/************************************************************************************//** * \file Demo/HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior/Prog/main.c * \brief Demo program application source file. * \ingroup Prog_HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior * \internal *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * C O P Y R I G H T *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 2018 by Feaser http://www.feaser.com All rights reserved * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * L I C E N S E *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It * should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy. * * \endinternal ****************************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************************** * Include files ****************************************************************************************/ #include "header.h" /* generic header */ /**************************************************************************************** * Function prototypes ****************************************************************************************/ static void Init(void); static void SystemClockInit(void); /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief This is the entry point for the bootloader application and is called ** by the reset interrupt vector after the C-startup routines executed. ** \return none. ** ****************************************************************************************/ void main(void) { /* initialize the microcontroller */ Init(); /* initialize the bootloader interface */ BootComInit(); /* start the infinite program loop */ for (;;) { /* toggle LED with a fixed frequency */ LedToggle(); /* check for bootloader activation request */ BootComCheckActivationRequest(); } } /*** end of main ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Initializes the microcontroller. ** \return none. ** ****************************************************************************************/ static void Init(void) { volatile unsigned long delayCnt; /* ----- initialize the system clock ----- */ SystemClockInit(); /* ----- configure the CAN Tx and Rx pins ----- */ /* configure pullup device for the CAN pins */ PPSM &= ~0x03; /* enable the pull device for the CAN pins */ PERM |= 0x03; /* configure the CAN tx pin as a push pull output */ WOMM |= 0x02; /* ---- configure the SPI pins for the SBC with CAN transceiver ---- */ /* configure a pullup device for SPI MISO, MOSI, CLK and a pulldown for CS */ PPSJ &= ~0x7; PPSJ |= 0x10; /* enabled the pull device for the SPI pins */ PERJ |= 0x0F; /* disable interrupt on the SPI CS pin */ PIEJ &= ~0x10; /* configure the SPI CS pin as a digital output and deselect the chip */ PTJ |= 0x10; DDRJ |= 0x10; /* ---- initialize the SPI peripheral ---- */ /* disable the SPI1 module and clearing flags in SPISR register */ SPI1CR1 = 0x00; /* set configuration in control register 2 * XFRW=1,MODFEN=1, BIDIROE=0, SPISWAI=0, SPC0=0 */ SPI1CR2 = 0x50; /* configure the communication speed */ SPI1BR = 0x42; /* set the configuration in control register 1 * SPIE=0, SPE=1, SPTIE=0, MSTR=1, CPOL=0, CPHA=1, SSOE=1, LSBFE=0 */ SPI1CR1 = 0x56; /* ---- communicate with SBC via SPI to enable CAN communication ---- */ /* delay a bit to make sure the SBC is ready to receive new data */ delayCnt = 300; while(delayCnt-- > 0); /* read Vreg register H */ SPI1DRH = 0xDF; SPI1DRL = 0x80; /* wait for the SPI transmit data register to be empty */ while(SPI1SR_SPTEF == 0); /* delay a bit to make sure the SBC is ready to receive new data */ delayCnt = 300; while(delayCnt-- > 0); /* enter in "normal mode" */ SPI1DRH = 0x5A; SPI1DRL = 0x00; /* wait for the SPI transmit data register to be empty */ while(SPI1SR_SPTEF == 0); /* delay a bit to make sure the SBC is ready to receive new data */ delayCnt = 300; while(delayCnt-- > 0); /* enable 5V-CAN and Vaux */ SPI1DRH = 0x5E; SPI1DRL = 0x90; /* wait for the SPI transmit data register to be empty */ while(SPI1SR_SPTEF == 0); /* delay a bit to make sure the SBC is ready to receive new data */ delayCnt = 300; while(delayCnt-- > 0); /* set CAN in Tx-Rx mode, fast slew rate */ SPI1DRH = 0x60; SPI1DRL = 0xC0; /* wait for the SPI transmit data register to be empty */ while(SPI1SR_SPTEF == 0); /* ---- init the led driver ---- */ LedInit(); /* ---- init the timer driver ---- */ TimerInit(); /* ---- enable interrupts ---- */ EnableInterrupts; } /*** end of Init ***/ /************************************************************************************//** ** \brief Initializes the clock configuration of the microcontroller. ** \return none. ** ****************************************************************************************/ static void SystemClockInit(void) { /* system clock initialization in PEE mode. the external 8 MHz crystal oscillator is * used to drive the PLL such that the system clock (Fpll) is 24 MHz, with and Fvco * of 48 MHz and the bus clock is Fpll/2 = 12 MHz. */ /* disable the protection of the clock configuration registers */ CPMUPROT = 0x26; /* configure the oscillator to be disabled in stop mode */ CPMUCLKS_PSTP = 0; /* enable the PLL to allow write to divider registers */ CPMUCLKS_PLLSEL = 1; /* configure Fref to be 4 MHz. REFDIV = 0, REFCLK = 2 - 6 MHz. * Fref = Fosc / (REFDIV + 1) */ CPMUREFDIV = 0x41; /* configure Fvco to be 48 MHz. SYNDIV = 11, VCOFRQ = 48 - 50 MHz. * Fvco = Fref * (SYNDIV + 1) */ CPMUSYNR = 0x4B; /* select Fpll (locked) to be 24 MHz. POSTDIV = 1. * Fpll = Fvco / (POSTDIV + 1) */ CPMUPOSTDIV = 0x01; /* set Fpll as the source of the system clocks */ CPMUCLKS_PLLSEL = 1; /* wait for hardware handshake, which verifies a correct configuration of CPMUCLKS */ while(CPMUCLKS_PLLSEL == 0) { ; } /* enabled the external oscillator, since it is used to drive the PLL */ CPMUOSC_OSCE = 1; /* wait for the oscillation to stabilize */ while(CPMUFLG_UPOSC == 0) { ; } /* configure the PLL frequency modulation */ CPMUPLL = 0x00U; /* wait for the PLL to lock */ while(CPMUFLG_LOCK == 0) { ; } /* enable the protection of the clock configuration registers */ CPMUPROT = 0x00; } /*** end of SystemClockInit ***/ /*********************************** end of main.c *************************************/