSettleRequest:
isChanUpdate = true
targetChan = msg.ChannelPoint
case *lnwire.CommitRevocation:
isChanUpdate = true
targetChan = msg.ChannelPoint
case *lnwire.CommitSignature:
isChanUpdate = true
targetChan = msg.ChannelPoint
case *lnwire.NodeAnnouncement,
if isChanUpdate {
// We might be receiving an update to a newly funded
// channel in which we were the responder. Therefore
// we need to possibly block until the new channel has
// propagated internally through the system.
// TODO(roasbeef): replace with atomic load from/into
// map?
barrier, ok := p.newChanBarriers[*targetChan]
if ok {
peerLog.Tracef("waiting for chan barrier "+
"signal for ChannelPoint(%v)", targetChan)
select {
case <-barrier:
case <-p.quit: // TODO(roasbeef): add timer?
break out
peerLog.Tracef("barrier for ChannelPoint(%v) "+
"closed", targetChan)
// Dispatch the commitment update message to the proper
// active goroutine dedicated to this channel.
targetChan, ok := p.htlcManagers[*targetChan]
if !ok {
peerLog.Errorf("recv'd update for unknown channel %v",
targetChan <- nextMsg
peerLog.Tracef("readHandler for peer %v done", p)
// writeMessage writes the target lnwire.Message to the remote peer.
func (p *peer) writeMessage(msg lnwire.Message) error {
// Simply exit if we're shutting down.
if atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnect) != 0 {
return nil
// TODO(roasbeef): add message summaries
peerLog.Tracef("writeMessage to %v: %v", p, newLogClosure(func() string {
return spew.Sdump(msg)
n, err := lnwire.WriteMessage(p.conn, msg, 0, p.addr.ChainNet)
atomic.AddUint64(&p.bytesSent, uint64(n))
return err
// writeHandler is a goroutine dedicated to reading messages off of an incoming
// queue, and writing them out to the wire. This goroutine coordinates with the
// queueHandler in order to ensure the incoming message queue is quickly drained.
// NOTE: This method MUST be run as a goroutine.
func (p *peer) writeHandler() {
for {
select {
case outMsg := <-p.sendQueue:
switch m := outMsg.msg.(type) {
// TODO(roasbeef): handle special write cases
if err := p.writeMessage(outMsg.msg); err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to write message: %v", err)
break out
// Synchronize with the writeHandler.
p.sendQueueSync <- struct{}{}
case <-p.quit:
break out
// Wait for the queueHandler to finish so we can empty out all pending
// messages avoiding a possible deadlock somewhere.
// Drain any lingering messages that we're meant to be sent. But since
// we're shutting down, just ignore them.
for {
select {
case msg := <-p.sendQueue:
if msg.sentChan != nil {
msg.sentChan <- struct{}{}
break fin
peerLog.Tracef("writeHandler for peer %v done", p)
// queueHandler is responsible for accepting messages from outside sub-systems
// to be eventually sent out on the wire by the writeHandler.
// NOTE: This method MUST be run as a goroutine.
func (p *peer) queueHandler() {
waitOnSync := false
pendingMsgs := list.New()
for {
select {
case msg := <-p.outgoingQueue:
if !waitOnSync {
p.sendQueue <- msg
} else {
waitOnSync = true
case <-p.sendQueueSync:
// If there aren't any more remaining messages in the
// queue, then we're no longer waiting to synchronize
// with the writeHandler.
next := pendingMsgs.Front()
if next == nil {
waitOnSync = false
// Notify the writeHandler about the next item to
// asynchronously send.
val := pendingMsgs.Remove(next)
p.sendQueue <- val.(outgoinMsg)
// TODO(roasbeef): other sync stuffs
case <-p.quit:
break out
// pingHandler is responsible for periodically sending ping messages to the
// remote peer in order to keep the connection alive and/or determine if the
// connection is still active.
