
144 lines
9.9 KiB

#include "dram1.def";
* ### Channel 1 - uCore0 controls the injectors 1 and 2 ###
* Note: The Thold_tot variable defines the current profile time out. The active STARTx pin is expected to toggle in is low state before this time out.
* ### Initialization phase ###
init0: stgn gain12.6 sssc; * Set the gain of the opamp of the current measure block 1
ldjr1 eoinj0; * Load the eoinj line label Code RAM address into the register jr1
ldjr2 idle0; * Load the idle line label Code RAM address into the register jr2
cwef jr1 _start row1; * If the start signal goes low, go to eoinj phase
* ### Idle phase- the uPC loops here until start signal is present ###
idle0: joslr inj1_start start1; * Perform an actuation on inj1 if start 1 (only) is active
joslr inj2_start start2; * Perform an actuation on inj2 if start 2 (only) is active
jmpf jr1; * If more than 1 start active at the same time(or none), no actuation
* ### Shortcuts definition per the injector to be actuated ###
inj1_start: dfsct hs1 hs2 ls1; * Set the 3 shortcuts: VBAT, VBOOST, LS
jmpr boost0; * Jump to launch phase
inj2_start: dfsct hs1 hs2 ls2; * Set the 3 shortcuts: VBAT, VBOOST, LS
jmpr boost0; * Jump to launch phase
* ### Launch phase enable boost ###
boost0: load Iboost dac_sssc _ofs; * Load the boost phase current threshold in the current DAC
cwer peak0 ocur row2; * Jump to peak phase when current is over threshold
stf low b0; * set flag0 low to force the DC-DC converter in idle mode
stos off on on; * Turn VBAT off, BOOST on, LS on
wait row12; * Wait for one of the previously defined conditions
* ### Peak phase continue on Vbat ###
peak0: ldcd rst _ofs keep keep Tpeak_tot c1; * Load the length of the total peak phase in counter 1
load Ipeak dac_sssc _ofs; * Load the peak current threshold in the current DAC
cwer bypass0 tc1 row2; * Jump to bypass phase when tc1 reaches end of count
cwer peak_on0 tc2 row3; * Jump to peak_on when tc2 reaches end of count
cwer peak_off0 ocur row4; * Jump to peak_off when current is over threshold
stf high b0; * set flag0 high to release the DC-DC converter idle mode
peak_on0: stos on off on; * Turn VBAT on, BOOST off, LS on
wait row124; * Wait for one of the previously defined conditions
peak_off0: ldcd rst ofs keep keep Tpeak_off c2; * Load in the counter 2 the length of the peak_off phase
stos off off on; * Turn VBAT off, BOOST off, LS on
wait row123; * Wait for one of the previously defined conditions
* ### Bypass phase ###
bypass0: ldcd rst ofs keep keep Tbypass c3; * Load in the counter 3 the length of the off_phase phase
stos off off off; * Turn VBAT off, BOOST off, LS off
cwer hold0 tc3 row4; * Jump to hold when tc3 reaches end of count
wait row14; * Wait for one of the previously defined conditions
* ### Hold phase on Vbat ###
hold0: ldcd rst _ofs keep keep Thold_tot c1; * Load the length of the total hold phase in counter 2
load Ihold dac_sssc _ofs; * Load the hold current threshold in the DAC
cwer eoinj0 tc1 row2; * Jump to eoinj phase when tc1 reaches end of count
cwer hold_on0 tc2 row3; * Jump to hold_on when tc2 reaches end of count
cwer hold_off0 ocur row4; * Jump to hold_off when current is over threshold
hold_on0: stos on off on; * Turn VBAT on, BOOST off, LS on
wait row124; * Wait for one of the previously defined conditions
hold_off0: ldcd rst _ofs keep keep Thold_off c2; * Load the length of the hold_off phase in counter 1
stos off off on; * Turn VBAT off, BOOST off, LS on
wait row123; * Wait for one of the previously defined conditions
* ### End of injection phase ###
eoinj0: stos off off off; * Turn VBAT off, BOOST off, LS off
stf high b0; * set flag0 to high to release the DC-DC converter idle mode
