_keys[$key->getId()] = $key; $data = serialize($key); $encryptedData = \Mage::helper('core')->encrypt($data); $config = new \Mage_Core_Model_Config(); if (true === isset($config) && false === empty($config)) { $config->saveConfig($key->getId(), $encryptedData); } else { \Mage::helper('bitpay')->debugData('[ERROR] In file lib/Bitpay/Storage/MagentoStorage.php, class MagentoStorage::persist - Could not instantiate a \Mage_Core_Model_Config object.'); throw new \Exception('[ERROR] In file lib/Bitpay/Storage/MagentoStorage.php, class MagentoStorage::persist - Could not instantiate a \Mage_Core_Model_Config object.'); } } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function load($id) { if (true === isset($id) && true === isset($this->_keys[$id])) { return $this->_keys[$id]; } $entity = \Mage::getStoreConfig($id); /** * Not in database */ if (false === isset($entity) || true === empty($entity)) { \Mage::helper('bitpay')->debugData('[INFO] Call to MagentoStorage::load($id) with the id of ' . $id . ' did not return the store config parameter because it was not found in the database.'); throw new \Exception('[INFO] Call to MagentoStorage::load($id) with the id of ' . $id . ' did not return the store config parameter because it was not found in the database.'); } $decodedEntity = unserialize(\Mage::helper('core')->decrypt($entity)); if (false === isset($decodedEntity) || true === empty($decodedEntity)) { \Mage::helper('bitpay')->debugData('[INFO] Call to MagentoStorage::load($id) with the id of ' . $id . ' could not decrypt & unserialize the entity ' . $entity . '.'); throw new \Exception('[INFO] Call to MagentoStorage::load($id) with the id of ' . $id . ' could not decrypt & unserialize the entity ' . $entity . '.'); } \Mage::helper('bitpay')->debugData('[INFO] Call to MagentoStorage::load($id) with the id of ' . $id . ' successfully decrypted & unserialized the entity ' . $entity . '.'); return $decodedEntity; } }