// NOTE: This method MUST be run as a goroutine.
func (p *peer) pingHandler() {
pingTicker := time.NewTicker(pingInterval)
defer pingTicker.Stop()
var pingBuf [8]byte
for {
select {
case <-pingTicker.C:
// Fill the ping buffer with fresh randomness. If we're
// unable to read enough bytes, then we simply defer
// sending the ping to the next interval.
if _, err := rand.Read(pingBuf[:]); err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to send ping to %v: %v", p,
// Convert the bytes read into a uint64, and queue the
// message for sending.
nonce := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(pingBuf[:])
p.queueMsg(lnwire.NewPing(nonce), nil)
case <-p.quit:
break out
// queueMsg queues a new lnwire.Message to be eventually sent out on the
// wire.
func (p *peer) queueMsg(msg lnwire.Message, doneChan chan struct{}) {
select {
case p.outgoingQueue <- outgoinMsg{msg, doneChan}:
case <-p.quit:
// ChannelSnapshots returns a slice of channel snapshots detailing all
// currently active channels maintained with the remote peer.
func (p *peer) ChannelSnapshots() []*channeldb.ChannelSnapshot {
resp := make(chan []*channeldb.ChannelSnapshot, 1)
p.chanSnapshotReqs <- &chanSnapshotReq{resp}
return <-resp
// channelManager is goroutine dedicated to handling all requests/signals
// pertaining to the opening, cooperative closing, and force closing of all
// channels maintained with the remote peer.
// NOTE: This method MUST be run as a goroutine.
func (p *peer) channelManager() {
for {
select {
case req := <-p.chanSnapshotReqs:
snapshots := make([]*channeldb.ChannelSnapshot, 0, len(p.activeChannels))
for _, activeChan := range p.activeChannels {
snapshot := activeChan.StateSnapshot()
snapshots = append(snapshots, snapshot)
req.resp <- snapshots
case pendingChanPoint := <-p.barrierInits:
// A new channel has almost finished the funding
// process. In order to properly synchronize with the
// writeHandler goroutine, we add a new channel to the
// barriers map which will be closed once the channel
// is fully open.
peerLog.Tracef("Creating chan barrier for "+
"ChannelPoint(%v)", pendingChanPoint)
p.newChanBarriers[pendingChanPoint] = make(chan struct{})
case newChan := <-p.newChannels:
chanPoint := *newChan.ChannelPoint()
p.activeChannels[chanPoint] = newChan
peerLog.Infof("New channel active ChannelPoint(%v) "+
"with peerId(%v)", chanPoint, p.id)
// Now that the channel is open, notify the Htlc
// Switch of a new active link.
chanSnapShot := newChan.StateSnapshot()
downstreamLink := make(chan *htlcPacket, 10)
plexChan := p.server.htlcSwitch.RegisterLink(p,
chanSnapShot, downstreamLink)
// With the channel registered to the HtlcSwitch spawn
// a goroutine to handle commitment updates for this
// new channel.
upstreamLink := make(chan lnwire.Message, 10)
p.htlcManagers[chanPoint] = upstreamLink
go p.htlcManager(newChan, plexChan, downstreamLink, upstreamLink)
// Close the active channel barrier signalling the
// readHandler that commitment related modifications to
// this channel can now proceed.
peerLog.Tracef("Closing chan barrier for ChannelPoint(%v)", chanPoint)
delete(p.newChanBarriers, chanPoint)
case req := <-p.localCloseChanReqs:
case req := <-p.remoteCloseChanReqs:
case <-p.quit:
break out
// executeCooperativeClose executes the initial phase of a user-executed
// cooperative channel close. The channel state machine is transitioned to the
// closing phase, then our half of the closing witness is sent over to the
// remote peer.
func (p *peer) executeCooperativeClose(channel *lnwallet.LightningChannel) (*wire.ShaHash, error) {
// Shift the channel state machine into a 'closing' state. This
// generates a signature for the closing tx, as well as a txid of the
// closing tx itself, allowing us to watch the network to determine
// when the remote node broadcasts the fully signed closing
// transaction.
sig, txid, err := channel.InitCooperativeClose()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chanPoint := channel.ChannelPoint()
peerLog.Infof("Executing cooperative closure of "+
"ChanPoint(%v) with peerID(%v), txid=%v", chanPoint, p.id, txid)
// With our signature for the close tx generated, send the signature to
// the remote peer instructing it to close this particular channel
// point.
