/* * @file test_idle_controller.cpp * * @date Oct 17, 2013 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2020 */ #include "pch.h" #include "advance_map.h" #include "efi_pid.h" #include "idle_thread.h" #include "electronic_throttle.h" using ::testing::StrictMock; using ::testing::_; using ICP = IIdleController::Phase; TEST(idle_v2, timingPid) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); IdleController dut; engineConfiguration->useIdleTimingPidControl = true; engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.pFactor = 0.1; engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.minValue = -10; engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid.maxValue = 10; dut.init(); // Check that out of idle mode it doesn't do anything EXPECT_EQ(0, dut.getIdleTimingAdjustment(1050, 1000, ICP::Cranking)); EXPECT_EQ(0, dut.getIdleTimingAdjustment(1050, 1000, ICP::Coasting)); EXPECT_EQ(0, dut.getIdleTimingAdjustment(1050, 1000, ICP::Running)); // Check that it works in idle mode EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(-5, dut.getIdleTimingAdjustment(1050, 1000, ICP::Idling)); // ...but not when disabled engineConfiguration->useIdleTimingPidControl = false; EXPECT_EQ(0, dut.getIdleTimingAdjustment(1050, 1000, ICP::Idling)); engineConfiguration->useIdleTimingPidControl = true; // Now check that the deadzone works engineConfiguration->idleTimingPidDeadZone = 50; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(5.1, dut.getIdleTimingAdjustment(949, 1000, ICP::Idling)); EXPECT_EQ(0, dut.getIdleTimingAdjustment(951, 1000, ICP::Idling)); EXPECT_EQ(0, dut.getIdleTimingAdjustment(1000, 1000, ICP::Idling)); EXPECT_EQ(0, dut.getIdleTimingAdjustment(1049, 1000, ICP::Idling)); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(-5.1, dut.getIdleTimingAdjustment(1051, 1000, ICP::Idling)); } TEST(idle_v2, testTargetRpm) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); IdleController dut; for (size_t i = 0; i < efi::size(engineConfiguration->cltIdleRpmBins); i++) { engineConfiguration->cltIdleRpmBins[i] = i * 10; engineConfiguration->cltIdleRpm[i] = i * 100; } EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(100, dut.getTargetRpm(10)); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(500, dut.getTargetRpm(50)); } TEST(idle_v2, testDeterminePhase) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); IdleController dut; // TPS threshold 5% for easy test engineConfiguration->idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold = 5; // RPM window is 100 RPM above target engineConfiguration->idlePidRpmUpperLimit = 100; // Max VSS for idle is 10kph engineConfiguration->maxIdleVss = 10; // First test stopped engine engine->rpmCalculator.setRpmValue(0); EXPECT_EQ(ICP::Cranking, dut.determinePhase(0, 1000, unexpected, 0, 10)); // Now engine is running! // Controller doesn't need this other than for isCranking() engine->rpmCalculator.setRpmValue(1000); // Test invalid TPS, but inside the idle window EXPECT_EQ(ICP::Running, dut.determinePhase(1000, 1000, unexpected, 0, 10)); // Valid TPS should now be inside the zone EXPECT_EQ(ICP::Idling, dut.determinePhase(1000, 1000, 0, 0, 10)); // Inside the zone, but vehicle speed too fast EXPECT_EQ(ICP::Running, dut.determinePhase(1000, 1000, 0, 25, 10)); // Check that shortly after cranking, the cranking taper inhibits closed loop idle EXPECT_EQ(ICP::CrankToIdleTaper, dut.determinePhase(1000, 1000, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Above TPS threshold should be outside the zone EXPECT_EQ(ICP::Running, dut.determinePhase(1000, 1000, 10, 0, 10)); // Above target, below (target + upperLimit) should be in idle zone EXPECT_EQ(ICP::Idling, dut.determinePhase(1099, 1000, 0, 0, 10)); // above upper limit and on throttle should be out of idle zone EXPECT_EQ(ICP::Running, dut.determinePhase(1101, 1000, 10, 0, 10)); // Below TPS but above RPM should be outside the zone EXPECT_EQ(ICP::Coasting, dut.determinePhase(1101, 1000, 0, 0, 10)); EXPECT_EQ(ICP::Coasting, dut.determinePhase(5000, 1000, 0, 0, 10)); } TEST(idle_v2, crankingOpenLoop) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); IdleController dut; engineConfiguration->crankingIACposition = 50; for (size_t i = 0; i < efi::size(config->cltCrankingCorrBins); i++) { config->cltCrankingCorrBins[i] = i * 10; config->cltCrankingCorr[i] = i * 0.1f; // different