
255 lines
7.4 KiB

#include "pch.h"
#include "main_trigger_callback.h"
#include "injector_model.h"
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::StrictMock;
using ::testing::InSequence;
using ::testing::Eq;
using ::testing::Not;
using ::testing::Property;
using ::testing::Truly;
static bool ActionArgumentHasLowBitSet(const action_s& a) {
return (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(a.getArgument()) & 1) != 0;
TEST(injectionScheduling, InjectionIsScheduled) {
StrictMock<MockExecutor> mockExec;
EngineTestHelper eth(engine_type_e::TEST_ENGINE);
efitick_t nowNt = 1000000;
InjectionEvent event;
InjectorOutputPin pin;
pin.injectorIndex = 0;
event.outputs[0] = &pin;
// Injection duration of 20ms
MockInjectorModel2 im;
EXPECT_CALL(im, getInjectionDuration(_)).WillOnce(Return(20.0f));
engine->rpmCalculator.oneDegreeUs = 100;
InSequence is;
// Should schedule one normal injection:
// rising edge 5 degrees from now
float nt5deg = USF2NT(engine->rpmCalculator.oneDegreeUs * 5);
efitick_t startTime = nowNt + nt5deg;
EXPECT_CALL(mockExec, scheduleByTimestampNt(testing::NotNull(), _, startTime, Not(Truly(ActionArgumentHasLowBitSet))));
// falling edge 20ms later
EXPECT_CALL(mockExec, scheduleByTimestampNt(testing::NotNull(), _, startTime + MS2NT(20), Property(&action_s::getArgument, Eq(&event))));
// Event scheduled at 125 degrees
event.injectionStartAngle = 125;
// We are at 120 degrees now, next tooth 130
event.onTriggerTooth(nowNt, 120, 130);
TEST(injectionScheduling, InjectionIsScheduledDualStage) {
StrictMock<MockExecutor> mockExec;
StrictMock<MockInjectorModel2> im;
EngineTestHelper eth(engine_type_e::TEST_ENGINE);
efitick_t nowNt = 1000000;
InjectionEvent event;
InjectorOutputPin pin;
pin.injectorIndex = 0;
event.outputs[0] = &pin;
engine->rpmCalculator.oneDegreeUs = 100;
// Some nonzero fuel quantity on both stages
engine->engineState.injectionMass[0] = 50;
engine->engineState.injectionStage2Fraction = 0.2;
InSequence is;
// Primary injection duration of 20ms, secondary 10ms
EXPECT_CALL(im, getInjectionDuration(40)).WillOnce(Return(20.0f));
EXPECT_CALL(im, getInjectionDuration(10)).WillOnce(Return(10.0f));
InSequence is;
// Should schedule one normal injection:
// rising edge 5 degrees from now
float nt5deg = USF2NT(engine->rpmCalculator.oneDegreeUs * 5);
efitick_t startTime = nowNt + nt5deg;
EXPECT_CALL(mockExec, scheduleByTimestampNt(testing::NotNull(), _, startTime, Truly(ActionArgumentHasLowBitSet)));
// falling edge (primary) 20ms later
EXPECT_CALL(mockExec, scheduleByTimestampNt(testing::NotNull(), _, startTime + MS2NT(20), Truly(ActionArgumentHasLowBitSet)));
// falling edge (secondary) 10ms later
EXPECT_CALL(mockExec, scheduleByTimestampNt(testing::NotNull(), _, startTime + MS2NT(10), Property(&action_s::getArgument, Eq(&event))));
// Event scheduled at 125 degrees
event.injectionStartAngle = 125;
// We are at 120 degrees now, next tooth 130
event.onTriggerTooth(nowNt, 120, 130);
TEST(injectionScheduling, InjectionIsScheduledBeforeWraparound) {
StrictMock<MockExecutor> mockExec;
EngineTestHelper eth(engine_type_e::TEST_ENGINE);
efitick_t nowNt = 1000000;
InjectionEvent event;
InjectorOutputPin pin;
pin.injectorIndex = 0;
event.outputs[0] = &pin;
// Injection duration of 20ms
MockInjectorModel2 im;
EXPECT_CALL(im, getInjectionDuration(_)).WillOnce(Return(20.0f));
engine->rpmCalculator.oneDegreeUs = 100;
