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package btcwallet
import (
// This is required to register bdb as a valid walletdb driver. In the
// init function of the package, it registers itself. The import is used
// to activate the side effects w/o actually binding the package name to
// a file-level variable.
_ "github.com/roasbeef/btcwallet/walletdb/bdb"
var (
lnwalletHomeDir = btcutil.AppDataDir("lnwallet", false)
defaultDataDir = lnwalletHomeDir
defaultLogFilename = "lnwallet.log"
defaultLogDirname = "logs"
defaultLogDir = filepath.Join(lnwalletHomeDir, defaultLogDirname)
btcdHomeDir = btcutil.AppDataDir("btcd", false)
btcdHomedirCAFile = filepath.Join(btcdHomeDir, "rpc.cert")
defaultRPCKeyFile = filepath.Join(lnwalletHomeDir, "rpc.key")
defaultRPCCertFile = filepath.Join(lnwalletHomeDir, "rpc.cert")
// defaultPubPassphrase is the default public wallet passphrase which is
// used when the user indicates they do not want additional protection
// provided by having all public data in the wallet encrypted by a
// passphrase only known to them.
defaultPubPassphrase = []byte("public")
walletDbName = "lnwallet.db"
// Config is a struct which houses configuration paramters which modify the
// instance of BtcWallet generated by the New() function.
type Config struct {
// DataDir is the name of the directory where the wallet's persistent
// state should be sotred.
DataDir string
// LogDir is the name of the directory which should be used to store
// generated log files.
LogDir string
// PrivatePass is the private password to the underlying btcwallet
// instance. Without this, the wallet cannot be decrypted and operated.
PrivatePass []byte
// PublicPass is the optional public password to btcwallet. This is
// optionally used to encrypt public material such as public keys and
// scripts.
PublicPass []byte
// HdSeed is an optional seed to feed into the wallet. If this is
// unspecified, a new seed will be generated.
HdSeed []byte
// ChainSource is the primary chain interface. This is used to operate
// the wallet and do things such as rescanning, sending transactions,
// notifications for received funds, etc.
ChainSource chain.Interface
// NetParams is the net parameters for the target chain.
NetParams *chaincfg.Params
// networkDir returns the directory name of a network directory to hold wallet
// files.
func networkDir(dataDir string, chainParams *chaincfg.Params) string {
netname := chainParams.Name
// For now, we must always name the testnet data directory as "testnet"
// and not "testnet3" or any other version, as the chaincfg testnet3
// paramaters will likely be switched to being named "testnet3" in the
// future. This is done to future proof that change, and an upgrade
// plan to move the testnet3 data directory can be worked out later.
if chainParams.Net == wire.TestNet3 {
netname = "testnet"
return filepath.Join(dataDir, netname)