values in running so we can tell which one is used config->cltIdleCorrBins[i] = i * 10; config->cltIdleCorr[i] = i * 0.2f; } // First test without override (ie, normal running CLT corr table) EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(10, dut.getCrankingOpenLoop(10)); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(50, dut.getCrankingOpenLoop(50)); // Test with override (use separate table) engineConfiguration->overrideCrankingIacSetting = true; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(5, dut.getCrankingOpenLoop(10)); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(25, dut.getCrankingOpenLoop(50)); } TEST(idle_v2, runningOpenLoopBasic) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); IdleController dut; engineConfiguration->manIdlePosition = 50; for (size_t i = 0; i < efi::size(config->cltIdleCorrBins); i++) { config->cltIdleCorrBins[i] = i * 10; config->cltIdleCorr[i] = i * 0.1f; } EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(5, dut.getRunningOpenLoop(10, 0)); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(25, dut.getRunningOpenLoop(50, 0)); } TEST(idle_v2, runningFanAcBump) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); IdleController dut; engineConfiguration->manIdlePosition = 50; engineConfiguration->acIdleExtraOffset = 9; engineConfiguration->fan1ExtraIdle = 7; engineConfiguration->fan2ExtraIdle = 3; setArrayValues(config->cltIdleCorr, 1.0f); // Start with fan off enginePins.fanRelay.setValue(0); // Should be base position EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(50, dut.getRunningOpenLoop(10, 0)); // Turn on AC! engine->acSwitchState = true; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(50 + 9, dut.getRunningOpenLoop(10, 0)); engine->acSwitchState = false; // Turn the fan on! enginePins.fanRelay.setValue(1); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(50 + 7, dut.getRunningOpenLoop(10, 0)); enginePins.fanRelay.setValue(0); // Turn on the other fan! enginePins.fanRelay2.setValue(1); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(50 + 3, dut.getRunningOpenLoop(10, 0)); // Turn on everything! engine->acSwitchState = true; enginePins.fanRelay.setValue(1); enginePins.fanRelay2.setValue(1); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(50 + 9 + 7 + 3, dut.getRunningOpenLoop(10, 0)); } TEST(idle_v2, runningOpenLoopTpsTaper) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); IdleController dut; // Zero out base tempco table setArrayValues(config->cltIdleCorr, 0.0f); // Add 50% idle position engineConfiguration->iacByTpsTaper = 50; // At 10% TPS engineConfiguration->idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold = 10; // Check in-bounds points EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0, dut.getRunningOpenLoop(0, 0)); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(25, dut.getRunningOpenLoop(0, 5)); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(50, dut.getRunningOpenLoop(0, 10)); // Check out of bounds - shouldn't leave the interval [0, 10] EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0, dut.getRunningOpenLoop(0, -5)); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(50, dut.getRunningOpenLoop(0, 20)); } struct MockOpenLoopIdler : public IdleController { MOCK_METHOD(float, getCrankingOpenLoop, (float clt), (const, override)); MOCK_METHOD(float, getRunningOpenLoop, (float clt, SensorResult tps), (const, override)); }; TEST(idle_v2, testOpenLoopCranking) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); StrictMock dut; engineConfiguration->overrideCrankingIacSetting = true; EXPECT_CALL(dut, getCrankingOpenLoop(30)).WillOnce(Return(44)); // Should return the value from getCrankingOpenLoop, and ignore running numbers EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(44, dut.getOpenLoop(ICP::Cranking, 30, 0, 0)); } TEST(idle_v2, openLoopRunningTaper) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); StrictMock dut; EXPECT_CALL(dut, getRunningOpenLoop(30, SensorResult(0))).WillRepeatedly(Return(25)); EXPECT_CALL(dut, getCrankingOpenLoop(30)).WillRepeatedly(Return(75)); // 0 cycles - no taper yet, pure cranking value EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(75, dut.getOpenLoop(ICP::Running, 30, 0, 0)); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(75, dut.getOpenLoop(ICP::CrankToIdleTaper, 30, 0, 0)); // 