
504 lines
13 KiB

* tle6240.c
* TLE6240GP Smart 16-Channel Low-Side Switch
* All 16 channels can be controlled via the serial interface (SPI).
* In addition to the serial control it is possible to control channel 1 to 4
* and 9 to 12 direct in parallel with a separate input pin.
* Looks like 3.3v SI and SCLK are NOT possible (H above 0.7Vs required, that's 3.5v for 5.0Vs)
* 5 MHz SPI
* Update: looks like possible:
* DS page 3: "Compatible with 3 V Microcontrollers"
* DS page 12: "Input High Voltage 2.0 V min"
* @date Dec 29, 2018
* @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2020
* @date Mar 06, 2019
* @author Andrey Gusakov, (c) 2019
#include "pch.h"
#include "gpio/gpio_ext.h"
#include "gpio/tle6240.h"
#if (BOARD_TLE6240_COUNT > 0)
* TODO list:
* - add irq support with fallback to polling mode (now polling mode only)
* - handle low-active inputs (set with PRG pin). Now driver assume high-active
* - add way to export native pin data of direct driven outputs. To avoid
* call to tle6240_writePad that will finally call native gpio set/clear fn.
* In this case direct drive gpios should not be occupied by markUsed in init?
* - fill deinit function with some code?
* - support emergency shutdown using reset pin
* - convert diagnostic to some enum
* - use DMA (currently there is issue (?) with SPI+DMA on STM32F7xx)
/* Driver local definitions. */
#define DRIVER_NAME "tle6240"
static bool drv_task_ready = false;
typedef enum {
} tle6240_drv_state;
/* set 0000b for channes == 0..7 and 1111b for channels 8..15 */
#define CMD_CHIP(ch) ((ch < 8) ? 0x00 : 0x0f)
/* Full Diagnoscit, data byte ignored */
#define CMD_FULL_DIAG(ch) (((0x00 | CMD_CHIP(ch)) << 8) | 0x00)
/* Get state of 8 paralled inputs and 1-bit Diagnostic, data byte ignored */
#define CMD_IO_SHORTDIAG(ch) (((0xc0 | CMD_CHIP(ch)) << 8) | 0x00)
/* Echo function test of SPI, SI will be connected to SO on next access */
#define CMD_ECHO(ch) (((0xA0 | CMD_CHIP(ch)) << 8) | 0x00)
/* in data ORed, Full diagnostic output on next access */
#define CMD_OR_DIAG(ch, data) (((0x30 | CMD_CHIP(ch)) << 8) | (data & 0xff))
/* in data ANDed, Full diagnostic output on next access */
#define CMD_AND_DIAG(ch, data) (((0xf0 | CMD_CHIP(ch)) << 8) | (data & 0xff))
/* Driver exported variables. */
/* Driver local variables and types. */
/* OS */
SEMAPHORE_DECL(tle6240_wake, 10 /* or BOARD_TLE6240_COUNT ? */);
static THD_WORKING_AREA(tle6240_thread_1_wa, 256);
/* Driver */
struct Tle6240 : public GpioChip {
int init() override;
int writePad(size_t pin, int value) override;
brain_pin_diag_e getDiag(size_t pin) override;
// internal functions
int spi_rw(uint16_t tx, uint16_t *rx);
int update_output_and_diag();
int chip_init();
const tle6240_config *cfg;
/* cached output state - state last send to chip */
uint16_t o_state_cached;
/* state to be sended to chip */
uint16_t o_state;
/* direct driven output mask */
uint16_t o_direct_mask;
/* full diagnostic status */
uint16_t diag[2];
/* diagnostic for ch 8..15 was requsted by last access
* can skip one transaction next time */
bool diag_8_reguested;
tle6240_drv_state drv_state;
static Tle6240 chips[BOARD_TLE6240_COUNT];
static const char* tle6240_pin_names[TLE6240_OUTPUTS] = {
"tle6240.OUT1", "tle6240.OUT2", "tle6240.OUT3", "tle6240.OUT4",
"tle6240.OUT5", "tle6240.OUT6", "tle6240.OUT7", "tle6240.OUT8",
"tle6240.OUT9", "tle6240.OUT10", "tle6240.OUT11", "tle6240.OUT12",
"tle6240.OUT13", "tle6240.OUT14", "tle6240.OUT15", "tle6240.OUT16",
/* Driver local functions. */
* @brief TLE6240 send and receive routine.
* @details Sends and receives 16 bits. CS asserted before and released
* after transaction.
int Tle6240::spi_rw(uint16_t tx, uint16_t *rx)
uint16_t rxb;
SPIDriver *spi = cfg->spi_bus;
/* Acquire ownership of the bus. */
/* Setup transfer parameters. */
spiStart(spi, &cfg->spi_config);
/* Slave Select assertion. */
/* Atomic transfer operations. */
rxb = spiPolledExchange(spi, tx);
/* Slave Select de-assertion. */
/* Ownership release. */
if (rx)
*rx = rxb;
/* no errors for now */
return 0;
* @brief TLE6240 send output registers data.
