#!/bin/bash # # we have code duplication with three "upload_xxx*" files # todo: clean it up? use this version with five parameters for all use-cases? # todo: rename this script since it's a universal one? # # user=$1 # pass=$2 # host=$3 # destination_folder=$4 # file_to_upload=$5 if [ ! "$1" ] || [ ! "$2" ] || [ ! "$3" ]; then echo "No Secrets" exit 0 fi echo -e "\nUploading file: $5" # ncftpput -r 999 -m -R -v -u "$1" -p "$2" "$3" $4 $5 echo put $5 $4 > cmd cat cmd sshpass -p $2 sftp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $1@$3 <<< `cat cmd`