/* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.2.7 */ #include "types.pb.h" const uint32_t TxInputType_sequence_default = 4294967295u; const pb_field_t HDNodeType_fields[7] = { PB_FIELD2( 1, UINT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, HDNodeType, depth, depth, 0), PB_FIELD2( 2, UINT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, HDNodeType, fingerprint, depth, 0), PB_FIELD2( 3, UINT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, HDNodeType, child_num, fingerprint, 0), PB_FIELD2( 4, BYTES , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, HDNodeType, chain_code, child_num, 0), PB_FIELD2( 5, BYTES , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, HDNodeType, private_key, chain_code, 0), PB_FIELD2( 6, BYTES , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, HDNodeType, public_key, private_key, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t CoinType_fields[5] = { PB_FIELD2( 1, STRING , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, CoinType, coin_name, coin_name, 0), PB_FIELD2( 2, STRING , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, CoinType, coin_shortcut, coin_name, 0), PB_FIELD2( 3, UINT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, CoinType, address_type, coin_shortcut, 0), PB_FIELD2( 4, UINT64 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, CoinType, maxfee_kb, address_type, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t TxInputType_fields[6] = { PB_FIELD2( 1, UINT32 , REPEATED, STATIC , FIRST, TxInputType, address_n, address_n, 0), PB_FIELD2( 2, BYTES , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, TxInputType, prev_hash, address_n, 0), PB_FIELD2( 3, UINT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, TxInputType, prev_index, prev_hash, 0), PB_FIELD2( 4, BYTES , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, TxInputType, script_sig, prev_index, 0), PB_FIELD2( 5, UINT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, TxInputType, sequence, script_sig, &TxInputType_sequence_default), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t TxOutputType_fields[6] = { PB_FIELD2( 1, STRING , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, TxOutputType, address, address, 0), PB_FIELD2( 2, UINT32 , REPEATED, STATIC , OTHER, TxOutputType, address_n, address, 0), PB_FIELD2( 3, UINT64 , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, TxOutputType, amount, address_n, 0), PB_FIELD2( 4, ENUM , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, TxOutputType, script_type, amount, 0), PB_FIELD2( 5, BYTES , REPEATED, STATIC , OTHER, TxOutputType, script_args, script_type, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t TxOutputBinType_fields[3] = { PB_FIELD2( 1, UINT64 , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, TxOutputBinType, amount, amount, 0), PB_FIELD2( 2, BYTES , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, TxOutputBinType, script_pubkey, amount, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t TransactionType_fields[8] = { PB_FIELD2( 1, UINT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, TransactionType, version, version, 0), PB_FIELD2( 2, MESSAGE , REPEATED, STATIC , OTHER, TransactionType, inputs, version, &TxInputType_fields), PB_FIELD2( 3, MESSAGE , REPEATED, STATIC , OTHER, TransactionType, bin_outputs, inputs, &TxOutputBinType_fields), PB_FIELD2( 4, UINT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, TransactionType, lock_time, bin_outputs, 0), PB_FIELD2( 5, MESSAGE , REPEATED, STATIC , OTHER, TransactionType, outputs, lock_time, &TxOutputType_fields), PB_FIELD2( 6, UINT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, TransactionType, inputs_cnt, outputs, 0), PB_FIELD2( 7, UINT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, TransactionType, outputs_cnt, inputs_cnt, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t TxRequestDetailsType_fields[3] = { PB_FIELD2( 1, UINT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, TxRequestDetailsType, request_index, request_index, 0), PB_FIELD2( 2, BYTES , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, TxRequestDetailsType, tx_hash, request_index, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t TxRequestSerializedType_fields[4] = { PB_FIELD2( 1, UINT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, TxRequestSerializedType, signature_index, signature_index, 0), PB_FIELD2( 2, BYTES , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, TxRequestSerializedType, signature, signature_index, 0), PB_FIELD2( 3, BYTES , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, TxRequestSerializedType, serialized_tx, signature, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; typedef struct { bool wire_in; } wire_in_struct; static const pb_field_t wire_in_field = PB_FIELD2(50002, BOOL , OPTEXT, STATIC , FIRST, wire_in_struct, wire_in, wire_in, 0); const pb_extension_type_t wire_in = { NULL, NULL, &wire_in_field }; typedef struct { bool wire_out; } wire_out_struct; static const pb_field_t wire_out_field = PB_FIELD2(50003, BOOL , OPTEXT, STATIC , FIRST, wire_out_struct, wire_out, wire_out, 0); const pb_extension_type_t wire_out = { NULL, NULL, &wire_out_field }; typedef struct { bool wire_debug_in; } wire_debug_in_struct; static const pb_field_t wire_debug_in_field = PB_FIELD2(50004, BOOL , OPTEXT, STATIC , FIRST, wire_debug_in_struct, wire_debug_in, wire_debug_in, 0); const pb_extension_type_t wire_debug_in = { NULL, NULL, &wire_debug_in_field }; typedef struct { bool wire_debug_out; } wire_debug_out_struct; static const pb_field_t wire_debug_out_field = PB_FIELD2(50005, BOOL , OPTEXT, STATIC , FIRST, wire_debug_out_struct, wire_debug_out, wire_debug_out, 0); const pb_extension_type_t wire_debug_out = { NULL, NULL, &wire_debug_out_field }; /* Check that field information fits in pb_field_t */ #if !defined(PB_FIELD_32BIT) /* If you get an error here, it means that you need to define PB_FIELD_32BIT * compile-time option. You can do that in pb.h or on compiler command line. * * The reason you need to do this is that some of your messages contain tag * numbers or field sizes that are larger than what can fit in 8 or 16 bit * field descriptors. */ STATIC_ASSERT((pb_membersize(TransactionType, inputs[0]) < 65536 && pb_membersize(TransactionType, bin_outputs[0]) < 65536 && pb_membersize(TransactionType, outputs[0]) < 65536), YOU_MUST_DEFINE_PB_FIELD_32BIT_FOR_MESSAGES_HDNodeType_CoinType_TxInputType_TxOutputType_TxOutputBinType_TransactionType_TxRequestDetailsType_TxRequestSerializedType) #endif #if !defined(PB_FIELD_16BIT) && !defined(PB_FIELD_32BIT) #error Field descriptor for TxRequestSerializedType.serialized_tx is too large. Define PB_FIELD_16BIT to fix this. #endif