2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
* \file main.c
* \brief BootCommander program source file.
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2017 by Feaser http://www.feaser.com All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
* Include files
#include <assert.h> /* for assertions */
#include <stdint.h> /* for standard integer types */
#include <stdbool.h> /* for boolean type */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for standard library */
#include <stdio.h> /* Standard I/O functions. */
#include <string.h> /* for string library */
#include "openblt.h" /* OpenBLT host library. */
* Macro definitions
/** \brief Program return code indicating that the program executed successfully. */
#define RESULT_OK (0)
/** \brief Program return code indicating that an error was detected when processing the
* command line parameters/
/** \brief Program return code indicating that an error was detected while loading
* firmware data from the firmware file.
/** \brief Program return code indicating that an error was detected during a memory
* erase operation on the target.
/** \brief Program return code indicating that an error was detected during a memory
* progrma operation on the target.
/* Macros for colored text on the output, if supported. */
#if defined (PLATFORM_LINUX)
#define OUTPUT_RESET "\033[0m"
#define OUTPUT_RED "\033[31m"
#define OUTPUT_GREEN "\033[32m"
#define OUTPUT_YELLOW "\033[33m"
#define OUTPUT_RESET ""
#define OUTPUT_RED ""
#define OUTPUT_GREEN ""
#define OUTPUT_YELLOW ""
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
* Type definitions
/** \brief Type for program settings. */
typedef struct t_program_settings
/* \brief Controls what gets written to the standard output. If set to false then all
* information is written. If set to true then only the most basic progress
* information is shows.
bool silentMode;
} tProgramSettings;
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
* Function prototypes
static void DisplayProgramInfo(void);
static void DisplayProgramUsage(void);
static void DisplaySessionInfo(uint32_t sessionType, void const * sessionSettings);
static void DisplayTransportInfo(uint32_t transportType, void const * transportSettings);
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
static void DisplayFirmwareDataInfo(uint32_t segments, uint32_t base, uint32_t size);
static void ExtractProgramSettingsFromCommandLine(int argc, char const * const argv[],
tProgramSettings * programSettings);
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
static uint32_t ExtractSessionTypeFromCommandLine(int argc, char const * const argv[]);
static void * ExtractSessionSettingsFromCommandLine(int argc, char const * const argv[],
uint32_t sessionType);
static uint32_t ExtractTransportTypeFromCommandLine(int argc, char const * const argv[]);
static void * ExtractTransportSettingsFromCommandLine(int argc,
char const * const argv[],
uint32_t transportType);
static char const * const ExtractFirmwareFileFromCommandLine(int argc,
char const * const argv[]);
static char const * GetLineTrailerByResult(bool errorDetected);
static char const * GetLineTrailerByPercentage(uint8_t percentage);
static void ErasePercentageTrailer(void);
** \brief This is the program entry point.
** \param argc Number of program arguments.
** \param argv Array with program arguments.
** \return Program return code. 0 for success, error code otherwise.
int main(int argc, char const * const argv[])
int result = RESULT_OK;
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
tProgramSettings appProgramSettings = { 0 };
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
uint32_t appSessionType = 0;
void * appSessionSettings = NULL;
uint32_t appTransportType = 0;;
void * appTransportSettings = NULL;
char const * appFirmwareFile = NULL;
/* -------------------- Display info ----------------------------------------------- */
/* Check that at least enough command line arguments were specified. The first one is
* always the name of the executable. Additionally, the firmware file must at least
* be specified.
if (argc < 2)
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
/* Display program info */
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* Display program usage. */
/* Set error code. */
/* -------------------- Process command line --------------------------------------- */
if (result == RESULT_OK)
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
/* Extract program specific settings from the command line. */
ExtractProgramSettingsFromCommandLine(argc, argv, &appProgramSettings);
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* Extract the session type from the command line. */
appSessionType = ExtractSessionTypeFromCommandLine(argc, argv);
/* Extract the session type specific settings from the command line. */
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
appSessionSettings = ExtractSessionSettingsFromCommandLine(argc, argv,
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* Extract the transport type from the command line. */
appTransportType = ExtractTransportTypeFromCommandLine(argc, argv);
/* Extract the transport type specific settings from the command line. */
appTransportSettings = ExtractTransportSettingsFromCommandLine(argc, argv,
/* Extract the firmware filename from the command line. */
appFirmwareFile = ExtractFirmwareFileFromCommandLine(argc, argv);
/* Check the settings that were detected so far. */
if ( (appSessionSettings == NULL) || (appTransportSettings == NULL) ||
(appFirmwareFile == NULL) )
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
/* Display program info */
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* Display program usage. */
/* Set error code. */
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
if ((!appProgramSettings.silentMode))
/* Display program info */
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
printf("Processing command line parameters...");
printf("%s\n", GetLineTrailerByResult((bool)(result != RESULT_OK)));
/* -------------------- Display detected parameters -------------------------------- */
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
if ( (result == RESULT_OK) && (!appProgramSettings.silentMode) )
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* Display firmware file. */
printf("Detected firmware file: %s\n", appFirmwareFile);
/* Display session info. */
DisplaySessionInfo(appSessionType, appSessionSettings);
/* Display transport info. */
DisplayTransportInfo(appTransportType, appTransportSettings);
/* -------------------- Firmware loading ------------------------------------------- */
if (result == RESULT_OK)
printf("Loading firmware data from file..."); (void)fflush(stdout);
/* Initialize the firmware data module using the S-record parser. */
2017-06-13 09:00:29 -07:00
/* Load firmware data from the firmware file without memory address offset. */
if (BltFirmwareLoadFromFile(appFirmwareFile, 0) != BLT_RESULT_OK)
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* Set error code. */
/* Check to make sure that data was actually present, in which case at least one
* firmware data segment should be there.