// TODO(roasbeef): remove encoding redundancy
closeSig, err := btcec.ParseSignature(sig, btcec.S256())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
closeReq := lnwire.NewCloseRequest(chanPoint, closeSig)
p.queueMsg(closeReq, nil)
return txid, nil
// handleLocalClose kicks-off the workflow to execute a cooperative or forced
// unilateral closure of the channel initiated by a local sub-system.
// TODO(roasbeef): if no more active channels with peer call Remove on connMgr
// with peerID
func (p *peer) handleLocalClose(req *closeLinkReq) {
var (
err error
closingTxid *wire.ShaHash
channel := p.activeChannels[*req.chanPoint]
switch req.CloseType {
// A type of CloseRegular indicates that the user has opted to close
// out this channel on-chian, so we execute the cooperative channel
// closre workflow.
case CloseRegular:
closingTxid, err = p.executeCooperativeClose(channel)
peerLog.Infof("Attempting cooperative close of "+
"ChannelPoint(%v) with txid: %v", req.chanPoint,
// A type of CloseBreach indicates that the counter-party has breached
// the cahnnel therefore we need to clean up our local state.
case CloseBreach:
peerLog.Infof("ChannelPoint(%v) has been breached, wiping "+
"channel", req.chanPoint)
if err := wipeChannel(p, channel); err != nil {
peerLog.Infof("Unable to wipe channel after detected "+
"breach: %v", err)
req.err <- err
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
// Update the caller with a new event detailing the current pending
// state of this request.
req.updates <- &lnrpc.CloseStatusUpdate{
Update: &lnrpc.CloseStatusUpdate_ClosePending{
ClosePending: &lnrpc.PendingUpdate{
Txid: closingTxid[:],
// Finally, launch a goroutine which will request to be notified by the
// ChainNotifier once the closure transaction obtains a single
// confirmation.
go func() {
// TODO(roasbeef): add param for num needed confs
notifier := p.server.chainNotifier
confNtfn, err := notifier.RegisterConfirmationsNtfn(closingTxid, 1)
if err != nil {
req.err <- err
select {
case height, ok := <-confNtfn.Confirmed:
// In the case that the ChainNotifier is shutting down,
// all subscriber notification channels will be closed,
// generating a nil receive.
if !ok {
// The channel has been closed, remove it from any
// active indexes, and the database state.
peerLog.Infof("ChannelPoint(%v) is now "+
"closed at height %v", req.chanPoint, height)
if err := wipeChannel(p, channel); err != nil {
req.err <- err
case <-p.quit:
// Respond to the local sub-system which requested the channel
// closure.
req.updates <- &lnrpc.CloseStatusUpdate{
Update: &lnrpc.CloseStatusUpdate_ChanClose{
ChanClose: &lnrpc.ChannelCloseUpdate{
ClosingTxid: closingTxid[:],
Success: true,
p.server.breachArbiter.settledContracts <- req.chanPoint
// handleRemoteClose completes a request for cooperative channel closure
// initiated by the remote node.
func (p *peer) handleRemoteClose(req *lnwire.CloseRequest) {
chanPoint := req.ChannelPoint
key := wire.OutPoint{
Hash: chanPoint.Hash,
Index: chanPoint.Index,
channel := p.activeChannels[key]
// Now that we have their signature for the closure transaction, we
// can assemble the final closure transaction, complete with our
// signature.
sig := req.RequesterCloseSig
closeSig := append(sig.Serialize(), byte(txscript.SigHashAll))
closeTx, err := channel.CompleteCooperativeClose(closeSig)
if err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to complete cooperative "+
"close for ChannelPoint(%v): %v",
chanPoint, err)
// TODO(roasbeef): send ErrorGeneric to other side
peerLog.Infof("Broadcasting cooperative close tx: %v",
newLogClosure(func() string {
return spew.Sdump(closeTx)
// Finally, broadcast the closure transaction, to the network.
