#!/bin/bash I_AM="pinouts-create.sh:" I_AM="gen_upload_pinouts.sh:" if [ -z $1 ] ; then echo "Specific yaml parameter not specified, searching for */connectors/*.yaml" CONNECTORS=$(find -path "./firmware/config/boards/*/connectors/*.yaml") else CONNECTORS=$1 echo "Processing $CONNECTORS" fi # yq 3 and 4 have incompatible syntax. We use yq 4. echo ${I_AM} invoking yq version yqdir/yq -V for c in $CONNECTORS; do echo "${I_AM} processing "$c DIR="pinouts/"$(echo $c | tr '/' '\n' | tail -n +5 | head -n -2 | tr '\n' '/') echo "${I_AM} DIR "$DIR NAME=$(basename $c .yaml) echo "${I_AM} NAME "$NAME mkdir -p $DIR if [ "$(yqdir/yq e '.info.id' $c)" == "null" ]; then echo "${I_AM} Missing id field in info section of $c" exit 1 fi if [ -f $DIR/index.html ]; then bash misc/pinout-gen/append.sh "$(yqdir/yq -j e $c)" $DIR/index.html else bash misc/pinout-gen/gen.sh "$(yqdir/yq -j e $c)" $DIR/index.html fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "${I_AM} something is broken" exit 1; fi file $DIR/index.html IMG=$(yqdir/yq e '.info.image.file' $c) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi echo "IMG "$IMG if [ "$IMG" != "null" ]; then cp $(dirname $c)/$IMG $DIR fi ls $DIR done