* @details Sends ORed data to register, also receive 2-bit diagnostic.
int Tle6240::update_output_and_diag()
int ret;
uint16_t out_data;
/* atomic */
/* set value only for non-direct driven pins */
out_data = o_state & (~o_direct_mask);
if (diag_8_reguested) {
/* diagnostic for OUT8..15 was requested on prev access */
ret = spi_rw(CMD_OR_DIAG(0, (out_data >> 0) & 0xff), &diag[1]);
ret |= spi_rw(CMD_OR_DIAG(8, (out_data >> 8) & 0xff), &diag[0]);
} else {
ret = spi_rw(CMD_OR_DIAG(0, (out_data >> 0) & 0xff), NULL);
ret |= spi_rw(CMD_OR_DIAG(8, (out_data >> 8) & 0xff), &diag[0]);
/* send same one more time to receive OUT8..15 diagnostic */
ret |= spi_rw(CMD_OR_DIAG(8, (out_data >> 8) & 0xff), &diag[1]);
diag_8_reguested = false;
if (ret == 0) {
/* atomic */
o_state_cached = out_data;
diag_8_reguested = true;
return ret;
* @brief TLE6240 chip init.
* @details Checks communication. Mark all used pins.
* Checks direct io signals integrity using test cmd.
* Reads initial diagnostic state.
int Tle6240::chip_init()
int n;
int ret;
uint16_t rx;
/* mark pins used */
//ret = gpio_pin_markUsed(cfg->spi_config.ssport, cfg->spi_config.sspad, DRIVER_NAME " CS");
ret = 0;
if (cfg->reset.port != NULL)
ret |= gpio_pin_markUsed(cfg->reset.port, cfg->reset.pad, DRIVER_NAME " RST");
for (n = 0; n < TLE6240_DIRECT_OUTPUTS; n++)
if (cfg->direct_io[n].port)
ret |= gpio_pin_markUsed(cfg->direct_io[n].port, cfg->direct_io[n].pad, DRIVER_NAME " DIRECT IO");
if (ret) {
ret = -1;
goto err_gpios;
/* release reset */
if (cfg->reset.port) {
/* check SPI communication */
/* 0. set echo mode, chip number - don't care */
ret = spi_rw(CMD_ECHO(0), nullptr);
/* 1. check loopback */
ret |= spi_rw(0x5555, &rx);
if (ret || (rx != 0x5555)) {
//print(DRIVER_NAME " spi loopback test failed\n");
ret = -2;
goto err_gpios;
/* check direct io communication */
/* 0. set all direct out to 0 */
for (n = 0; n < TLE6240_DIRECT_OUTPUTS; n++) {
int i = (n < 4) ? n : (n + 4);
if (o_direct_mask & (1 << i)) {
/* 1. disable IN0..7 outputs first (ADNed with 0x00)
* also will get full diag on next access */
ret = spi_rw(CMD_AND_DIAG(0, 0x00), NULL);
/* 2. get diag for OUT0..7 and send disable OUT8..15 */
ret |= spi_rw(CMD_AND_DIAG(8, 0x00), &diag[0]);
/* 3. get diag for OUT8..15 and readback input status */
ret |= spi_rw(CMD_IO_SHORTDIAG(0), &diag[1]);
/* 4. send dummy short diag command and get 8 bit of input data and
* 8 bit of short diag */
ret |= spi_rw(CMD_IO_SHORTDIAG(0), &rx);
rx = ((rx >> 4) & 0x0f00) | ((rx >> 8) & 0x000f);
if (ret || (rx & o_direct_mask)) {
//print(DRIVER_NAME " direct io test #1 failed (invalid io mask %04x)\n", (rx & chip->o_direct_mask));
ret = -3;
goto err_gpios;
/* 5. set all direct io to 1 */
for (n = 0; n < TLE6240_DIRECT_OUTPUTS; n++) {
int i = (n < 4) ? n : (n + 4);
if (o_direct_mask & (1 << i)) {
/* 6. read chort diagnostic again */
ret |= spi_rw(CMD_IO_SHORTDIAG(0), &rx);
rx = ((rx >> 4) & 0x0f00) | ((rx >> 8) & 0x000f);
rx &= o_direct_mask;
if (ret || (rx != o_direct_mask)) {
//print(DRIVER_NAME " direct io test #2 failed (invalid io mask %04x)\n", (rx ^ (~chip->o_direct_mask)));
ret = -4;
goto err_gpios;
/* 7. set all all pins to OR mode, and upload pin states */
ret = update_output_and_diag();
if (ret) {
//print(DRIVER_NAME " final setup error\n");
ret = -5;
goto err_gpios;
return 0;
/* unmark pins */
//gpio_pin_markUnused(cfg->spi_config.ssport, cfg->spi_config.sspad);
if (cfg->reset.port != NULL)
gpio_pin_markUnused(cfg->reset.port, cfg->reset.pad);
for (n = 0; n < TLE6240_DIRECT_OUTPUTS; n++)
if (cfg->direct_io[n].port)
gpio_pin_markUnused(cfg->direct_io[n].port, cfg->direct_io[n].pad);
return ret;
* @brief TLE6240 chip driver wakeup.