if (result == RESULT_OK)
if (BltFirmwareGetSegmentCount() == 0)
/* Set error code. */
printf("%s\n", GetLineTrailerByResult((bool)(result != RESULT_OK)));
/* Determine and output firmware data statistics. */
if (result == RESULT_OK)
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
uint32_t firmwareDataTotalSize;
uint32_t firmwareDataTotalSegments;
uint32_t firmwareDataBaseAddress = 0;
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
uint32_t segmentIdx;
uint32_t segmentLen;
uint32_t segmentBase;
uint8_t const * segmentData;
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
/* Store the number of segments. */
firmwareDataTotalSegments = BltFirmwareGetSegmentCount();
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* Loop through all segments. */
firmwareDataTotalSize = 0;
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
for (segmentIdx = 0; segmentIdx < firmwareDataTotalSegments; segmentIdx++)
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* Extract segment info. */
segmentData = BltFirmwareGetSegment(segmentIdx, &segmentBase, &segmentLen);
/* Sanity check. */
assert( (segmentData != NULL) && (segmentLen > 0) );
/* Update total size. */
firmwareDataTotalSize += segmentLen;
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
/* If it is the first segment, then store the base address. */
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
if (segmentIdx == 0)
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
firmwareDataBaseAddress = segmentBase;
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* Sanity check. */
assert(firmwareDataTotalSize > 0);
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
/* Output firmware data information. */
if (!appProgramSettings.silentMode)
DisplayFirmwareDataInfo(firmwareDataTotalSegments, firmwareDataBaseAddress,
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* -------------------- Session starting ------------------------------------------- */
if (result == RESULT_OK)
/* Initialize the session. */
printf("Connecting to target bootloader..."); (void)fflush(stdout);
appTransportType, appTransportSettings);
/* Start the session. */
if (BltSessionStart() != BLT_RESULT_OK)
/* No response. Prompt the user to reset the system. */
printf("Reset target system..."); (void)fflush(stdout);
/* Now keep trying until we get a response. */
while (BltSessionStart() != BLT_RESULT_OK)
/* Delay a bit to not pump up the CPU load. */
printf("%s\n", GetLineTrailerByResult((bool)false));
/* -------------------- Erase operation -------------------------------------------- */
if (result == RESULT_OK)
uint32_t segmentIdx;
uint32_t segmentLen;
uint32_t segmentBase;
uint8_t const * segmentData;
/* Erase the memory segments on the target that are covered by the firmwware data. */
for (segmentIdx = 0; segmentIdx < BltFirmwareGetSegmentCount(); segmentIdx++)
/* Extract segment info. */
segmentData = BltFirmwareGetSegment(segmentIdx, &segmentBase, &segmentLen);
/* Sanity check. */
assert( (segmentData != NULL) && (segmentLen > 0) );
/* Only continue if sanity check passed. */
if ((segmentData != NULL) && (segmentLen > 0)) /*lint !e774 */
/* Perform erase operation. */
printf("Erasing %u bytes starting at 0x%08x...", segmentLen, segmentBase);
if (BltSessionClearMemory(segmentBase, segmentLen) != BLT_RESULT_OK)
/* Set error code. */
/* Set error code because sanity check failed. */
printf("%s\n", GetLineTrailerByResult((bool)(result != RESULT_OK)));
/* Do not continue loop if an error was detected. */
if (result != RESULT_OK)
/* -------------------- Program operation ------------------------------------------ */
if (result == RESULT_OK)
uint32_t segmentIdx;
uint32_t segmentLen;
uint32_t segmentBase;
uint8_t const * segmentData;
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
/* Program the memory segments on the target with the firmware data. */
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
for (segmentIdx = 0; segmentIdx < BltFirmwareGetSegmentCount(); segmentIdx++)
/* Extract segment info. */
