/** * @file serial_sensor.cpp * * * @date Mar 19, 2020 * @author Konstantin Smola, (c) 2020 */ #include "global.h" #if EFI_AUX_SERIAL #include "serial.h" #include "serial_sensor.h" #include "engine.h" #define NUM_INNOVATE_O2_SENSORS 1 #define AFR_MULTIPLIER 147 EXTERN_ENGINE; volatile float InnovateLC2AFR = AFR_ERROR; typedef enum { NO_ERROR = 0, HEATER_SHORTED = 1, HEATER_OPEN = 2, PUMPCELL_SHORTED = 3, PUMPCELL_OPEN = 4, REFCELL_SHORTED = 5, REFCELL_OPEN = 6, SYSTEM_ERROR = 7, SENSOR_TIMING_ERR = 8, SUPP_V_LOW = 9 } sensor_error_code_t; typedef struct { int function_code; float AFR; float AFR_multiplier; float lambda; float warmup; sensor_error_code_t error_code; } sensor_data_t; static sensor_data_t innovate_o2_sensor[NUM_INNOVATE_O2_SENSORS]; static size_t tmsglen; void IdentifyInnovateSerialMsg() { //this identifies an innovate LC1/LC2 o2 sensor by it's first word (header) if (CONFIG(enableInnovateLC2)) { if ((((ser_buffer[0]) & lc2_header_mask) != lc2_header_mask) && innovate_serial_id_state == IDENTIFIED) { //not serial header word innovate_serial_id_state = UNKNOWN; innovate_msg_len = 1; sb = 0; } switch (innovate_serial_id_state) { case UNKNOWN: InnovateLC2AFR = AFR_ERROR; // read one byte, identify with mask, advance and read next byte if (((ser_buffer[0]) & lc2_header_mask) == lc2_header_mask) { // check if it's the first byte of header // first byte identified, now continue reading and advance statemachine innovate_serial_id_state = HEADER_FOUND; innovate_msg_len = 1; sb = 1; } else { innovate_serial_id_state = UNKNOWN; } break; case HEADER_FOUND: // now we should have both header bytes in array, and we can read the total packet length tmsglen = (((ser_buffer[0] << 8) | ser_buffer[1]) & lc2_pcklen_mask); //0000000101111111 mask if (tmsglen) { tmsglen += 1; // length in words including header (2 bytes) tmsglen *= 2; // length in bytes (incl header) innovate_msg_len = tmsglen - 2; sb = 2; innovate_serial_id_state = IDENTIFIED; //advance state machine } else { innovate_serial_id_state = UNKNOWN; } break; case IDENTIFIED: innovate_msg_len = tmsglen; sb = 0; // serial packet fully identified ParseInnovateSerialMsg(); //takes about 570ns clear_ser_buffer = true; break; default: break; } } } void ParseInnovateSerialMsg() { float raw_afr; //get error code and afr // 000 Lambda valid and Aux data valid, normal operation. // 001 Lambda value contains O2 level in 1/10% // 010 Free air Calib in progress, Lambda data not valid // 011 Need Free air Calibration Request, Lambda data not valid // 100 Warming up, Lambda value is temp in 1/10% of operating temp. // 101 Heater Calibration, Lambda value contains calibration countdown. // 110 Error code in Lambda value // 111 reserved for (size_t i = 0; i < ((tmsglen - 2) / 4) && i < NUM_INNOVATE_O2_SENSORS; i++) { innovate_o2_sensor[i].function_code = (ser_buffer[2 + i * 4] >> 2 & 0x7); // innovate_o2_sensor[i].AFR_multiplier = ((ser_buffer[2 + i * 4] << 7 | ser_buffer[3 + i * 4]) & 0xFF); innovate_o2_sensor[i].AFR_multiplier = AFR_MULTIPLIER; switch (innovate_o2_sensor[i].function_code) { case 0: //Lambda valid and aux data valid, normal operation case 1: //Lambda value contains o2 level in 1/10% innovate_o2_sensor[i].lambda = ((ser_buffer[4 + i * 4] << 7 | ser_buffer[5 + i * 4]) & 0x1FFF); raw_afr = ((innovate_o2_sensor[i].lambda + 500) * innovate_o2_sensor[i].AFR_multiplier); if (innovate_o2_sensor[i].function_code) {//case 1 innovate_o2_sensor[i].AFR = raw_afr * 0.001; } else { // case 0 innovate_o2_sensor[i].AFR = raw_afr * 0.0001; } if (innovate_o2_sensor[i].AFR > AFRMAX) { innovate_o2_sensor[i].AFR = AFRMAX; } else if (innovate_o2_sensor[i].AFR < AFRMIN) { innovate_o2_sensor[i].AFR = AFRMIN; } InnovateLC2AFR = innovate_o2_sensor[0].AFR; //only using one sensor right now break; // this is invalid o2 data, so we can ignore it: // case 2: // Free air Calib in progress, Lambda data not valid // break; // case 3: // Need Free air Calibration Request, Lambda data not valid // break; case 4: // Warming up, Lambda value is temp in 1/10% of operating temp InnovateLC2AFR = AFR_ERROR; innovate_o2_sensor[i].warmup = ((ser_buffer[4 + i * 4] << 7 | ser_buffer[5 + i * 4]) & 0x1FFF); //catch potential overflow: if (innovate_o2_sensor[i].warmup >= 1023) { innovate_o2_sensor[i].warmup = 1023; } else if (innovate_o2_sensor[i].warmup <= 0) { innovate_o2_sensor[i].warmup = 0; } break; // case 5: // Heater Calibration, Lambda value contains calibration countdown // break; case 6: // Error code in Lambda value InnovateLC2AFR = AFR_ERROR; innovate_o2_sensor[i].error_code = (sensor_error_code_t)((ser_buffer[4 + i * 4] << 7 | ser_buffer[5 + i * 4]) & 0x1FFF); //catch potential overflow: if (innovate_o2_sensor[i].error_code >= (sensor_error_code_t)1023) { innovate_o2_sensor[i].error_code = (sensor_error_code_t)1023; } else if (innovate_o2_sensor[i].error_code <= 0) { innovate_o2_sensor[i].error_code = (sensor_error_code_t)0; } break; // case 7: // reserved // break; default: InnovateLC2AFR = AFR_ERROR; break; } } } void ResetSerialSensor() { ClearSerialBuffer(); ParseSerialData(); } void ClearSerialBuffer() { memset(ser_buffer, 0, sizeof(ser_buffer)); } void ParseSerialData() { if (CONFIG(enableInnovateLC2)) IdentifyInnovateSerialMsg(); } #endif