InSequence is;
// Should schedule one normal injection:
// rising edge 5 degrees from now
float nt5deg = USF2NT(engine->rpmCalculator.oneDegreeUs * 5);
efitick_t startTime = nowNt + nt5deg;
EXPECT_CALL(mockExec, scheduleByTimestampNt(testing::NotNull(), _, startTime, Not(Truly(ActionArgumentHasLowBitSet))));
// falling edge 20ms later
EXPECT_CALL(mockExec, scheduleByTimestampNt(testing::NotNull(), _, startTime + MS2NT(20), Property(&action_s::getArgument, Eq(&event))));
// Event scheduled at 715 degrees
event.injectionStartAngle = 715;
// We are at 710 degrees now, next tooth 010
event.onTriggerTooth(nowNt, 710, 010);
TEST(injectionScheduling, InjectionIsScheduledAfterWraparound) {
StrictMock<MockExecutor> mockExec;
EngineTestHelper eth(engine_type_e::TEST_ENGINE);
efitick_t nowNt = 1000000;
InjectionEvent event;
InjectorOutputPin pin;
pin.injectorIndex = 0;
event.outputs[0] = &pin;
// Injection duration of 20ms
MockInjectorModel2 im;
EXPECT_CALL(im, getInjectionDuration(_)).WillOnce(Return(20.0f));
engine->rpmCalculator.oneDegreeUs = 100;
InSequence is;
// Should schedule one normal injection:
// rising edge 15 degrees from now
float nt5deg = USF2NT(engine->rpmCalculator.oneDegreeUs * 15);
efitick_t startTime = nowNt + nt5deg;
EXPECT_CALL(mockExec, scheduleByTimestampNt(testing::NotNull(), _, startTime, Not(Truly(ActionArgumentHasLowBitSet))));
// falling edge 20ms later
EXPECT_CALL(mockExec, scheduleByTimestampNt(testing::NotNull(), _, startTime + MS2NT(20), Property(&action_s::getArgument, Eq(&event))));
// Event scheduled at 5 degrees
event.injectionStartAngle = 5;
// We are at 710 degrees now, next tooth 010
event.onTriggerTooth(nowNt, 710, 010);
TEST(injectionScheduling, InjectionNotScheduled) {
// StrictMock since we expect no scheduler calls!
StrictMock<MockExecutor> mockExec;
EngineTestHelper eth(engine_type_e::TEST_ENGINE);
efitick_t nowNt = 1000000;
InjectionEvent event;
InjectorOutputPin pin;
pin.injectorIndex = 0;
event.outputs[0] = &pin;
// Expect no calls to injector model
StrictMock<MockInjectorModel2> im;
engine->rpmCalculator.oneDegreeUs = 100;
InSequence is;
// Expect no scheduler calls!
// Event scheduled at 125 degrees
event.injectionStartAngle = 125;
// We are at 130 degrees now, next tooth 140
event.onTriggerTooth(nowNt, 130, 140);
TEST(injectionScheduling, SplitInjectionScheduled) {
StrictMock<MockExecutor> mockExec;
EngineTestHelper eth(engine_type_e::TEST_ENGINE);
InjectionEvent event;
uintptr_t arg = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&event);
InjectorOutputPin pin;
pin.shortName = "test";
pin.injectorIndex = 0;
event.outputs[0] = &pin;
InSequence is;
// Should schedule second half of split injection:
// - starts 2ms from now
// - duration 10ms (ends 12ms from now)
efitick_t nowNt = getTimeNowNt();
efitick_t startTime = nowNt + MS2NT(2);
EXPECT_CALL(mockExec, scheduleByTimestampNt(testing::NotNull(), _, startTime, Property(&action_s::getArgument, Eq(&event))));
efitick_t endTime = startTime + MS2NT(10);
EXPECT_CALL(mockExec, scheduleByTimestampNt(testing::NotNull(), _, endTime, Property(&action_s::getArgument, Eq(&event))));
// Split injection duration of 10ms
event.splitInjectionDuration = MS2NT(10);
// Close injector, should cause second half of split injection to be scheduled!
// Expect it to get zeroed so we don't repeat ad infinitum
EXPECT_EQ(event.splitInjectionDuration, 0);