segmentData = BltFirmwareGetSegment(segmentIdx, &segmentBase, &segmentLen);
/* Sanity check. */
assert( (segmentData != NULL) && (segmentLen > 0) );
/* Only continue if sanity check passed. */
if ((segmentData != NULL) && (segmentLen > 0)) /*lint !e774 */
printf("Programming %u bytes starting at 0x%08x...%s", segmentLen, segmentBase,
/* Perform write operation in chunks, so that a progress update can be shown. */
uint32_t const writeChunkSize = 256;
uint32_t currentWriteCnt;
uint32_t currentWriteBase;
uint8_t const * currentWriteDataPtr;
uint32_t currentWriteResult;
uint32_t stillToWriteCnt;
stillToWriteCnt = segmentLen;
currentWriteBase = segmentBase;
currentWriteDataPtr = segmentData;
while (stillToWriteCnt > 0)
/* Determine chunk size. */
if (stillToWriteCnt >= writeChunkSize)
currentWriteCnt = writeChunkSize;
currentWriteCnt = stillToWriteCnt;
/* Write the next data chunk to the target's memory. */
currentWriteResult = BltSessionWriteData(currentWriteBase, currentWriteCnt,
if (currentWriteResult != BLT_RESULT_OK)
/* Set error code. */
/* Error detected so abort program operation. */
/* Update loop variables. */
currentWriteBase += currentWriteCnt;
currentWriteDataPtr += currentWriteCnt;
stillToWriteCnt -= currentWriteCnt;
/* Display progress. */
uint8_t progressPct;
/* First backspace the old percentage trailer. */
/* Now add the new percentage trailer. */
progressPct = (uint8_t)(((segmentLen - stillToWriteCnt) * 100ul) / segmentLen);
printf("%s", GetLineTrailerByPercentage(progressPct)); (void)fflush(stdout);
/* Set error code because sanity check failed. */
printf("%s\n", GetLineTrailerByResult((bool)(result != RESULT_OK)));
/* Do not continue loop if an error was detected. */
if (result != RESULT_OK)
/* -------------------- Session stopping ------------------------------------------- */
if (result == RESULT_OK)
/* Stop the session. */
printf("Finishing programming session..."); (void)fflush(stdout);
printf("%s\n", GetLineTrailerByResult((bool)false));
/* -------------------- Cleanup ---------------------------------------------------- */
/* Terminate the session. */
/* Terminate the firmware data module. */
/* Free allocated memory */
/* Give result back. */
return result;
} /*** end of main ***/
** \brief Outputs information to the user about this program.
static void DisplayProgramInfo(void)
2017-08-24 10:16:22 -07:00
printf("BootCommander version 1.01. Performs firmware updates on a microcontroller\n");
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
printf("based system that runs the OpenBLT bootloader.\n\n");
printf("Copyright (c) 2017 by Feaser http://www.feaser.com\n");
} /*** end of DisplayProgramInfo ***/
** \brief Outputs information to the user about how to use this program.
static void DisplayProgramUsage(void)
printf("Usage: BootCommander [options] [firmware file]\n");
printf("Example: BootCommander -s=xcp -t=xcp_rs232 -d=COM1 -b=19200 firmware.sx\n");
printf("The available options depend on the specified communication session\n");
printf("protocol and communication transport layer:\n");
printf(" -s=[name] Name of the communication session protocol:\n");
printf(" xcp (default) -> XCP version 1.0.\n");
printf(" -t=[name] Name of the communication transport layer:\n");
printf(" xcp_rs232 (default) -> XCP on RS232.\n");
2017-08-01 02:59:19 -07:00
printf(" xcp_can -> XCP on CAN.\n");
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
printf("XCP version 1.0 settings (xcp):\n");
printf(" -t1=[timeout] Command response timeout in milliseconds as a 16-bit\n");
printf(" value (Default = 1000 ms).\n");
printf(" -t3=[timeout] Start programming timeout in milliseconds as a 16-bit\n");
printf(" value (Default = 2000 ms).\n");
printf(" -t4=[timeout] Erase memory timeout in milliseconds as a 16-bit\n");
printf(" value (Default = 10000 ms).\n");
printf(" -t5=[timeout] Program memory and target reset timeout in milli-\n");
printf(" seconds as a 16-bit value (Default = 1000 ms).\n");
printf(" -t7=[timeout] Busy wait timer timeout in milliseconds as a 16-bit\n");
printf(" value (Default = 2000 ms).\n");