jmpf jr2; * Jump back to idle phase
* ### End of Channel 1 - uCore0 code ###
* ### Channel 1 - uCore1 controls the injectors 3 and 4 ###
* ### Initialization phase ###
init1: stgn gain12.6 sssc; * Set the gain of the opamp of the current measure block 1
ldjr1 eoinj1; * Load the eoinj line label Code RAM address into the register jr1
ldjr2 idle1; * Load the idle line label Code RAM address into the register jr2
cwef jr1 _start row1; * If the start signal goes low, go to eoinj phase
* ### Idle phase- the uPC loops here until start signal is present ###
idle1: joslr inj3_start start3; * Perform an actuation on inj1 if start 1 (only) is active
joslr inj4_start start4; * Perform an actuation on inj2 if start 2 (only) is active
jmpf jr1; * If more than 1 start active at the same time(or none), no actuation
* ### Shortcuts definition per the injector to be actuated ###
inj3_start: dfsct hs3 hs4 ls3; * Set the 3 shortcuts: VBAT, VBOOST, LS
jmpr boost1; * Jump to launch phase
inj4_start: dfsct hs3 hs4 ls4; * Set the 3 shortcuts: VBAT, VBOOST, LS
jmpr boost1; * Jump to launch phase
* ### Launch phase enable boost ###
boost1: load Iboost dac_sssc _ofs; * Load the boost phase current threshold in the current DAC
cwer peak1 ocur row2; * Jump to peak phase when current is over threshold
stf low b0; * set flag0 low to force the DC-DC converter in idle mode
stos off on on; * Turn VBAT off, BOOST on, LS on
wait row12; * Wait for one of the previously defined conditions
* ### Peak phase continue on Vbat ###
peak1: ldcd rst _ofs keep keep Tpeak_tot c1; * Load the length of the total peak phase in counter 1
load Ipeak dac_sssc _ofs; * Load the peak current threshold in the current DAC
cwer bypass1 tc1 row2; * Jump to bypass phase when tc1 reaches end of count
cwer peak_on1 tc2 row3; * Jump to peak_on when tc2 reaches end of count
cwer peak_off1 ocur row4; * Jump to peak_off when current is over threshold
stf high b0; * set flag0 high to release the DC-DC converter idle mode
peak_on1: stos on off on; * Turn VBAT on, BOOST off, LS on
wait row124; * Wait for one of the previously defined conditions
peak_off1: ldcd rst ofs keep keep Tpeak_off c2; * Load in the counter 2 the length of the peak_off phase
stos off off on; * Turn VBAT off, BOOST off, LS on
wait row123; * Wait for one of the previously defined conditions
* ### Bypass phase ###
bypass1: ldcd rst ofs keep keep Tbypass c3; * Load in the counter 3 the length of the off_phase phase
stos off off off; * Turn VBAT off, BOOST off, LS off
cwer hold1 tc3 row4; * Jump to hold when tc3 reaches end of count
wait row14; * Wait for one of the previously defined conditions
* ### Hold phase on Vbat ###
hold1: ldcd rst _ofs keep keep Thold_tot c1; * Load the length of the total hold phase in counter 2
load Ihold dac_sssc _ofs; * Load the hold current threshold in the DAC
cwer eoinj1 tc1 row2; * Jump to eoinj phase when tc1 reaches end of count
cwer hold_on1 tc2 row3; * Jump to hold_on when tc2 reaches end of count
cwer hold_off1 ocur row4; * Jump to hold_off when current is over threshold
hold_on1: stos on off on; * Turn VBAT on, BOOST off, LS on
wait row124; * Wait for one of the previously defined conditions
hold_off1: ldcd rst _ofs keep keep Thold_off c2; * Load the length of the hold_off phase in counter 1
stos off off on; * Turn VBAT off, BOOST off, LS on
wait row123; * Wait for one of the previously defined conditions
* ### End of injection phase ###
eoinj1: stos off off off; * Turn VBAT off, BOOST off, LS off
stf high b0; * set flag0 to high to release the DC-DC converter idle mode
jmpf jr2; * Jump back to idle phase
* ### End of Channel 1 - uCore1 code ###