#!/bin/bash SCRIPT_NAME="compile_bootloader.sh" echo "Entering $SCRIPT_NAME" # Needed for board overrides [ $BOOTLOADER_CODE_DESTINATION_PATH ] || { BOOTLOADER_CODE_DESTINATION_PATH=".."; } BOOTLOADER_CODE_DESTINATION_FILE=$BOOTLOADER_CODE_DESTINATION_PATH/bootloader_generated.hxx echo "$SCRIPT_NAME: Starting bootloader compilation..." make -j6 $1 $2 $3 # downstream scripts detect error condition by checking if the output file exists so we need to make sure we remove it [ $? -eq 0 ] || { echo "ERROR: bootloader compilation failed"; rm -f blbuild/$BOOTLOADER_CODE_DESTINATION_FILE ; exit 1; } echo "$SCRIPT_NAME: Bootloader build success." cd blbuild # Generate a header file with binary bootloader code java -jar ../../../java_tools/bin2header.jar bootloader.bin "$BOOTLOADER_CODE_DESTINATION_FILE" "$BOOTLOADER_COMMENT static const volatile uint8_t bootloader_code[] BOOTLOADER_SECTION" [ $? -eq 0 ] || { echo "$SCRIPT_NAME: error generating header file"; exit 1; } cd .. # Touch 'bootloader_storage.c' to update its modification date (needed for make) touch bootloader_storage.c pwd