printf(" -sk=[file] Seed/key algorithm library filename (Optional).\n");
2017-09-18 14:31:22 -07:00
printf(" -cm=[value] Connection mode value sent in the XCP connect command,\n");
printf(" as a 8-bit value (Default=0).\n");
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
printf("XCP on RS232 settings (xcp_rs232):\n");
printf(" -d=[name] Name of the communication device. For example COM1 or\n");
printf(" /dev/ttyUSB0 (Mandatory).\n");
printf(" -b=[value] The communication speed, a.k.a baudrate in bits per\n");
printf(" second, as a 32-bit value (Default = 57600).\n");
printf(" Supported values: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.\n");
2017-08-01 02:59:19 -07:00
printf("XCP on CAN settings (xcp_can):\n");
printf(" -d=[name] Name of the CAN device (Mandatory). On Linux this is\n");
printf(" the name of the SocketCAN network interface, such as\n");
printf(" can0, slcan0. On Windows it specifies the CAN adapter.\n");
printf(" Currently supported CAN adapters:\n");
printf(" peak_pcanusb -> Peak System PCAN-USB.\n");
printf(" kvaser_leaflight -> Kvaser Leaf Light V2.\n");
printf(" lawicel_canusb -> Lawicel CANUSB.\n");
printf(" -c=[value] Zero based index of the CAN channel if multiple CAN\n");
printf(" channels are supported for the CAN adapter, as a 32-\n");
printf(" bit value (Default = 0).\n");
printf(" -b=[value] The communication speed, a.k.a baudrate in bits per\n");
printf(" second, as a 32-bit value (Default = 500000).\n");
printf(" Supported values: 1000000, 800000, 500000, 250000,\n");
printf(" 125000, 100000, 50000, 20000, 10000.\n");
printf(" -tid=[value] CAN identifier for transmitting XCP command messages\n");
printf(" from the host to the target, as a 32-bit hexadecimal.\n");
printf(" value (Default = 667h).\n");
printf(" -rid=[value] CAN identifier for receiving XCP response messages\n");
printf(" from the target to the host, as a 32-bit hexadecimal.\n");
printf(" value (Default = 7E1h).\n");
printf(" -xid=[value] Configures the 'tid' and 'rid' CAN identifier values\n");
printf(" as 29-bit CAN identifiers, if this 8-bit value is > 0\n");
printf(" (Default = 0).\n");
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
printf("Program settings:\n");
printf(" -sm Silent mode switch. When specified, only minimal\n");
printf(" information is written to the output (Optional).\n");
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
printf("Note that it is not necessary to specify an option if its default value\n");
printf("is already the desired value.\n");
} /*** end of DisplayProgramUsage ***/
** \brief Displays session protocol information on the standard output.
** \param sessionType The detected session type.
** \param sessionSettings The detected session settings.
static void DisplaySessionInfo(uint32_t sessionType, void const * sessionSettings)
/* Output session protocol info. */
printf("Detected session protocol: ");
switch (sessionType)
printf("XCP version 1.0\n");
/* Output session settings info. */
printf("Using session protocol settings:\n");
switch (sessionType)
/* Check settings pointer. */
if (sessionSettings == NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* No valid settings present. */
2017-09-20 02:09:38 -07:00
printf(" -> Invalid settings specified\n");
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
tBltSessionSettingsXcpV10 * xcpSettings =
(tBltSessionSettingsXcpV10 *)sessionSettings;
/* Output the settings to the user. */
printf(" -> Timeout T1: %hu ms\n", xcpSettings->timeoutT1);
printf(" -> Timeout T3: %hu ms\n", xcpSettings->timeoutT3);
printf(" -> Timeout T4: %hu ms\n", xcpSettings->timeoutT4);
printf(" -> Timeout T5: %hu ms\n", xcpSettings->timeoutT5);
printf(" -> Timeout T6: %hu ms\n", xcpSettings->timeoutT7);
printf(" -> Seed/Key file: ");
if (xcpSettings->seedKeyFile != NULL)
printf("%s\n", xcpSettings->seedKeyFile);
2017-09-18 14:31:22 -07:00
printf(" -> Connection mode: %hhu\n", xcpSettings->connectMode);
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
printf(" -> No settings specified\n");