* @details Wake up driver. Will cause output register and
* diagnostic update.
static int tle6240_wake_driver()
/* Entering a reentrant critical zone.*/
chibios_rt::CriticalSectionLocker csl;
if (!port_is_isr_context()) {
* chSemSignalI above requires rescheduling
* interrupt handlers have implicit rescheduling
return 0;
/* Driver thread. */
static THD_FUNCTION(tle6240_driver_thread, p)
int i;
msg_t msg;
while(1) {
msg = chSemWaitTimeout(&tle6240_wake, TIME_MS2I(TLE6240_POLL_INTERVAL_MS));
/* should we care about msg == MSG_TIMEOUT? */
for (i = 0; i < BOARD_TLE6240_COUNT; i++) {
int ret;
Tle6240& chip = chips[i];
if (!chip.cfg ||
(chip.drv_state == TLE6240_DISABLED) ||
(chip.drv_state == TLE6240_FAILED))
ret = chip.update_output_and_diag();
if (ret) {
/* set state to TLE6240_FAILED? */
/* Driver interrupt handlers. */
/* TODO: add IRQ support */
/* Driver exported functions. */
int Tle6240::writePad(unsigned int pin, int value)
if (pin >= TLE6240_OUTPUTS)
return -1;
chibios_rt::CriticalSectionLocker csl;
if (value)
o_state |= (1 << pin);
o_state &= ~(1 << pin);
/* direct driven? */
if (o_direct_mask & (1 << pin)) {
int n = (pin < 8) ? pin : (pin - 4);
/* TODO: ensure that TLE6240 configured in active high mode */
if (value)
} else {
return 0;
brain_pin_diag_e Tle6240::getDiag(size_t pin)
int val;
int diagVal;
if (pin >= TLE6240_OUTPUTS)
val = (diag[(pin > 7) ? 1 : 0] >> ((pin % 8) * 2)) & 0x03;
if (val == 0x3)
diagVal = PIN_OK;
else if (val == 0x2)
/* Overload, shorted load or overtemperature */
else if (val == 0x1)
diagVal = PIN_OPEN;
else if (val == 0x0)
return static_cast<brain_pin_diag_e>(diagVal);
int Tle6240::init()
int ret = chip_init();
if (ret)
return ret;
drv_state = TLE6240_READY;
if (!drv_task_ready) {
chThdCreateStatic(tle6240_thread_1_wa, sizeof(tle6240_thread_1_wa),
PRIO_GPIOCHIP, tle6240_driver_thread, nullptr);
drv_task_ready = true;
return 0;
* @brief TLE6240 driver add.
* @details Checks for valid config
int tle6240_add(brain_pin_e base, unsigned int index, const tle6240_config *cfg)
int i;
int ret;
Tle6240 *chip;
/* no config or no such chip */
if ((!cfg) || (!cfg->spi_bus) || (index >= BOARD_TLE6240_COUNT))
return -1;
/* check for valid cs.
* TODO: remove this check? CS can be driven by SPI */
//if (cfg->spi_config.ssport == NULL)
// return -1;
chip = &chips[index];
/* already initted? */
if (chip->cfg != NULL)
return -1;
chip->cfg = cfg;
chip->o_state = 0;
chip->o_state_cached = 0;
chip->o_direct_mask = 0;
chip->drv_state = TLE6240_WAIT_INIT;
for (i = 0; i < TLE6240_DIRECT_OUTPUTS; i++) {
if (cfg->direct_io[i].port != 0)
chip->o_direct_mask |= (1 << ((i < 4) ? i : (i + 4)));
chip->drv_state = TLE6240_WAIT_INIT;
/* register, return gpio chip base */
ret = gpiochip_register(base, DRIVER_NAME, *chip, TLE6240_OUTPUTS);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
/* set default pin names, board init code can rewrite */
gpiochips_setPinNames(base, tle6240_pin_names);
return ret;
#else /* BOARD_TLE6240_COUNT > 0 */
int tle6240_add(brain_pin_e base, unsigned int index, const tle6240_config *cfg)
(void)base; (void)index; (void)cfg;
return -1;
#endif /* BOARD_TLE6240_COUNT */