#!/usr/bin/env sh # # (c) 2014 BitPay, Inc. # # Shell script that locates and removes # any previously installed BitPay Magento # plugin files. # # Written by Rich Morgan # For full transparency I've listed all the depricated files and folders # related to the old plugin here for your information. This is the complete # list of items you would want to backup and/or remove if you wanted to do # this by hand yourself or if you just wanted a list for tracking purposes. old_files[0]="/lib/bitpay/bp_config_default.php" old_files[1]="/lib/bitpay/bp_lib.php" old_files[2]="/lib/bitpay/bp_options.php" old_files[3]="/lib/bitpay" old_files[4]="/app/design/frontend/base/default/template/bitcoins/iframe.phtml" old_files[5]="/app/design/frontend/base/default/template/bitcoins" old_files[6]="/app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/bitcoins.xml" old_files[7]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/Model/Resource/Ipn/Collection.php" old_files[8]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/Model/Resource/Ipn" old_files[9]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/Model/Resource/Ipn.php" old_files[10]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/Model/PaymentMethod.php" old_files[11]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/Model/Ipn.php" old_files[12]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/Model/Source/Speed.php" old_files[13]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/Model/Source" old_files[14]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/Model/Resource" old_files[15]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/Model" old_files[16]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/sql/Bitcoins_setup/upgrade-0.1.0-1.0.0.php" old_files[17]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/sql/Bitcoins_setup/upgrade-1.0.0-1.1.0.php" old_files[18]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/sql/Bitcoins_setup" old_files[19]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/sql" old_files[20]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/Block/Iframe.php" old_files[21]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/Block" old_files[22]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/controllers/IndexController.php" old_files[23]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/controllers" old_files[24]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/etc/config.xml" old_files[25]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/etc/system.xml" old_files[26]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins/etc" old_files[27]="/app/code/community/Bitpay/Bitcoins" old_files[28]="/app/code/community/Bitpay" old_files[29]="/app/etc/modules/Bitpay_Bitcoins.xml" old_files[30]="composer.json" old_files[31]="magento-plugin-master.zip" old_files[32]="modman" old_files[33]="README.md" CLEAN="true" RMOPTS="-vrfd" echo "Looking for your Magento installation. Please stand by - this may take a few minutes while I search..." # In case we have multiple Magento installs on this one # server, we will just take the first one and ask... i=`find /var /usr /opt -name Mage.php -type f | head -n 1 2>/dev/null` if [ -e $i ] then DIR=`dirname $i` cd $DIR && cd ../ mage_dir=`pwd` echo "It looks like Magento is installed in the $mage_dir directory." echo "Is this correct? (y/n) > " else # In case we can't find the Magento folder, we are just # providing a default value here. This happens to be the # default for an Ubuntu-based machine, for example. DIR="/var/www/html/magento" cd $DIR mage_dir=`pwd` echo "You don't have Magento installed or this script doesn't have permissions to view the directory it's contained in." echo "Should I default to $mage_dir ? (y/n) > " fi read answer if [ $answer = "y" ] then echo "Attempting to delete the old plugin files now. Please stand by..." for filename in "${old_files[@]}" do fullname=$mage_dir$filename if [ -e $fullname ] then echo " Found $fullname - removing!" rm $RMOPTS $fullname else echo " $filename does not exist - skipping!" fi done echo "File removal process complete. Checking to make sure your Magento environment was completely cleaned of old BitPay files..." echo "" for filename in "${old_files[@]}" do fullname=$mage_dir$filename if [ -e $fullname ] then echo " The old plugin file $fullname is still present!" CLEAN="false" else echo " $filename is not present - good!" fi done if [ $CLEAN = "false" ] then echo "Old BitPay plugin files are still present in your Magento directory. This is likely due to this script not having permissions to delete them. You can fix this by running this script as superuser or you can remove the files by hand." else echo "Good! I didn't find any remaining old BitPay plugin files in your Magento directory! You can now safely install the new BitPay plugin." fi echo "Process complete." echo "" else echo "Okay, please enter the path you would like me to use or QUIT if you wish to abort the process." echo "Full path or QUIT ? > " read answer if [ $answer = "QUIT" ] then echo "Quitting!" else echo "Attempting to delete the old plugin files at the directory you provided. Please stand by..." for filename in "${old_files[@]}" do fullname=$answer$filename if [ -e $fullname ] then echo " Found $fullname - removing!" rm $RMOPTS $fullname else echo " $filename does not exist - skipping!" fi done echo "File removal process complete. Checking to make sure your Magento environment was completely cleaned of old BitPay files..." echo "" for filename in "${old_files[@]}" do fullname=$mage_dir$filename if [ -e $fullname ] then echo " The old plugin file $fullname is still present!" CLEAN="false" else echo " $filename is not present - good!" fi done if [ $CLEAN = "false" ] then echo "Old BitPay plugin files are still present in your Magento directory. This is likely due to this script not having permissions to delete them. You can fix this by running this script as superuser or you can remove the files by hand." else echo "Good! I didn't find any remaining old BitPay plugin files in your Magento directory! You can now safely install the new BitPay plugin." fi echo "Process complete." echo "" fi fi