1/2 taper - half way, 50% each value -> outputs 50 EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(50, dut.getOpenLoop(ICP::Running, 30, 0, 0.5f)); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(50, dut.getOpenLoop(ICP::CrankToIdleTaper, 30, 0, 0.5f)); // 1x taper - fully tapered, should be running value EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(25, dut.getOpenLoop(ICP::Running, 30, 0, 1.0f)); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(25, dut.getOpenLoop(ICP::CrankToIdleTaper, 30, 0, 1.0f)); // 2x taper - still fully tapered, should be running value EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(25, dut.getOpenLoop(ICP::Running, 30, 0, 2.0f)); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(25, dut.getOpenLoop(ICP::CrankToIdleTaper, 30, 0, 2.0f)); } TEST(idle_v2, getCrankingTaperFraction) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); StrictMock dut; engineConfiguration->afterCrankingIACtaperDuration = 500; // 0 cycles - no taper yet, pure cranking value EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0, dut.getCrankingTaperFraction()); // 250 cycles - half way, 50% each value -> outputs 50 for (size_t i = 0; i < 250; i++) { engine->rpmCalculator.onNewEngineCycle(); } EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.5f, dut.getCrankingTaperFraction()); // 500 cycles - fully tapered, should be running value for (size_t i = 0; i < 250; i++) { engine->rpmCalculator.onNewEngineCycle(); } EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1, dut.getCrankingTaperFraction()); // 1000 cycles - still fully tapered, should be running value for (size_t i = 0; i < 500; i++) { engine->rpmCalculator.onNewEngineCycle(); } EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(2, dut.getCrankingTaperFraction()); } TEST(idle_v2, openLoopCoastingTable) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); IdleController dut; // enable & configure feature engineConfiguration->useIacTableForCoasting = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < CLT_CURVE_SIZE; i++) { engineConfiguration->iacCoastingBins[i] = 10 * i; engineConfiguration->iacCoasting[i] = 5 * i; } EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(10, dut.getOpenLoop(ICP::Coasting, 20, 0, 2)); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(20, dut.getOpenLoop(ICP::Coasting, 40, 0, 2)); } extern int timeNowUs; TEST(idle_v2, closedLoopBasic) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); IdleController dut; dut.init(); // Not testing PID here, so we can set very simple PID gains engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.pFactor = 0.5; // 0.5 output per 1 RPM error = 50% per 100 rpm engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.iFactor = 0; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.dFactor = 0; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.offset = 0; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.iFactor = 0; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.periodMs = 0; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.minValue = -50; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.maxValue = 50; engineConfiguration->idlePidRpmDeadZone = 0; // burn one update then advance time 5 seconds to avoid difficulty from wasResetPid dut.getClosedLoop(ICP::Idling, 0, 900, 900); timeNowUs += 5'000'000; // Test above target, should return negative EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(-25, dut.getClosedLoop(ICP::Idling, 0, /*rpm*/ 950, /*tgt*/ 900)); // Below target, should return positive EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(25, dut.getClosedLoop(ICP::Idling, 0, /*rpm*/ 850, /*tgt*/ 900)); } TEST(idle_v2, closedLoopDeadzone) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); IdleController dut; dut.init(); // Not testing PID here, so we can set very simple PID gains engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.pFactor = 0.5; // 0.5 output per 1 RPM error = 50% per 100 rpm engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.iFactor = 0; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.dFactor = 0; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.offset = 0; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.iFactor = 0; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.periodMs = 0; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.minValue = -50; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.maxValue = 50; engineConfiguration->idlePidRpmDeadZone = 25; // burn one then advance time 5 seconds to avoid difficulty from wasResetPid dut.getClosedLoop(ICP::Idling, 0, 900, 900); timeNowUs += 5'000'000; // Test above target, should return negative EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(-25, dut.getClosedLoop(ICP::Idling, 0, /*rpm*/ 950, /*tgt*/ 900)); // Inside deadzone, should return same as last time EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(-25, dut.getClosedLoop(ICP::Idling, 0, /*rpm*/ 900, /*tgt*/ 900)); } struct IntegrationIdleMock : public IdleController { MOCK_METHOD(int, getTargetRpm, (float clt), (override)); MOCK_METHOD(ICP, determinePhase, (int rpm, int targetRpm, SensorResult tps, float vss, float crankingTaperFraction), (override)); MOCK_METHOD(float, getOpenLoop, (ICP phase, float clt, SensorResult tps, float crankingTaperFraction), (override)); MOCK_METHOD(float, getClosedLoop, (ICP phase, float tps, int rpm, int target), (override)); MOCK_METHOD(float, getCrankingTaperFraction, (), (const, override)); }; TEST(idle_v2, IntegrationManual) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); StrictMock dut; SensorResult expectedTps = 1; float expectedClt = 37; Sensor::setMockValue(SensorType::DriverThrottleIntent, expectedTps.Value); Sensor::setMockValue(SensorType::Clt, expectedClt); Sensor::setMockValue(SensorType::VehicleSpeed, 15.0); Sensor::setMockValue(SensorType::Rpm, 950); // Target of 1000 rpm EXPECT_CALL(dut, getTargetRpm(expectedClt)) .WillOnce(Return(1000)); // 30% of the way through cranking taper EXPECT_CALL(dut, getCrankingTaperFraction()) .WillOnce(Return(0.3f)); // Determine phase will claim we're idling EXPECT_CALL(dut, determinePhase(950, 1000, expectedTps, 15, 0.3f)) .WillOnce(Return(ICP::Idling)); // Open loop should be asked for an open loop position EXPECT_CALL(dut, getOpenLoop(ICP::Idling, expectedClt, expectedTps, 0.3f)) .WillOnce(Return(13)); // getClosedLoop() should not be called! EXPECT_EQ(13, dut.getIdlePosition()); } TEST(idle_v2, IntegrationAutomatic) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); StrictMock dut; engineConfiguration->idleMode = IM_AUTO; SensorResult expectedTps = 1; float expectedClt = 37; Sensor::setMockValue(SensorType::DriverThrottleIntent, expectedTps.Value); Sensor::setMockValue(SensorType::Clt, expectedClt); Sensor::setMockValue(SensorType::VehicleSpeed, 15.0); Sensor::setMockValue(SensorType::Rpm, 950); // Target of 1000 rpm EXPECT_CALL(dut, getTargetRpm(expectedClt)) .WillOnce(Return(1000)); // 40% of the way through cranking taper EXPECT_CALL(dut, getCrankingTaperFraction()) .WillOnce(Return(0.4f)); // Determine phase will claim we're idling EXPECT_CALL(dut, determinePhase(950, 1000, expectedTps, 15, 0.4f)) .WillOnce(Return(ICP::Idling)); // Open loop should be asked for an open loop position EXPECT_CALL(dut, getOpenLoop(ICP::Idling, expectedClt, expectedTps, 0.4f)) .WillOnce(Return(13)); // Closed loop should get called EXPECT_CALL(dut, getClosedLoop(ICP::Idling, expectedTps.Value, 950, 1000)) .WillOnce(Return(7)); // Result should be open + closed EXPECT_EQ(13 + 7, dut.getIdlePosition()); } TEST(idle_v2, IntegrationClamping) { EngineTestHelper eth(TEST_ENGINE); StrictMock dut; engineConfiguration->idleMode = IM_AUTO; SensorResult expectedTps = 1; float expectedClt = 37; Sensor::setMockValue(SensorType::DriverThrottleIntent, expectedTps.Value); Sensor::setMockValue(SensorType::Clt, expectedClt); Sensor::setMockValue(SensorType::VehicleSpeed, 15.0); Sensor::setMockValue(SensorType::Rpm, 950); // Target of 1000 rpm EXPECT_CALL(dut, getTargetRpm(expectedClt)) .WillOnce(Return(1000)); // 50% of the way through cranking taper EXPECT_CALL(dut, getCrankingTaperFraction()) .WillOnce(Return(0.5f)); // Determine phase will claim we're idling EXPECT_CALL(dut, determinePhase(950, 1000, expectedTps, 15, 0.5f)) .WillOnce(Return(ICP::Idling)); // Open loop should be asked for an open loop position EXPECT_CALL(dut, getOpenLoop(ICP::Idling, expectedClt, expectedTps, 0.5f)) .WillOnce(Return(75)); // Closed loop should get called EXPECT_CALL(dut, getClosedLoop(ICP::Idling, expectedTps.Value, 950, 1000)) .WillOnce(Return(75)); // Result would be 75 + 75 = 150, but it should clamp to 100 EXPECT_EQ(100, dut.getIdlePosition()); }