if err := p.server.lnwallet.PublishTransaction(closeTx); err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("channel close tx from "+
"ChannelPoint(%v) rejected: %v",
chanPoint, err)
// TODO(roasbeef): send ErrorGeneric to other side
// TODO(roasbeef): also wait for confs before removing state
peerLog.Infof("ChannelPoint(%v) is now "+
"closed", key)
if err := wipeChannel(p, channel); err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to wipe channel: %v", err)
p.server.breachArbiter.settledContracts <- req.ChannelPoint
// wipeChannel removes the passed channel from all indexes associated with the
// peer, and deletes the channel from the database.
func wipeChannel(p *peer, channel *lnwallet.LightningChannel) error {
chanID := channel.ChannelPoint()
delete(p.activeChannels, *chanID)
// Instruct the Htlc Switch to close this link as the channel is no
// longer active.
p.server.htlcSwitch.UnregisterLink(p.addr.IdentityKey, chanID)
// Additionally, close up "down stream" link for the htlcManager which
// has been assigned to this channel. This servers the link between the
// htlcManager and the switch, signalling that the channel is no longer
// active.
// If the channel can't be found in the map, then this channel has
// already been wiped.
htlcWireLink, ok := p.htlcManagers[*chanID]
if !ok {
return nil
// Next, we remove the htlcManager from our internal map as the
// goroutine should have exited gracefully due to the channel closure
// above.
delete(p.htlcManagers, *chanID)
// Finally, we purge the channel's state from the database, leaving a
// small summary for historical records.
if err := channel.DeleteState(); err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("Unable to delete ChannelPoint(%v) "+
"from db: %v", chanID, err)
return err
return nil
// pendingPayment represents a pending HTLC which has yet to be settled by the
// upstream peer. A pending payment encapsulates the initial HTLC add request
// additionally coupling the index of the HTLC within the log, and an error
// channel to signal the payment requester once the payment has been fully
// fufilled.
type pendingPayment struct {
htlc *lnwire.HTLCAddRequest
index uint32
err chan error
// commitmentState is the volatile+persistent state of an active channel's
// commitment update state-machine. This struct is used by htlcManager's to
// save meta-state required for proper functioning.
type commitmentState struct {
// htlcsToSettle is a list of preimages which allow us to settle one or
// many of the pending HTLC's we've received from the upstream peer.
htlcsToSettle map[uint32]*channeldb.Invoice
// TODO(roasbeef): use once trickle+batch logic is in
pendingBatch []*pendingPayment
// clearedHTCLs is a map of outgoing HTLC's we've committed to in our
// chain which have not yet been settled by the upstream peer.
clearedHTCLs map[uint32]*pendingPayment
// numUnAcked is a counter tracking the number of unacked changes we've
// sent. A change is acked once we receive a new update to our local
// chain from the remote peer.
numUnAcked uint32
// logCommitTimer is a timer which is sent upon if we go an interval
// without receiving/sending a commitment update. It's role is to
// ensure both chains converge to identical state in a timely manner.
// TODO(roasbeef): timer should be >> then RTT
logCommitTimer <-chan time.Time
// switchChan is a channel used to send packets to the htlc switch for
// forwarding.
switchChan chan<- *htlcPacket
// sphinx is an instance of the Sphinx onion Router for this node. The
// router will be used to process all incmoing Sphinx packets embedded
// within HTLC add messages.
sphinx *sphinx.Router
// pendingCircuits tracks the remote log index of the incoming HTLC's,
// mapped to the processed Sphinx packet contained within the HTLC.
// This map is used as a staging area between when an HTLC is added to
// the log, and when it's locked into the commitment state of both
// chains. Once locked in, the processed packet is sent to the switch
// along with the HTLC to forward the packet to the next hop.
pendingCircuits map[uint32]*sphinx.ProcessedPacket
channel *lnwallet.LightningChannel
chanPoint *wire.OutPoint
// htlcManager is the primary goroutine which drives a channel's commitment
// update state-machine in response to messages received via several channels.