} /*** end of DisplaySessionInfo ***/
** \brief Displays transport layer information on the standard output.
** \param transportType The detected transport type.
** \param transportSettings The detected transport settings.
static void DisplayTransportInfo(uint32_t transportType, void const * transportSettings)
/* Output transport layer info. */
printf("Detected transport layer: ");
switch (transportType)
printf("XCP on RS232\n");
2017-08-01 02:59:19 -07:00
printf("XCP on CAN\n");
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* Output transport settings info. */
2017-09-20 02:09:38 -07:00
printf("Using transport layer settings:\n");
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
switch (transportType)
/* Check settings pointer. */
if (transportSettings == NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* No valid settings present. */
2017-09-20 02:09:38 -07:00
printf(" -> Invalid settings specified\n");
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
tBltTransportSettingsXcpV10Rs232 * xcpRs232Settings =
(tBltTransportSettingsXcpV10Rs232 *)transportSettings;
/* Output the settings to the user. */
printf(" -> Device: ");
if (xcpRs232Settings->portName != NULL)
printf("%s\n", xcpRs232Settings->portName);
printf(" -> Baudrate: %u bit/sec\n", xcpRs232Settings->baudrate);
2017-08-01 02:59:19 -07:00
/* Check settings pointer. */
if (transportSettings == NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* No valid settings present. */
2017-09-20 02:09:38 -07:00
printf(" -> Invalid settings specified\n");
2017-08-01 02:59:19 -07:00
tBltTransportSettingsXcpV10Can * xcpCanSettings =
(tBltTransportSettingsXcpV10Can *)transportSettings;
/* Output the settings to the user. */
printf(" -> Device: ");
if (xcpCanSettings->deviceName != NULL)
printf("%s (channel %u)\n", xcpCanSettings->deviceName,
printf(" -> Baudrate: %u bit/sec\n", xcpCanSettings->baudrate);
printf(" -> Transmit CAN identifier: %Xh\n", xcpCanSettings->transmitId);
printf(" -> Receive CAN identifier: %Xh\n", xcpCanSettings->receiveId);
printf(" -> Use 29-bit CAN identifiers: ");
if (xcpCanSettings->useExtended)
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
printf(" -> No settings specified\n");
} /*** end of DisplayTransportInfo ***/
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
** \brief Displays firmware data information on the standard output.
** \param segments Total number of firmware data segments
** \param base The base memory address of the firmware data.
** \param size Total number of firmware data bytes.
static void DisplayFirmwareDataInfo(uint32_t segments, uint32_t base, uint32_t size)
/* Output number of segments. */
printf(" -> Number of segments: %u\n", segments);
/* Output the base address. */
printf(" -> Base memory address: 0x%08x\n", base);
/* Ouput total firmware data size. */
printf(" -> Total data size: %u bytes\n", size);
} /*** end of DisplayFirmwareDataInfo ***/
** \brief Parses the command line to extract the program settings. Note that this
** function allocates the memory necessary to store the settings. It is the
** caller's responsibility to free this memory after it is done with it.
** \param argc Number of program arguments.
** \param argv Array with program parameter strings.
** \param programSettings Pointer to the setting structure where the program settings
** should be written to.
static void ExtractProgramSettingsFromCommandLine(int argc, char const * const argv[],
tProgramSettings * programSettings)
uint8_t paramIdx;
/* Check parameters. */
assert(argv != NULL);
assert(programSettings != NULL);
/* Only continue if parameters are valid. */
if ( (argv != NULL) && (programSettings != NULL) ) /*lint !e774 */
2017-08-25 02:06:15 -07:00
/* Set default program settings. */
programSettings->silentMode = false;
2017-08-25 01:51:11 -07:00
/* Loop through all the command line parameters, just skip the 1st one because
* this is the name of the program, which we are not interested in.
for (paramIdx = 1; paramIdx < argc; paramIdx++)
/* Is this the -sm parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-sm") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) == 3) )
/* Activate silent mode. */
programSettings->silentMode = true;
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
} /*** end of ExtractProgramSettingsFromCommandLine ***/
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
** \brief Parses the command line to extract the session type. This is the one
** specified via the -s=[name] parameter.
** \param argc Number of program arguments.
** \param argv Array with program parameter strings.
** \return The session type value as used in LibOpenBLT.
static uint32_t ExtractSessionTypeFromCommandLine(int argc, char const * const argv[])
uint32_t result;
uint8_t paramIdx;
uint8_t mapIdx;
/* Mapping of the supported session types to the session type values. */
const struct
char * name;
uint32_t value;
} sessionMap[] =
{ .name = "xcp", .value = BLT_SESSION_XCP_V10 }
/* Set the default session in case nothing was specified on the command line. */
result = sessionMap[0].value;
/* Check parameters. */
assert(argv != NULL);
/* Only continue if parameters are valid. */
if (argv != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* Loop through all the command line parameters, just skip the 1st one because this
* is the name of the program, which we are not interested in.
for (paramIdx = 1; paramIdx < argc; paramIdx++)
/* Check of the if -s is present in this argument. Note that the argument must have
* at least 4 characters to be a valid -s=[name] parameter.
