/* * @file prime_injection.cpp */ #include "pch.h" #include "prime_injection.h" #include "injection_gpio.h" #include "sensor.h" #include "backup_ram.h" void PrimeController::onPrimeEnd() { endSimultaneousInjectionOnlyTogglePins(); m_isPriming = false; } floatms_t PrimeController::getPrimeDuration() const { auto clt = Sensor::get(SensorType::Clt); // If the coolant sensor is dead, skip the prime. The engine will still start fine, but may take a little longer. if (!clt) { return 0; } auto primeMass = 0.001f * // convert milligram to gram interpolate2d(clt.Value, engineConfiguration->primeBins, engineConfiguration->primeValues); return engine->module()->getInjectionDuration(primeMass); } // Check if the engine is not stopped or cylinder cleanup is activated static bool isPrimeInjectionPulseSkipped() { if (!getEngineRotationState()->isStopped()) return true; return engineConfiguration->isCylinderCleanupEnabled && (Sensor::getOrZero(SensorType::Tps1) > CLEANUP_MODE_TPS); } /** * Prime injection pulse */ void PrimeController::onIgnitionStateChanged(bool ignitionOn) { if (!ignitionOn) { // don't prime on ignition-off return; } // First, we need a protection against 'fake' ignition switch on and off (i.e. no engine started), to avoid repeated prime pulses. // So we check and update the ignition switch counter in non-volatile backup-RAM #if EFI_PROD_CODE uint32_t ignSwitchCounter = backupRamLoad(BACKUP_IGNITION_SWITCH_COUNTER); #else /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ uint32_t ignSwitchCounter = 0; #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ // if we're just toying with the ignition switch, give it another chance eventually... if (ignSwitchCounter > 10) ignSwitchCounter = 0; // If we're going to skip this pulse, then save the counter as 0. // That's because we'll definitely need the prime pulse next time (either due to the cylinder cleanup or the engine spinning) if (isPrimeInjectionPulseSkipped()) ignSwitchCounter = -1; // start prime injection if this is a 'fresh start' if (ignSwitchCounter == 0) { auto primeDelayMs = engineConfiguration->primingDelay * 1000; auto startTime = getTimeNowNt() + MS2NT(primeDelayMs); getExecutorInterface()->scheduleByTimestampNt("prime", &m_start, startTime, { PrimeController::onPrimeStartAdapter, this}); } else { efiPrintf("Skipped priming pulse since ignSwitchCounter = %d", ignSwitchCounter); } #if EFI_PROD_CODE // we'll reset it later when the engine starts backupRamSave(BACKUP_IGNITION_SWITCH_COUNTER, ignSwitchCounter + 1); #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ } void PrimeController::onPrimeStart() { auto durationMs = getPrimeDuration(); // Don't prime a zero-duration pulse if (durationMs <= 0) { efiPrintf("Skipped zero-duration priming pulse."); return; } efiPrintf("Firing priming pulse of %.2f ms", durationMs); auto endTime = getTimeNowNt() + MS2NT(durationMs); // Open all injectors, schedule closing later m_isPriming = true; startSimultaneousInjection(); getExecutorInterface()->scheduleByTimestampNt("prime", &m_end, endTime, { onPrimeEndAdapter, this }); } void updatePrimeInjectionPulseState() { static bool counterWasReset = false; if (counterWasReset) return; if (!getEngineRotationState()->isStopped()) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE backupRamSave(BACKUP_IGNITION_SWITCH_COUNTER, 0); #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ counterWasReset = true; } }