// The htlcManager reads messages from the upstream (remote) peer, and also
// from several possible downstream channels managed by the htlcSwitch. In the
// event that an htlc needs to be forwarded, then send-only htlcPlex chan is
// used which sends htlc packets to the switch for forwarding. Additionally,
// the htlcManager handles acting upon all timeouts for any active HTLC's,
// manages the channel's revocation window, and also the htlc trickle
// queue+timer for this active channels.
func (p *peer) htlcManager(channel *lnwallet.LightningChannel,
htlcPlex chan<- *htlcPacket, downstreamLink <-chan *htlcPacket,
upstreamLink <-chan lnwire.Message) {
chanStats := channel.StateSnapshot()
peerLog.Infof("HTLC manager for ChannelPoint(%v) started, "+
"our_balance=%v, their_balance=%v, chain_height=%v",
channel.ChannelPoint(), chanStats.LocalBalance,
chanStats.RemoteBalance, chanStats.NumUpdates)
// A new session for this active channel has just started, therefore we
// need to send our initial revocation window to the remote peer.
for i := 0; i < lnwallet.InitialRevocationWindow; i++ {
rev, err := channel.ExtendRevocationWindow()
if err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to expand revocation window: %v", err)
p.queueMsg(rev, nil)
state := &commitmentState{
channel: channel,
chanPoint: channel.ChannelPoint(),
clearedHTCLs: make(map[uint32]*pendingPayment),
htlcsToSettle: make(map[uint32]*channeldb.Invoice),
pendingCircuits: make(map[uint32]*sphinx.ProcessedPacket),
sphinx: p.server.sphinx,
switchChan: htlcPlex,
// TODO(roasbeef): check to see if able to settle any currently pending
// HTLC's
// * also need signals when new invoices are added by the invoiceRegistry
batchTimer := time.Tick(10 * time.Millisecond)
for {
select {
case <-channel.UnilateralCloseSignal:
// TODO(roasbeef): need to send HTLC outputs to nursery
peerLog.Warnf("Remote peer has closed ChannelPoint(%v) on-chain",
if err := wipeChannel(p, channel); err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to wipe channel %v", err)
p.server.breachArbiter.settledContracts <- state.chanPoint
break out
case <-channel.ForceCloseSignal:
peerLog.Warnf("ChannelPoint(%v) has been force "+
"closed, disconnecting from peerID(%x)",
state.chanPoint, p.id)
break out
// TODO(roasbeef): prevent leaking ticker?
case <-state.logCommitTimer:
// If we haven't sent or received a new commitment
// update in some time, check to see if we have any
// pending updates we need to commit. If so, then send
// an update incrementing the unacked counter is
// successfully.
if !state.channel.PendingUpdates() &&
len(state.htlcsToSettle) == 0 {
if sent, err := p.updateCommitTx(state); err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to update "+
"commitment: %v", err)
break out
} else if sent {
state.numUnAcked += 1
case <-batchTimer:
// If the current batch is empty, then we have no work
// here.
if len(state.pendingBatch) == 0 {
// Otherwise, attempt to extend the remote commitment
// chain including all the currently pending entries.
// If the send was unsuccessful, then abandon the
// update, waiting for the revocation window to open
// up.
if sent, err := p.updateCommitTx(state); err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to update "+
"commitment: %v", err)
break out
} else if !sent {
state.numUnAcked += 1
case pkt := <-downstreamLink:
p.handleDownStreamPkt(state, pkt)
case msg, ok := <-upstreamLink:
// If the upstream message link is closed, this signals
// that the channel itself is being closed, therefore
// we exit.