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-s=") != NULL) && (strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 3) )
/* Loop through the map to find a matching session name. */
for (mapIdx = 0; mapIdx < sizeof(sessionMap)/sizeof(sessionMap[0]); mapIdx++)
/* Check for matching name. */
if (strcmp(sessionMap[mapIdx].name, &argv[paramIdx][3]) == 0)
/* Match found, now store the associated session type value. */
result = sessionMap[mapIdx].value;
/* No need to continue searching. */
/* Give the result back to the caller. */
return result;
} /*** end of ExtractSessionTypeFromCommandLine ***/
** \brief Parses the command line to extract the session settings based on the
** specified session type. Note that this function allocates the memory
** necessary to store the settings. It is the caller's responsibility to free
** this memory after it is done with it.
** \param argc Number of program arguments.
** \param argv Array with program parameter strings.
** \param sessionType The session type for which to extract the settings.
** \return Pointer to the session settings structure as used in LibOpenBLT.
static void * ExtractSessionSettingsFromCommandLine(int argc, char const * const argv[],
uint32_t sessionType)
void * result = NULL;
uint8_t paramIdx;
/* Check parameters. */
assert(argv != NULL);
/* Only continue if parameters are valid. */
if (argv != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* Filter on the session type. */
switch (sessionType)
/* -------------------------- XCP v1.0 ----------------------------------------- */
/* The following session specific command line parameters are supported:
* -t1=[timeout] -> Command response timeout in milliseconds.
* -t3=[timeout] -> Start programming timeout in milliseconds.
* -t4=[timeout] -> Erase memory timeout in milliseconds.
* -t5=[timeout] -> Program memory and reset timeout in milliseconds.
* -t7=[timeout] -> Busy wait timer timeout in milliseconds.
2017-09-18 14:31:22 -07:00
* -sk=[file] -> Seed/key algorithm library filename.
* -cm=[value] -> Connection mode parameter in XCP connect command.
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* Allocate memory for storing the settings and check the result. */
result = malloc(sizeof(tBltSessionSettingsXcpV10));
assert(result != NULL);
if (result != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* Create typed pointer for easy reading. */
tBltSessionSettingsXcpV10 * xcpSettings = (tBltSessionSettingsXcpV10 *)result;
/* Set default values. */
xcpSettings->timeoutT1 = 1000;
xcpSettings->timeoutT3 = 2000;
xcpSettings->timeoutT4 = 10000;
xcpSettings->timeoutT5 = 1000;
xcpSettings->timeoutT7 = 2000;
xcpSettings->seedKeyFile = NULL;
2017-09-18 14:31:22 -07:00
xcpSettings->connectMode = 0;
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* Loop through all the command line parameters, just skip the 1st one because
* this is the name of the program, which we are not interested in.
for (paramIdx = 1; paramIdx < argc; paramIdx++)
/* Is this the -t1=[timeout] parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-t1=") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 4) )
/* Extract the timeout value. */
sscanf(&argv[paramIdx][4], "%hu", &(xcpSettings->timeoutT1));
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
/* Is this the -t3=[timeout] parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-t3=") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 4) )
/* Extract the timeout value. */
sscanf(&argv[paramIdx][4], "%hu", &(xcpSettings->timeoutT3));
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
/* Is this the -t4=[timeout] parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-t4=") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 4) )
/* Extract the timeout value. */
sscanf(&argv[paramIdx][4], "%hu", &(xcpSettings->timeoutT4));
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
/* Is this the -t5=[timeout] parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-t5=") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 4) )
/* Extract the timeout value. */
sscanf(&argv[paramIdx][4], "%hu", &(xcpSettings->timeoutT5));
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
/* Is this the -t7=[timeout] parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-t7=") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 4) )
/* Extract the timeout value. */
sscanf(&argv[paramIdx][4], "%hu", &(xcpSettings->timeoutT7));
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
/* Is this the -sk=[file] parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-sk=") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 4) )
/* Store the pointer to the seek/key filename. */
xcpSettings->seedKeyFile = &argv[paramIdx][4];
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
2017-09-18 14:31:22 -07:00
/* Is this the -cm=[value] parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-cm=") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 4) )
/* Extract the connection mode value. */
sscanf(&argv[paramIdx][4], "%hhu", &(xcpSettings->connectMode));
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* -------------------------- Unknown ------------------------------------------ */
/* Noting to extract. */
/* Give the result back to the caller. */
return result;
} /*** end of ExtractSessionSettingsFromCommandLine ***/
** \brief Parses the command line to extract the transport type. This is the one
** specified via the -t=[name] parameter.
** \param argc Number of program arguments.
** \param argv Array with program parameter strings.
** \return The transport type value as used in LibOpenBLT.
static uint32_t ExtractTransportTypeFromCommandLine(int argc, char const * const argv[])
uint32_t result;
uint8_t paramIdx;
uint8_t mapIdx;
/* Mapping of the supported transport types to the transport type values. */
const struct
char * name;
uint32_t value;
} transportMap[] =
2017-08-01 02:59:19 -07:00
{ .name = "xcp_rs232", .value = BLT_TRANSPORT_XCP_V10_RS232 },
{ .name = "xcp_can", .value = BLT_TRANSPORT_XCP_V10_CAN }
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* Set the default transport type in case nothing was specified on the command line. */
result = transportMap[0].value;
/* Check parameters. */
assert(argv != NULL);
/* Only continue if parameters are valid. */
if (argv != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* Loop through all the command line parameters, just skip the 1st one because this
* is the name of the program, which we are not interested in.
for (paramIdx = 1; paramIdx < argc; paramIdx++)
/* Check of the if -t is present in this argument. Note that the argument must have
* at least 4 characters to be a valid -t=[name] parameter.
