/* * @file dynoview.h * * @date Nov 29, 2020 * @author Alexandru Miculescu, (c) 2012-2020 */ #pragma once #include "engine_ptr.h" class Logging; void initDynoView(Logging *sharedLogger DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); void updateDynoView(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); void updateDynoViewCan(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); float getDynoviewAcceleration(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); int getDynoviewPower(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); typedef enum{ ICU = 0, CAN, }vssSrc; class DynoView { public: DECLARE_ENGINE_PTR; // Update the state of the launch control system void update(vssSrc src); void updateAcceleration(efitick_t deltaTime, float deltaSpeed); void updateHP(); float getAcceleration(); int getEngineForce(); //in KW int getEnginePower(); int getEngineHP(); //in NM int getEngineTorque(); #if EFI_UNIT_TEST void setAcceleration(float a); #endif private: efitimeus_t timeStamp = 0; //km/h unit float vss = 0; //m/s/s unit float acceleration = 0; //engine force in N int engineForce; //engine power in W int enginePower; //engine powerin HP int engineHP; //Torque in lb-ft int engineTorque; //sign uint8_t direction; };