if !ok {
break out
p.handleUpstreamMsg(state, msg)
case <-p.quit:
break out
peerLog.Tracef("htlcManager for peer %v done", p)
// handleDownStreamPkt processes an HTLC packet sent from the downstream HTLC
// Switch. Possible messages sent by the switch include requests to forward new
// HTLC's, timeout previously cleared HTLC's, and finally to settle currently
// cleared HTLC's with the upstream peer.
func (p *peer) handleDownStreamPkt(state *commitmentState, pkt *htlcPacket) {
var isSettle bool
switch htlc := pkt.msg.(type) {
case *lnwire.HTLCAddRequest:
// A new payment has been initiated via the
// downstream channel, so we add the new HTLC
// to our local log, then update the commitment
// chains.
htlc.ChannelPoint = state.chanPoint
index, err := state.channel.AddHTLC(htlc)
if err != nil {
// TODO: possibly perform fallback/retry logic
// depending on type of error
// TODO: send a cancel message back to the htlcSwitch.
peerLog.Errorf("Adding HTLC rejected: %v", err)
pkt.err <- err
// Increase the available bandwidth of the link,
// previously it was decremented and because
// HTLC adding failed we should do the reverse
// operation.
htlcSwitch := p.server.htlcSwitch
htlcSwitch.UpdateLink(htlc.ChannelPoint, pkt.amt)
p.queueMsg(htlc, nil)
state.pendingBatch = append(state.pendingBatch, &pendingPayment{
htlc: htlc,
index: index,
err: pkt.err,
case *lnwire.HTLCSettleRequest:
pre := htlc.RedemptionProofs[0]
logIndex, err := state.channel.SettleHTLC(pre)
if err != nil {
// TODO(roasbeef): broadcast on-chain
peerLog.Errorf("settle for incoming HTLC rejected: %v", err)
htlc.ChannelPoint = state.chanPoint
htlc.HTLCKey = lnwire.HTLCKey(logIndex)
p.queueMsg(htlc, nil)
isSettle = true
// If this newly added update exceeds the max batch size for adds, or
// this is a settle request, then initiate an update.
// TODO(roasbeef): enforce max HTLC's in flight limit
if len(state.pendingBatch) >= 10 || isSettle {
if sent, err := p.updateCommitTx(state); err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to update "+
"commitment: %v", err)
} else if !sent {
state.numUnAcked += 1
// handleUpstreamMsg processes wire messages related to commitment state
// updates from the upstream peer. The upstream peer is the peer whom we have a
// direct channel with, updating our respective commitment chains.
func (p *peer) handleUpstreamMsg(state *commitmentState, msg lnwire.Message) {
switch htlcPkt := msg.(type) {
// TODO(roasbeef): timeouts
// * fail if can't parse sphinx mix-header
case *lnwire.HTLCAddRequest:
// Before adding the new HTLC to the state machine, parse the
// onion object in order to obtain the routing information.
blobReader := bytes.NewReader(htlcPkt.OnionBlob)
onionPkt := &sphinx.OnionPacket{}
if err := onionPkt.Decode(blobReader); err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to decode onion pkt: %v", err)
// Attempt to process the Sphinx packet. We include the payment
// hash of the HTLC as it's authenticated within the Sphinx
// packet itself as associated data in order to thwart attempts
// a replay attacks. In the case of a replay, an attacker is
// *forced* to use the same payment hash twice, thereby losing
// their money entirely.
rHash := htlcPkt.RedemptionHashes[0][:]
sphinxPacket, err := state.sphinx.ProcessOnionPacket(onionPkt, rHash)
if err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to process onion pkt: %v", err)
// TODO(roasbeef): perform sanity checks on per-hop payload
// * time-lock is sane, fee, chain, etc
// We just received an add request from an upstream peer, so we
// add it to our state machine, then add the HTLC to our
// "settle" list in the event that we know the pre-image
index, err := state.channel.ReceiveHTLC(htlcPkt)
if err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("Receiving HTLC rejected: %v", err)
switch sphinxPacket.Action {
// We're the designated payment destination. Therefore we
// attempt to see if we have an invoice locally which'll allow
// us to settle this HTLC.