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-t=") != NULL) && (strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 3) )
/* Loop through the map to find a matching transport name. */
for (mapIdx = 0; mapIdx < sizeof(transportMap)/sizeof(transportMap[0]); mapIdx++)
/* Check for matching name. */
if (strcmp(transportMap[mapIdx].name, &argv[paramIdx][3]) == 0)
/* Match found, now store the associated transport type value. */
result = transportMap[mapIdx].value;
/* No need to continue searching. */
/* Give the result back to the caller. */
return result;
} /*** end of ExtractTransportTypeFromCommandLine ***/
** \brief Parses the command line to extract the transport settings based on the
** specified session type. Note that this function allocates the memory
** necessary to store the settings. It is the caller's responsibility to free
** this memory after it is done with it.
** \param argc Number of program arguments.
** \param argv Array with program parameter strings.
** \param transportType The transport type for which to extract the settings.
** \return Pointer to the transport settings structure as used in LibOpenBLT.
static void * ExtractTransportSettingsFromCommandLine(int argc,
char const * const argv[],
uint32_t transportType)
void * result = NULL;
uint8_t paramIdx;
/* Check parameters. */
assert(argv != NULL);
/* Only continue if parameters are valid. */
if (argv != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* Filter on the session type. */
switch (transportType)
/* -------------------------- XCP on RS232 ------------------------------------- */
/* The following transport layer specific command line parameters are supported:
* -d=[name] -> Device name: /dev/ttyUSB0, COM1, etc.
* -b=[value] -> Baudrate in bits per second.
/* Allocate memory for storing the settings and check the result. */
result = malloc(sizeof(tBltTransportSettingsXcpV10Rs232));
assert(result != NULL);
if (result != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* Create typed pointer for easy reading. */
tBltTransportSettingsXcpV10Rs232 * rs232Settings =
(tBltTransportSettingsXcpV10Rs232 *)result;
/* Set default values. */
rs232Settings->portName = NULL;
rs232Settings->baudrate = 57600;
/* Loop through all the command line parameters, just skip the 1st one because
* this is the name of the program, which we are not interested in.
for (paramIdx = 1; paramIdx < argc; paramIdx++)
/* Is this the -d=[name] parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-d=") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 3) )
/* Store the pointer to the device name. */
rs232Settings->portName = &argv[paramIdx][3];
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
/* Is this the -b=[value] parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-b=") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 3) )
/* Extract the baudrate value. */
sscanf(&argv[paramIdx][3], "%u", &(rs232Settings->baudrate));
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
2017-08-01 02:59:19 -07:00
/* -------------------------- XCP on CAN --------------------------------------- */
/* The following transport layer specific command line parameters are supported:
* -d=[name] -> Device name: peak_pcanusb, can0, etc.
* -c=[value] -> CAN channel index (32-bit).
* -b=[value] -> Baudrate in bits per second (32-bit).
* -tid=[value] -> Transmit CAN identifier (32-bit hexadecimal).
* -rid=[value] -> Receive CAN identifier (32-bit hexadecimal).
* -xid=[value] -> Flag for configuring extended CAN identifiers (8-bit).
/* Allocate memory for storing the settings and check the result. */
result = malloc(sizeof(tBltTransportSettingsXcpV10Can));
assert(result != NULL);
if (result != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* Create typed pointer for easy reading. */
tBltTransportSettingsXcpV10Can * canSettings =
(tBltTransportSettingsXcpV10Can *)result;
/* Set default values. */
canSettings->deviceName = NULL;
canSettings->deviceChannel = 0;
canSettings->baudrate = 500000;
canSettings->transmitId = 0x667;
canSettings->receiveId = 0x7E1;
canSettings->useExtended = false;
/* Loop through all the command line parameters, just skip the 1st one because
* this is the name of the program, which we are not interested in.
