# The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2011-2014 BitPay, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # Running a build locally, this also is used # to define all the default properties. db.user=root db.pass= db.name=magento db.host= magento.version= magento.baseurl=http://www.localhost.com #### # # This properties file is used to configure the entire build. The purpose of # this file is so that it is easy to drop it into a project and change a few # of these settings and have a build run successfully. # # NOTE: You may still need to take a look at and edit `phpunit.xml.dist`. # #### # # Directory Configuration # # The main location of all the projects source code, this should be the only # property that you need to change. Code can live in the root directory or it # can live inside of it's own directory. project.source=${project.basedir} #project.source=${project.basedir}/src # --- You shouldn't need to edit any of the below value --- # Location of all executables, this is the location on the `bin-dir` that you # have configured in `composer.json`. If you have not configured this in # 1composer.json` the default is to put it in the `vendor` directory. project.bindir=${project.basedir}/bin #project.bindir=${project.basedir}/vendor/bin # Where to put the build artifacts, cache, logs, docs, etc. project.builddir=${project.basedir}/build # Location of vendor directory created by composer. project.vendordir=${project.basedir}/vendor # build artifacts for code analysis project.logsdir=${project.builddir}/logs # Build artifacts that can be reused or updated, they do not need to be deleted # every build. These would include charts and images. project.cachedir=${project.builddir}/cache # Location of generated documentation such as API and code coverage project.docsdir=${project.builddir}/docs #### directory #### #### # # phpunit configuration # # Directory that contains phpunit.xml or the phpunit.xml file itself phpunit.configuration=${project.builddir}/phpunit.xml.dist #### phpunit #### #### # # phpmd configuration # # php source code filename or directory. Can be a comma-separated string phpmd.source=${project.source} # report format, text, xml, or html phpmd.report.format=xml # ruleset filename or a comma-separated string of rulesetfilenames phpmd.ruleset=${project.builddir}/rulesets/phpmd.xml # send report output to this file phpmd.report.file=${project.logsdir}/phpmd.xml # comma-separated string of patterns that are used to ignore directories phpmd.exclude=${project.bindir},${project.builddir},${project.vendordir},app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/tests #### phpmd #### #### # # phploc Configuration # # Source directory of project phploc.source=${project.source}/ # Where to put the csv log phploc.log.csv=${project.logsdir}/phploc.csv # Location of xml log phploc.log.xml=${project.logsdir}/phploc.xml # Small hack to exclude multiple directories phploc.exclude=vendor --exclude=build --exclude=bin --exclude=app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/tests #### phploc #### #### # # pdepend configuration # pdepend.source=${project.source} pdepend.jdepend.chart=${project.cachedir}/jdepend_chart.svg pdepend.jdepend.xml=${project.logsdir}/jdepend.xml pdepend.overview.pyramid=${project.cachedir}/pyramid.svg pdepend.summary.xml=${project.logsdir}/jdepend_summary.xml pdepend.ignore=bin,build,vendor,app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/tests #### pdepend #### #### # # phpcs configuration # phpcs.source=${project.source} phpcs.report.xml=${project.logsdir}/phpcs.xml phpcs.standard=PSR1 --standard=PSR2 phpcs.ignore=vendor --ignore=bin --ignore=build --ignore=app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/tests/ #### phpcs #### #### # # phpdoc configuration # phpdoc.directory=${project.source}/ phpdoc.target=${project.docsdir}/api phpdoc.ignore=vendor/,bin/,app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/tests/,build/ #### phpdoc ####