case sphinx.ExitNode:
rHash := htlcPkt.RedemptionHashes[0]
invoice, err := p.server.invoices.LookupInvoice(rHash)
if err != nil {
// TODO(roasbeef): send a canceHTLC message if we can't settle.
peerLog.Errorf("unable to query to locate: %v", err)
// TODO(roasbeef): check values accept if >=
state.htlcsToSettle[index] = invoice
// There are additional hops left within this route, so we
// track the next hop according to the index of this HTLC
// within their log. When forwarding locked-in HLTC's to the
// switch, we'll attach the routing information so the switch
// can finalize the circuit.
case sphinx.MoreHops:
// TODO(roasbeef): send cancel + error if not in
// routing table
state.pendingCircuits[index] = sphinxPacket
peerLog.Errorf("mal formed onion packet")
case *lnwire.HTLCSettleRequest:
// TODO(roasbeef): this assumes no "multi-sig"
pre := htlcPkt.RedemptionProofs[0]
idx := uint32(htlcPkt.HTLCKey)
if err := state.channel.ReceiveHTLCSettle(pre, idx); err != nil {
// TODO(roasbeef): broadcast on-chain
peerLog.Errorf("settle for outgoing HTLC rejected: %v", err)
// TODO(roasbeef): add pre-image to DB in order to swipe
// repeated r-values
case *lnwire.CommitSignature:
// We just received a new update to our local commitment chain,
// validate this new commitment, closing the link if invalid.
// TODO(roasbeef): use uint64 for indexes?
logIndex := uint32(htlcPkt.LogIndex)
sig := htlcPkt.CommitSig.Serialize()
if err := state.channel.ReceiveNewCommitment(sig, logIndex); err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to accept new commitment: %v", err)
if state.numUnAcked > 0 {
state.numUnAcked -= 1
// TODO(roasbeef): only start if numUnacked == 0?
state.logCommitTimer = time.Tick(300 * time.Millisecond)
} else {
if _, err := p.updateCommitTx(state); err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to update "+
"commitment: %v", err)
// Finally, since we just accepted a new state, send the remote
// peer a revocation for our prior state.
nextRevocation, err := state.channel.RevokeCurrentCommitment()
if err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to revoke current commitment: %v", err)
p.queueMsg(nextRevocation, nil)
case *lnwire.CommitRevocation:
// We've received a revocation from the remote chain, if valid,
// this moves the remote chain forward, and expands our
// revocation window.
htlcsToForward, err := state.channel.ReceiveRevocation(htlcPkt)
if err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to accept revocation: %v", err)
// If any of the htlc's eligible for forwarding are pending
// settling or timeing out previous outgoing payments, then we
// can them from the pending set, and signal the requester (if
// existing) that the payment has been fully fulfilled.
var bandwidthUpdate btcutil.Amount
settledPayments := make(map[lnwallet.PaymentHash]struct{})
numSettled := 0
for _, htlc := range htlcsToForward {
if p, ok := state.clearedHTCLs[htlc.ParentIndex]; ok {
p.err <- nil
delete(state.clearedHTCLs, htlc.ParentIndex)
// TODO(roasbeef): rework log entries to a shared
// interface.
if htlc.EntryType != lnwallet.Add {
// If we can't immediately settle this HTLC, then we
// can halt processing here.
invoice, ok := state.htlcsToSettle[htlc.Index]
if !ok {
// Otherwise, we settle this HTLC within our local
// state update log, then send the update entry to the
// remote party.
preimage := invoice.Terms.PaymentPreimage
logIndex, err := state.channel.SettleHTLC(preimage)
if err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to settle htlc: %v", err)
settleMsg := &lnwire.HTLCSettleRequest{
ChannelPoint: state.chanPoint,
HTLCKey: lnwire.HTLCKey(logIndex),
RedemptionProofs: [][32]byte{preimage},
p.queueMsg(settleMsg, nil)
delete(state.htlcsToSettle, htlc.Index)
bandwidthUpdate += htlc.Amount
settledPayments[htlc.RHash] = struct{}{}
go func() {
for _, htlc := range htlcsToForward {
// We don't need to forward any HTLC's that we
// just settled above.