for (paramIdx = 1; paramIdx < argc; paramIdx++)
/* Is this the -d=[name] parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-d=") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 3) )
/* Store the pointer to the device name. */
canSettings->deviceName = &argv[paramIdx][3];
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
/* Is this the -c=[value] parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-c=") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 3) )
/* Extract the channel index value. */
sscanf(&argv[paramIdx][3], "%u", &(canSettings->deviceChannel));
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
/* Is this the -b=[value] parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-b=") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 3) )
/* Extract the baudrate value. */
sscanf(&argv[paramIdx][3], "%u", &(canSettings->baudrate));
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
/* Is this the -tid=[value] parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-tid=") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 5) )
/* Extract the hexadecimal transmit CAN identifier value. */
sscanf(&argv[paramIdx][5], "%x", &(canSettings->transmitId));
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
/* Is this the -rid=[value] parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-rid=") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 5) )
/* Extract the hexadecimal receive CAN identifier value. */
sscanf(&argv[paramIdx][5], "%x", &(canSettings->receiveId));
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
/* Is this the -xid=[value] parameter? */
if ( (strstr(argv[paramIdx], "-xid=") != NULL) &&
(strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 5) )
/* Extract the extended CAN identifier configuration value. */
static uint8_t xidValue;
sscanf(&argv[paramIdx][5], "%hhu", &xidValue);
/* Convert to boolean. */
canSettings->useExtended = ((xidValue > 0) ? true : false);
/* Continue with next loop iteration. */
2017-05-26 07:01:14 -07:00
/* -------------------------- Unknown ------------------------------------------ */
/* Noting to extract. */
/* Give the result back to the caller. */
return result;
} /*** end of ExtractTransportSettingsFromCommandLine ***/
** \brief Parses the command line to extract the firmware file. This is the only
** parameter that is specified without a '-' character at the start.
** \param argc Number of program arguments.
** \param argv Array with program parameter strings.
** \return Pointer to the character array (string) with the firmware file.
static char const * const ExtractFirmwareFileFromCommandLine(int argc,
char const * const argv[])
char const * result = NULL;
uint8_t paramIdx;
/* Check parameters. */
assert(argv != NULL);
/* Only continue if parameters are valid. */
if (argv != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* Loop through all the command line parameters, just skip the 1st one because this
* is the name of the program, which we are not interested in.
for (paramIdx = 1; paramIdx < argc; paramIdx++)
/* Does this one not start with the '-' character and does it have a plausible
* length?
if ( (argv[paramIdx][0] != '-') && (strlen(argv[paramIdx]) > 2) )
/* Store the pointer to the firmware file. */
result = argv[paramIdx];
/* Give the result back to the caller. */
return result;
} /*** end of ExtractFirmwareFileFromCommandLine ***/
** \brief Information outputted to the user sometimes has [OK] or [ERROR] appended
** at the end. This function obtains this trailer based on the value of the
** parameter.
** \param errorDetected True to obtain an error trailer, false for a success trailer.
** \return Pointer to the character array (string) with the trailer.
static char const * GetLineTrailerByResult(bool errorDetected)
char const * result;
/* Note that the following strings were declared static to guarantee that the pointers
* stay valid and can be used by the caller of this function.
static char const * trailerStrOk = "[" OUTPUT_GREEN "OK" OUTPUT_RESET "]";
static char const * trailerStrError = "[" OUTPUT_RED "ERROR" OUTPUT_RESET "]";
/* Set trailer based on the error status. */
if (!errorDetected)
result = trailerStrOk;
result = trailerStrError;
/* Give the result back to the caller. */
return result;
} /*** end of GetLineTrailerByResult ***/
** \brief Information outputted to the user sometimes has [xxx%] appended at the end.
** This function obtains this trailer based on the value of the parameter.
** \param percentage Percentage value (0..100) to embed in the trailer.
** \return Pointer to the character array (string) with the trailer.
static char const * GetLineTrailerByPercentage(uint8_t percentage)
char const * result;
/* Note that the following string was declared static to guarantee that the pointer
* stays valid and can be used by the caller of this function.
static char trailerStrPct[32] = "";
/* Construct the trailer. */
sprintf(trailerStrPct, "[" OUTPUT_YELLOW "%3hhu%%" OUTPUT_RESET "]", percentage);
/* Set the result. */
result = &trailerStrPct[0];
/* Give the result back to the caller. */
return result;
} /*** end of GetLineTrailerByPercentage ***/
** \brief Erases a percentage trailer from the standard ouput by means of writing
** backspace characters.
static void ErasePercentageTrailer(void)
uint32_t backspaceCnt;
uint32_t trailerLen;
trailerLen = strlen("[100%]");
for (backspaceCnt = 0; backspaceCnt < trailerLen; backspaceCnt++)
/* Go one character back. */
/* Overwrite it with a space. */
(void)putchar(' ');
/* Go one character back. */
} /*** end of ErasePercentageTrailer ***/
/*********************************** end of main.c *************************************/