// TODO(roasbeef): key by index instead?
if _, ok := settledPayments[htlc.RHash]; ok {
onionPkt := state.pendingCircuits[htlc.Index]
delete(state.pendingCircuits, htlc.Index)
// Send this fully activated HTLC to the htlc
// switch to continue the chained clear/settle.
pkt, err := logEntryToHtlcPkt(*state.chanPoint,
htlc, onionPkt)
if err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to make htlc pkt: %v",
state.switchChan <- pkt
if numSettled == 0 {
// Send an update to the htlc switch of our newly available
// payment bandwidth.
// TODO(roasbeef): ideally should wait for next state update.
if bandwidthUpdate != 0 {
// With all the settle updates added to the local and remote
// HTLC logs, initiate a state transition by updating the
// remote commitment chain.
if sent, err := p.updateCommitTx(state); err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to update commitment: %v", err)
} else if sent {
// TODO(roasbeef): wait to delete from htlcsToSettle?
state.numUnAcked += 1
// Notify the invoiceRegistry of the invoices we just settled
// with this latest commitment update.
// TODO(roasbeef): wait until next transition?
for invoice, _ := range settledPayments {
err := p.server.invoices.SettleInvoice(wire.ShaHash(invoice))
if err != nil {
peerLog.Errorf("unable to settle invoice: %v", err)
// updateCommitTx signs, then sends an update to the remote peer adding a new
// commitment to their commitment chain which includes all the latest updates
// we've received+processed up to this point.
func (p *peer) updateCommitTx(state *commitmentState) (bool, error) {
sigTheirs, logIndexTheirs, err := state.channel.SignNextCommitment()
if err == lnwallet.ErrNoWindow {
peerLog.Tracef("revocation window exhausted, unable to send %v",
return false, nil
} else if err != nil {
return false, err
parsedSig, err := btcec.ParseSignature(sigTheirs, btcec.S256())
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse sig: %v", err)
commitSig := &lnwire.CommitSignature{
ChannelPoint: state.chanPoint,
CommitSig: parsedSig,
LogIndex: uint64(logIndexTheirs),
p.queueMsg(commitSig, nil)
// Move all pending updates to the map of cleared HTLC's, clearing out
// the set of pending updates.
for _, update := range state.pendingBatch {
// TODO(roasbeef): add parsed next-hop info to pending batch
// for multi-hop forwarding
state.clearedHTCLs[update.index] = update
state.logCommitTimer = nil
state.pendingBatch = nil
return true, nil
// logEntryToHtlcPkt converts a particular Lightning Commitment Protocol (LCP)
// log entry the corresponding htlcPacket with src/dest set along with the
// proper wire message. This helepr method is provided in order to aide an
// htlcManager in forwarding packets to the htlcSwitch.
func logEntryToHtlcPkt(chanPoint wire.OutPoint,
pd *lnwallet.PaymentDescriptor,
onionPkt *sphinx.ProcessedPacket) (*htlcPacket, error) {
pkt := &htlcPacket{}
// TODO(roasbeef): alter after switch to log entry interface
var msg lnwire.Message
switch pd.EntryType {
case lnwallet.Add:
// TODO(roasbeef): timeout, onion blob, etc
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := onionPkt.Packet.Encode(&b); err != nil {
return nil, err
msg = &lnwire.HTLCAddRequest{
Amount: btcutil.Amount(pd.Amount),
RedemptionHashes: [][32]byte{pd.RHash},
OnionBlob: b.Bytes(),
case lnwallet.Settle:
msg = &lnwire.HTLCSettleRequest{
RedemptionProofs: [][32]byte{pd.RPreimage},
pkt.amt = pd.Amount
pkt.msg = msg
pkt.srcLink = chanPoint
pkt.onion = onionPkt
return pkt, nil
// TODO(roasbeef): make all start/stop mutexes a CAS